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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

AN: Heavy angst warning, character death, potential feels

Chapter 2 Blue and Green

The Diamond Authority held many secrets, one having been taken to their graves. Far from the reach of the Cold Empire two gems land on the planet Earth.

Knowledge was power, so the Diamonds made sure many of their secrets remained hidden. They let some information slip out as no information raised more questions than some. It was better for the universe to think they were near immortal monsters. Yes their gem was a weak point, but good luck getting to it.

The cycle of gems were different than normal mortals, they had the bodies of children, when the time comes their bodies mature from then on there’s little growths and changes, their physical form adjusting to suit their needs. When a gem first forms they know how to fight, basic combat and survival tactics are known. In parallels it could be seen the same as humans knowing how to breath.

As a Gem lives, when they are ready their powers will manifest bit by bit, when they are emotionally and physically ready. A warrior often trains to tap into their power and even work to gain new ones.

The real trick was the Cluster, a term for the collection of knowledge shared among the Gems. Even a shattered gem retains its memory, so it is believed. If a Gem could be healed it could be restored.

It was because of the Cluster, each new generation of Gem gained more and more relevance and strength. Wisdom of the past passed on to the next. Things like language were even carried over. The Gems were like mystical super computers, even something like schools weren’t needed as information could be shared and known in seconds.

If normal gems gained benefit after benefit from the Cluster this next generation of Diamonds were to be feared. Bardock and Yellow Diamond passed on a message to the two before sending them off.

So when the Blue and Green Diamond manifested on Earth they knew...they knew who they were, they knew what they were, and they knew they had to survive. Kakarot was the Blue Diamond, he had spiky black hair and his gem placement was just above his chest. Broly had more tan skin and his hair was more wild, he was the Green Diamond and his placement was above his rear.

Broly sniffled and Kakarot took hold of his hand. “It’s gonna be okay.” A comforting squeeze was met and Green Diamond wiped his eyes. Feelings of loneliness washed away, they had each other and a mission to do. Survive…

Had they so wished they could have piloted the ship back to a gem colony, but deep in their cores they knew it wasn’t safe. They were diamonds and had greater power than other gems but they were young. Going home meant death.

The two explored the wilderness and came upon a small house in the mountains. “My word!” An old man came out and stumbled upon them. From his perspective, he had just found two small children naked in the woods, seemingly abandoned.

This man was Gohan, a martial artist and hermit. He tried to help the two boys but quickly found them to be not normal. “Let’s get you some clothes...I don’t think I have anything in your size…” He lifted up some old training outfits.

The diamonds looked at each other before going outside. They covered themselves in dirt. “Hey now, hold on...ehh!?” Their gems glowed, and the dirt on their forms was changed into matching training outfits. Kakarot’s was blue while Broly’s was green.

Some subtle changes could be seen as Kakarot’s neckline was short showing off his gem and Broly’s had a hole in the back as if his gem needed to breath.

Gohan was quick to notice these two were not some normal children. He checked and could sense a powerful ki from them. It was like their whole body was made of it somehow, however what they did with the dirt was clearly magic.

Feeling his martial artist spirit tingle he decided to test them. They could fight, but it was wild and raw. From a few exchanges he could feel their potential and even at such a young age it far exceeded his own. He questioned them, and all the two could tell him was that they came from space.

Gohan was a man of the world, though his recent hermit status made it seem otherwise. He’s seen witches, demons, beast men, monsters, ghosts, and even met a mermaid or two. So aliens wasn’t a far stretch to his imagination.

Kakarot sped this up using telepathy, he shared his knowledge with Gohan, specifically the warning to survive. Had Bardock and Yellow Diamond won their fight, they’d come for them. If the years passed with no one retrieving them they’d have their answer.

As it was they were far from the reach of both the Cold Empire and the Diamond Authority. They were no longer connected to the Cluster, which worked in their favor as no other Gem could know where they were, but they also couldn’t know what was happening beyond the beyond. They had what the Cluster gave them before leaving and had each other.

If they tried together they could probably connect to the Cluster but the risks were too great. If a Gem warrior was ever lost in space they could connect to the Cluster for help.

Gohan decided to take care of these two, helping them hone their potential. Martial arts could channel their combat skills to reach new heights. He couldn’t teach them magic, but passed on a lesson that they should use magic to help others. The two gems came up with a simple solution to that, Kakarot would use his magic to help Broly, and in kind Green Diamond would use his magic to help Blue.

He was in luck with one aspect, Gems didn’t need to eat, living off the energy of their gem. They can eat, but purely for the enjoyment of eating. The experience of flavor and delight. All food was broken down and converted to energy.

They learned quickly, picking up the basics in just a year. By year two the two were already able to fire ki blasts. He observed their sparring matches. Broly actually bested Kakarot a few times, accidentally poofing him twice. When Gohan saw this he panicked. “He’s fine…” Was all Broly said.

After some hours passed the diamond glowed and Kakarot was back. “Hehe you got me!” He rubbed the back of his head.

He got stronger from both restorations, and the next time they sparred it was Broly who got poofed. It took Broly a day to return.

Gohan was stunned. The blows they landed would be fatal on a human but these two went at them without restraint. He had to explain most beings don’t just poof, that some blows were fatal and mortals could die. Because their forms heal thanks to their gem energy, even simple wounds were fixed quickly. It was a hard thing to comprehend, but they’d understand one day.

Sparring with them was hard, and he took some injury from clashing with them. The two used their magic to heal him, whoever he wasn’t sparring with would do the healing. It was an odd feeling, not only was the pain taken away and the wound healed, but his body felt rejuvenated. He felt weirdly stronger and perhaps...younger?

Humans were possibly compatible with Gem energy.

On the third year they learned to manifest their weapons, for Kakarot it was a staff, for Broly it was a shield. So Gohan began to teach them how to use weapons, upon teaching them the basics the gem warriors quickly began to surpass him. It did get him back into his own training at least.


After five years the gem warriors knew that Yellow Diamond and Bardock had lost, if they were still alive they didn’t have the means of retrieving them. They continued to train and practice. The efforts they made helped awaken their diamond powers and deeper gem knowledge.

The hermit got to see amazing things, like the two fusing for the first time giving birth to a new gem Cyan Diamond aka Karoly! He was an odd being, but Gohan could see fragments of their personalities, among this more wild and new one.

From Gohan they learned about the world, learning from his travels, his experiences, and the legends of the world. Another five years passed the gems learning more about humans from Gohan. Then came a sad experience but a necessary one.

The old hermit had retired from the world after gaining a medical diagnosis. His heart…

Despite all his wealth and influence as a hero and champion there was nothing that could be done. By word of a witch he turned to magic. Gohan had found all kinds of magical items but as it happened he also met someone who needed it more.

The last tale he heard of was the Legend of the Dragon Balls, that could grant him one wish. He managed to track down one ball but he needed all seven to make a wish. The time it took to find just one he did some soul searching. Even if he returned to his youth he’d just be resetting the clock. If he became immortal then what, he’d have an immortal body but he might still age or suffer from disease unable to die.

Soon he no longer could travel and retired. If not for his training his body would have longed given out. He did his best to get his affairs in order, as the increasing chest pains were a sign of the inevitable.

Looking back he had a good life, his rivalry with Ox, his days training under Master Roshi, his travels around the world, the people he saved, the evils he’s fought, the battles he’s won and lost, all of it stood out to him fondly.

Then the two boys came into his life. Their magic had a rare effect to it, they healed his pain giving him back his life. He was able to live for an additional 10 years, long past the time the doctors said he would. These two gems, became the jewels of his final days. He got to enjoy his final years and pass on his wisdom to his disciples. It was time for their final lesson.


“I’m dying…”

“Dying?” The two were shocked. Gohan had explained hunting to them long ago, death was apart of the universe. Creation and Destruction, a cycle that kept the balance of things. Even Broly who befriended different animals understood the nature of things. He wouldn’t eat friends, but not friends were fair game.

This was different. Gohan was their parental figure and to hear he was dying was a heavy blow. The old man did his best to explain, and the gems still tried to use their magic to heal him. “You’ve already given me more years then I would have had. My time has long since passed.” He could feel it.

“There must be something we can do!” Kakarot cried and Broly whimpered.

“My boys...you have good hearts...I’m so proud of you…” He told them to protect their gems and stand by each other when things get tough. “I’ve had a good life, and you made it even better. Never forget what I taught you.” It was his time.

They could take away his pain, but his heart could no longer support him. Broly had tried to revive an animal once who had been killed by a hunter, and they both had experience in healing wounds, but they could not revive the dead. He had gotten to the critter in enough time to heal him. This wasn’t the same thing.

Their emotional limits hit and their gem revealed to them the process of Gem creation. The secret art of the diamonds, capable of creating gem warriors from even organic beings. Even this was not an option now. If their target wasn’t strong enough or the vessel wasn’t stable the gem would end up killing them. Humans were compatible, but Gohan was too old. “The Dragon Balls, we can find the dragon balls, they can fix you!” Broly said.

Gohan gave a weak chuckle, before going into a coughing fit. They used their powers to ease him so he could speak. “It is my time, I’ve earned my rest. Respect life and death, my boys!” They nodded.

The two gems stayed with him and felt him go. His soul passed on fully at peace.

It rained…

As the two wept over the loss of their father figure, their master, and their friend. It was a lesson they needed to understand, to not lose sight of their own mortality. The weight of the event was still a lot for them to bare, so the two fused together to deal. Karoly had his chance to grieve.

Gohan was buried and Karoly meditated for months. It helped Kakarot and Broly to deal and work through their emotions. The balance of life and death, the universal constants of creation and destruction. Something in their Gem understood.

Kakarot, Broly, and even Karoly had thoughts on how they were to use their time going forward. Many thoughts ran through their collective.

Gohan believed only the divine had the power to restore life, and rarely intervened as to not become a monster. Power had a habit of corrupting people, its why he told them they should use their magic to help people. It was easy to cross a line, and if one disturbs the balance the universe could suffer or work to correct the imbalance.

Even they were not immortal, the thought of losing each other helped grind such arrogance into dust. As powerful as they were, an enemy could get lucky or they could get unlucky and have an accident that could damage their gem. Yellow Diamond and Bardock had lost, and they were much older gems, so they were not all powerful.

Arrogance and letting their guard down, it could get them killed. Gems had naturally longer life spans, but it was possible they to had an expiration date. That didn’t matter, what mattered was how they should use that time.

Gohan’s life was shorter than theirs but he had lived a long and fulfilling life. The quality outweighed the number of years. With their time they could do so much more. So the consensus agreed they would continue to live and keep improving their skills.

He was gone, but he would never be forgotten. His teachings would be carried on by their gems and shared with any gem they created. So in a way Gohan would live on through them, gaining immortality in his own special way. Together they went over his lessons with new perspective and began to understand.

They thought about making Earth a Colony, turning humans into gems, both increasing their forces and preventing what happened to Gohan. This idea had pros and cons to this. The gems knew not all humans were good and kind like Gohan, giving the wrong human powers would bring disaster. Not all humans would be strong enough to handle the process either. After some back and forth this idea was rejected.

That didn’t mean they had to do nothing. Gohan traveled the world and met many different people and helped them. They could do the same. Strengthening their numbers wasn’t a bad idea either, but they’d need to be sure who they were turning. It was deemed they’d make gems on a case by case basis.

They were two young diamonds, they needed more experience before building a Colony of their own.

In kind going out and “destroying all evil” was also rejected. While they had power they lacked perspective. Good and evil was more complex than life and death. They came to the consensus that this would also be handled in a case by case basis. Karoly recognized that had they not met Gohan they could have gone down a darker path, not caring about life, or their powers making them arrogant and wicked.

It was possible they could have used this planet to make gems and not cared about the people on it. So it was decided they’d follow a path of mercy and give enemies a chance to change.

They decided to continue training and working to survive. It was unanimous they had to get stronger if anything to prepare for the one who bested Yellow Diamond, to protect the colony they’d inevitably build, and to honor the man who raised them.

Their meditation took longer than intended but it was as long as they needed as Karoly split, with Blue and Green diamond hugging each other. “We’ll be okay…”

“We’ll be fine…”

To be continued


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