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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Watching and Mating

Suzaku was feeling restless. Since getting fucked by Yusuke, the demon hybrid hadn’t touched him. Judging by the smell and noises coming from the king’s bed chamber he was happily having sex with his mates. The scent stirred his loins, and the sounds tickled his imagination. The phoenix demon was feeling jealous, lustful, and hungry...

Yusuke hadn’t mated him, yet.

Demons could rut without properly mating.

To mate was something powerful, intimate, a sharing of one’s energy to form a supernatural bond. Some demons went their whole lives rutting but never mating. Hiei and Kurama were Yusuke’s mates. The trio had a bond, they were pack. Both Kurama and Hiei were powerful demons in their own right, but since forming a mating bond their strength has bloomed, and they reached new heights.

The new king of the saint beasts already had a harem, and Suzaku would kill to be a part of it. He’d gladly surrender to the hybrid and be his concubine if it meant being with him again.

Suzaku hadn’t met a demon like Yusuke before, so strong, so lewd, so passionate...

Yusuke’s teasing of his clones made him feel their intimacy seven fold. It haunted his dreams. He craved it, he wanted his king’s touch, the gift of his seed, and the blessing of his mark. Urameshi bested him completely, and the phoenix wished to submit to the sexy beast of a man. He showed his desire once, but Yusuke hadn’t called for him still.

So he watched and waited...

Since taking over the castle, things have changed.

This place that felt like prison was changing feeling more and more like home. Hiei and Kurama explored the castle and put some of the worn-down areas to better use. Seiryu was tasked with cleaning and fixing up the areas, a semi-punishment. Kurama found their library and storehouse with a bunch of scrolls and documents. They had a lot of things from before they were sealed.

Knowledge was power, but over time they had abandoned it. Kurama claimed it and another place to build a garden. He made it his domain, a jungle and greenhouse with all sorts of demon plants.

He took over the artificial humans, since they were plant creatures they were tailored made for Kurama, he could modify them and help them grow. They served as both guards and laborers. This was their castle and it would grow. It made sense why the saint beasts didn’t care for it, over time they saw this place as a prison, and what prisoner cares for the state of their prison.

Kurama surmised they made their own domains and made them their homes. Their oasis in this cage.

Hiei found their vault, their horde of treasure and weapons. Most of their weapons were unkempt and useless. Allowed to rust away, but they had some magical items that had gone missing through the eras. The beasts in their prime had collected all sorts of things, hunters came to take it back, hence why they built the castle and traps.

He went through their collection finding what could benefit the pack and what was trash. A few trinkets really caught his Jagan eye, like a weird whistle that could control Makai Insects, but that wasn’t all it could do. The saint beasts were sitting on a gold mine of demon treasures.

Hiei didn’t have a domain yet, Yusuke was working on a dojo for him, but that would take time. Byakko offered his domain in the meantime, and Hiei had to admit he had fun sparring with the tiger saint beast. The heat didn’t bother him, and Byakko was actually a decent fighter.

Seiryu was pissed. These intruders were having the run of the place. Suzaku didn’t agree, Urameshi was their king now, which meant everything in Maze Castle belonged to him.

In Seiryu’s opinion, Yusuke was an intruder, a lowly demon unfit to be king. As he saw it the guy had no manners, a low-brow demon who used lewd acts to seduce other demons and steal their power. He saw Yusuke as lazy, a bit ironic coming from him.

Genbu was dead, and Suzaku and Byakko hadn’t batted an eye. Seiryu believed the sacrifice would stir them to act and together they’d get rid of this usurper.

He was the great Ice Dragon, the dragon of the saint beasts, and he was being forced to clean. ‘Byakko is useless I’ll have to rely on Suzaku.’ He thought as he had to scrub the floors.


A few weeks had passed since Yusuke began his rule, and he’s been showing such love and affection to his mates. When he wasn’t with Kurama or Hiei or both at the same time, he was sleeping, bathing, exploring the castle, or working out.

Yusuke understood that any good couple, they needed some me time. They didn’t need to spend every second of every day together. He looked forward to reconnecting with his mates and listening to what they’ve discovered or how they spent their day.

They had been “making up for lost time” certainly, but it wasn’t all about sex, there was cuddling, tenderness, and weirdly training. They felt they could relax in this place, it was their home now.

Yusuke apparently loved a good brawl, it made him hot!

Genbu’s domain was taken over and used as a sparring chamber. Suzaku would watch Yusuke battle with Hiei or Kurama. They would try out a new technique sometimes, others were just raw fighting. It didn’t matter who won or lost, it always ended the same...sex!

Urameshi was beautiful when he fought, there was a light in his eyes one didn’t see normally. He was something else when he fucked! His barriers came down and he looked wild! Hunger and passion burning so bright in his eyes, and it was directed at his mates.

Suzaku could watch, harder than stone, hotter than magma, he wanted that look directed at him. When Yusuke played with him before, there was only dominance and playfulness in his eyes, which was nice but he wanted the hybrid to see him and look at him as a mate.


Kurama and Hiei were absent today. Suzaku bumped into Yusuke. “What’s on the agenda today Yusuke-sama?”

“I’m gonna be doing some sparring today.”

“Ah, with Kurama or Hiei today?”

“Neither, I’ll be sparring with Byakko.” Suzaku froze.


“He’s been training with Hiei and I wanna see the results.” Suzaku’s cheeks burned in a blush, having seen how sparring sessions end with Yusuke, he could only imagine what would happen with Byakko.

‘No fair!’ His libido surged, imagining Yusuke fucking the hulking tiger demon.

“Is something wrong Suzaku?” The phoenix tensed.

“No sir!” He shook his head.

“Really?” Urameshi caressed Suzaku’s cheek. “You look like you have something to say?” His blush grew.

He bit his lip. “N...Nothing...have a good spar…” Yusuke smiled.

“I hope so!” The hybrid walked off, stretching his muscles.

‘Did I make a mistake, should I have been training like Byakko? Does he think I am weak?’ How Suzaku was spending his time lately was rather naughty, having to nurse his arousal, which had awakened after so long. He’s been spending his days jerking off and playing with his ass. ‘Damn it...damn it…’

He followed to observe the sparring session.

The tiger saint had actually grown stronger, Suzaku could feel it from his energy alone. “Hiei’s said you’ve gotten stronger, I wanna see the results.”

“Yes!” Byakko took a fighting stance.

Suzaku watched the fight with curiosity. Byakko’s fighting style was very tanky, he could take hits and even absorb an opponent's energy, but he had a bad habit of gorging himself too much and becoming vulnerable. His specialty was long range though, fighting with his beasts or his roar. ‘Has he really changed?’

The fighting began, and Byakko was impressive. He was big, but Hiei taught him to move. Just because he was bulky didn’t mean he had to lose his agility. He wasn’t as fast as Hiei by any means but his movements were truly worthy of the word tiger!

Yusuke dodged his claws, and countered back with fists and kicks. Byakko was able to absorb the spirit energy from his attacks. “Now try this!” He took Yusuke’s energy and converted it into his new attack. “Tiger Fist!”

He unleashed a lot of spirit energy, Yusuke caught it but was forced back. “Not bad, but it loses power the further away it goes.” He was able to break the attack once it got further enough away.

“Good to know!” Byakko smirked. They went at it. Suzaku hadn’t seen Byakko move so swiftly in ages. However he couldn’t match Yusuke. It was like a fight between a tiger and a wolf.

The two traded blows and just kept going for more. Byakko was exhilarated, Yusuke’s energy was delicious he couldn’t get enough. As he gorged himself on the energy he felt a stirring in his loins. His balls were churning, looks like his belly wasn’t the only thing that grew when he absorbed energy.

Towards the end of the fight Byakko was pitching a tent, the weight of his enlarged balls tugging on his length and made it wag. Suzaku noticed, but Yusuke was focused on the fight.

Urameshi won the battle. “I yield!” Byakko moaned as Yusuke stood on top of him. The tiger saint was laid out flat on his back.

He wasn’t the only one hard, the hybrid was pitching a tent. “You did very great, I think you’ve earned a reward.” Yusuke brought his foot down to Byakko’s face.

“Ohh!” The furry demon breathed deeply. The musk set off fireworks in his brain.

As he started licking the king’s sole and toes, the hybrid began to palm himself. Byakko could make out the shape of Yusuke’s impressive rod through the baggy pants. He wanted to lick it so bad, he showed by licking the king’s foot.

Yusuke looked back. “Looks like you’re just as excited as I am!” With a swipe of spirit energy, he destroyed Byakko’s garment. In less than a minute Byakko was no fully naked.

Urameshi jumped back, and Byakko whined as the foot was taken away, only to moan as his king stepped on his cock, pressing the fat rod to his slightly swollen belly. “Mmmhhmmm~!” His softness hugged his length.

“Such a big boy!” He rubbed his length, using his soles to provide friction to the fat dick.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

‘So lucky…’ Suzaku couldn’t hold back, sneaking a hand under his pants and began working his meat.

Yusuke squeezed Byakko’s penis with his toes, and his heel knocked the large nuts. “Ohhhh!” Byakko’s swollen family jewels were sensitive, he bucked and came shooting thick semen clear over his gut, past his head, onto the floor.

Urameshi whistled as the tiger came like a fountain. His release dwindled in force after a few spurts, Byakko was waiting, mouth wide open as the cum fell on his face and into his waiting orifice and stretched out tongue. The rest of his seed splashed his chest and big belly.

His climax lasted for several minutes, the energy he consumed was burned off, so his big gut returned to massive abs. The tiger’s tail wagged!

“That’s an impressive load, but it looks like you burned all the energy I gave you. I’ll just have to feed you more.” Byakko pulled his legs up, making his cheeks spread. He gave Yusuke a peek at where he wanted to be fed.

The tight little hole winked at Yusuke. Urameshi scooped up some of Byakko’s semen and used it to coat his fingers. He tested the entrance with a single digit. “Ohh!”

His hole was welcoming, quickly tightening around the intruder lovingly. “Seems like someone’s been training back here.”

“Yes!” Byakko had terrific hearing, he could hear the dick plunder hot demon asses even through the thicker walls of the castle. He couldn’t stop himself from playing with his hole.

One finger became two and then three and Byakko’s large rear eagerly gobbled up the digits. “Such a hungry hole!” Yusuke licked his lips. He continued to add fingers until Byakko had his whole fist in his ass.

“Ohh fuck yes!” His thick rod twitched and began to weep pre-cum.

Suzaku squeezed his dick, his hole was throbbing wildly with need. He squirmed as he watched Yusuke fist Byakko with wicked glee. “Yes yes yes yes!” The tiger demon moaned and clawed at the ground, his demon nails tearing up the solid stone.

“Such a great hole!” Yusuke worked his fist inside, knocking on the demon’s sweet spot.

“Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh Yusuke-sama!” His tail slapped the ground in delight.

“Demon asses sure are special take a lot of punishment and bounce right back!” He punctuated every word with a jab to his sweet spot. Byakko’s nipples were peaking through his fur, creating an erotic sight.

With a roar Byakko came, shooting another heft load, and his balls shrank down to normal but still impressive size.

Yusuke pulled his fist out, making the tiger’s hole blossom lewdly. “Looks like you are ready for my cock!” He stripped off his pants and freed his massive length.

“Oh fuck yes!”

“Are you ready to become my mate?” Byakko’s heart skipped a beat.

“Yes!” Suzaku bit his lip in jealousy.

Yusuke lined up and filled the tiger in one thrust. “Oooohhh~!” The hybrid was overflowing with energy, his massive penis to, the energy licking his inner walls and marking Byakko inside.

“Such a big ass, all mine!” Yusuke growled and began to fuck the mighty tiger demon.

“Ahh yes ahh yours ohh master!” Byakko drooled as he was fucked hard and fast, Urameshi’s penis drilling him hard and deep. His balls smacked the large furry ass. “Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh!”

Suzaku couldn’t help himself, he started fingering himself while playing with his cock. Two fingers worked his needy hole. ‘Yusuke-sama!!’

Urameshi hugged Byakko’s large body, giving long thrusts. The friction was sinful, as someone who could survive a dip in a lava pool, it felt like his insides were melting. Yusuke’s rod found his sweet spot and drilled it with each pass.

He made sure to channel some demon energy right into those bundle of nerves. “Raaawwwwrrrrr!” Byakko roared as he came, his fat dick was trapped against Yusuke’s abs and pecs, so he came, painting the muscles. The semen rolled down his sweaty body, finding the dips and curves of his muscles. His hole clamped down onto Yusuke like a vice.

The hybrid growled and his demon energy spiked. Canines lengthened and he bit into Byakko’s chest placing his mating mark on the massive tiger boy. “Ohhh!” Byakko came again as Yusuke’s demon energy marked him on the outside.

His penis grew larger as Yusuke’s release hit hard and flooded his cave. Spirit and demon energy channeled into him completing the mating bond. The saint beast came dry, his poor dick twitching as he had a world-shaking orgasm.

Suzaku watched Yusuke pull his still hard dick out, the phoenix saint came and made a mess in his pants. ‘So lucky~!’ He watched Byakko turn around, not miss a beat, and began slurping the impressive dick.

The tiger saint purred, sending intense vibrations through his length. Kitty wanted more man milk, his big mouth, and no gag reflex shined as he gobbled down Yusuke’s cock. He took him down to the pelvis and let his tongue slip out and swipe at his balls. “Good boy, such a good boy!” Urameshi ran his fingers through Byakko’s mane. “Wouldn’t you agree Suzaku?”

“Ehh?” The blonde gasped.

“I’m not that blind you know, I can sense you watching.” Byakko ignored him, not caring if he was being watched, he had man meat to enjoy. His gaping hole worked to close, so as to not let Yusuke’s cum escape.

Suzaku stepped out, his baggy pants soaked with cum and clinging to his groin and legs in areas. “Did you enjoy the show?” Suzaku blushed, the answer was obvious. “I figured it was only fair since you got to taste my cock first, that I mated Byakko first, he did ask.”

“So you are interested in mating me still?” Yusuke couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Isn’t that obvious, I asked what you wanted and you didn’t go for it. If you had been more honest, you might have been on mated first instead of Byakko.” Yusuke relaxed, hands going behind his head and he fed his eager mate some fresh cum. The tiger demon had approached Hiei on the matter and the three-eyed pyro gave him the good news. “I like you both, and I want you both in my pack.”

Suzaku’s heart fluttered. A huge weight was lifted off the phoenix saint's shoulders. “You don’t have to hold back with me okay?” He nodded.

Yusuke gestured him over, and the blonde quickly came over, ditching his clothes as he went. He embraced Yusuke, and humped against him. Suzaku buried his face into Yusuke’s pits and breathed in his manly musk, he wasn’t gonna hold back his desires. He licked the sweaty pit and basked in the warmth Yusuke offered. Byakko continued slurping Yusuke's cock, making sure he got every drop.

When he was done, he moved up and licked his seed off of Urameshi's body. 

Seiryu came upon the scene and was horrified. ‘I can’t wait any longer, I must kill Urameshi before he corrupts the saint beasts further.’

To be continued Only Need One Dragon



So hot!! This is amazing, Paper!