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Inuyasha parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 10 

Chapter 10.5 

Chapter 11 Hole in the Wall

Inuyasha was on Kouga’s mind, their rivalry being drawn out. He thought about Inuyasha enjoying toys and enjoying all that cock in the showers. ‘It’s not fair, I’m better than that mutt, I can suck cock better than him!’

Suck cock...taste cock...serve cock...love cock…’ Kouga was determined to beat Inuyasha. They used to duke it out over how many girls they could bed, but now his mind was focused on other things. He had almost completely forgotten about women completely.

After he dropped off his delivery to Inuyasha, he immediately forgot about it. He had better things on his mind, opening up his glory hole. Using his claws he dug the hole out of the wall himself, now he just needed patrons. Lucky for him Ginta approached him.

He didn’t know what he was talking about having a conversation with Inuyasha. “Sorry Kouga, my mistake.” Kouga swung an arm around him.

“Ginta my friend, you are too tense. You need to cut loose. Have you heard this rumor…” He whispered into his ear.

“A glory hole!” Ginta gasped.

“Yep, right here in school. Let me tell you, it’s the best place to get your dick wet and your balls milked.” The wolf demon blushed.

‘Is that what Kouga’s been doing all this time?’ He did seem more relaxed than normal. Kouga’s streaking helped him relax.

“Just do me a favor…”

“I won’t tell anyone I swear!” Kouga shook his head.

“No no no, if you have a great time I want you to spread the word understand.” Ginta nodded. “That’s my boy!” He patted Ginta’s back.

‘I’ll drain the balls of the guys and Inuyasha won’t have anyone turning to him!’ He thought with a smirk.

Suck cock...taste cock...serve cock...love cock…’ Kouga licked his lips already imagining all the big meat he was gonna get to savor.

Ginta was given a time, and it synced up with the time Kouga disappeared. So the wolf demon believed he understood what Kouga’s been up to lately. He hadn’t jerked off in awhile or gotten laid, so he was eager to drain his balls a bit.


Kouga made it to his stall, he got naked. ‘Don’t think just feel!’ He felt so much better naked, his dick sprang up twitching lewdly.

‘Much better!’ The wolf demon stretched in all his naked glory. “Mmm~!”

Don’t think just obey!’ Kouga moved and got his toy, he jerked his cock, using his pre-cum to lube the dildo up. The essence was slathered up before being set down. He spread his cheeks before sinking down onto the toy.

The faux dick stretched his hole open. It felt good having his hole stuffed. ‘Master’s cock is better...Master’s cock is best…’ Kouga shivered, his inner walls hugging the toy. The satisfaction of having his hole filled, was replaced with a hunger for a real cock, one specific cock in mind.

He sat on the dildo and waited for Ginta to arrive, lazily playing with his dick. It wasn’t to get off but keeping him hard and needy. When the door opened, Kouga’s hand immediately dropped from his aching cock.

Ginta shuffled into the bathroom. He knew this bathroom wasn’t used much, but almost didn’t believe it was being used for a hook up spot. ‘Am I really doing this?’ He entered the second stall and spotted the glory hole. ‘Oh man!’

The wolf demon knocked on the wall three times, and received a double knock back. So someone was there and waiting for him. Ginta gulped.

He could already feel his loins rising. By the time he undid his pants and lowered his underwear, his erection sprang up. “Ohh!” His fat rod twitched in the air.

‘I’m gonna do this, I can do this!’ Ginta slipped his cock through the hole.

Kouga’s eyes widened at the fat rod, he may have been longer than his friend but he was impressed by the girth. ‘Love cock...serve cock…’ He leaned forward and took a deep breath. The manly musk made his head spin, all thoughts fading away and was replaced with fluff.

He panted lustfully, Ginta feeling his warm breath on his length. Kouga got to work, giving the tip a hello kiss. ‘This is Ginta’s cock!’ He was a higher class of wolf demon and about to suck this guy’s cock...

Love cock...serve cock...taste cock...suck cock…’ He used his teeth to peel back Ginta’s foreskin, exposing the sensitive tip. Kouga eagerly licked his length, licking at his glans, and swirling around the head. ‘Cock is good...cock is best…’ A new layer of words rose up in his mind, they were always there, waiting in the depths for this trigger.

Ginta moaned as the person behind the glory hole worked his length. His rod was spit polished and licked clean. “Mmm!” He had to brace himself against the wall. “Ohh fuck your tongue is amazing!”

Kouga was slobbering over his rod, his flexible tongue working his length like a pro. Thanks to his past experience being filtered and the experience on his own dick was coming out in spades. He dragged his tongue along Ginta’s shaft, burning his taste into his tastebuds, and pleasuring the wolf demon.

Ginta panted as every inch was licked, he’s had some good blow jobs in his life but the glory hole slut was blowing them out of the water. He could feel the person’s enjoyment in sucking dick, the passion and hunger behind each lick. “You...fuck...you’re really good!”

The praise sent pleasure through Kouga’s form. ‘Good boy!’ Kouga’s hole squeezed the dildo tightly.

‘Mmm~!’ His eyes fluttered.

He moved back to the tip, before swallowing his rod. “Ohhh~!” Ginta howled, his butt cheeks clenched as he felt his orgasm near.

Kouga had another man’s cock between his lips. ‘His cock is so big and thick, I love it!’ His tongue worked the underside as he sucked on the man meat. He sucked Ginta’s cock, bobbing back and forth over his length, even hollowing his cheeks for extra pressure.

“Ohh damn, ohh fuck fuck fuck I’m cumming!” His hefty balls lurched and his dick swelled as fresh man milk surged through his pipe and into Kouga’s waiting mouth.

Cock is good...cum is good...good boys earn their cum...suck cock...serve cock...earn cum...drink cum...chug cum!’ The trigger hit and Kouga doubled his efforts, sucking Ginta through his release.

He hadn’t even finished cumming. “Oh wait I just came oh ohh ohh ohh ohh!” Ginta was trembling.

‘More cum...I want more!’ He barely got to enjoy the other man’s flavor before he swallowed the first load down.

Ginta’s demon stamina was drawn upon, and the larger wolf demon worked to earn his milk. His legs were feeling like jelly as the glory hole slut pulled him over the edge with a second release.

This time Kouga savored his treat, pulling his head back to catch the load in his mouth. Ginta shuddered. Kouga felt his cheeks punch out as the man milk flooded him. “Mmm~!” He released the cock with a pop and savored the man milk.

Good boy!’ Kouga shuddered in delight, having a dry orgasm from the mental trigger. ‘Love cock...cock is good...master’s cock is best...serve cock...earn your cum...train for master’s cock...drink cum...crave cock...suck cock...chug cum…’ It was like he was getting pieces of a message on loop and the words were becoming more and more clear.

The mental message was woven through his mind, even his inner beast wasn’t able to tell the difference between their thoughts. Ginta pulled his cock back from the hole and Kouga whined at the loss. “Wow you must be some kind of slut to suck cock that good. Kouga was right this is awesome.” He fixed himself up and left. “I can’t wait to tell Hakkaku about this.”

Kouga smirked. He was gonna get more customers, more cocks to enjoy and serve. The wolf demon was riding high until he hit the showers and saw Inuyasha serving four guys at once, Bankotsu and Jakotsu were using his mouth, Hiten was rubbing his dick against Inuyasha’s pit, Muso was getting jerked off. Inuyasha gave him a look that said. ‘Beat this wolf!’

Don’t think just obey.’ He’d beat that, he felt his competitive nature rise. Kouga hit the gym to work out his sexual frustrations, and after school he went for his naked run through the halls.

Inuyasha caught him again. “Hey there wolf!”

“Damn it mutt face why are you here?!” He covered himself.

“Got a question for ya, how do you feel about Kagome?”

Kouga’s eyes widened. “Shit Kagome...I totally forgot...what have I been…” Inuyasha reached his hand out.

“Give me paw!” Kouga obeyed and everything went black for the wolf demon. “Still not ready for phase 3.”


Hakkaku couldn’t believe there was a glory hole in the school. Ginta wasn’t one to lie. The next day he went to the spot, and there it was the hole in the wall. ‘No fucking way!’ His cock stiffened. Three knocks, and two knocks back.

Kouga was lying in wait, naked, aroused, and ass stuffed.

When Hakkaku offered his long wolf dick he went down on it like before. Hakkaku lasted longer than Ginta, but he came just the same. “Oh you dirty slut, you suck my cock so good baby!”

Kouga was shocked at the dirty talk, but it wasn’t uncommon for wolf demons to get dirty in bed. The words turned Kouga on if anything and he sucked Hakkaku harder and with more gusto. He played with his nipples as he worked. This was training after all in his mind.

Hakkaku’s cock lasted for three orgasms and Kouga sank deeper. “Oh man that was awesome, I can’t wait to tell everybody!” Hakkaku’s big mouth was gonna be put to good use.

Soon enough the rumors about the mysterious hole in the wall sprang up and the talented mouth behind it. Kouga was quite busy, instead of hitting the books he was hitting the gym, instead of chasing skirts he was occupied in the mornings, at lunch. After school was his “me time”.

Kouga’s drive for cock was so great he dropped one of his classes for a free period which he spent behind the hole in the wall. A few familiar cocks crossed his path, and he gave it his all to drain those balls, so there would be nothing for Inuyasha to enjoy. ‘My cocks, my dicks, my cum!’

No matter how many dicks he sucked it wasn’t enough, he didn’t feel truly satisfied. ‘I want Master’s cock...I want master’s cock…’

To be continued...Big Bad Lies

Ayame goes after Kouga, the wolf demon’s been spinning lies to hide his activities. Inuyasha checks on him and finds he just might be ready for Phase 3!


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