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Hey guys, so while juggling things and working to get stuff done some things have come to my attention. 

On the Backburners, you may notice some have kinks listed and others do not. This is usually because certain ideas and story fics were designed with kinks in mind or shipping in mind. If you see a story idea but not kinks it means the story is very flexible with its lewd scenes, there will be lewd scenes it just means if there is a particular kink you wanna see in this idea, you can message me and if it can be added to the story it will. Same thing for the shipping i do harems so if you wanna see a particular character in the harem adding the character to the fic notes is quite easy.

As for ABO works, it's been brought to my attention that some people may be hesitant requesting abo aka alpha beta omega fics because of past and present main stream ABO works that have turned people off to the idea. I'd like to proudly say I do NOT follow the standard or main stream formula for ABO works, I have my own formula I do missing links, i include betas into the mix, and i adjust the society elements depending on the series, characters and so on. I've also learned that there's been modifications to the omega lately in mainstream that may be upsetting people and if you've seen that and it turned you off to the ABOverse please put your minds at ease I do NOT do that. I have gone against the standard abo formula for a long time way back when even getting a lot of hate for doing something different. As I was talking to people on this subject it was brought to my attention what they believed ABO was and that I did it and assumed my ABO verse was the same thing. ABO isn't for everyone I know, I just wanted to reach out and try to alleviate some fears concerns and even assumptions. 

On a serious topic, where are we at on the backlog and commissions. For those that do not know, things were not going well last year a lot of things were happening back to back causing me to fall behind in my writing and eventually burn out to the point I needed a break/vacation to recharge. Sadly my break/vacation was cut short I got worried and concerned and despite advice from others I ended it and came back too soon. I listened to the wrong people, like my family who fueled my anxiety and made me feel guilty or wrong for taking a break/vacation, who went out of their way to bother me despite me being forthcoming and told them that I was on break, that I was recharging my batteries and they proceeded to poke the bear and just make my anxiety about the whole situation worse. Cause its one thing one you got that little voice inside your head, its worse when you have an outside force telling you the same thing it makes it harder to ignore and a spiral to occur. It happened, I'm dealing...

I had a laptop that was breaking down and damaged, and no joke 1 kinktober fic suffered the most from that as the comp crashed and auto save didn't work so i lost hours of work, I rewrote the fic again hit control s and one of the keys didn't register so no save happened another crash and all the auto save saved with the title and summary and nothing else. So got really depressed but came back worked on the story again and sent it to the requester so they both knew what was happening and there was a back up copy. I got the new laptop and had to get it set up its very different from what I'm used to but once I got a feel for it have been cooking. Then I had a wifi outage where i learned nothing on my new laptop was on the device it was all on the cloud so i couldn't access anything I've worked on in the last few days/weeks and because I hadn't been using the old laptop for a time it didn't have anything updated and with no internet I couldn't update, it was a very huge mess and set me back a day and a half. Once I got my net back up had to get everything off the cloud and on the device and again have been trying to cook.

So what's happening now? With Feb being a short month I pushed back those requests till March 1st, March Requests will open up on the 17th. All the Kinktobers have been started I am just working on them bit by bit to bring out their best quality. Feb Requests have all nearly been completed so we shouldn't have a lot of roll over, there will be some roll over but it was planned roll over because I knew the risks of doubling up, after doubling up. HOWEVER! This is the month of march so we have 31 days this month so from the 17th of march to the 16th of april I'll have a larger chunk of time to work on the backlog getting the march requests done, finishing off the roll overs and the commissions. 

With the new laptop and apps I'm using to be more focused and organized, I believe this is very much doable. I'll do my best, and keep you guys posted, hopefully there won't be bad day fics being uploaded on a regular basis between now and april 16th.  

Plans for 2023, well as a start I'm bringing back my rule of 1 update request at a time. This means until that chapter request is done the story can't be requested by anyone else, even yourself. This was a rule in the past, that i lifted because of money reasons, but tried it tested it, and the results are bad. This means when comms open and someone gets two slots they can't request two chapters of the same story. For patreon going forward as requests are put in, lets say this situation happens patron A requests a naruto fic and person b requests the same naruto fic, I'll go to both patrons and ask if they'd be willing to request something else, hopefully it'll all work out civilly and both patrons will get to enjoy updates to stories they like. If patron a requests a naruto fic and patron b requests the same naruto fic but also gives me multiple choice also requesting a bleach or a one piece fic, I'll take the naruto request and either the bleach or one piece from the other patron. 

While I don't want there to be a back log again, or irl issues pushing set backs I'm not an optimist to say it'll never happen. If there are set backs and roll overs the story slot will be locked so you'll either have to wait to give your request or request something else while I finish the last update. I'm sorry if this seems weird, I'm just trying to keep my head uncluttered and keep productivity high and consistent. 

As I am now I can't explain why it messes me up, if I figure it out I'll try to work on it and see if I can fix the problem or if I just have to live with it. 

If any questions comments or concerns please message me. 


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