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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Captured Demon

Two of the commandments were defeated by Sigma. It wasn’t a deep loss, it’d only be a matter of time before the next commandments were made. With each new vessel the commandments got stronger. Taking a commandment helped a demon evolve and gain so much power. Though the ones who held onto their commandments the longest were seen as true beasts.

Meliodas was seen as one of those beasts for a time, but supposedly he ripped out his own commandment when he went “traitor”. That was the real trick, only the power of a greater demon could do such a thing and not easily. It must have been because he was the demon king’s son.

A lot of demons were confused about this, some didn’t understand why the demon prince would abandon his people. Word was that he was a traitor, and most took that at face value not digging any deeper or thinking beyond the surface cover. The Why of it all was vastly ignored. Even his own brother saw him as nothing but a traitor to be hunted down.

There was a small few who wondered the why. So when a bounty for his head came up, some were more willing to capture him rather then kill.


“It’s getting late, I wonder where Meliodas is?” Mael was cooking, something simple. Thanks to his divine fire whatever he cooked tasted heavenly even if it looked a little odd. It was better than Meliodas’s cooking, it always looked delicious but tasted like trash, and that was being kind. Between the two of them you’d think they’d make something that’d look good and taste good.

“Mael!” Two loud voices bellowed.

Gloxinia and Drole came rushing in. “What’s up you two?”

The two were sweating. “Meliodas was taken!!!” Drole exclaimed.

Mael blinked. “What?”

Gloxinia took a few breaths. “We were doing some patrols, and Meliodas wanted to take a nap. He said we could continue patrolling and he’d catch up.”

“We sensed a demonic presence and we came back Meliodas was gone.” Drole brought his hands together in apology. “We are so sorry, he was taken under I watch!”

Mael sighed. “Oh so he’s gonna be late for dinner then.” The two kings blinked in surprise.

“Umm…” Mael smiled.

“Guys, they took Meliodas while he’s asleep, I almost feel sorry for them. He’ll be back!” He set some food aside. “Want some food, it’s almost done.”

The goddess knew first hand that messing with Meliodas while he’s asleep wasn’t the best idea, knowing the blonde demon could handle himself.


Fraudrin felt he was lucky. He stumbled upon the sleeping Meliodas. While the demon wasn’t an official member of the Ten Commandments he was pretty much a stand in. He didn’t have one of the commandment orbs bestowed by the demon king inside him. This opportunity felt like it could change all that.

Now Fraudrin wasn’t stupid enough to believe he could kill Meliodas, even with a sneak attack. Plus from some rumors he heard, he believed many demons met a tragic fate attacking Meliodas while sleeping. He didn’t have to kill him, just capture him and bring him back to the demon clan.

Using his Full Size he grabbed the demon and hauled him off while he slept. Once he got back to one of their hide outs he used hell chains to tie the demon up and lock him down. “Damn...I can’t believe you caught him…” Monspeet showed up, stroking his mustache as he moved.

“I found him sleeping like a baby, it was easy!” He finished locking the locks. From his neck down he was bound in chains and locks.

“Quite the heavy sleeper. It might be big trouble when he wakes up, plus Sigma might try to retrieve him.”

“It’ll be fine, I’ll fetch Lord Zeldris! I’m sure he’ll reward me when he sees this.” Fraudrin rubbed his big purple hands together.

“Wasn’t Gowther with you?” The large demon shrugged.

“He does what he wants, I can’t get a read on him.”

Monspeet sighed. “No one can...you best hurry up. He wasn’t our leader for nothing, we’ll need Zeldris’s help to keep him here.” The commandment agreed to hold the fort, which meant he was stuck watching the blonde as Fraudrin left to fetch the blonde’s brother.

One on one, the commandments were mostly equal in strength. Meliodas wasn’t the leader of the commandments for nothing. ‘I hate guard duty.’ He couldn’t say it out loud, but watching a base was boring. The other demons were out and about attempting to execute plans to take root and get a hold of this world.

Monspeet couldn’t say it but he hated this whole war, even from the start. Sticking it to the “divine rod up the ass angels” was one thing, but Sigma was proving more of a hassle. Neither side was winning this fight, which left Monspeet with more time to think and disliking this whole thing. He started thinking what this was all for and why they were doing all this.


Monspeet turned to see the blonde shifting. He wasn’t super worried as hell chains were very durable and used to punish demons. The locks however…

Crack Crack Crack Pop

Meliodas flexed, the locks holding the chains cracked and broke. Chained from the neck down he hit the floor. The blonde wiggled and shifted for a bit, before a grunt was heard and Meliodas jumped up onto his feet, he spun to the left and spun to the right, and before Monspeet’s eyes the chains came undone and fell loosely around him.

“Damn...Hellfire!” He blasted Meliodas with Hellfire, had the blonde been awake he may have faced a Full Counter, but instead the sleeping blonde took the hit, the flames consuming his clothes. “He’s still asleep!”

“Zzz~!” He was still snoozing.

‘How did he escape in his sleep?’ Plus he took one of Monspeet’s attacks without waking. Now he was standing in all his naked glory.

The demon blushed at the sight of him including his incredible endowments. His hearts raced and his blood rushed south.

Sensing his arousal the sleeping demon launched at him. ‘So fast!’ In a flash Monspeet was stripped bare ass naked, his belt, his boots, and his pants were removed. “Gah!” His whole face burned, the flash of emotion quickly shifted as he tried to return to his stoic state.

He had nothing to be shy about he was a tall and sexy demon, rippling with muscles. Monspeet had a thick nest of manly hair, and impressive demon dick. He didn’t wear underwear, so his impressive rode was often bulging out the crotch of his pants very often. Demon underwear didn’t do well given Monspeet’s impressive nuts.

His composure didn’t last as Meliodas groped his plump cheeks, strong hands kneading his butt like dough. “Meliodas what are you...ohhh~!” His cheeks were spread and Meliodas kissed his hole. “F-Fuck!”

Monspeet shook and trembled. Lust spread through his form and it became hard for him to focus. Meliodas licked his hole.


His hole quivered and the strong wet muscle slipped in. “Ohhhh!” Monspeet’s eyes fluttered, his legs feeling like jelly. He dropped onto his hands and knees.

The demon couldn’t focus to manipulate his dark matter or his magic. Meliodas’s tongue thrust back and forth, tongue fucking him, before wiggling about. “Ohhh~!” His cock twitched and throbbed.

Given his curse Monspeet wasn’t very worldly in the ways of sex. So having his ass groped and eaten out was a world shaking experience for him. Meliodas was a pro, his face was fully buried in those cheeks as his tongue slipped deeper and tasted his virgin peach.

The larger demon could only squirm as pleasure spread through him, his seven hearts beating out an erotic orchestra. His long cock twitched and began to drip leaking on the floor. ‘This can’t be happening, how can I be feeling this good from my ass...his tongue...oh fuck his tongue is…’

Monspeet was drooling, he was losing this fight and fast. ‘Not like this, not like this…’ His skin was flushed with sweat, like he’d been going a dozen rounds with Derieri. Something inside him he never knew before was about to bloom. “Ohhhh ohhhhhh AHHH~!” His back arched and his large nuts lurched.

The demon came, pelting the ground with a solid stream of semen, his seed coating the ground and drenching the floor. His arms and legs gave out and he collapsed into a puddle of his own man milk. The drop caused Meliodas’s tongue to slip out of him with a lewd pop. Monspeet’s hole was left throbbing and wet.


“Hmm?” Meliodas blinked. “Hey where am I?” He finally woke up. “I’m naked!” His erection twitched at the obvious. Looking down at Monspeet, face down, ass up, in a puddle of his own semen. “Hehe, looks like I’ve been eating ass in my sleep again.”

He jumps over Monspeet and grabs a weapon. The larger demon was laying in his seed, unsure of what was about to happen. Was this how he dies, naked, horny, and in a puddle of his own cum. As Meliodas approached, Monspeet braced himself for death. “Yo Monspeet, it’s getting late so I’m gonna head home.”

“Wait!” He looked up. “You aren’t gonna kill me? Are we not your enemies?”

Meliodas smiled. “Nah, I can tell you are a good guy, always have been.” He patted his head. “You don’t say much, but I can tell!” With a wave Meliodas took off, and he was long gone before Zeldris and Fraudrin returned.

The commandment had a lot of time with his thoughts. “What the hell happened here?”

Monspeet shrugged. “He escaped.”


Meliodas got home and he was still sporting an erection. “I’m back!” He was scooped up by Mael and kissed hungrily.

“What happened?”

“Looks like I got captured, but it all worked out, I think I even made a friend.” Mael would hear more about that later, but Mel’s erection was poking him and the angel knew how to take care of his demon lover.

To be continued


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