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Yugioh Gx parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 30 

Chapter 31 Lamia Mating

Atticus was taken to the nurse and was overseen by Alexis, Zane was also called in to see his old friend. His body was exhausted, no doubt Nightshroud wasn’t taking care of his body pushing it past his limits. It needed time to recover. That was just his body, no doubt Nightshroud messed with Rhodes’s mind.

Jaden promised to help work with him once he was strong enough.


Yuki called a meeting to his dorm. Bastion was called in but was surprised to see others there not chosen to be key guardians. Torrey, Belowski, and Harrington were here. “What’s this about Jaden?”

“One of the shadow riders attacked tonight. He was defeated but it took all my strength to counter him.” Jaden was in human form, but not for long. “In the course of the fight I had to reveal what I truly am to face him at full force. Syrus and Chumley were put into danger, to avoid that I felt those within my harem should be brought up to speed at least.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s better if I show you…” Jaden stripped off his clothes causing many of the guys in the room to blush and gasp.

‘What the hell are those idiots doing over there?’ Chazz went to peek, he had “found” a hole in his room which connected to Jaden’s side. It was Ojama’s idea to keep an eye on his rivals. He looked in and saw the naked brunette and swiftly got hard. ‘Holy!’

Yuki took his true form, his body becoming that of a lamia. Misawa couldn’t believe his eyes, there was a lamia before him an honest to goodness lamia. “This is a trick right? You’re really uhh…” He reached out hesitantly and Jaden touched him with his tail.

Bastion felt the scales, this was no costume.

“I’m a lamia yes, my mother and my sisters exist in a world different from this one but my father comes from this world. I come from a land where magic and monsters are real.” He’s actually met and faced duel monsters in his old world. So his domain was one where monsters were real.

“Astounding!” Bastion was more accepting of this than Jaden was expecting. Turned out he followed a scientist who had theories of other worlds. Multiverse theory had made many leaps and bounds over the years, discovering other realities was one thing, but going there was another. Some areas in the world had stronger connections to other worlds, where the veil between dimensions was weaker. It is even believed certain people had connections to these other worlds, and could visit them in their dreams. Then brought a piece of that world back through comics, stories, games, and cartoons.

Travel to another world was usually a one way trip, for normal humans it was also incredibly dangerous. Things like Jinzo took a lot of power to come here, and tried to force their way in by any means necessary. Monsters from other dimensions usually only came in spirit form. Some founds rifts, others found people with the right force to draw them out. Shadow Duels often weakened the barriers allowing monsters to be real and summoned even if only for a short time.

The professor believed there were Shadow Dimensions, containing monsters and magic common, Jaden was proof of such a thing being real. Others were believed to be period pieces, as if a fragment of time took root. For example what if the dinosaurs weren’t wiped out by a meteor, the ice age, or a plague their domain remains completely untouched in this dimension. Some have even theorized that Eldorado, Atlantis, or even the Emerald City can be found in these pocket dimensions.

It’s believed the shadow dimensions are trapped in a loop as part of the universal reset theory. Where once a dimension came to its end it would reset and start all over again, with the same people and events happening.

Along with Shadow Dimensions were Core Dimensions. This world would be considered a core dimension. Traveling between a core dimensions is believed to be a lot more difficult, which is saying something when crossing dimensions at all seems impossible.

Another theory states that shadow dimensions are supported by core dimensions. Monster dimensions like Jaden is from is supported by people playing Duel Monsters, and dimensions that are fragments of time are sustained by people learning history or passing on legends.

Many who’ve tried to prove other universes exist tend to go missing. The general masses either don’t know or don’t care that multiple dimensions exist. It didn’t really change anything day to day, for the general public.

For Bastion this was proof right here, Jaden was a lamia from another dimension. “It’s possible my father is from this dimension, so it made coming here easier.”

“Fascinating!” His eyes roamed Jaden’s form. “Truly remarkable!” His hands moved over his scales feeling the texture.

“This form doesn’t bother you?” He asked.

“It is a surprise, but it’s still you. Logically my feelings won’t change because of your body. This is the real you, and I must say you are quite fetching.” Bastion said politely and even kissed the back of Jaden’s hand.

“Such a charmer.” The Ra Yellow duelist had a bunch of questions. He talked about his world, and how it wouldn’t be easy to go back. Jaden went over his past with his sisters, not everything, but enough. He was here to connect to his human roots, maybe find his father, and of course build his harem.

Chazz had witnessed Jaden’s transformation and was stunned. His feelings for Jaden were new, but to his surprise seeing his monster form didn’t effect his arousal. ‘I thought that guy was different, so he was a lamia.’

‘So he’s half monster.’ Despite being a monster, treated him more human than his brothers ever did. ‘He’s building a harem, that means I have a shot!’ He thought back to his reward and his cock throbbed.

“Now I’ve explained how the harem system works, mates, servants, and pets. This is what you need to know about the monster side of things.” Jaden revealed the snake oil. “If you take this, your bodies will evolve.”

The benefits were plenty, you’d become super human, the body will break down all food and convert it into energy. They would only need 4 hours of sleep, their ass would exist only for mating and a bonus their walls would gain a layer of nerve endings increasing anal pleasure. It would also lengthen their life spans and improve their over all health.

“It is your choice as mates to take them.” To show they weren’t poison or anything he had the servants strip down and bare their asses. “It is time!” They had Jaden’s venom inside them, but this made them true servants.

The vial of snake oil was pressed to their holes, and the contents emptied inside. “Aaahhh!” Torrey and Belowski moaned.

They dropped onto their hands and knees, moaning as the change took hold. It was a very pleasurable experience as the two came hard, blowing their loads across the ground. Torey got some oomf-oomf in his pecker area his penis increasing an inch and a half reaching 5.5 inches.

He then focused on Harrington. The pet was already naked, unlike the mates who drank it, and servants who take it anally, pets get it absorbed through the skin. Jaden smeared the oil over his chest and rubbed it in, from the neck down the oil was spread. His body glistened, and the oil seeped into his pores and changed him from the outside in.

Yuki jerked him off and the guys watched as the pet’s penis shrank down. The 7.5 incher was dropped to a 3.5 incher. The effect for pets varied, Harrington drew the short straw so to speak, his cock shrinking but becoming far more sensitive. The snake oil was spread over his butt cheeks and balls, he traced his taint, crack, and hole.

Harrington’s nipples grew larger and more tender, his balls also increased in size. He writhed in pleasure, panting and drooling. It looked like he was cumming but nothing was coming out.

Syrus, Chumley, and Bastion got to witness the changes up close and it stirred their loins. Chazz wasn’t much better, he could hear and see and was feeling hot. His dick was out and he was playing with his hard on. He gulped and licked his lips. ‘This is hot!’

Truesdale was the first person to drink the snake oil, he was very sure of what he wanted. Chumley was a bit more hesitant but he did drink it. Bastion was the last, as he thought about the pros and cons to this, Jaden gave him the data so he processed it. With a smirk he downed the snake oil.

They collapsed as the changes took hold, and Jaden helped remove their clothes. He was so proud of them, they could see it in his eyes. “Just breathe and relax, the change will be quick.”

Syrus got a smidge taller and his baby far melted away allowing his developing muscles to stand out. He had growing pains, but without the pain, just pleasure. His cock stood at attention. His organs shifted and evolved. It was when he started feeling it in his ass his cock began to weep. “Mmm~!”

The bluenette’s hole opened up and twitched, his entrance becoming as pliable as rubber. New nerve endings began to line his walls, making them more durable, but also turning his channel into one mighty erogenous zone. His sweet spot was overlapped becoming an instant climax button.

Chumley’s softness didn’t melt away, he was still tons of fun but his body was healthier. His ass hole opened up forming a hungry donut, and like Syrus his hole evolved.

Bastion was blessed in both body and mind, the snake oil increasing his brain power. His body was ready for cock.

“It’s time boys, to become the mates of a lamia.” He revealed his cobra cannons and in this form they were monstrous. The boys gulped and salivated in want. Their harem was small, but they could begin the fun.

Jaden snapped his fingers. Belowski and Torrey went over to Harrington. The glasses wearer wanted to try out his new inches, he spread Harrington’s cheeks. Without missing a beat he thrusts inside the tennis player. “Ohhh!”

“Eat up!” Belowski thrust his seven incher into the pet’s mouth. Harrington didn’t miss a beat and began to greedily suck on his cock.

Torrey took his hips firmly and began to hump away, pounding the pet. His moans muffled by his fellow servant’s cock. “Ohh yeah, that’s the stuff!” Belowski moaned.

With a smirk Jaden turned his attention onto his mates. He first brought Syrus over and laid him out on the bed, right in front of the peep hole, so Chazz was seeing absolutely everything.

The cobra cannons were aimed at his hole. “Are you ready Syrus?” The bluenette gulped and shivered.

Jaden had honored his word, he told the boy that he’d take both dicks one day, and he was right. Syrus nodded. Yuki applied some snake oil onto his rods, serving as the perfect lube. Chumley, Bastion, and Chazz watched as the monster dicks plundered Syrus’s hole, popping in together.

“Ohh fuck yes!” Syrus arched his back, pleasure surging up his spine. His cock twitched in a dry orgasm, and his toes curled in delight. “Jaden!” He moaned.

He took both dicks so naturally, his hole opening up as if he’s been training for years, or was born for it. The double dicks plundered his ass, triggering his new nerve endings. Syrus fisted the sheets, he wasn’t a virgin but the anal pleasure was on a whole other level. Jaden was half was inside before he was cumming again, this time his balls unleashing his seed.

“That’s it love, enjoy the pleasure!” He felt Syrus more than earned this. He continued drilling and Syrus writhed in pleasure.

Now it was time for Chumley. Jaden grabbed him with his tail and brought him to the bed. The chubby male shivered as he was held in Yuki’s coils. His cock twitched as the tip of his tail soon was aimed at his hole. “Oh wow!”

Yuki’s tail pushed inside, making both males moan. The tip of a lamia’s tail was an erogenous zone for most. So having Chumley’s ass squeeze his tail felt very good! The appendage slipped in and wiggled about triggering Chumley’s new nerve endings, making him buck and moan. He was getting the full force of lamia tail sex.

Huffington was wrapped lovingly in his mate’s coils, while the tail thrust in and out of his ass. Thanks to the heightened anal pleasure it wasn’t long before he came.

With two of his mates stuffed Yuki began to move, thrusting in and out of Syrus while matching pace with Chumley.

Last but not least was Bastion who thought he’d be getting fingered next to Syrus, he was half right. He was called up and laid next to Syrus, but Jaden was showing the full force of a lamia’s mating.

Jaden summoned phantom snakes, vestiges of his own spirit in serpent form. They slithered and bound Bastion’s body and tied him up lewdly. The spirits attacked his nipples, sucking on his nipples, while others attacked his crotch. One phantom engulfed his full length, while two others licked at his nuts. “Ohh Jaden!”

Bastion writhed in pleasure bucking and moaning in delight as Jaden’s magic pleasured him.

Syrus was in hog heaven, the twin cocks making his belly bulge lewdly. He took both monster rods so well, he was so happy. As Jaden fucked him the friction was divine, the cobra cannons scratching his insides forward and back in the best way.

What came as no surprise is Jaden had tricks up his sleeve. He could freely control his pythons in this form, making them twist and drill Sy’s insides. “Oh Jaden...ahh Jaden ohhh~!”

Yuki caressed his cheek. “My beautiful mate!” Syrus smiled and leaned into his touch. He let go, and just basked in this erotic dance. His new brain was processing all this pleasure, but it was so new and intense it was like being in slow motion but on fast forward at the same time. Going forward the pleasure wouldn’t be so overwhelming.

The bed creaked and groaned from the force. Syrus and Chumley came from the anal stimulus.

Truesdale got plenty of loving care, Jaden played with his cock and kissed him lovingly, as his cocks wrecked his insides, all building up to Yuki’s release. “Ahhh~!” The bluenette gasped as twin streams of cum were pumped into him. Each spurt made him shiver and shake.

As he came he bit Syrus’s neck, channeling some of his magic into the bite. He marked Syrus forming a powerful bond between them. They basked in the moment together as Bastion and Chumley continued to be pleasured beside them.

Next it was Huffington’s turn.

Jaden pulled his cocks and tail from their holes. Both males whined at the loss. A plug was crafted and stuffed into Syrus’s gaping hole keeping all the cum locked inside. “Just relax Sy, look into my eyes and relax.”

Syrus was dizzy from pleasure, but managed to obey. Jaden put him in a hypnotic trance. His blissed out expression grew. “That’s my good boy!” He had a phantom snake coil Syrus up, the energy caressing his skin. His hard dick peeked out through the coils and twitched from lust and pleasure surging through him. “Rest in pleasure, and when you awaken we shall be true mates.”

He drifted into subspace, safely wrapped up and bound, as his body took to the oil and mating mark. His body was even absorbing Jaden’s monster cum for the first time it was a powerful experience. Spiritually and physically Syrus was channeling a lot, but in Jaden’s coils he could ride it out safely.

It was Bastion’s turn for some tail action, the genius cumming fast as the tail penetrated his hole. He moaned loudly and lewdly, too high and horny if anyone heard.

Chumley took Jaden’s monster cocks and was fucked into the mattress. You couldn’t see the dick bulge through Chumley’s softness but that didn’t mean Huffington wasn’t feeling it inside.

As Jaden fucked Chumley, Torrey and Belowski had switched sides. Belowski was drilling Harrington’s ass, as Torrey fucked his mouth.

Chazz watched the wild matings, he was hot under his collar so he got comfortable, stripping down. He peeked through the hole, one hand working his cock, the other playing with his ass. Seeing Syrus, Chumley, and Bastion enjoy anal pushed his curiosity to full blown experimentation.

He toyed with his hole as he watched Bastion be drilled by Jaden’s tail. Misawa bucked and squirmed, cumming and shooting his load all over his abs and pecs.

Princeton didn’t have the stamina to last long. Ojama Yellow fetched him tissues, as he came a few times. Jaden and his mates were going at it for so long he had time to rehydrate and get hard again. This was a live sex show, a porno that went on for hours with multiple partners. Even after cumming he watched taking in the beauty and intimacy Yuki shared with each of his partners. The kisses and touches, made Chazz yearn for it, wishing he was in their place and being loved like this.

This wasn’t an act, this wasn’t some stars playing to a script this was their love on pure display. It was burned into his memory.

Chumley came for...Chazz lost count how many times, and Jaden bred him pumping him full of seed and biting him. He could feel the surge of magic as it flowed from Jaden into Chumley.

Just like Syrus, Jaden plugged the soft boy up, and wrapped him up in a phantom snake, his fat dick jutting out from the coils, almost as if in a permanently erect state. Princeton realized they hadn’t gotten soft at all despite cumming over and over again. Even had to to recharge after cumming, he kept watching the show as he did.

The phantom snake squeezed Huffington’s softness and made him moan as he tranced out.

Last but not least was Bastion. “Please fuck me Jaden...I need you!” Oh Jaden did, his twin dicks plundering his ass in one go. “Ohhh YES~!”


The tip of his tail thrust into Bastion’s mouth. Misawa blushed and began to lewdly suck on his tip. It made Yuki shiver in delight. The tail played with Bastion’s tongue and increased his pleasure as he was stuffed from both ends.

‘Oh fuck!’ Chazz thought.

Princeton focused on the bulge in Misawa’s abs as the cocks drilled him. He fingered himself faster, but felt an ache deep inside where his finger’s couldn’t reach. Chazz came, and became spent all he could do was watch and want…

Jaden gave Bastion just as much love and care as he gave the other two. It was different as he had different needs and wants but the same amount of gusto.

Bastion was in heaven, enjoying the double dicking. It only got better when Jaden finally bred him, pumping him full of seed and marking him as his mate. Like the others he was plugged, tranced, and wrapped.

“My mates need taken care of.” Torrey and Belowski had finished fucking Harrington.

“Yes master!” They took turns sucking their hard cocks, Harrington came over and happily licked their exposed feet.

All through the night the servants and Jaden drained their balls, easing through the highs of pleasure. As a reward Jaden fucked Torrey and Belowski at the same time. While he fucked them, Harrington used his ass to ride the hard dicks of Jaden’s mate, his tiny tool bouncing and bobbing as he filled his guts with their cum.

This was a taste of a lamia’s orgy. When the harem gathered and fooled around together in a pit of lust, love, and pleasure. It was about four hours until dawn when they finally went to sleep. They’d only need the four hours to recover from the intense love making.

Jaden dispelled the phantom snakes and wrapped the boys up in his coils, the servants curled up beside him and the pet curled up as his feet. Chazz finally pulled away, missing the look Jaden shot towards the peep hole.

To be continued


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