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One Piece parody: Patreon Reward

Warning: Dark Themes

Chapter 2 

Shell Bombs: Red/Fireworks, Yellow/Dissolve Spores, Blue/Paint

Chapter 3

Roronoa Zoro was a talented swordsman. He was quite infamous in the East Blue. In his youth he came across a dojo and challenged it, and after losing to the master’s son, he took up the sword.

He trained for years, strengthening his body, he defeated Saga once creating a fierce rivalry between them. The two went at it for years, tradings wins and loses over and over, getting stronger with each contest. Saga was the master’s son and was believed to take over the dojo when he came of age.

That wasn’t what Saga wanted, he wanted to set off and see the world. His master didn’t approve. As strong as Saga was he hadn’t been able to defeat the master. His skills seemed to be on another level, that even seeing him at his most serious Saga believed he was still holding back.

As the two grew up, they had one final match. It was a duel for the dojo’s greatest sword. Zoro managed to defeat Saga and take the Wado Ichimonji as his own sword.

Saga was a skilled swordsman, but he had noble goals. He wanted to use his skills to help people. So he set off to sea. They did hear from him for a time.

Zoro sailed out a year later, in a few months he became infamous as Pirate Hunter Zoro. He was after a certain man, Hawkeye Mihawk! The man known as the greatest swordsman in the world, Zoro wanted to find him and defeat him. It was his goal to become the greatest.

The swordsman didn’t become a bounty hunter by choice, he took out bandits and pirates for their bounties so he could eat and keep up the upkeep on his swords. He befriended two guys, who were actually bounty hunters Johnny and Yosaku. People may have thought of him as a demon, but he was a good guy.

It was how he ended up in the situation he was in now.


Johnny and Yosaku were on a job, wanting to prove their worth to the team. Zoro didn’t think it was necessary, but they were adamant. So he was chilling in Shells Town. It was just supposed to be a relaxing wait where he could do some training. This place had a marine base, so if any punks caused trouble he could take them in for easy bounty. How much trouble could he get at such a small town with a marine base?

If only he knew.

The base was run by Axe Hand Morgan, he was a lower ranked punk in the marines. He was the survivor of a pirate attack and managed to capture Captain Kuro and executed him. Such a big catch earned him a promotion.

Morgan lost a hand and had a broken jaw, but the marines paid him back, gave him an iron jaw and an axe to replace his hand. In his mind it gave him all the power he needed. He ran the marine base like a dictator. Obey his orders or death…

The other marines couldn’t even report it, as Morgan held the lives of all the people in town as hostages. He could kill a lot of people before another ship came. After awhile the fear had broken many of their spirits.

Morgan’s fear spread through the people, as he taxed the town and pocketed the extra. He spent the money on himself and his idiot son. Helmeppo was a real piece of work, he was a spoiled brat who used his father’s influence and money to live an easy and pampered life.

He used his fellow marines as servants, and the town’s people had to deal with his idiotic whims. For example walking down the street with a vicious dog, entering a restaurant expecting to be fed on the house, and letting said dog run around causing a mess.

The daughter of the owner tried to chase off the dog, and Helmeppo was fine with the beast mauling her. Zoro wasn’t, he stepped in and took out the mangy beast. “How dare you attack my precious pet doggy!” Helmeppo attacked Zoro, and with no training or skill with the sword, Roronoa quickly disarmed him and pointed his blade at the sniveling coward.

“Wait wait hold on!” Helmeppo was sweating bullets. “You’re pirate hunter Zoro aren’t you?”

“So what of it?” Zoro glared at him.

“You shouldn’t be challenging the marines like this, it’ll cause you trouble for sure.” Helmeppo smirked. “For you and them.”

The mother and daughter flinched in fear. Roronoa took note, and knew what he was implying. “What do you want?”

“We can overlook this incident easily, I propose a challenge, a test of your will!” Zoro would agree to spend one month tied up in the execution yard, if he survived he could walk away free and the family would be spared.

So the deal was struck and Zoro was marched to the marine base. “We’ll have to confiscate your swords of course.” Zoro glared at him and Helmeppo paled. “We’ll give them back after the trial of course.”

“Fine...but you better keep them safe.” He handed the blades over.

“You also need to strip.” Roronoa turned on him.

“Excuse me?!” He hissed.

“We need to make sure you aren’t carrying any other weapons. It’s protocol!” Helmeppo wasn’t exactly lying, prisoners were stripped searched when they were locked up, for obvious reasons. “You aren’t shy are you?”

“Whatever…” Zoro stripped off his clothes, exposing his well trained body. Helmeppo eyed him with obvious envy, Roronoa’s bronze body was built like a temple, toned and fit, it made the blonde’s noodle of a body look even more pathetic by comparison.

He finished stripping and some marines did a close examination of him. “I’m a swordsman I have no other weapons.”

“Protocol is protocol.” Zoro was manly standing proud with his chest out and cock bare. He certainly had nothing to be shy about, in both length and girth he was packing a mighty weapon, with some impressive family jewels to boot, with a thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch.

“Are we done, can I have my clothes back?” Helmeppo snapped his fingers, and two marines grabbed Zoro. “Hey!”

“Sorry, but you can have this stuff back after your trial is over.” Zoro was tied up to a post butt naked.

“Hey!” Helmeppo chuckled. “What the hell is this?”

“Your trial Roronoa Zoro, do your best to survive, or don’t not that I’ll care!” Helmeppo laughed and so began Zoro’s days of hell.

‘Johnny, Yosaku, wait for me...I’ll survive this...that brat is trying to break me he won’t succeed!’ Zoro was determined.

The first week passed with little trouble, the sun licked at his skin, and the rain pelted him. Helmeppo didn’t think he’d survive a week, and when he did he kicked things up a notch. He tried to break Zoro physically, he’d come out and “relieve stress” by punching and kicking him.

Roronoa just smirked, his body was too strong to be beaten so easily. Helmeppo actually hurt his hands when he tried punching him he was that weak. So Helmeppo tried to up his game, he had Zoro shaved. From the chin down he was completely smooth. “You are as smooth as a baby, aren’t you embarrassed?” The blonde teased.

“Tch, if you’re a real man, you won’t let little things like no body hair bother you.” Helmeppo glared at him.

“We’ll see how much of a man you are.” He had the marines try to humiliate him. When they bathed him, they were told to grope and tease him, while Helmeppo watched. The blonde would throw taunts his way as Zoro got hard or excited.

While bound he wasn’t able to touch himself, and the marines weren’t allowed to get him off either. “If you beg me Zoro, I’ll let you cum?”

“I’d never beg for a weak man’s touch.”

“We’ll see how long you last.” His hard ons lasted for hours till he eventually calmed down. He was getting a serious case of blue balls. Helmeppo bought some toys to try and drive Zoro crazy, dildos and eggs, to try and break him with a mix of pain and pleasure.

Roronoa stood strong. “Use all the dirty tricks you want, but you won’t break me. I’ll survive this trial!” He saw it as training.

Three weeks passed, and Zoro was hanging in there. His body went through some changes, the struggle of the trial caused his body to evolve and become super human. The pleasure torture Helemppo was using was having an effect on his mind and form, his balls had grown larger, and his ass had evolved into a thing of pleasure. Zoro kept telling himself he was fine, but this experience was having an effect on him. Even his dreams were plagued by lustful wishes, he dreamed about Saga, Johnny, and Yosaku, waking up with a raging erection and itching balls.

He wondered where Johnny and Yosaku were, it had been some time and they hadn’t shown up yet. The swordsman was gonna get his answer but he wasn’t gonna like it.

Despite everything Helmeppo had done, he couldn’t break Zoro. There was only three days left of his trial. “Well you certainly are a stubborn one.”

“What do you want?”

“I just had some news that I wanted to share with you, unless you’d like me to give you a hand with that.” Helmeppo pointed down at Zoro’s erection, the man’s cock was ock hard, twitching an angry shade of red, his balls had grown two full sizes bigger and his sac was feeling the weight.

“Not a chance!” Roronoa hissed. “It’d take a better man than you to break me!”

Helmeppo sighed. “You may be right, that’s why I decided to sell you.”

“What?!” The blonde giggled.

“Oh yes, Daddy has a few connections, and there’s quite a few nobles who’d love to have the fearsome Pirate Hunter Zoro as a slave. You’ll likely end up as some workhorse, or maybe you’ll end up as some Celestial Dragon’s pet or horse.” Zoro’s blood ran cold. “You’ve earned a lot attention here in the East, so I’m sure you’ll fetch a high price.”

“You must be joking, you’re a marine you can’t do this!” Helmeppo laughed.

“I can and I have, I ran the idea by my father and he approved. You are too much of a dangerous man to be let roaming around.”

“My swords…”

“I’ll be selling those, after all property confiscated from prisoners becomes property of the marines.” A law enforced by Morgan.

“You can’t do this, my friends will…” Helmeppo slapped him.

“Those two bounty hunter stooges, they came a week ago, they came to us asking if we’ve seen you. Obviously we said you left chasing some bounty, those two idiots ran off to find you, unaware you were right here under their very noses.”

“You scum, I thought the marines were supposed to be noble and have some honor. To think you were such scum to work with human traffickers.” Zoro knew about the Auction Houses, and the Celestial Dragons, ever since they stuck their claws into the other Blues.

“Well it’s your own fault. I’ve gotten bored. If you had just given yourself to me I’d have kept you myself. Daddy is gonna let me buy whatever I want with what I get off you I’m so lucky.” Helmeppo laughed as Zoro looked shaken. “No one is coming to save you, and to prove it I brought you a little gift.” He revealed one of the slave collars.

‘No, no, no!’ He struggled but was too weak from hunger to break free. Helmeppo slipped the collar on him.

“It’s over, the great demon that pirates fear, the legendary pirate hunter is no more. Soon you’ll just be a common pet. No one in this town will save you, no one is coming to help you, no one will challenge my father. I beat you!” Helmeppo told him the agents would be coming to take him to the auction house in a couple days.

Little did he know someone else would arrive on the island. “Now, where is this demon?”

To be continued


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