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Killing Bites parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 King in the Sheets

It had been awhile for the lion brute, in his beast form his senses were sharper. His nose may not have been as sharp as a canine brute’s nose, but it was still excellent. There was no doubt in his mind, this was the scent of arousal. While it was different than the brutes who gave off this scent around him, he was sure. ‘Is this guy crazy?’

Not a stretch of the imagination. Sure there had been people attracted to his human form, but once he shifted he was hit with the overwhelming musk of fear. Here he was with his lion out and the guy was smelling...sweet…

They were a good distance from each other, but the passing breeze carried Nomoto’s scent to him.

The handler and Nomoto were talking, but Tani wasn’t listening. He was eyeing his new host up. In his beast form he towered over the young man, it was possible they were close in age, maybe less than 5 years apart.

His dark hair was typical of this region and yet it seemed to catch Tani’s eye, the way his hair was parted and sat almost made it look like the feathers of a bird. His physique wasn’t bad, the clothes could hide it from an untrained eye but the lion was able to size him up. In looks, he was probably seen as average, but he marveled at the structure of his face.

The warm chocolate brown eyes met his own and Yuugo gazed into him deeply. There was not a spec of fear in his eyes, not a shift in his gaze, it was trained on him. If his scent didn’t give it away, there was a glimmer of excitement, a flicker of...desire?

This person’s scent was that of arousal, he’d bet his life on it. The aroma stroked embers in his brain into a full flame of delight. He had to fight back a purr. ‘Who is this guy?’ If he didn’t know any better he was a brute.

Nomoto had the beauty of a bird brute, it felt like any moment if he made a noise, his new host would sprout wings and fly away. ‘What is this feeling?’ It had been awhile since he felt the typical signs of attraction towards someone.

With humans it hadn’t crossed his mind, he’d seen pictures of their models, stars, and athletes, and while he could see and acknowledge their beauty it didn’t stir his loins. Maybe it had been too long since he had last bedded someone, that he was responding to the scent of arousal. ‘Have I spent too much time here?’ Many questions rushed through his mind.

It was hard to answer them without understanding what was happening. If he was just horny or in rut, then he just needed to get off and these feelings would sort themselves out. ‘I can’t be getting randy from a human!’ A part of him growled, but he could feel his loins stirring. His claws flexed. Oh but he was!

Brutes had thrown themselves at him before, their scent thick in arousal or in full swing of heat. Some he entertained others he chased off without a second thought. This was the first time he’d smelled an aroused human, and this aroma was effecting him. ‘Human...brute...what does it matter so long as I’m sated.’ Pride won out, many of his actions were decided by his pride, his choices guided by his own arrogance.

If he could have fun with this human, then why not!

Nomoto wasn’t exactly his “type” and yet there was something that was drawing him in. His handler shook Nomoto’s hand and a growl slipped out. ‘Shit!’ The two were looking at him.

“Is something wrong, Yuugo-san?” The handler asked.

“No…” he bit out, mildly pleased when they stopped touching. ‘Why did I get so angry?’

His host was looking at him, a look of concern. ‘Crap crap crap!’ Tani didn’t want this little bird to fly away.

The paperwork was completed and the handler left. ‘We’re alone…’ He didn’t know what to say, in fact he realized he had barely spoken since exiting the truck.

Nomoto had no idea of the issues the lion brute was facing. As he wasn’t one he couldn’t read his body language and didn’t have a nose to sense Tani’s arousal. “So your name is Tani Yuugo right?”

Yuugo nodded. Yuuya smiled. “I’m Nomoto Yuuya, it’s nice to meet you.” He moved closer and offered his hand.

Tani reached out his large paw, completely wrapping around the human’s paw. ‘He’s so small, maybe I should reconsider. If I get too wild I may kill him.’ With his strength he could probably crush the bones in Yuuya’s hand. ‘Humans can be so fragile…’

“Soft…” Yuugo tensed. “Your pads they are so soft!”

His eyes widened as he released Nomoto’s hand and the human poked his beans. This was a VERY intimate gesture, one the lion brute hadn’t shared with anyone before. Nomoto kept poking and rubbing the pads, in total innocence.

With a growl, he picked Nomoto up, making him yelp. “Hey!”

Tani carried Nomoto easily, like he weighed nothing to the massive beast. The door to their new home was opened and slammed shut so quickly. “Oh um, this is our place.” He felt the lion’s paw on his rear.

The raven haired human had no idea what was happening. He started giving Yuugo the tour, but there was only one destination he wanted to know. “Bedrooms?”

“Oh um, second floor mine’s on the left, you can pick from the other three...whoa!” Yuugo was on the move again, racing up the stairs and turning left. “Hey wait, this is my room!”

“It’s mine now!” He opened the door and crossed the threshold. “And so are you!”

“Ehh!?” Nomoto blushed.

Tani growled. ‘So cute!’

Yuuya began to panic, this was all happening so fast and he was swiftly confused. “Hush!” He licked Nomoto’s cheek.

His face grew redder. ‘Cute!’ He covered his body with his own, and in an instant there was no escape.

The human’s bed caved under the weight of the massive beast above him. Yuugo nuzzled him, getting an up close sniff of his scent. If he wasn’t hard before, he was rock hard now. The bulge in his pants looked almost painful.

It looked like his dick was threatening to rip out of his trousers. The fibers were doing their best to contain the beast.

Nomoto’s scent was fantastic, it brought out more of his primal hunger and lust. Not just his arousal, but his actual scent. This was Nomoto’s aroma, one that would be unique only to him. If he walked blindfolded through a crowd, he’d be able to identify him by scent alone. It couldn’t be attributed to any other scent in the world, it WAS Nomoto!

Fangs and claws got to work as Yuuya was stripped naked. ‘Seira didn’t say anything about this!’ The brute’s nose buried itself here there and everywhere, taking in deep whiffs.

Nomoto was about to protest, but then a deep and low purring was heard. He couldn’t hold back the noise anymore and he was too horny to care. Yuuya’s face was red, from ear to ear. “Do hosts and brutes do this?”

Just as Tani was about to yank off his boxers with his teeth, he paused. ‘Of course they do!’ Was the lie that quickly formed, but as he looked into Nomoto’s trusting eyes, the lied died in his mouth and left a bad taste. “Not typically, but I want you and I’m gonna make you mine!” There was a spike of arousal coming from him.

Nomoto couldn’t believe this was happening, since Tani stepped off the truck he felt he had entered a whole new world. The lion brute was one thing...beautiful...positively sexy, he was like a big furry work of art.

He had tried not to stare, but felt Yuugo’s eyes on him. ‘He doesn’t like me right, he probably doesn’t want a guy like me hosting him.’ Yuuya just waited for him to speak up and end their exchange before it began.

The paperwork was signed and it was all official. Before he knew it he was in bed with the lion and he didn’t know how or why this was happening. “You want me?” The question had to be asked, as the host’s insecurities rose.

A darker part of him believed the lion was gonna eat him, that this was all some cruel trap to have him killed and fed to this brute as some form of sacrifice. “Yes now shut up and let me fuck you to heaven!”

Nomoto was hard. Yuugo pulled the boxers down with his teeth and his cheek was slapped by quite the impressive rod. ‘Oh shit...is he part horse?’ His length was LONG.

He was a grower, and his cock stood proudly at 13.5 inches long, putting many brute species to shame even in their beast forms. ‘He’s even bigger than…’ Yuugo shook his head, shaking the thought away.

Crowning his crotch was a beautiful nest of jet black curls, like crow’s feathers. He buried his muzzle in his crotch and breathed deeply, the manly hair tickled his nose. The brute wasn’t prepared for the highly concentrated musk as it flooded his brain, lighting it up like the fourth of July, before shooting down to his groin and...he came.

‘A scent-gasm!’ His eyes widened, he made a mess of his fancy pants, the thick lion semen soaked his crotch and ran down his legs. The drenched fabric couldn’t hold it back, and some of his semen seeped through the crotch.

He’s had partners gasm at his musk, so he knew what this was, but never experienced it himself. ‘How did this human?’ He had to think about that later, as he gazed at the naked and bare human all hard and wanting he had a task to attend to.

His big hands grabbed his pants and ripped them apart, destroying the evidence of his orgasm and freeing his still hard cock. Nomoto saw his size, and now there was a spark of panic. “YOU’RE HUGE!” Indeed he was, fully erect his monstrous dick was 16 inches long and as thick as a fist.

“Oh yes, I fully intend to ruin you for other men, you’ll fully be mine!”

Nomoto’s hands came to his chest to stop him and his legs crossed in defense. “Stop...we can’t…”

Yuugo wasn’t pleased, his arrogance and pride twisting this situation and dragging it into dangerous thoughts. Nomoto’s words and scent were giving two different messages, and his own libido/lust wasn’t helping him think straight. “Don’t be afraid It’ll fit, it always does.”

Nomoto’s hands curled up. “I...I...I’m a virgin…”

Tani froze and his heart skipped a beat. “Ehh…” He couldn’t have heard that right, that had to be a lie. He was given his host’s age by his handler. There was no way such a creature could still be a virgin at this stage in life. “You mean you’ve never...ever….”

Yuuya blushed in embarrassment and shook his head. Tani spread his cheeks and exposed the virgin pink pucker and his mouth watered. They couldn’t fuck, not like this. His massive dick would rip Nomoto apart.

Ramming something so huge into an inexperienced hole wouldn’t just ruin him, it’d break him. His tongue alone couldn’t prepare him for the massive rod. The obvious solution was just to revert to human form, he’d be smaller plus he could use his fingers to give proper prep, but his pride wouldn’t allow this.

A virgin an honest to goodness virgin...he could smell it, this hole hadn’t experienced anyone’s touch. A human virgin was quite different than a brute virgin, brute’s could handle the massive size effortlessly and be stretched open by tongue alone. This got a whole lot more complicated but he didn’t want to stop.

He looked up from his hole to the long and slightly curved cock. “And this...are you a virgin here as well?” He licked Nomoto’s shaft and earned a pleasured cry. His fur bristled at the noise and his tail thrashed in delight.

“Yes…” Nomoto moaned.

‘No fucking way!’ He eyed the long dick, and it was quite pure, no shades of use. “I’m too big to claim your cherry today, but I will make you mine!” Nomoto played with his beans and made him scent-gasm his new host was full of surprises.

“How...oh my!” Tani straddled his hips sitting above his massive dick.

“We can continue this way yes?” Nomoto nodded dumbly, not really believing this. How could such a big and sexy beast of a man do anything but top? The brute could see the disbelief in his eyes and smirked in victory.

This was also a part of his pride, he couldn’t leave his partner unsatisfied. Topping or bottoming he was still the king, he was proud to say he could rule from any position. ‘Get ready to feel my hole for I am the king, even the king of the…’ He sank onto Nomoto’s massive cock, taking it all in one go. ‘SHEETS!’

Tani arched his back, freezing as pleasure shot through him like a rocket, exploding and splitting off into mini rockets that blew up seconds later. Yuugo twitched as he had a dry orgasm, his hole squeezing the young man’s penis.

He looked down at Nomoto. ‘Who are you?’ The king of the sheets may be dethroned.

To be continued. Kitty Wants Milk


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