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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Dragon Craft
Natsu was taught the art of crafting magic items by Igneel. In their territory humans mined magic stones and he crafted them into rings. Acnologia wiped out their settlement. Dragneel was taught and he has quite the skill in crafting magic rings. He makes them himself to save on cost, and he gives them to his friends to test and experiment. His favorite customer is a man named Loke. Natsu/Alzack/Loke/Harem

Chapter 1

Igneel was known as the Fire Dragon King, he was one of the dragons who lived alongside humans. Not only was he a powerful fire dragon he was a skilled craftsman. He had the humans mine magic stones for him, and he even crafted magical charms to grant the humans protection and different magics.

It was a peaceful time until Acnologia attacked and left a deep wound on the Fire Dragon. His kingdom was wiped out and many of his creations were destroyed. He spent many of his days training a successor, Natsu Dragneel, he taught the boy fire dragon slayer magic.

Natsu even learned to craft, he was able to make rings. Magic Rings were quite valuable as most wizards could use them even if they weren’t proficient in Holder Type Magic. Plus rings made from dragon fire were quite special.

The flames of the dragon could melt magic stones and draw out their potential. Igneel taught Natsu all he could before one day he disappeared.

He landed in a wizard guild where he carried on his studies. As a wizard he could search for Igneel, make money, and train his skills. Makarov even helped him open up a shop.

As the years passed he learned to fix magic rings, enhance them, and create different types. ARM type rings could turn a ring into a weapon, GUARDIAN type rings could allow the user to summon, CASTER type rings that allow the user to perform different spells, RIDER type that grants the user the power of requip or have a mantle giving the user a unique set of abilities while wearing the gear.

His shop got plenty of business, his magic rings were quite popular. Dragon Craft, was doing well! Natsu made good money on his wizard jobs, so he even offered a reward for magic stones brought in. Samuel ran it when he was crafting or out on missions. It was pretty simple, he took orders, gave out rewards, collected and stored the magic stones, did the books and kept records on the magic rings.

Despite his appearance of an anthropomorphic little cat, he was a power house; capable of Flight, Transformation, and was had some magic rings to use in a pinch. He wore a little hat with a white top, with a red dragon logo etched onto it, in his chibi form he had magic glasses, his clothes were made from magic thread so they shifted when he transformed.

Samuel even had a favorite accessory, a golden tail ring Dragneel gave him. Natsu trained him to hold down the fort, bandits and thieves would sometimes try and rob the place, only to have their asses kicked by Sammy, and he’d get to keep the reward money. The two were partners.

Trying to rob the place was pretty pointless, the display models were fakes, repairs were kept in the main safe, inventory was kept in the stores magic storage box, and Natsu’s experiments were kept in a safe only he could open. Someone could steal the money or the magic ore/stones, but they’d have to get passed Sammy. The display models were convincing fakes and well criminals weren’t the smartest to begin with.

The bell rang and in walked an orange haired man, wearing stylish clothes and some shades. He had rings on each finger. “Well if it isn’t our favorite customer, what can I do for you?”

Loke blushed. “Well I was looking for Natsu, is he here?”

Dragon Craft had a workshop in the back, Natsu worked on repairs, modifications, and enchantments back there. “Sorry, Natsu is at the forge today. He got his hands on some prime magic stones and was feeling inspired.”

Dragneel often brought his experiments to Fairy Tail and gave them to those he felt would benefit. They were just a rental, if they loved them they’d buy them from the slayer. The forge was off site, the amount of Dragon Fire Natsu used was a lot so he found a secluded spot to work near his house. “Oh, I’ll go check the forge.”

Sammy adjusted his glasses. “You have something important to discuss with Natsu?” He smirked. “What are your intentions?”

Loke blushed. “It’s nothing like that I swear.” Loke was a well known player, he made it on the top 10 list of hottest wizards in Sorcerer Weekly.

Sammy transformed, going from chibi cat to muscular anthro hunk. “You might be our best customer but don’t think that means I’ll let you toy with Natsu!” He growled. Samuel was protective of Natsu, and he didn’t want his heart broken by a player like him.

Loke shook his head. He really was their best customer, he was skilled holder magic and uses different ring magics. He also brought them lots of magic ore and confiscated magic rings. They were close, but as much as Loke wanted...it just wasn’t like that. “I swear you have nothing to worry about.”

Sammy adjusted his glasses and returned to his chibi form. “Just remember I got my eye on you!”

Loke left and went to the forge. Clang Clang Clang…

He could hear the dragon slayer hard at work, and as he got closer he could feel the heat. “Kyu!”

As Loke got closer to the forge he was met with a few tiny creatures, one was a tiny red metallic bird, Garuda! The other was a tiny green metallic three-headed dog, Cerberos! The last was a tiny blue dragon, Kobold! “Hey guys!” These were Natsu’s summons, each one embodying a different kind of fire magic. “It’s just me!”

Natsu let them out when he worked, to guard and make it so he wouldn’t be disturbed. They let Leo pass. Despite the forge meant to keep in the heat, the power of Natsu’s dragon fire was intense, making the area feel like a sauna. “Oh man...how long has he been at it?”

Cerberus let out a trio of yips. “That long huh?” He took off his jacket and he began to sweat. His jacket and shoes were removed as he got closer. Loke began to sweat as he entered the forge. ‘Ohh fuck!’

Natsu was crafting, the heat was intense, it made his tank top cling to his sweaty skin. Dragneel’s scarf was hung up, he was dual wielding hammers while breathing fire. Every step he took flames danced in his wake.

It was a treat to watch him work, an erotic dance! Why erotic? Because Natsu was bare ass naked. His skin was positively glowing by the light and heat of the flames. His body glistened, his sweat evaporating as quickly as it formed, steam poured off his body. ‘Oh fuck!’ Loke’s mouth ran dry, and not from the heat.

The dragon slayer’s muscles flexed as he worked. He was melting down scrap metal in one area, melting down magic weapons in another, that process was interesting as he drew out the magic from the metal and stored it for experimentation. Some large concentrations of ore were being melted down for mass produced magic rings. Some other dishes held magic ore being slowly melted by dragon fire to make a specific ring.

Leo’s eyes roamed his naked form. ‘He’s so hot!’ He gulped. ‘So big!’ Natsu was huge, his huge dragon slayer meat was just dangling between his legs. His family jewels were equally impressive, large and plump, and yet his sac held them firm.

While he told Sammy he had no plans on making a move on Natsu, he’d be a liar if he said he never thought about it. The pink haired slayer was a stud. He felt his little lion stir, wanting to get out of the cage. It was almost like drums, Natsu was playing the kilns like instruments, he was truly cooking. “Ahem!”

Dragneel paused and turned around. “Oh hey Loke!” He walked over to the wizard. The flames calmed down, but it was still very hot in the room. His nudity didn’t phase him in the slightest. He always got naked when he worked, it was better that way. “Are you looking for a new ring?”

Loke smiled and did his best to keep his eyes up and focused. “Actually I want to return one to you.” He sits a golden lion ring on the table.

Natsu raised a brow. “I made that one special for you. Is something wrong with it?” The King of Beasts Ring!

He shook his head. “No it worked great, but it’s just not for me...sorry I know how hard you worked on it.”

Dragneel picked up the ring. “I made this ring for you, to help with your condition.” It was some of his best work, capable of absorbing someone’s raw magic and used it to replenish one’s strength.

Loke’s hand balled into a fist. “Yes, you did, but I don’t want help!” Natsu glared.

He grabbed the front of Loke’s shirt. “Are you still blaming yourself for her death?” Loke looked away. “What happened wasn’t your fault.”

His eyes closed and he shook his head no. “Yes it is, it is my fault. I deserve to be punished!”

Natsu released him. “You won’t survive much longer, you’re a spirit, if you don’t return to the other side you’ll fade away into nothingness.” His secret was found out, it was thanks to Natsu’s nose. Loke didn’t smell quite human.

“I’ve made my bed, I intend to lie in it.” Natsu had dug some digging and he learned what happened between him and Karin.

Loke had been surviving “fooling around” with girls, drawing some of their magic to sustain himself. He was taking just enough to survive, but his lack of magic power left him with deep hunger pain. His state must have been torture. “You are my friend and best customer Loke, I don’t want to see you disappear.” With this new ring, he could draw on an enemies magic power to properly restore his magic so he could live and not be in so much strife.

Since finding out Loke’s secret Dragneel has been trying to help him. His study of the GUARDIAN rings was a way of crafting a new vessel for Loke’s spirit, but celestial spirits were a touch more complicated. “You don’t need to worry about me, my time will come sooner or later. I just...want to do as much good as I can before I go…” His cool line was emphasized with an adjustment of his glasses.

From the look on his face Natsu wasn’t satisfied with that answer. He didn’t press it, talking about Karin and her cruelty always put him in a bad mood. ‘I don’t see how he can blame himself, when standing up to her was the right thing to do.’ Natsu picked up the ring and slipped it on Loke’s finger. “Keep it, I made this for you, if you don’t wanna use it that’s your choice.”

Loke shivered. Dragons loved their treasures, and the way Natsu touched him and spoke to him made him feel like a treasure. His heart was racing, he could feel a fire in his belly and his loins stirred. “Fine...I’ll take it, just put it on my tab okay?”

He was still punishing himself, a big part of him wanted to be cool and sexy. Oh how he wished to pay for the ring by sinking down and sucking that big dick, Natsu was all naked and sweaty and the celestial spirit would kill to give him a tongue bath. If Natsu needed a break from his work, Loke had the perfect seat for him to take a load off, his face! It was a little known fact that the golden keys of the celestial spirits were kinky/perverted in their own way.

Oh yes, Loke had the hots for the Salamander. It would fill his heart with such joy to spend even one night with the pink haired wizard. That was the problem, he couldn’t punish himself if he was truly happy.

“Oh hold on!” Dragneel had something for him. “I just finished it!” It was a new GUARDIAN ring. “Give him a try.”

Loke used his magic and the guardian was summoned. It was a gold and silver beast, the upper half was gold and in the shape of a lion, the lower half was silver and something akin to a goat or a horse, and there were two snake tails, the gold one was a cobra, and the silver was like a boa. “Who is this?”

Natsu smiled. “Say hello Khimera!” The tiny beast let out a roar. Loke’s eyes sparkled, he loved him already.

To be continued


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