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One Piece parody | Tier 1

Pirate Rider
Luffy was just a normal boy until he ate the strange devil fruit and became a Gum Gum Man. He has a wild imagination and finds ways of making the impossible possible. While living in the Goa Kingdom he starts inventing things, and these mini bots serve as aids to his crew.

Chapter 1

Luffy was just a normal kid until he ate the mysterious devil fruit known as the Gum Gum fruit. He became a rubber man and it stroked Luffy’s imagination. As the years passed Luffy wanted to achieve his dream, believing he needed to become the King of the Pirates to obtain it.

He began developing his devil fruit techniques but also began tinkering with the scrap he found in the Gray Terminal. It seemed impossible to make anything out of that junk but Luffy had a habit of making the impossible...possible. Not that the rubber man could explain it, often giving up saying. “It’s a mystery!” Before laughing his little rubber head off.

His first inventions was the Beetle Blade and the Stag Scissors, two beetle themed robots that served as support and weapons for Luffy.

After that he gained inspiration from the Germa 66 comics. He crafted a belt that would allow him to transform, for the suit Luffy used some of his own hair as the materials for it, allowing it to stretch and be just as rubbery as he was. He wanted to make it black but for some reason it came out white. The belt collected his clothes and straw hat, allowing him to fight without fear of losing the precious treasure.

The suit seemed to harness his rubber powers allowing Luffy to take them to the next level. Luffy continued to craft mini bots. Spider Shock was one, he crafted it after spiders obviously, this little guy Luffy saw as his multi purpose capture tool.

Bat Blaster, an aerial bot designed for long range combat and tracking. Snail Shooter, a snail based bot designed for security. Toad Tone, a musical device based off a frog, not only could it sample and remix voices but it also had a pretty handy sound blast.

With the mini bots Luffy went for a unique naming gimmick, for larger machines he had a different naming style. T-Cycle aka the Tiger Cycle, a motorized bike with tiger features.

Luffy’s technology was quite impressive, perhaps too impressive. Though his gadgets and tech were only used by him, such information spread. Soon word got out that the Goa Kingdom was making advanced weapons. This raised some red flags, even as the Goa Kingdom denied the claims that just made them look more suspicious.

It wasn’t long before another Kingdom thought to strike first, but to prevent a war, they went through dark channels. They contacted the Germa Kingdom aka the Germa 66, aka the Evil Army.

The Germa had means of crossing the Red Line with ease, so they could come and go from the different Blues without trouble. They gained a reputation as mercenaries, handling contracts and dealing with rebellions or taking out Kingdoms that got a little too power hungry. Ironic considering they were also one of these power hungry kingdoms.

A Kingdom of Science that was chasing the shadows of the past, who’s king had lost his way long ago. In order to gain power, he modified his own children, turning them into weapons. He changed them into modified humans without unnecessary emotions getting in the way.

Judge Vinsmoke has since been using his science to build a terrifying army, using it to gain funds to expand his kingdom’s influence. So when the contract came in at first he wasn’t interested. ‘The East Blue is the weakest of all the seas, is it really worth making the trip?’

As he skimmed the request something caught his eye. ‘Advanced weapons?’ If they took the job, they could steal whatever tech the Goa Kingdom was producing.

He didn’t send his full force, since this was an East Blue job he decided to send one ship, his sons, and about 100 of their soldiers. This should have been more than enough to handle a kingdom in the East Blue.

So the command was issued out. “A job in the East Blue huh?” A red haired boy said.

“We haven’t been there in a long time.” a blue haired boy said.

“Last time we were too young to fight!” A green haired boy said.

The trio were brothers, but each had their own unique modifications. The red head was Ichiji, the bluenette was Niji, and the green haired one was Yonji. “Don’t show them any mercy but do try to recover the weapons.”

“Yes sir!”  Their Ship was prepared and they set sail for the East Blue. It didn’t take them long to arrive and seek out the Goa Kingdom. The strange ship coming towards the island raised some red flags.

“How do we wanna do this?” Ichiji asked.

“Wiping out this weak kingdom will be easy, but dad will be pissed if we don’t get those weapons.” Niji said.

Yonji crossed his arms. “What’s the play?”

The trio thought about it. “Let’s divide and conquer. I’ll head to the west, Niji head to the east, Yonji take the army and go to the north. You’ll be the distraction and draw their forces, and while you do that we’ll locate their weaponry and take it.” With that they can wreck this kingdom with ease.

“Sounds like a plan!” Niji looked to the right. “Let’s make this more interesting, let’s see who completes the mission first!”

“Bring it on!” Yonji said.

“What are the stakes?” Ichiji asked, cracking his knuckles.

Niji smirked. “Loser has to wear the shame mask!” That seemed to light a fire in the others.

The trio grabbed their raid suits canisters and activated them, their clothes vanished, and briefly they were naked before the canisters released the suit material which spread over their chiseled forms.

Ichiji was wearing a red and white long shirt, with a yellow 66 on it and long red pants with a white pattern. He gained a white cloak with a big red 1 on it. The last bits were white gauntlets and red and white boots, and a red ascot.

Niji was wearing a long blue and yellow double brested shirt, and had pants with lightning décor on it. His cloak was black with a blue 2 on it, his gauntlets were yellow, and his boots were a mix of blue and yellow, and his ascot was an aqua color.

Yonji was clad in a green jumpsuit with a yellow 66 on it, his belt buckle also had the Germa symbol on it. He also had a black cloak with a green 4 on it. His secondary color was lime green and had similar boots, and his ascot was orange.

The trio were in familiar body suits. ‘No way…it’s them...the Germa 66!’ Luffy’s eyes sparkled.

His collection of Sora, Warrior of the Sea comics came from a spoiled brat, who wanted to read the comics produced in the North Blue, but after importing them and reading them he threw them away. It was quite common with the spoiled brats from this kingdom. Some women threw away jewelry after only wearing it once.

Luffy liked heroes even if he didn’t want to be one. Their Raid Suits gave Luffy the inspiration for his own battle suit. He didn’t know they were real!

Yonji gathered the soldiers and began the march. The people of Windmill Village saw the strange men with guns and got a bad feeling about this.

“It’s alright, Luffy is already on it!” Makino pointed out.

As soon as the strange ship came to port Luffy had taken notice. He had been observing them since they came into his range. Given their initial fire power Luffy began his preparations so he had things prepared by the time they docked.

Ichiji felt they were being watched but just shook it off, not believing there was a threat. This was the East Blue after all. Such arrogance was a part of the problem. They were treating this like a game when they were invading a country. Ichiji went left while Niji went right.

Luffy moved fast, he didn’t know what they were after, but they were packing weapons so he’d defend the island first ask questions later.

Yonji walked his men right into a trap. Snail Shooter began to attack, targeting their guns. Quickly their fire arms were blasted. “What the hell is happening?” Yonji looked around but couldn’t see anyone.

Some drew swords but another minibot assisted, Bat Blaster shot the blades out of their hands and helped aid in the weapon destruction. Together they wiped out their firepower.

One attacked low the other attacked high so it was hard to tell where the attacks were coming from. “Get out here, show yourself!” His eyes darted around but couldn’t see. “Ugh find them, beat them with your bare hands if you have to!”

The men could only obey. They spread out which was a mistake. Spider Shocker began taking them out, using a powerful taser. The soldier’s suits weren’t as durable as the raid suits, so one by one Spider Shocker knocked out the clones, giving them a powerful jolt to knock them out.

Yonji couldn’t believe this, their elite well trained soldiers were dropping like flies. With their weapons destroyed Snail Shooter switched to assisting Spider Shocker in bringing down the soldiers. It could fire a special kind of beam from it’s eye stalks, the eye lasers fired, set to stun.

This helped Shocker bring down even some of the bulkier soldiers with ease. Yonji growled. “Enough!” He slapped his hand onto the ground and kicked up some wind. “Green Hurricane!”

Each of the siblings had a unique power, Yonji had power over wind. Green wind was kicked up and a powerful gust surged around the area. Spider Shocker and Snail Shooter were fine, able to cling to the ground and a tree, but Bat Blaster was blown back, causing Luffy to come out and save him.

Yonji smirked. “So you’re the one?” He brought his knuckles together. “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

His focus on Luffy left him open. Spider Shocker webbed him up. “What the hell?!” He struggled as the substance was wrapped around him. His legs were first, the webbing wrapped around his legs and held them together tight. He fell over and Spider Shocker came out and began tying him up. “What is this?!” The little robot was fast, and Yonji swinging at him didn’t work in his favor.

Yonji’s arms were tied together and locked behind his back. “Who are you?”

Luffy chuckled. “I’m Luffy, these are my friends!” The mini bots made noises in greetings.

“Did you make these things?” Yonji shifted, testing the grip of the webbing, it was sticky like gum, but tough like rubber. His enhanced strength pushed the webbing a bit but it snapped back.

Monkey crossed his arms. “Sure did, now I got a question for you, who are you guys and why are you here?”

The greenette was a cocky shit, and despite the situation he had a smart mouth. “That’s two questions!”

Luffy’s smile didn’t drop. “You’re right!” Stomp! His foot slammed Yonji’s head into the ground.

“Gah damn it!” The ground cracked but Yonji’s body was quite tough.

“Who are you guys?” Yonji grunted and tried to shoot Luffy a glare.

“I’m not telling you anything!” His boots activated and he shot away from Luffy. “Air Engine!” He took in air and was able to pump up his muscles and increase his strength.

“Oh he’s tough!” Luffy took mental notes.

Yonji used Air Sickle, to help slice through the webbing. He brought his hands together and began forming a sphere of wind. Again showing his arrogance, he thought because he was up in the air he could charge up an attack.

“Gum Gum…” Suddenly Luffy’s arms stretched and he grabbed Yonji. “Hammer!” He slammed Yonji into the ground.

“Damn...it...I didn’t know he had devil fruit powers.” The Germa prince pulled himself up and was met with Spider Shocker.


He was down for the count. Luffy fiddled with his belt and managed to deactivate the Raid Suit. “Fascinating!” Snail Shooter switched gears, and erased Yonji’s clothes. “You should have answered my questions, but there’s two more of you guys!”

Naked and tied up Yonji was taken to Luffy’s base. He left the soldiers to the bandits for clean up.

To be continued


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