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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 1/Symbiotober Special

Day 2 of Symbiotober

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Rumble!

The ooze, began to spread over Yusuke’s body. ‘What the hell is this?’ His mouth became covered by the weird creature. Whatever it was seeped under his clothes, slowly spreading over his muscles.

Urameshi didn’t sit back and do nothing, he thrashed and fell off the bench. ‘Get off me!’ He struggled and twisted, but even as he clawed at the goo his fingers just slid right through the foreign substance.

A fighter...I like that…’Yusuke would swear he heard a voice in his head. As the ooze spread over Yusuke it got a peek into his mind.

His body was full of potential, but his mind was the real wealth. Yusuke’s past was a delicious novel, full of struggle, action, a true underdog story. He was a survivor, just perfect for the demon symbiote.

Despite Yusuke’s gruff and angry exterior, which was more walls he put up to protect his nobler heart. He became tough to survive, and the demon suit respected that. Physically, mentally, even spiritually, the apparition had truly found the perfect host, he just needed to prove it.

‘What the hell is this stuff.’ The suit copied Yusuke’s clothing design, before absorbing the clothe. Urameshi let out a muffled “Hey!” as he was now shirtless. He could see the ooze clinging to him like a second skin. His hands that had been trying to remove the ooze just got covered and the gunk spread up his arms.

It moved lower, sliding down Yusuke’s hips. The ooze copied the design of his pants before absorbing them as well. Yusuke blushed as he was caught with his pants down in a public area. His mind quickly flipped of what would happen if he was caught like this.

Do not worry, I sense no one around.’He blinked in confusion. His eyes darted about and he also saw the park was quite empty, most people were either in school or at work at this time.

‘Who said that?’

I did!’ The ooze spoke to his mind, shifting up over his chest and to his pits.

‘I must be going crazy this slime is talking to me!’ It gurgled.

I am no slime! I’m an apparition from the demon realm. My kind needs hosts, but we form bonds with them to create and symbiotic relationship.’ Yusuke squirmed.

‘I must be going crazy, this isn’t happening. I’m dead right, I got hit by that car and I died?’

You are not dead, this is real...I am real…’ The ooze continued it’s path, running down Urameshi’s legs. It took over Yusuke’s shoes copied and absorbed. Now barefoot, the strange goo began to spread over his feet.

As it spread over his body, he read Yusuke like a book. He knew the boy wouldn’t accept help easily, the world has cracked him. ‘In my world I’m seen as lesser, because I need to bond with another creature I’m called a parasite. Do you know how it feels to be looked down on, stepped on, judged by what you are now, your potential ignored?’

It knew Yusuke had felt this, but it wanted the guy to understand him on his own. The ooze’s words struck a cord in Yusuke, helping bring down his walls. It wanted to show Yusuke how a bond between them would benefit him.

‘So...you want me as a host?’

Yes, you are perfect, strong, determined, and full of potential. I can help bring out your potential and gift you the benefits of our bond.’

‘What kind of benefits?’ The creature smirked, and in an instant it dissolved Yusuke’s boxers. ‘Oi!’ The ooze spread over his crotch and ass.

Oh there is a lot I can do, and for a human like you there’s plenty more.’ The ooze began to work his cock. He was rocking some thick man meat with sizable balls.

‘Oi...oi hey...ohhh~!’ Yusuke blushed as his arousal began to grow.

I can do all sorts of things, my kind can evolve bodies enhancing them, I can do the same for a human body to.’ Yusuke’s meat was pumped by the ooze, his cheeks growing redder. Urameshi’s cheeks were spread by the apparition.

The human’s eyes fluttered, his body giving in to the pleasure. Ooze spread over his entire form, from the mouth down he was completely encased.

Pleasure spread through Yusuke’s body, which gave the ooze a new chapter to read. All of the lad’s hormonal desires and thoughts, even the ones he tried to keep in the back of his head. It played the naughty thoughts in Yusuke’s head on a loop all while stimulating him.

Yusuke writhed and watched as his cock was worked. The ooze teased his sac, groping and massaging his balls. “Mmm mmm mm~!” Urameshi’s moans were muffled.

I’m still a demon with knowledge and power, all that will be at your disposal and you can do with it as you wish. You can become a demon yourself or become a hero, whatever you decide I’ll be on your side partner.’ To prove this he helped find new erogenous zones for Yusuke to enjoy.

Urameshi’s nipples were pinched and sucked on, the sensations being alternated to drive the human wild. Yusuke bucked his hips and the ooze slipped into his hole, exploring his virgin channel. He was so hot and bothered he didn’t even protest.

From some of the porn Yusuke has seen, he’s had thoughts, thoughts he kept to himself mostly. They were there in the back of his mind and the ooze was letting them out to play.

The ooze reached even further, penetrating Yusuke’s pipe and slipping down his long length. It worked on sealing the deal with pleasure, attacking Yusuke’s prostate from both ends. ‘Say it Yusuke, do we have a deal.’

‘Do I even have a choice!?’ Yusuke squirmed.

Of course you do, this is a partnership not a take over. Say no I’ll be gone by the time you wake up, say yes and we’ll be partners in crime!’ There was still a small thread of hesitation on Yusuke’s part. ‘I’ll always have your back Yusuke, I’ll be a part of you, so I can’t betray you.’

The slime fucked his ass and cock, while working his shaft and nipples in kind. It was a little hard to think with all the pleasure surging through him. ‘Fine, it’s a deal, we’ll be partners!’ The ooze smirked and consumed Yusuke’s body.

His orgasm rocked him, toes curling, back arching, and everything went black. It was the best orgasm he ever had, far better than evenings he had with just his hand and a box of dirty movies. As he fainted the ooze got to work, with the deal struck he bonded with Yusuke.

There wasn’t any deceit in his words only desperation. Without a host he would die and wither away sooner or later. Yusuke would likely be his last host, but what a host he made.

He got to work and evolved Yusuke’s body allowing him to tap into his spirit energy, and gave him access to the demon energy of the ooze. His body was matured by the ooze, the human limitations were lifted, and the effects of his poor living conditions were fixed allowing his body to grow. His vessel became stronger and stronger.

Yusuke got some demon world knowledge courtesy of the goo. It was certainly an eye opening experience, but he’d have knowledge of both Spirit World and Demon World. In kind he learned about the Human World.

The two became one, the ooze becoming a mix of black and green.


Yusuke came to, and he was fully dressed. “Was that...all a dream?” He looked himself and not a hair seemed out of place. “Oh man I must be going crazy.”

You are not going crazy, partner!’ Urameshi bolted upright.

“You!” He looked around. “Wait...where are you?”

With you partner.’ Yusuke’s jacket melted and there was the ooze, he was mostly green, with black eyes, the only white on him was his pointy teeth. ‘We are one!’ Bonding with Yusuke helped the ooze mature.

“So that wasn’t a dream…” Yusuke blushed. “So um what do I call you?”

You can call me Rumble!’ Yusuke liked it, and that was the name that came to his head too.

To be continued...My Power is Your Power

Since bonding Yusuke and Rumble are living it up. Yusuke is able to see ghosts and spirits now, and notices a boy in his school is possessed. He catches the demon and Rumble shows an extra trick he has, he takes Chiaki’s Spirit Dash and copies it.


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