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Hey guys if I haven't finished your september requests, here is a special offer to trade them in for a bonus kinktober special or tentacleween. You do not have to do that, the requests can roll over onto the tier 1 list and i'll finish them this month. 

If I already finished your september request you can still get a kinktober special or tentacleween by trading your october request which i'll make that post in the next 2 days. You don't have to do that either this is just something fun I do because I love halloween and october in general



I don't think you've done my request so I'd love to get it traded. Is there an official list for the prompts ? I remember that there was "size stealing" in the list of a previous year, so I wonder if you could so something like that for some Bleach characters...


I would like to trade both Sep and Oct request for the kink fics, (already discussed in the inbox)


Perfect ! Then could you do "size stealing" with Hitsugaya (the one stealing) and Grimmjow (the one loosing) please ?


cool beans, would you like toshiro to be in his normal form or his mature form


Can you do the King/Meliodas facesitting kink fic first (for the Sep? )

Damion Andrew

Man, I would have loved to trade. Getting two Kinktober fits would have been the ultimate treat!