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X-Men Evolution parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Male Bonding

Kurt was feeling a bit lonely. ‘Maybe now’s a good time to talk to Mr. Logan…’ He went around the mansion but couldn’t find anyone. ‘Where is everybody?’ Xavier was in Cerebro’s room, checking for mutants.

Storm was off doing some shopping. Remy had asked for and chipped in for some ingredients.

Nightcrawler used his teleport powers to keep up the search and found the men outside. ‘Oh wow!’ His cheeks burned.

Two men playing basketball shouldn’t have been so hot or arousing, but it was. Gambit and Wolverine were shirtless, wearing cut off pants. Remy had his hair tied back in a ponytail, and had a red bandanna on.

Sunlight was dancing over their muscular bodies, glistening with sweat as they played some one on one with each other. ‘It’s like they are dancing…’ Kurt stared at them, heat surging through his loins. His blood rushed south as he watched the two men play.

Muscles moving and flexing, sweat running over their nooks and crannies. The cut off pants hugged their hips sinfully so and Logan’s package was bulging out lewdly. ‘So big!’

Kurt licked his lips. ‘So hot!’ The two played hard, and Remy had no issue playing dirty. He rubbed his ass against Logan’s bulge.

“I thought you wanted some clean fun?”

“I did! Aren’t we having fun?” He asked while rubbing his ass against Logan’s bulge.

“You asking for it bub!” He slapped Remy’s ass.

“Okay! Okay...spoil sport…” Gambit zipped around and shot the ball. Logan jumped and caught the ball, making it his before dunking it. “Damn!”

“Heh I win!” He dropped from the basket.

“Mmm, how about a prize Big Daddy?” He threw his arms around the hunk.

Kurt gasped and his penis throbbed. “Can’t keep it in your can you bub?” He cupped Remy’s ass.

“What can I say, you bring it out of me?” He rubbed himself against Wolverine.

Logan rolled his eyes before kissing him. “Mmm~”

‘They are kissing…’ Nightcrawler felt his heart race, his cock getting so hard it hurt. He chewed on his bottom lip and squirmed as he watched the two studs make out. ‘They like guys too?’ It was a weight off his shoulders.

Kurt began to paw at himself. Their kiss broke and Logan whispered something into Remy’s ear. Gambit turned up the heat and began gyrating against Logan, feeling up his muscled body.

‘I shouldn’t be watching this...but…’ He was so hard it hurt. A hand slipped into his pants and boxers and he began to touch himself. His eyes closed but the image was burned into his mind. The fuzzy dude dove into his fantasy, imagining himself between them.

“See something you like sugar?” Kurt opened his eyes and there was Remy. “Looks like you got your hand in the cookie jar.”

“Waah!” Nightcrawler backed up and bumped into Wolverine. “I’m sorry please don’t be angry with me!” He tried to flee but was grabbed and pulled into Logan’s chest. “Oohhh~!”

The manly musk hit him and helped him relax, but he was still frazzled as he was pressed into the man’s body. “Easy elf, we aren’t mad at ya or anything.” Kurt could have teleported away, but he REALLY didn’t want to.

“Really?” He was too cute.

“Really really, why don’t you relax in Big Daddy’s pecs and get a big whiff.” The young mutant shivered. Logan shot Remy a glare. Gambit just shrugged.

He had a feeling Kurt swung this way and had the hots for Wolverine.

‘Big Daddy?’ He thought, but obeyed taking in a nice long whiff of Logan’s manly musk. “Ohh!” His cock began to weep. It was so good, his mutant body gave off a rather enticing aroma.

“Looks like our little Nightcrawler here is a scent slut!” Remy ruffled his hair and Kurt blushed. “No shame in that sugar.”

“It’s really okay?” He looked up at Logan who sighed.

“Go on Big Daddy, let him get a hit of the good stuff!” Putting a mental check to punish Remy later, Wolverine raised an arm and offered his sweaty pit to Kurt.

“Ohhh yeah~!” Kurt’s tail curled in delight, as the scent drew him in. He buried his face in the area and breathed deeply. Logan’s musk was strong and powerful, and hotter than any cologne could be. Even Remy enjoyed a nice whiff after Logan’s been training.

Nightcrawler jizzed his boxers, having a scent-gasm. As he made a mess in his horny state he started to lap at Logan’s pit. “He’s a natural!” Remy praised.

It took the fuzzy boy a bit to calm down, when he came back to his senses he realized he was caught and what he just did. “I’m sorry!” He covered his soaked crotch.

“You need to relax sugar, we ain’t mad or nothin’!”

“But aren’t you two, and I did, huh?” He thought he interrupted a couple, let alone got involved.

“Easy, Logan here is one all star stud of a mutant, he’s got two mates in his little pack, and there’s always room for one more.”

“Remy!” Logan growled.

“Two lovers! Is that possible, are they both men, how does that work?!” Kurt began to ramble.

‘Poor kid’s got it bad, not used to people, can happen to some.’ Remy thought. ‘He needs Logan!’ For mutants like Kurt finding 1 person to love them was a hard enough concept to grasp.

Logan patted his shoulder. “Let’s go hit the showers and you can suit up for some training.”

“Is this punishment for peeping? How did you know I was there?” Logan tapped his nose.

“I could smell you, especially when you got aroused.” Kurt blushed.


“Stop apologizing.”

“Sorry!” Logan face palmed.

“Listen, Charles told you about being an X-Men right?” Kurt nodded.

“Yes, to learn how to use our powers for...umm...the future!” The X-Men was Xaviers means of preparing mutants for the future, to protect themselves should they need it, and to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves from those who’d abuse their powers.

“For that you’ll need training.”

“Before training, we should do some bonding.”

“Bonding?” Kurt asked.

Logan raised a brow at him.

“Yes, what better way to build trust between teammates than some bonding.” Remy had a point. Kurt’s been living quite the reserved life, he needed to relax and trust them. As much as Wolverine wished to protest, but from his past he knew how well manly bonding worked. Not just with Scott, but deep, deep in his past with Captain America.

“What do you say elf?” Logan patted his shoulder.

“You mean we can do...stuff...you’d have me?” He twiddled his fingers nervously.

“Let’s start with some bonding and see where it goes.” Nightcrawler’s tail wagged.

They hit the showers and got washed up. “So big!” Kurt gasped at Logan’s size. “Is that why he calls you Big Daddy?”

Wolverine glared at Gambit, who couldn’t hold in his chuckles. “Part of it pfft!”

He gazed at their bodies, so large, chiseled, and big! Kurt tried to flex and he wasn’t super muscular. “Can I get big like you guys?”

“If you train and work at it.”

“If you are asking about your rod there, you might be stuck with what you got.” Remy pointed at Kurt’s rod. He blushed and covered himself. “No shame in what you are packing sugar!” Kurt was actually bigger than Scott at 7 inches. His penis was uncut, with blue skin, and a purplish head.

Logan nudge him. “Will you stop teasing him.”

“I’m praising him!” Gambit loved games.

“With you it’s hard to tell.” Kurt couldn’t help but chuckle.

He actually felt like he could relax here, he’s always been blue and fuzzy so he’s had to keep his guard up and hold his distance from people. His adoptive parents were nice enough, but they were a touch old fashioned saying things like…

“Oh sweetie some day you’ll meet a nice girl, who will get to know the inner you and you’ll fall in love and live together happily.” Kurt didn’t have the heart to tell them. So he put up a front even for them. In this place, with these men, he didn’t have to hide.

He eyed these men as they showered, his penis rising to attention. “You are quite the pervert aren’t you sugar?” Remy snuck up behind him and took hold of his hard rod.

“Ohhh~!” Kurt moaned. Gambit pulled the foreskin back exposing the sensitive tip. “Mmm~!” The older mutant teased his penis, handling it with expert skill.

He stopped washing himself as Remy pumped him. Couldn’t have that as Logan stepped up and began washing Kurt’s body as he was jerked off. “Is ahh is this a dream…” He moaned. “If it is I don’t wanna wake up…” His toes curled.

“Not a dream elf!” He kissed Kurt’s cheek, before nibbling on one of his pointy ears.

The fuzzy dude relaxed, sinking into the pleasure. Logan’s touch felt amazing, strong and experienced that had Nightcrawler melting. “You need to clean here.” He caressed the young man’s hole.

“But I don’t...I thought…” It was true a mutants biology was different, their holes basically existed for sex. For a mutant like Kurt who had his mutation since he was an infant.

Remy chuckled. “Relax, you’ll love it.” Logan knelt behind him and spread Kurt’s cheeks.

“Oh my god!” Kurt howled, placing his hands on Remy’s shoulders as Wolverine ate him out. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ohhh~” He drooled and his tail curled in delight.

Logan’s tongue probed and wiggled inside his ass, darting back and forth. His tongue skills were legendary, his tongue was so strong it opened his hole up. Kurt’s first tongue fucking was heaven.

He made out with his hole. “Ahh ahh Yessss ahhh!” Wolverine raised a hand up and fondled Kurt’s nuts, teasing the soft fur over his sac.

His ass was getting eaten out, while his rod was being polished by a pro. Remy could squeeze and work him keeping on a blissful edge.

Nightcrawler’s legs buckled. ‘I can’t hold…’ He arched his back. “I’m cumming!”

“Watch me sugar!” Kurt looked down as he came, and shot his load all over Remy’s face.

‘Oh wow!’ He shivered, his seed splashed, and Remy even opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to catch some of the falling seed. ‘So hot!’

The bukkake didn’t last as the shower spray swept the seed away. Wolverine pulled became, leaving his hole wet and twitching. “Nice and clean.”

Kurt’s legs felt like jelly, but he was supported by Logan. “Alright elf, let’s finish this bonding on a bench.” He was manhandled so easily.

Nightcrawler was carried over and held in Logan’s lap, he was able to catch his breath as Remy joined them. He felt Logan’s erection against his butt. ‘It’s so big!’ His hole twitched. “Are we gonna do it?” He asked innocently.

“Not today sugar, this is all about bonding, helping you get to know us, and us knowing you. There’s plenty of time for that, and things like this have to go slow. Try to take Big Daddy when you aren’t ready it’ll hurt...a lot…” Kurt looked a little dissapointed. “It’s like doing anything, can’t enter the Olympics when you’ve just learned to swim.”

“Ohh that makes sense!”

‘Nice, I rock at this teaching thing!’ Remy thought.

“Do...well...can I call you daddy to?” Logan rolled his eyes.

“Only in private, don’t be like this fool who can’t keep his mouth shut. Around the mansion you can call me Logan or Mr. Logan, while on missions I’m Wolverine, and...in the bedroom you can call me Daddy.” He ruffled his hair. “Be sure to not mix these up elf, it can be trouble.”

“Right!” He gave Logan a thumbs up. Going on missions and stuff, using certain names in public could leak information, putting comrades in danger. “Then, can I have a kiss Daddy!”

Logan blushed. “Save your first kiss for someone special. Even if you think it’s me, save it.”

“Oh okay…” Wolverine didn’t explain himself well, but Kurt was weirdly understanding him.

“Besides, there’s more you can do with those pretty lips of yours. Let me show you!” Remy said before sitting between Nightcrawler’s legs and taking his cock in his mouth.

“Ohhhh~!” Kurt’s head rolled back, he was worked back into a lustful frenzy. His tail curled around Logan’s waist. Wolverine fought back a groan as Kurt wiggled his furry butt against his crotch.

“Guess we are still bonding.” His hands came around and played with Nightcrawler’s nipples. He pinched and toyed with the buds, sending pleasure down to his twitching length. It was quite the learning experience. The fuzzy male learned his nipples were an erogenous zone.

His legs went up on Gambit’s shoulders as the mutant went down on him, slurping and sucking on his hard cock. His big balls were drained again and Remy made sure not to waste a drop. He savored the flavor, letting the man milk swish in his mouth a bit before gulping it down. “You gotta try this.” He sat down next to Wolverine.

Remy kissed Logan, sharing the young man’s flavor with him. The two made out for a bit. “Hey!” Nightcrawler came back from his lust. “I may not know a lot about this stuff, but I do know it’s not fair to be a selfish lover!”

He scooted over and sat between them. Logan and Remy were both hard. “You don’t have to…” Kurt looked determined.

“Manly bonding yes?” Wolverine nodded.

Nightcrawler needed both hands to work his big dick. “Aww what about me?” Remy teased.

“I got it!” He used his tail, curling it around Remy’s rod.

“Oh we got a fast learner here!” He moaned and relaxed letting the tail do the work.

“Yeah we do.” Logan ran his fingers through Kurt’s hair. The touch was tender and sweet and made his heart flutter.


Scott met up with Toad after school. “You showed up?!”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Toad shrugged.

“I dunno man, we might be mutants but you and I run in different circles, if you know what I mean.”

“Not really…” Toad sighed.

“Do I gotta spell it out, you live in that big mansion, while I gotta chill in the slums, stealing to survive.” He kicked a rock. “All these spoiled rich punks think its fun to push me around, they don’t know how hard it is, or the damage I could do if I showed them my mutant side.”

“You can’t!” Scott snapped.

He flipped. “I know I’ve heard, it’s not safe yada yada.” Hee waved Scott off before slouching down like a frog.

‘Heard, from who?’ Toad wasn’t a master spy, unaware of keeping his cards close to his chest. He didn’t know it, but that slip told Scott a lot. There was another person recruiting mutants, but for what? ‘Does Professor Xavier know about this?’

“Look Todd…” Toad snatched a fly out of the air.

“Please you can call me Toad.”

“Fine Toad, you know you can come live at the Institute, you’d have a roof over your head, a warm place to sleep, and meals included.”

“Really, you’d let a guy like me in?” He crossed his arms not really buying it.

“You might need to improve your hygiene a bit, but I’m sure you’d be welcomed.” It was a small price to pay really. “You won’t have to steal and there’s plenty of other mutants there who’d be your friend.”

A nice offer, that made guilt eat at Toad’s heart. He was told to get close and be a spy, but Scott was being so nice. “Like you?”

“Yeah, we can be friends.” Scott offered his hand.

“Sorry if I don’t believe you, I’ve been burned before, people trying to “help” me!” He made the finger quotes. This was true, plus he thought it best if he didn’t look too eager to infiltrate the mansion. “It either doesn’t last or too good to be true.”

“I’m telling ya Toad, this offer is real and true. I can introduce you to professor Xavier and you’ll know, trust me.”

Toad eyed him. “You’ve always been good to me Summers, never busted my balls or piled on when those jock jerks cornered me. That goes far, but I need proof this is for reals. That we can be friends.”

“Proof huh?” Scott thought about. ‘Well Logan did tell me to make friends.’ He grabbed Toad’s hand. “Come with me!”

“Hey!” He was dragged along, but not towards Scott’s car but into the school and into one of the bathrooms. “Great let me guess swirly time?”

“Nope, you want proof, I’ll show you my offer of friendship is genuine.” Summers brought Toad into the stall.

“What are we doing here...whoa!” Zip! His pants were undone and with one firm motion his pants and underwear were tugged down. Toad was rocking 5 inches. “Summers hey whoa I got…Ohhh~”

Scott played with his cock and balls. “You...you’ve done this before...huh….ohh!” His penis stirred to life and rose to attention.

Toad braced himself against the walls, his penis pumped and balls rubbed. “Oh man, oh man!” He shivered and bucked. “Summers wait!”

“Relax Tolansky this is what friends are for. Nothing like bonding between guys right?”

“I-I-I-I-I wouldn’t know…” He never had friends, especially friends like this. Scott was playing with his family jewels like a pro, working his shaft and making him all wet. His nuts were quite large, it was clear he hadn’t jerked off much. With his mutant gene activated he was feeling hornier than usual. ‘Oh man this feels so good, way better than my own hand!’

His face got redder as his libido surged. “Summers...I can’t...hold it…”

“Let it out!”

“Ohhh!” He came, splashing Scott in the face. His spurts were insane shooting even over Scott’s head and landing on the stall door behind him.

“So how about that trip to the institute?” Toad nodded. “Let’s hit the showers and get going.”

“Okay…” Toad’s loyalties may have shifted somewhat, just a little.

To be continued


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