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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Being Dead Thing

Ichigo was making a call to Kisuke, looked like he’d be owing the blonde man another favor. “I don’t like you owing that man too man favors.” Ulquiorra said.

“Perhaps, but we don’t have the means of creating gigai. Our new guest is gonna be needing a body if he wishes to return to the land of the living.” He had once again brought home a stray. This was becoming a habit, but given he was also one of said strays.

Ulquiorra just didn’t trust Kisuke, despite his help so far, he was a soul reaper, and he was highly intelligent. A dangerous man to say the least, if he was one of Ichigo’s mates he’d be more at ease, but he was currently a benefactor. They had a mutual understanding but such things could shift.

Now with other Soul Reapers in town this relationship was becoming more of a risk. They were hollows, if it came down to a choice of the soul reapers or them, it was more likely Kisuke would choose the soul reapers. Plus Ichigo owed the man a favor, a debt that had to be paid back somehow or someway.

This soul he was putting himself in debt for wasn’t even a part of their pack, just a random soul who was nearly killed by a hollow.

“Relax, no matter what happens, I’ll protect the pack!” He gave Ulquiorra a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The pale and chubby arrancar blushed. His worries melted away.

‘And we’ll protect you!’


Sado Yasutora was in a daze, the last thing he remembered was...his eyes widened and he jumped up. ‘Where is he? Where?!’ His surroundings were not the same.

A quick look around the room he was in a building and it was dark. ‘What happened? Where am I?’ It took him a minute to realize he was naked. He was stunned. ‘Where are my clothes? Where is my medal? What happened?’ It was weird, despite being naked he wasn’t cold at all.

He was on some kind of soft and warm “rock”. ‘This rock is alive!’ Sado was on Starrk, but despite the situation the softness was powerful.

The softness pulled him in, and despite himself, he fell back asleep. Coyote noticed him awaken, but since he fell back asleep yawned and drifted off as well. The arrancar was told to just keep Sado relaxed and comfortable until Ichigo came back.


There was a lot to talk about, and it was best that Sado remain calm. Ichigo arrived with Ulquiorra. With a burst of spiritual pressure he woke the two up.

“Where am I? What happened? Where’s that monster? Where’s Yuichi? Where are my clothes?”

“In order, you are in our den, its a base in this abandoned hospital.” Ichigo explained. “What happened is the hollow or the monster as you call it killed you, he pulled out your soul and severed your soul chain.”

‘I’m dead…’ Sado’s eyes widened.

“Before the hollow could eat you, I stepped in and saved you. The “monster” was killed and sent to hell where he belonged.”

“If the spirit in the bird was Yuichi, his soul was saved by the soul reapers. He was feeling guilty about what happened to you, so I said I’d help you.” Sado was now realizing he wasn’t the only naked one in the room, all three of these guys were butt naked. “As for why you are naked, the hollow pulled out your soul by force, your bare essence. Had you died normally your soul would have reflected the garb you died in.”

Sado touched his chest. “So I lost my medallion…”

“If you mean this, I picked it up from your body. It gave off a strong soul resonance, so I knew it meant a lot to you.” Ichigo revealed the medallion.

The spirit’s eyes widened and took the pendant, clutching it lovingly to his chest, even tearing up a little. Objects can gain a soul of their own, the more they are loved the stronger that soul or spirit becomes. It was so strong Ichigo could feel it, and that wasn’t one of his talents. “Thank you!”

Ichigo smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Sado had a lot to process, he was dead but still alive? He was a ghost now so…

Weirdly enough he wasn’t as concerned about his own existence and more happy that Yuichi was safe. Even his own naked state didn’t seem to bother him now that he got his medallion. “Haha you are a funny guy.”

He stood up butt naked and bowed to Ichigo. “Thank you for saving me.” The orangette waved him off, saying no thanks was necessary.

“So who are you guys?” He introduced himself, to be polite.

“Coyote Starrk!” The fluffy brunette spoke.

“Ulquiorra Cifer!” the pale chubby male spoke.

“I’m Ichigo, believe it or not we are also hollows.” He pointed his thumb at his chest.

Sado’s eyes widened. “You guys are like that monster?”

“We are hollows.” Ulquiorra corrected. “We are just far more evolved than the one you faced.”

“Most hollows act on instinct and hunger, but that creep was something else. He had to be a bad guy before he died or the gates of hell wouldn’t have been summoned.”

Yasutora was confused, but Starrk gave him the break down on souls and hollows and even soul reapers to get him up to speed. They were hollows that transcended the veil and became arrancar, so they had shinigami powers as well. “So I’m gonna end up like that?”

Ichigo grinned. “The choice is up to you, you have a golden opportunity. You are dead but also alive, so you can get a second chance at life.” The orangette explained the gigai concept to Sado, so he’d be able to return to a normal life. “It will take a few days, I had to call in a favor and as you can guess soul reapers being around makes it so our movements are limited.”

“What’s this opportunity?”

“You my muscular friend, can choose your own path of fate!”

Normally a soul took time to become a hollow, but Ichigo could accelerate that easily. Once Sado became a hollow, he could feed him and get him to evolve into an arrancar. He’d have all his memories, and have the power to protect himself should another hollow come a knocking. Plus he could enter a gigai and live out his life as a normal human.

“Or…” He could mark Sado now and change him into a perfect vizard like he had done with Sora. He’d become a shinigami with hollow powers, but again he’d have the power to protect himself and could use the gigai to live out his normal life.

Normal ghosts don’t have the strength to handle gigai, and since his soul chain was severed putting him back into his body was not possible. “Of course I can also ferry your soul into the next life, if that is what you wish.”

Being dead certainly had its options or maybe Sado was just special.

Ichigo fist bumped his chest. “It’s your choice big guy. I promised Yuichi I’d help you so you decide.”

He went up to the roof and stared up at the stars. Sado laid on his back and just chilled. It was weird, his grandfather was gone, he had come to Japan to better himself and become a man like he had wished. Things hadn’t been easy, people judged him without getting to know him. Thugs attacked him thinking he was a thug to, and he didn’t fight back so he got beat up a lot.

Sado would come to school with injuries and people just spread more rumors about him. Despite being the victim, he somehow became this legendary thug who beat up a thousand people. He wanted to do right by his grandpa, who told him his fists were capable of doing more than hurting people.

His death came from protecting someone, he was okay with that. He could return to his old life, but he didn’t have much to go back to. What kept him from passing on was the glimpse into the spirit world. How many other souls out there were like Yuichi, he didn’t have the power to help him or protect him. If he took Ichigo’s offer, he could do something. His strength could be used to protect people and not end up in a bad end.

At the end of the day he wanted his grandfather to be proud of him. He looked at his hand and balled it into his fist. The ghost spent hours thinking about what he did and didn’t want. Being a ghost gave some clarity to things, like the weights and expectations of the world phased right through him and were so meaningless now. ‘I know what to do!’

As he went back to talk to Ichigo, he found him and Starrk in the throws of mating. ‘Oh wow!’ His cock stiffened.

Coyote was on his hands and knees, his soft body bouncing and jiggling as Ichigo pounded him from behind. He tried to look away, only to see a fucked out Ulquiorra, his hole gaping and packed full of semen. Sado gulped and felt another jolt of pleasure shoot down to his cock.

His gaze fell back to the mating pair and watched with interest. The two went at it, either not noticing or caring that Sado was watching them. Starrk came on the ground, pulling Ichigo over the edge with him. “Ahh…” Ichigo pulled his still hard cock free from Coyote’s well fucked hole. “Hey Chad!”

“Chad?” Ichigo blinked.

“Did I get your name wrong?” He thought he had it, even writing the kanji down. “Well anyway you look like a chad so it fits!”

Yasutora couldn’t help but laugh. This guy was caught having sex, sporting a massive erection, and still could make such jokes. “I quite like you Ichigo-san!” He found his first friend.

“You can just call me Ichigo.” Chad nodded. He took this new name as a nickname between friends.

“I’ve made my choice. Turn me into a Vizard!”

“Alright then, get on your knees!” Chad blushed.

“O-Okay…” He got on his knees and felt the shadow of Ichigo’s cock on him as the orangette stood before him. ‘So big!’

“Just be still, I have to mark you with my seed!” With that said, he began to beat his meat. Sado’s arousal and having just fucked made this process easy.

Ichigo’s musk washed over Chad and increased his arousal. He couldn’t help himself, he started pinching one of his perky buds and began fisting his cock. The orangette smirked down at him. ‘Oh yeah, we are gonna get along fine!’

With a growl Ichigo unleashed his seed, his massive balls unloading his essence all over Chad. After the first blast of seed hit his face, Sado opened his mouth and caught some of the cum in his mouth as he was pelted. He was drenched in white, the semen spilling and rolling over his muscles.

Sado came, his essence vanishing into the waves of white. ‘So much cum!’ Sado shivered, the essence washed over him. A milk bath, he was drenched in another man’s cum and felt so damn good.

Despite cumming, the arrancar’s man milk began to change him. Shinigami and hollow powers began to flow into him, awakening power in his soul. “Ohh fuck!” Chad began to finger himself and beat his meat, his libido surging as the change took hold.

“You are quite the treasure!” Ichigo praised.

“Mmm~!” Sado came again.

The semen did it’s job, Sado was a soul reaper now, with hollow powers, a perfect Vizard. “I should...get washed up…” Coyote and Cifer suddenly grabbed him, wicked glints in their eyes.

“Let us help you…”

“Huh?” He was pinned down. They licked their lips.

“We insist!” The two descended like drowning men after a water source.

“Ohhh!” They were licking him. All over, they lapped Ichigo’s cum off his hot and horny body. “Ichigo...ahhh ohhh fuck!”

The orangette knelt beside him. “Best let them have this, they really like my cum.”

Chad licked his lips. “I can see why ohhh~!” They were licking his feet, tongues scooping up the semen and tickling his skin. They were thorough licking between his toes and even sucking them clean. “But is this okay ahhh ohh fuck they ahhh ohhh are your ohhh mates!” The two moved up his legs.

“Yeah, it’s fine, you are part of the pack now. One of us!” Ichigo ran his fingers through his hair, making Sado shiver.

He had a place where he belonged now. “OHHH~” The two made it up his legs, and were now double teaming his fat cock.

Ichigo chuckled. “Mind if I enjoy the show?” Sado nodded, and he sat on his face.

‘Ohh fuck!’ His eyes fluttered and his heart raced.

“I can’t train you as a soul reaper, but we can teach you how to use your hollow powers.” He wiggled his butt and Chad moaned. “It’ll be awhile before we can get you your gigai but you don’t mind do you?”

Sado let out a muffled no, and began to kiss and make out with Ichigo’s ass. Ichigo’s butt was surprisingly soft and juicy. The orangette enjoyed the show, watching Starrk and Ulquiorra suck the cum off Sado’s nuts.

Chad just laid back and enjoyed the tongue bath, serving as the perfect seat and getting to enjoy Ichigo’s ass. ‘So soft!’

The odds were even now, but if they were gonna win maybe they’d have to face the soul reapers.

To be continued...Friend or Foe?


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