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Ben 10/Miraculous parody : Tier 1/Bad Day Fic

Miracle Watch

Kwami are multi dimensional magical beings believed to be immortal, they can grant mortals power, turning an object into a miraculous. Ben has come into contact with them and with their help makes the Miracle Watch.

Chapter 1

Kwami are multi dimensional magical beings, each one is said to embody different concepts. Mortals that have come in contact with these things believe them to be immortal. It is said they have existed since the dawn of time.

They are spiritual beings capable of phasing through objects at will, they can’t be caught on film. Despite their tiny size they are full of phenomenal cosmic power. If they use said power it could mess with reality itself.

A Wizard known as Bezel found a way for them to safely use their powers. They can infuse an object with power turning it into a miraculous. The mortal who uses the miraculous can channel their power and use their magic.

This worked for a time, but people began to covet their magic, and found ways to capture, bind, and seal them. Even in the dimension they called home. Legerdomain was once safe for them, but power struggles came to be and the kwami became scattered. This backfired on the mortals as a new power rose and threw Legerdomain into chaos.


One of the kwami flew until they were exhausted and ended up crash landing in a back yard. A young Ben Tennyson thought it was a shooting star and came out to investigate. He found the tiny creature outside and brought it into the house.

Pollen woke up in a daze, they weren’t outside and instead inn a room with posters, toys, action figures, and games all over the room. “Where am I?” They were in a make shift bed, with a dish of water beside them.

“Oh you are awake!” Ben came into the room.

Pollen eyed the human able to read their soul. Tennyson had a good heart, a strong desire to help people and be a hero. A truly noble goal, his heart didn’t hold wicked intentions for bringing him. “I’m not sure what you eat, but I brought some chili fries!” He smiled and offered them the paper bowl.

They sniffed and were drawn in by the smell, Pollen tried them and flipped. “So good!” They cheered.

“Whoa you can talk?!” Ben gasped. He thought he had found some kind of alien bug or something. “Are you some kind of alien bug?”

“I’m no bug, I’m a kwami!” Pollen floated up into the air. They buzzed a bit in annoyance.

“Sorry if I insulted you, you just remind me of a bee is all.” This made Pollen blush.

“Well since you recognize my greatness I’ll forgive you.” Ben didn’t mean to really insult or praise the kwami but they seemed happy so it was all good.

“So what is a kwami?”  Pollen began to explain their situation.

“We are beings of great power, capable of granting mortals magic by giving them a miraculous. Some mortals began to covet our power so tried to take it by force. Worse yet those that couldn’t force us, repaid our refusal by sealing us, then there were those we chose to partner with but became consumed by dark desires and bound us to them so we couldn’t escape.” They couldn’t be killed, but they could be captured, so many of the kwami fled Legerdomain. “And here I am!”

“That’s awful!” Pollen ate all the Chili Fries enjoying the spice and flavor. “What are you gonna do?”

“Not much I can do, if I use my powers freely I can bring chaos and destruction to the world if not the universe!” Not to brag.

“Whoa you are that powerful?” Pollen nodded.

“My companions and I share phenomenal cosmic powers, if not channeled through a mortal it can go wild.” Through the miraculous the mortal is able to use about 1/10 of the power. “Through training they can learn to sync with the magic and draw out more of our abilities.”

“If you need a mortal, why not use me?” He pointed at himself.

“You wish to become my King?” Pollen surged up.

“Your king?” They nodded.

“Of course my partner must bare the spirit of a king, a noble heart!”

“Well...I want to become a hero and protect people, does that count?” Pollen pondered it. They flew around and eyed Ben. He was young and full of potential, and his dream did hold a sign of a noble heart. “You’ll help me find my comrades and work to protect them?”

“If I can do it, I’ll do my best!” He swore.

Pollen looked into his heart and sensed something more…

“Very well my king, I will grant you my power, use it well!” Pollen’s power filled the room. “Now choose a vessel for my power.” It could be any object, but the stronger the emotional connection the better the medium it would be.

Ben actually gave it a lot of thought, he figured it should be something worn as to make it easy to carry around. He went to his box of treasures and found a ring. It was a Sumo Slammers Promo Ring, while it was just a toy ring it meant a lot to Ben. It was something he worked hard to get, he did chores, mowed lawns, and sent in a lot of cards to get this ring. He wore it for two years, and even when he grew out of it he kept it. It was a reminder of how hard work and determination could get you what you wanted. “Will this do, it’s not a real ring but it means a lot to me?”

Pollen could feel it in the ring, all the effort, the emotion, and the passion. “It’s perfect!” Their power was channeled into the ring and it was transformed into a miraculous. The magic formed a jewel nucleus which helped reshape the ring and make it more durable.


“With this the Bee Miraculous is forged!” They bowed.

Ben slipped the ring on, it magically adjusted to his finger for a perfect fit. “When you use the magic words you’ll be able to transform into a hero and use my power Venom!” As he was now he could use one Venom before he’d de-transform, that would be the case but since Ben had his own mana he could channel it for a second shot. “It is as I thought my king, you have magic as well!”

“What?!” He didn’t have magic...did he? That’d be so cool!

Pollen was sure, since he wore the ring Pollen could feel Ben’s spark. “With my help I can teach you about magic and help you become a hero!”

“And together, we’ll find your companions!” He raised his hand for a high five but given Pollen’s size, he changed it to a finger, so Pollen can give him a high one. Pollen told him that after he de-transformed, they’d have to recharge with food.

The kwami buzzed in delight. They’d need a guardian going forward and there was no rule a holder couldn’t be a guardian.

“Pollen, Buzz On!” Pollen was drawn into the ring and Ben transformed. His clothing vanished as glowing bees swarmed around him, crafting a skin tight body suit. It was Bee themed so it was a mix of yellow and black. The print on his legs matched, his crotch was black, while his ass was yellow, the torso was a mix of yellow and black. His arms were black, with yellow rings on the wrists. He had a fluffy collar, gloves appeared on his hands, the one on his left being more yellow with stripes of black, the one on the right was black with yellow stripes. Boots appeared on his feet, with yellow laces, and fluff trim.

Ben ran a hand over his face and a mask appeared. “Whoa, this is so cool!” The magic suit enhanced his physical capabilities, the mask shielded his identity. He had a magical compact that could be used as a communicator. It’s magic allowed him to pick up security signals and if he was within range of another holder it’d react.

It was time to go to work as his compact buzzed. A magic 3D map appeared. “I think that’s the jewelry store in town!” Ben headed out to kick some villain butt, he clicked the boots together and the bottoms glowed gold and he was able to fly.

Two goons were robbing the store. “Hold it right there?” They whipped around scared, only to laugh seeing the tiny hero.

“Get lost kid!”

“Yeah, or you are gonna get hurt!” He flashed his gun.

“Venom!” His yellow gloved hand morphed into a stinger. He charges in with surprising speed and stings the guy with the gun. In an instant he was paralyzed.

“What the hell?!” Ben charged up the second sting with his mana and stung the other guy who tried to run.

“Not bad for my first night as a hero.” He heard a beeping noise, and saw he was gonna power down in about 5 minutes. “Better get out of here before the cops show up.”

Ben fled, flying off but misjudged the time and ended up de-transforming in the air and landing in a bush. “Oww!”

“I’m sorry my king, I’ll need some food before I can transform again.”

“It’s okay Pollen, I should have grabbed snacks before we left, but hey we did it. Tonight I was a hero!”

“You did well my king!” Ben smiled.

Police sirens were heard and the cops arrived to find the two paralyzed robbers. It was quite the mystery.


Over the next few years Ben was trained by Pollen in the ways of magic. He tapped into his spark and was able to draw out his mana, in and out of his hero form. His body evolved, able to break down all food and convert it into energy, this made it so he only needed four hours of sleep, so he fit in life, school, games, training, and hero work into his days.

Tennyson also worked out, training his body and becoming more athletic to assist in his hero work.

Pollen adopted he/him pronouns and a love for chili flavored food. Ben kept a stock of chili and spicy flavored chips to do in a pinch, but the two loved to have some chili fries after a night of heroing. Pollen also became a gamer, enjoying the vast variety of digital entertainment.

As a hero, Ben was doing a good job dealing with local crooks, most underestimated him given his size and appearance. This gave Ben an opening to dish out some Venom. Even if he faced greater numbers, Ben was able to kick ass.

He was deceptively strong thanks to the hero suit enhancing his abilities.

By training his mana and vessel over the years he was able to draw out more of Pollen’s power. He increased his Venom count to five, he could also fly a lot faster and farther. King Bee even unlocked a new power, Control Sting, one sting and the person would be under Ben’s control, a loyal servant to his king. This helped Ben even the odds in fights.

Thankfully Super Heroes wasn’t an odd thing in this world, so one more didn’t cause much of a stir. There was a bit of a mystery on who this new hero was. Ben didn’t go too crazy, he kept most of his heroing on the down low, having read enough hero comics he knew the importance of the secret identity, plus he didn’t step on local authorities toes like some other heroes.

Not that he didn’t want to take on a Super Villain, but he recognized he was knew at this, and with great power came great responsibility. He played it up when in hero mode, but always made sure the job got done. Ben felt it was better to make people think he wasn’t trying when he actually was. Crooks always underestimated them which got them beat. ‘And Gwen said I’d never learn anything from comics!’

Sadly there hadn’t been any luck finding the other kwami, Ben even tried to help with the Kwami Song to find them, but they were either too far away or...well there was a lot of theories. The Kwami Song is usually done by a group, even with Ben’s help there was only so much Pollen’s song could do alone.

Ben was looking, but there was only so much a 10-16 year old could do. Pollen may have been the only Kwami to come to Bellwood. Tennyson still searched, doing everything he could. “Don’t worry Pollen, we’ll find your friends.”

“Thank you my king!” Pollen just hoped that his companions were safe.


“Have you eaten enough Plagg?”

“Sure thing boss, I’m stuffed.” A tiny black cat kwami spoke.

“Good, we got a lot of work to do!”

To be continued...Grandpa Max Finds Out – Road Trip


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