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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Trial and Punishment

After spending all night fucking his beta, getting him through his full moon heat properly, he was hoping to spend the next day in blissful cuddle time. He wasn’t that lucky.

There was quite a mess going on in the Seireitei. A lot of people dealing with the aftermath of the effects of Ichigo’s bankai on the full moon. Sometimes zanpakuto powers could be enhanced or have unique effects with other conditions.

Wet dreams, wild and random sex, and it revved up some engines. The lunar effect of the bankai was better than any blue pill. It had dudes going and going and going! Even if they fainted, they had kinky sex dreams and wonderful releases while they slept.

Reports were pouring in. “Bring Squad Seven’s Captain and Lieutenant here now!” Yamamoto bellowed.

Sajin’s ear flicked as he heard footsteps approaching his room. “Hmm?” He yawned and stretched, he felt amazing. Usually after his full moon heats he was always sore, grumpy, and stiff. Memories of last night flooded back to him, he blushed and squirmed, feeling some of Ichigo’s cum leak out of him.

Ichigo was snoozing beside him. He really found a wonderful mate and a fine lieutenant. The orangette took care of his captain’s needs very well. The furry male brushed some strands from Ichigo’s face. ‘He’s so cute when he’s sleeping!’ His tail wagged happily.

He leaned down to kiss his lips, but…

Knock Knock Knock…

Sajin’s fur ruffled. ‘Crap!’

“Captain Komamura?” The large male ran around his room trying to find his clothes, he went without underwear and put on some pants.

Knock Knock Knock… “Captain Komamura?”

“I’m coming!” He called back. His cheeks burned in a blush as he felt Ichigo’s cum leak out of him. With a growl he tried to clench his cheeks to try and keep the semen inside. There was a lot of man milk in him.

His clothes were thrown on quickly.

Knock Knock Knock…Knock Knock Knock...Knock Knock Knock...

He grabbed his boots, gloves, and helmet. Sajin had the stuff on before he opened the door. His towering figure helped block the doorway, shielding the lieutenant in the room with a view. “Yes?”

The messenger gulped. “Captain Komamura, you and Lieutenant Ichigo have been summoned to the first Division.”

“I...I see…” He didn’t know what else to say.

“Do you know where Lieutenant Ichigo is? We checked his barracks and he wasn’t there.”

“I’ll find him and bring him to the First.” The messenger nodded and left. Sajin slammed the door behind him, panic sinking in. ‘What happened? What’s with the summons?’ He began to pace. ‘Are we in trouble?’

Komamura tried wake Ichigo up, but the orangette only had a couple of hours of sleep under his belt, so he was sleeping like the dead. The captain was able to get him cleaned up and dressed and was carrying him on his back as he rushed to the First.


When Ichigo came to, he found himself at the First Division surrounded by both captains and lieutenants. ‘EHH?!’ He looked around and to his left was Sajin, on his knees. ‘Uh oh!’

He tried to read the looks on the other captain’s faces, some were blushing (Shunsui, Ukitake, and Byakuya), some were unreadable (Gin, Unohana, Aizen), Soifon looked pissed off her lieutenant looking bout the same. Kenpachi looked positively feral. Tosen looked dissapointed. His gaze turned to the lieutenants who couldn’t meet his gaze. Renji was blushing like a tomato and kept fidgeting.

“Ichigo Shiba!” The orangette jumped.

“Umm yes sir!” He began to sweat. ‘What are we doing here?’

“Are you aware of the situation that occurred last night?”

Ichigo rubbed the back of his head. “I uhh, was quite busy last night.” He blushed slightly.

Yamamoto slammed his cane down making the two flinch. Sasakibe stepped forward and brought a stack of paperwork, and then another, and another, and another! “These are the reports of the incidents that occurred just last night.”

“Incidents sir?”

“Lieutenant Abarai, give your report!” Renji gulped.

He stepped forward. “Well I saw...but I didn’t see...but I did see…” He tried to look at Ichigo but couldn’t. “I didn’t mean to see anything but I saw…” The red head wasn’t making a good showing.

Byakuya spoke up. “My lieutenant witnessed Ichigo Shiba using his zanpakuto, activating his bankai, which may have been the cause of this incident.”

Mayuri smiled. “My my…”

“My bankai...what does my bankai have to do with anything?”

The head captain spoke. “We are aware your zanpakuto is unique, being one of the few manifestation type zanpakuto which allows one to conjure a living being. Your efforts and training with your zanpakuto have allowed you to tap into your bankai. You performed your bankai for myself and Captain Unohana once so we could gauge it’s abilities. It allows you and your conjuration to unite and fight as one greatly amplifying your abilities.” He sighed. “It seems your bankai has other effects, during the full moon, when you released your bankai you caused a string of incidents to occur, to which you will be held responsible for.”

“Wait what?!” While he had been asleep Sajin had been read a handful of the reports. Ichigo knew immediately what this was, this was a trial. The only reason this wasn’t being brought to Central 46 was because of his family connections.

“Did you release your bankai?”

“Well yes but…” He was cut off.

“For what reason did you release your bankai?” Kaname asked.

“Well…” Ichigo’s cheeks burned red and Komamura fidgeted. Yamamoto eyed them.

“The reason doesn’t matter, the use of your bankai caused trouble for the Seireitei, for that you will need to face some punishment.”

Komamura bowed his head. “Please, let me take full responsibility for what happened, Ichigo is my lieutenant, so as his captain I’ll take on the punishment!”

Aizen spoke up. “Now hold on, clearly this was an accident. Ichigo didn’t know his bankai would have such effects during the full moon. He’s used his bankai before without issue, this discovery while, embarrassing for some, is critical information.” He pushed for a pass on the incident, that a formal apology would suffice.

Soifon bristled. “An apology!?” She pointed angrily at Ichigo. “That bankai is a menace, if anything he should have his zanpakuto sealed!”

Ichigo grasped his sword and held it defensively. “That’s a bit extreme.” Jushiro said. Sealing a zanpakuto was a high level punishment usually meant for the most brutal of offenses.

Tosen stepped up. “While I don’t agree with sealing his zanpakuto, Ichigo must be punished. This wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t use his bankai in the first place. Bankai isn’t a toy, it shouldn’t be used frivolously.”

Unohana was on the side of this was an accident. “It is good to know, that there is a catalyst that can effect his powers. Not all bankai can be used in large groups without consequence.”

The captains began to argue back and forth. It was already decided he was guilty, Ichigo didn’t really have a defense now it was just a matter of punishment. It was a strange set of circumstances and a mix of Ichigo’s bankai, the full moon, and his reiatsu level.

After a lot of back and forth, the Head Captain ended the debate with a strike of his cane. “Enough, because this was indeed an accident and no one was harmed in this incident.” Most of the reports were just questioning what the hell happened. The minority of the complaints were just from embarrassed parties. To be fair, even the number of reports taken were far less than when Mayuri chooses to do an “experiment”. “Given that Captain Komamura is willing to take some of the blame for this incident as well we shall hand down the punishment. Captain Komamura you shall be tasked with giving the formal apologies to those effected by this incident. It’ll take about a month to answer everyone while dealing with both your captain and lieutenant duties.”

Ichigo blinked. ‘Why would Sajin need to handle my duties?’

The answer came swiftly. “Ichigo Shiba, because of your outstanding record and your skills we will not seal your zanpakuto as it would be blow to the 13 Squad’s Force to do so.”

Ichigo bowed his head. “Thank you sir!”

“However, you will face punishment. As it happens we need someone to patrol the world of the living. You shall perform community service and take over that position for the next month while Captain Ukitake prepares a suitable replacement.” Hunting down hollows and exorcising ghosts in the human world, a few lieutenants would see such work as beneath them. You could tell by the look on Omaeda’s face he was holding in laughter and a bunch of rude jabs at Ichigo’s punishment.

“Understood sir!” It could have been worse, it could have been a lot worse. Sajin would fill Ichigo in on the details of the incident later. Shiro would be rolling on the floor laughing, he didn’t know this would happen either but it was a nice surprise.

There was more to the punishment, as even when Ichigo returned he wouldn’t be allowed to use his bankai under the full moon again. That bothered Ichigo a bit, but that was a matter to deal with later. “What a mess!”

Well they live and learn. Sajin was a bit more down about it than Ichigo was. He finally had a mate and now they were gonna be gone. The orangette hugged him. “It’s just a month, it’ll go by fast!”

He’d have a Spiritual Limiter put on him before he’d set off to the world of the living. ‘It’s just a month...it’s just a month...it’s just a month…’ Sajin kept telling himself. He knew Ichigo was strong, he’d be fine!

To be continued


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