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Hey guys, patreon rewards will be opening as normal tomorrow on the 16th. With the pass I was able to get a lot of work done, and with my calculations I'll have all the tier 1 patreon rewards and tier 1's comms done by tomorrow. (I might get the tier 6's done to, but that may be too ambitious) Ran into a couple of complications from the irl side the yard work and "projects" my family thrust onto me took a lot more out of me then intended, but i believe had they not i'd have actually cleared the board including the kinktobers(especially with how close I got). The yard work is something I do have to do to avoid getting fines, but I can work around that (mostly doing both yards in the same day took too much out of me and cost me a few days to recover), the family projects on top of that didn't help. There were other issues but just gotta keep moving forward, given the types of issues they were they were isolated incidents and shouldn't happen again. 

With the tier 1's and 6's almost cleared i'll be focusing on patreon rewards and only patreon rewards from may into june which should have everything wrapped up. It's been a rough ride but taking the actual time i needed and breaks to recover I was able to complete stories much easier without sacrificing quality. I'll open up Tier 1/6 comms in June and from there we should be in a normal flow without any overwork or getting overwhelmed. 

I know not everyone was 100% on board with the break, but it was needed and it did help I hope to show you the results this month as we move forward and the updates come out swiftly and with the quality they deserve. I've learn from my mistakes this past year and recognize my limitations and things I need to work on to make sure my productivity stands strong. 


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