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Naruto parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Battle Between Alphas

Naruto believed his knew his brother well. Next to Tsume, Hana, and Akamaru Naruto knew Kiba the most in the whole village. They were brothers and had spent their whole lives together, had butted heads over little things and big things. They had shared laughter, good times and bad. In some ways he was right, but that closeness could also leave one to miss certain details and clues.

He knew Kiba was upset about something but didn’t know what. All day his bro seemed to be in a foul mood, every time he tried to talk to Kiba the brunette would grunt and keep his distance. “What’s up with him?” Kurobi shook his head. “Is he mad or worried about the team placements?”

Naruto had big news he wanted to share with his brother, but he was being avoided. With each passing hour Kiba seemed to stew, his brow furrowed as if deep in thought. ‘What’s eating at him like fleas?’

When they finally came home Kiba challenged him. ‘He finally speaks and he wants to spar?’ There was something eating at Kiba and he wanted to blow off some steam. “Uh sure, I’m up for that, I’ll go get Kurobi!” Their nin dogs had run off to chill with the other ninja dogs at the compound.

Before Naruto could whistle him over Kiba stopped him. “No just us!” Kiba was off, the look in his eyes was serious.

“Okay…” If he needed to blow off some steam, he’d face him head on. “Sure thing.”

They went to their private training ground. Akamaru whimpered and Kurobi looked at him.


Naruto stretched and Kiba removed his jacket. His fishnet shirt showed off his muscles. “Say bro, I wanted to tell ya, I met with Sasuke and…” Punch!

The brunette launched a punch at the blonde, who barely had the time to block it. “Kiba what the hell?!”

“Don’t talk about that bitch!” Naruto blinked. His brother was pissed.

“What is your problem, I know Sasuke can be an ass sometimes but…” Kiba lunged at him attacking with full force. Naruto had to block.

They’ve had plenty of fights before, plenty of sparring sessions, but every blow felt heavy and different. “I said don’t talk about him, focus on our fight!” His claw came down and scratched through Naruto’s jacket sleeve.

“Alright then…” He pulled off his jacket, showing off his own fishnet shirt. “But I better get some answers bro!”

“Just shut up and fight me!” Kiba again rushed in, but Naruto was able to counter him.

“What has gotten into you? Is it the team assignments, I thought we were good on that?” Naruto asked as he dodged his brother’s attacks.

“This isn’t about that!” He launched into a Fang Over Fang, surprising Naruto. The blonde channeled chakra into his legs and sprung out of the way avoiding a powerful hit.

“Then what is it, you don’t want to hear HIS name, so what did he do to make you so mad?” Kiba pulled himself up and out of the hole he buried himself in. With a growl he got on all fours and bolted towards Naruto, tackling him down.

“HE KISSED YOU!” The blonde’s eyes widened.

‘He saw us...that’s what he’s upset about?’ Kiba wound up a punch, but the blonde flipped him off, the two nin dog users got to their feet.

“That’s what you are upset about!?” His brother was fighting with such intensity it reminded him of a fight between alphas. ‘Is that what this is, is Kiba challenging me...for Sasuke?’ So close…

“Kiba talk to me, you know how much I care about you right? You know I’d never try to hurt you like that.”

“You don’t get it…” He growled and balled his hand into a fist.

“Look, we shouldn’t fight, not like this.” Naruto dropped his guard and Kiba managed to land a claw attack on his shoulder. “Fuck!”

“I can’t...I don’t want us to fight like this, but we have to. It’s the only way to figure things out. I can’t go forward feeling like this anymore!” Naruto saw tears sting at Kiba’s eyes. “So shut up, nut up, and fight me as an alpha!” His chakra flared.

“Kiba stop!” Naruto flared his own chakra, the wound Kiba had inflicted already beginning to heal.

“If you wanna stop me, then pin me down and make me!” He growled like a feral beast.

“Fine then…” Naruto put up his guard, his chakra swirling around him more. “Don’t blame me for what happens next!”

The two clashed in a flurry, like two dogs fighting over a bone. A raw and powerful clash of dominance and control. Blows were traded back and forth, and the two were so wild they weren’t even blocking anymore, just trading blow for blow. When Kiba got hit he came back swinging, when Naruto got hit he hit back harder.

Kiba was kicked up into the air. Naruto followed, weaving hand signs as he went. “Hurricane Paw Jutsu!” Wind whipped around his palm.

The brunette acted on instinct to block. The blonde hit hard, and wind burst around them. Kiba was slammed into the ground, the wind chakra ripping his clothes apart. Naruto landed on him and pinned him down. “Submit!”

Kiba thrashed and bucked, but his bro wasn’t giving up or letting him off. “I said submit!” Naruto growled, his chakra shifted and became like chains, quickly restraining Kiba and binding him down.

“Damn it...damn it…” Kiba had seen Naruto use this trick before. Tsume was so proud of him, he didn’t get a lot of details and couldn’t do it himself. The blonde never used his chains when they were sparring so he really did push Naruto to this. “Fuck!”

It was over, the chains binding him were sealing his chakra, Naruto had him pinned. He had lost… “I submit!”

“Kiba…you…” Both males blushed. He was hard! The chains only made him harder. There was no going back now...

“I like you okay!” He barked out. “I love you, I want to mate with you, when I saw you with Sasuke I got pissed. That little pretty boy bitch was gonna take you away from me!” The tears were flowing now. “I’m an idiot I should have told you sooner, but I didn’t wanna lose you so...fuck!”

Kiba felt like he had lost everything, he had nothing left to lose now so he spilled the tea. He was so confused even about his own feelings but he lost, his fate was in Naruto’s hands now. “I see…” The blonde said softly, he had read his brother wrong.

This he didn’t see coming, though he was too close to Kiba to realize. ‘So he saw Sasuke and me kiss and got jealous...you big idiot…’

“I thought I would be fine, but seeing you two...I just snapped...I couldn’t let it go...”

“Clan rule says your ass belongs to me now!” Given his own feelings this would have been inevitable. “You really are a dummy!”

“I’m sorry!” Naruto could do anything to him now, he could kick Kiba out of the clan, make him an omega, make him a pet, the losing alpha had no say in what was taken. It’s why duels between alpha were so serious and not done on whims.

“Bare your neck!” Naruto growled.

Kiba gulped. So he’d be made into an omega, one bite on his right chakra points his system would shift. It was only fair. He had made the challenge knowing the consequences.

“The other side bro!” Naruto rolled his hips and Kiba felt his arousal.

“Naru?” He blinked in surprise. “Huh?”

“I love you too ya big dummy. I’ve always thought about claiming your ass, but as your brother I couldn’t bring myself to ruin your alpha. It pained me that one day you’d find some nice beta or omega, settle down and have lots of pups.” Naruto scratched his cheek sheepishly. “But I wanted you to be happy no matter what.”

He cupped Kiba’s cheek. “Forgive me for being so blind, what we both wanted was right here.” Naruto kissed Kiba’s lips, claiming his first kiss. His brain fried from the intense and long awaited lip lock.

“What’s done is done, and your cute little ass is mine!” Naruto showed off his own arousal and rubbed it against Kiba’s heated flesh.

“Ohhh!” The brunette’s cheeks burned in a blush. “So I…”

“I don’t want you as my omega, you got a real nice piece it’d be a shame to waste it.” Kiba’s eyes widened. “You are gonna be my beta, and help me to build a nice pack(harem)!”

The losing alpha had to answer the winning alpha’s wishes. That was Inuzuka clan law. With a smile Kiba bared his neck for the marking of a beta. Naruto channeled his chakra into his canines and bit down.

“Ahh!” Kiba jerked, the last of his alpha instincts rearing before they were crushed. His body relaxed and he went through a change, Naruto’s chakra working through his system adjusting his body to be recognized as a beta. This wouldn’t be a secret everyone in the Inuzuka clan would know.

It would be fine, Naruto already staked his claim, and wouldn’t give Kiba up so easily. “Okay you win, can you let me out of these chains now!”

“Hmm, I dunno, I think you look hot all tied up.” Kiba blushed.

“Not funny!”

“Who’s joking?” The blonde moved his hand down to grasp Kiba’s erect dick. “Looks like my little bro has a kink for being tied up.” He pumped his length.


“Go on, cum...cum for your new alpha!”

“Fuck!” Kiba jerked and his balls unleashed his potent seed. Naruto licked the semen off his hand.

“Good boy!” A spark shot through Kiba’s spine. “Now then...” Naruto freed his erection and the chains vanished from Kiba’s body. “Show me how a beta pleases their alpha.”

He gulped and licked his lips. “Yes alpha…” Kiba got to work sucking his brother’s cock, greedily inhaling his musk.

‘This is fine...this works…’ He had been a foolish alpha, like many fools before him he had let himself be overtaken by emotion. Being a beta wasn’t so bad, hell he’d have been fine being Naruto’s omega even. He still belonged to Naruto but in his pack he’d be able to use his cock to fuck their omegas. This was his brother’s love and mercy. ‘I’ll be the best beta ever!’

Kiba thought as he happily slurped and sucked on the blonde’s impressive rod. He really had jumped the gun, as Naruto wanted to tell Kiba about Sasuke all day. The Uchiha confessed his feelings for the blonde, wanting to lay his cards out on the table in case they ended up on different teams.

Naruto agreed to court Sasuke so long as he understood he’d be in for a pack relationship. They had sealed the deal with a kiss. The blonde was gonna tell Kiba the good news and offer to share the Uchiha as brother alphas in a pack, but the brunette was wound up and started this whole mess. In the end it worked out.

He lost his alpha status, but he’d make a much better beta anyway. Their bond still stood strong, and would stay strong even if they ended up on different teams.

To be continued...Team 7


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