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Digimon Savers parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Bedroom Trouble

Masaru Daimon hated being wrong. He thought that Thoma and his sex life would improve with practice but things weren’t…

Thoma was VERY vanilla, his foreplay consisted of kisses, hand jobs, and fingering. Then it was right to sex, which usually consisted of the missionary position. Masaru had to push just to get him to fuck doggy style. He was very loving which was...nice...but Masaru was looking for action!

The brunette was getting more excitement from their sparring matches then in the bedroom.

Daimon enjoyed anal sex, to the point he played with his ass in his own free time. His insides were nice, soft, and ready to take a pounding. The problem was every time they did it, Thoma kept treating it like this was their first time, and he wasn’t made of glass back then either.

Not that Anal Fingering couldn’t have made good foreplay, except Thoma wasn’t doing it to drive Masaru wild and beg for dick, he was doing it to prep him. It was driving him crazy and not in the fun way. He had to bite his lip from screaming. “JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!”

Daimon had seen plenty of porn where guys took fingering to the next level. He’d love to try fisting, that sounded so hot, Thoma fisting his ass, punching his sweet spot. A distant fantasy when the man wouldn’t go more than three fingers inside him. He couldn’t even get Thoma to rim him just to mix things up a little.

Masaru was being treated like a delicate flower that was needing loving care to blossom, when he was a man eating plant that couldn’t wait to get it’s next meal.

Thoma was lacking dominance in bed, he was the one fucking Masaru, but he wasn’t in charge. He was sweet and gentle, EVERY time! Daimon hoped it was just early bedroom jitters and that Thoma would gain more confidence or something, but no...every time has been like the first time but without the magic.

The blonde was also fucking like it was their first time to…

He knew he had a sweet ass, but yeah...no...Thoma just was lousy in bed. He lacked both stamina and endurance. Once he came he was spent, which wouldn’t be so bad if he could go the distance, but he couldn’t.

On the other hand, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if the foreplay was revving him up instead of putting him to sleep. To make matters worse Thoma’s dick and Daimon’s sweet spot were total strangers.

Masaru even tried to secretly train his dick, helping him get used to pleasure. Not very easy when you were dealing with someone who thought a blowjob was “kinky”.

He even tried to do a porn movie night, just to give him some ideas, and also have a fun mutual masturbation session with his boyfriend. Thoma refused to watch porn, saying they were filthy and unrealistic. While he had a point on the later, porn was a movie, a dirty movie but it was done with actors who were trained and prepared for the scenes. Basically pornos could come with a “Don’t Try This At Home” warning the same thing you’d see in tv shows and cartoons, but don’t because its aimed at a mature audience who should know that this is a movie, this is a performance, an act with actors/performers who are playing a role. They can be used to figure out what your into though, then just came the trouble of finding someone who shared said interests. “I can’t believe you’d watch that junk!”

Masaru had a nice collection of big dicked studs and bros fucking. He loved seeing both dominance and manly bonding.   His stash of sex toys was also gathering dust under his bed. Not that he wasn’t tempted to bust out a dildo to satisfy his needs.

Thoma wasn’t satisfying him in bed, but had no idea. Daimon didn’t have the heart to tell him. How do you tell someone they suck at sex. Of course intercourse would be the thing that Mr. Excels At Everything He Does, would struggle with.

To be frank Thoma wasn’t very big, he wasn’t in baby dick territory, but even Masaru was larger than him. It was enough to just barely tickle his throat with. Not that Daimon was a size queen, he respected a man’s tool but he needed to know how to use it. He needed to do more than just stick it in and hump away. The guy was topping but not really dominating!

Every time Masaru thought about talking to Thoma it ended badly in his head. He was very direct usually, and no matter how he pictured it the talk went badly. A part of him believed thought maybe he should say something in the heat of the moment. “Fuck me harder!” “I’m not feeling it!” “Smack my ass!” It didn’t happen. He cared about Thoma and didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but subtlety wasn’t working here.

Destroying a man’s pride wasn’t something Masaru would want to do, so he was at war with himself.

The blonde believed everything was wonderful, the sex...great, their relationship...fantastic, both of them...happy. He had no idea that Masaru hadn’t gotten off the last couple times they had sex. Just because he was cumming didn’t mean Daimon was. Yet he was walking on sunshine, while Masaru was growing more and more frustrated.

It was possible Thoma was too innocent or vanilla for him. They did it on date nights, with Masaru battling to give Thoma a blow job after missions. There was a time Masaru wanted to do it after their work out, they were both hot and sweaty, and Daimon wanted to get wild. Thoma wanted to shower first, it was hard to explain to the vanilla blonde that he wanted to enjoy the blonde’s musk while they fucked.

It wasn’t as if sex was helping him grow and change, he had a handful of moves and believed he was a stud. Without a challenge there was no push.

Masaru tried to take the reigns and ride Thoma, but even that was too much for the blonde. Plus taking the reigns wasn’t what Daimon wanted, so the plan was an utter failure. Then he had to listen to Thoma go. “What’s gotten into you?” and “What was that about?”

“Just wanted to try something different.” The blonde laughed.

“You don’t have to do that stuff for me.” He said the same thing with blow jobs. Not realizing this stuff wasn’t just for him. What Masaru wouldn’t give if instead of having to coax the blonde into some oral after a mission, to have the Norshtein drag him into the nearby closet and force him on his knees, whip out his dick and make him choke on it.

His attempt at riding him, he imagined Thoma ordering him to do it to increase his arousal. Masaru could be a decent dom if he wanted to, but he didn’t want that. Even bro bonding with him was difficult. He had been going at Thoma’s pace for awhile, eating dish after dish of vanilla, waiting for when they could try something different or new, spice things up with some sprinkles or chocolate sauce.

Masaru couldn’t shake the fact if he stopped playing games, and fully took the reigns he’d break this vanilla cookie in half. Teaching Thoma about dominance could backfire. If he awakened a slut, he would lose what little dick he was getting. Their roles would be reversed and in his current position he wasn’t sure he could handle it.

He felt trapped in a lose -  lose situation. If he said something he might lose him, if he did something he might lose him, and if he continued to do nothing he’d remain in a bad sex relationship. Masaru couldn’t help but think this would be easier if he didn’t care about the blonde.

The sexual frustration was poured into his training, so at least he was getting stronger. If he was lucky Thoma would pass out, and he’d jerk off and get himself off in secret.

The troubles in paradise were about to get whipped up as Ikuto began living with Masaru. Noguchi Ikuto was a human boy who was raised in the digital world and believed himself to be a digimon. He was very wild and tough.

One thing led to another and Ikuto was now stuck in the human world and needed a place to live. The bluenette had nowhere to go and of course Masaru being Masaru invited him to live with him.

Yoshino playfully nudged Thoma. “Your boyfriend inviting another man to live with him, must bug you a little.”

“Heh, as if I have anything to worry about.” He said and flipped his hair. His pride/ego was shining brightly. Yoshino had been joking but without realizing it she was right on the money.


Ikuto was brought to the Daimon house and was forced into the bath, Falcomon and Agumon joined him, making the bath reach max occupancy.

Masaru wanted to wash up. He came in wearing a towel seeing the packed bath. “Aniki join us!” Agumon waved a claw.

‘Where…’ He groaned. “I can’t there’s no room.”

“I’ll get out, I think I’m done!” Ikuto stood up and Daimon got a full view of the young man. His jaw nearly dropped. Ikuto may have looked young but he was all man. His body was chiseled, the harsh life of a digimon trained his body and made him strong. He had hair on his pits and a thick nest of all natural manly hair crowning his crotch.

What really caught his eye was the beast between his legs. Just soft Ikuto was rocking 9 inches of uncut man meat. His girth alone looked to be about three fingers thick. ‘He’s so big and he isn’t even hard.’ He had some big balls that weighed his sac down a bit.

Masaru was starring, his cheeks burning in arousal. The brunette’s hole throbbed in wild want, his blood rushed south and his manhood began to stir. Daimon sat down and began washing himself. “If you don’t want Chika to yell at you, you better make sure you wash yourself fully.”

Ikuta huffed and sat back down Falcomon helped wash his back. Daimon’s staring didn’t go unnoticed to the ninja, but he said nothing about it and pretended nothing happened.

To be continued...Let Sleeping Ninja Sleep

Masaru can’t shake the arousal he’s in from seeing Ikuto in the bath, in the late night he tries to take care of himself with little luck. Imagine his shock as Ikuto sports an erection in his sleep. ‘He’s a grower!’


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