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One Piece parody: Patreon Reward

Ass Eating Demon of the East Blue

Rumors of the legendary ass eating demon have spread. A monster so terrible it steals your soul from your rear, so they said. The rumors and stories sound so insane most don’t believe it. Even those that have met the demon have a hard time believing it’s who it is.

Chapter 1

Smoker wasn’t the biggest believer in rumors. The nugget of truth that might dwell in the murky fog of rumors wasn’t worth it. At the end of the day they were stories people concocted about other people, gossip vines took these tales and often twisted them the deeper they went. Rumors spread faster then legends, usually a legend was a tale passed from one generation to the next becoming more fantastical each time. Heroes of old were just men and women, only to be seen as gods.

Rumors spread from person to person, good or bad, nice or mean, true or false, it often didn’t matter as a rumor could become a monster if let out of control. Smoker took rumors in a practical look, he treated rumors like ghost stories not believing them until he saw for himself if something was real or true.

In this world of devil fruits and haunted seas or islands, such tall tales made the world a mess. Pirates often used rumors to gain an advantage. It was thanks to rumors that Buggy the Clown gained the epitaph of Buggy the Immortal. He wasn’t an immortal, he just had a devil fruit which made him very effective against sword users.

Some pirates even faked having devil fruit powers to gain an edge. Pirate legends were often the biggest crock in Smoker’s opinion. This pirate took out a hundred men, this pirate has a whole fleet under his command, this pirate does this, or that pirate did that. Such rumors tended to inflate the bounties of pirates when they were just common trash.

So of course, there were rumors of monsters and demons. These rumors were often spread because of wrong conclusions, many demon or monster sightings were just devil fruit holders screwing around. Many “monsters” were just rare and exotic beasts, no different than sea kings.

The latest pirate hype was for this Monkey D. Luffy aka Straw Hat Luffy. He was reported to have clashed with Buggy the Clown, Don Krieg, and even Arlong. This landed him a high bounty of 30 Million. The highest in the East Blue to date.

Smoker didn’t care he’d crush this wanna be pirate like all the others that had crossed his path.

The latest rumor however, was that of the Ass Eating Demon! He heard his men talking about this thing and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. What nonsense was this? Smoker was almost scared to ask.

Apparently this rumor was a bit older but sightings of this “terrifying devil” have happened for awhile now. A devilish creature who loved to eat ass, they said this demon comes out of nowhere reducing garments to ash, before eating their prey out.

Smooth butts, toned butts, thick butts, and juicy, the demon eats them out without a care. Some say he’s so fast he does the deed before his prey is even aware. If pleasure was his only goal it’d be one thing, but rumors say the ass eating demon sucks out your soul.

Smoker couldn’t believe this nonsense. “I can’t believe you’d believe in such nonsense.” He facepalmed.

“But sir, what if it’s true?” There were legends of monsters called kappa that suck out one’s spirit through the ass, maybe this was something similar? Marines, Pirates, and Civilians have claimed to have seen the demon, or know someone who has seen the demon, or knows someone who knows someone who…

Yeah Smoker didn’t believe. He thought he had something real to deal with taking out this upstart pirate named Luffy. Little did he know Luffy and this Ass Eating Demon was one and the same.


Smoker took out some pirates causing trouble at the port. “Excellent job sir, you took out Monkey D. Luffy so fast!”

“You fool, this joker isn’t worth 30 million. If trash like this could gain such a bounty I’d become a pirate myself!” Smoker said things like this. It was odd, he seemed to have a distaste for pirates, but sometimes he spoke of certain names with respect. A few marines knew Smoker chose this position as he had a weird respect for Gold Roger. Some marines found it odd, that he’d have respect for ANY pirate at all.

There were rumors about him as well, as scary as he was or acted, he was harsh with his men, and tended to bad mouth his fellow marines (when he was calling out their mistakes). Of course the people who hated pirates saw him as a hero, but there were just as many others who saw him as a monster.

A girl once slammed into him and spilled her ice cream on his pants. It was an honest mistake but the father thought Smoker was gonna punish her harshly. The man was begging as if Smoker was gonna execute her over it or something. So how people saw him varied.

Smoker easily beat the pirate, but didn’t know what Luffy looked like. They hadn’t received his wanted poster yet, just the report that he was heading their way.

Luffy stumbled upon Smoker, looking for the execution platform. “Why do you wanna see that?”

“I wanna see where the King of the Pirates died!” Smoker’s eyes widened. “Do you not know, oh well thanks anyway…”

“Hold on…” Luffy paused. The smoke coming off of Smoker’s cigar began to move and form a rope. “Just follow the smoke kid, it’ll lead you there.”

“Really?!” Monkey’s eyes sparkled. “Thanks a lot!” He ran off, only to run backwards.

“What is it?”

“I should thank you properly,” He smiled brightly. “Let me eat your ass!”

The words hit Smoker like a truck. He looked at his men who seemed to be sweating bullets. Smoker sighed. “Did one of my men put you up to this, I won’t be angry with you. Just give me their name and I’ll punish the fool.”

Luffy cocked his head to the side rather cutely. “I don’t know any of your men. I’ve never been in this town before. You were so nice showing me the way to the platform, so I wanted to thank you properly. I don’t have any money, but what I do have is a particular set of skills.”

“I see…” A lot of people wondered about Smoker’s love life, the man seemed to eat, sleep, and breathe training and hunting pirates. He was hot, tall and muscular so he struck a cord with a few people’s tastes. “Well look that’s sweet but…”

“Do you not want your ass eaten?” Smoker froze, gazing into possibly the most innocent and honest eyes he’s ever seen. “It feels amazing I promise!”

“That’s not...I mean…”

“Please!” Smoker had no idea what to say, he thought he wanted to say no, he’s just met this guy and he’s offering to eat his ass. It wasn’t because of the Ass Eating Demon rumor either. As he looked at the mysterious raven haired male, he found it hard to say no, he was so earnest and eager.

“Go back to base.” Smoker ordered his men.

“Wait sir, you aren’t really going to…”

“What if he’s the…” Smoker whipped around and glared, stopping the two men from speaking.

“Say one more word and you two will be on cleaning duty for a year!” The men ran off leaving Smoker alone with Luffy. ‘What am I doing?’

Luffy seemed to put the pieces together and grabbed Smoker and dragged him off so they could get started. “You really wanna do this...to thank me?”

“Ohh yeah!” Monkey’s hands made quick work of Smoker’s pants, his buckle was undone, buttons popped out, and pants unzipped.

“Whoa!” Smoker gasped and his pants were pulled around his ankles. He was wearing some tight, tight briefs. Monkey wasn’t sure if the size was too small, or if Smoker was just too big. The bands seemed to be hugging his hips, and thick legs firmly, the back clung to his toned rear like a second skin, you could even see the split of his cheeks. The crotch was taking the most punishment, Smoker’s balls and large cock were pushing out the fabric in a lewd way, his massive sac, and his penis was thick had to be four fingers wide and he wasn’t even hard yet. His length had to be in the double digits, being held back by the crotch.

Some guys like a snug fit, one could argue it gives support. Luffy could tell that his musk was etched into every stitch and fiber of those undies.

His underwear didn’t last much as a barrier as the guy hooked them and tugged them down. Smoker shivered. “Whoa you got a nice piece mister!” The man blushed, his cock began to stir and rise.

‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’ He was turned around and Luffy praised his ass.

“You have a sexy ass!” It was true, Smoker had a thick and muscular rear. Luffy groped his cheeks and spread them, marveling at the firmness. The teasing had the larger man shuddering, his cock rising to attention. “Your hole is so tight and cute!”

His blush bloomed from ear to ear. “Please let’s just do this before someone sees.”

“Okay, thank you for the meal!” He clapped his hands, before grabbing Smoker’s cheeks and spreading them.

“Whoa!” Luffy kissed his hole with such gusto.

“Mmm~!” With his face buried deep in his rear, Monkey’s hands focused on groping the man’s cheeks. His tongue swiped his crack, before swirling around his pucker.

‘I can’t believe this is happening this is really happening.’ He shivered. Each lick made his penis twitch and a jolt of pleasure shoot up his spine. He could feel Luffy’s strength as his cheeks were kneaded like dough.

His entrance twitched and with very little coaxing Luffy’s tongue popped right in. “Ohhh~!” Smoker arched his back.

Monkey went to town, his tongue was powerful, opening his ass up and making Smoker’s legs buckle. ‘This feels really good!’ Luffy made out with his hole, breathing through his nose as to both enjoy his manly musk and not break free.

His ass was squeezed for leverage as he was EATEN OUT! Luffy’s tongue was doing the work of fingers ten fold, churning up his insides. He licked his inner walls, swirling his tongue round and round.

Smoker’s heart was racing, the guy wasn’t kidding when he said he was skilled. ‘His tongue is so good!’ Smoker’s big dick was weeping pre-cum. He hadn’t touched himself or been with anyone in a long while, but to be this horny from some rimming?

The white haired man tried to catch his breath, but it just came out in lustful pants as Luffy’s tongue kicked it up a notch. He was in fact a rubber man, everything stretched, including his tongue. Luffy stretched his tongue out, slipping deeper into the man’s has and wiggled. “Ohh fuck!”

Smoker braced himself against the wall. ‘How did he…’ The question died in his mind as Monkey began to tongue fuck him. ‘Ohhh fuck!’ His insides melted, he probably had 10 inches of tongue inside him, thrusting, curling, wiggling…

Heat spread through his veins, his large muscular body growing hot and horny. Even the man’s nipples stood perky and erect.

He kept trying to process what was happening only for his common sense to be licked into a mess. Luffy was making him a mess, his ass stretched wide and deep, saliva coating his inner walls as he was being licked. Just when he thought he had the pieces together, Luffy’s tongue curled and licked his sweet spot.

Smoker came hard, pelting the wall in white, his big balls gave with gusto. His hole clenched in climax and Luffy just kept making out with it. The man had to brace himself or risk collapsing, his legs felt like jelly.

Luffy finally pulled away from his hole with a wet pop. “Mmm, thank you for the meal, you have a tasty hole.” Smoker’s whole face heated up.

‘Please stop talking.’ He couldn’t look at Luffy right now. “Just follow the smoke, it’ll lead you to the platform.”

“Oh yeah sweet!” Smack! Smoker jumped as his cheeks were playfully swatted. “Thanks again, I hope we see each other again, I’d love to eat your ass again and maybe you can return the favor.” The promise of next time stirred Smoker’s loins.

He didn’t even get a chance to answer as Luffy dashed away, following the trail of smoke. In the minutes that followed the marine was shaken by what had just happened and the aftermath that followed. He wanted to follow after Luffy and go again, seeking more of that talented mouth.

Monkey was gone for just a few minutes and Smoker already was missing him. His cock was hard and refused to go down. Luffy had plundered his ass so good, his hole was still throbbing in want. Something had been awakened in him. ‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ He tried to fix himself up but cramming his erection down into his tight underwear was a chore. With his body aroused it was hard for him to turn to smoke.

His clothes were fixed up just in time as the marines he had sent away had come back. “What is it?”

“Well sir, it’s this…” They revealed Luffy’s wanted poster and Smoker’s eyes widened. He had his ass eaten out by a pirate. He gripped Luffy’s poster tight.

“That damn Straw Hat!”

To be continued...Eating Ass and Taking Names
