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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 1/Redux

Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Keiko become Genkai’s disciples, each with a psychic ability of their own. Training them can be difficult but if they are to gain any power they must take on the training. Yusuke/Kurama/Hiei/Suzaku/Rinku/Zeru/Chu/Jin/Touya

Chap 1 The Disciples

Genkai looked over the files of her potential disciples. All three were candidates for spirit detectives, each one a strong psychic in their own right. Why was she doing this? Koenma called in a favor.

She was gonna hold a tournament and find a successor to the Spirit Wave, but Koenma needed a new spirit detective. He had three potentials.

First there was Yusuke Urameshi, at first glance he was just a punk kid but there was something special about him. Despite so many thinking less of him, which gave him a relatable cold shoulder to authority and the world at large, his potential was great. He had fair spirit awareness but what was unique about him was he had access to a small part of his spirit energy.

Physically speaking he was incredibly strong and durable, enhanced by his natural spirit power.

With his left hand he could produce a whip of pure spirit energy; the Spirit Whip. It manifested when he wished to save a young boy’s life, he was too far away and was reaching out for the kid. The whip manifested caught him and pulled him out of danger. ‘A whip huh, someone’s got some hidden kinks.’ Whips were a complicated weapon to use, and it didn’t manifest naturally unless one had a talent or desire for it. Out of the three he was the only one with the most offensive power.

Koenma was gonna observe him for awhile, but jumped the gun because a case popped up. A group of demons who had stolen dark treasures from the spirit world. Kurama, Hiei, and Gouki. He came to Yusuke with the job and gave him full access to his spirit power, unlocking a new ability in his right hand. The Spirit Gun!

It was a tough case, but Yusuke had completed a really tough case. He needed training to improve. Genkai had to admit, the kid had tremendous power and potential, it piqued her interest.

Second was Kuwabara, he to, was a psychic, his spirit awareness was far superior to Yusuke’s and he managed to access his spirit energy and he could form it into a sword. ‘A sword eh, he’s got one chivalrous spirit.’

The guy managed to help solve a case where a demon had possessed a young boy who quickly took over a gang. He wanted to be spirit detective but Koenma didn’t believe he was ready for more dangerous cases.

Kazuma and Urameshi had history together and had fought over a hundred times, and while Kuwabara never won a match, he was quite durable.

Third was Keiko, she was also a psychic, she had a versatile spirit wavelength but very little power. She learned she could manifest her power into needles and release them. They didn’t do much, but when someone was possessed it immobilized them.

She learned that Yusuke was going to be detective and wanted to help him, though without training she’d just be putting herself in danger. ‘A spirited girl wishing to protect her friends, decisions decisions...’

Genkai agreed to train all three of them on the condition that Koenma make them all Spirit Detectives. There was some hesitation, as usually Spirit World was only allowed to have one detective. The old psychic called BS on that, stating that’s been a problem for years. Her terms were finale and Koenma caved it was a load of paperwork, but he felt it’d be worth it having some strong detectives handling his cases.

He awakened Kuwabara’s and Keiko’s spirit power allowing them to fully tap that well and train it up.


They had agreed to take on Genkai’s training, which included a tournament. A report was one thing but she wanted to see their abilities first hand.

Keiko had drawn the best lot allowing her to move to the final round without having to fight. While some people drew either a red lot or white, Keiko’s was golden in color. She had to take some other tests but she got to skip to the finals. ‘This girl is incredibly lucky, her spirit power has the greatest ability to adapt.’

Yusuke got screwed and stuck fighting twice in a row, fighting both fights he exhausted his powers. Despite being exhausted he managed to defeat two fighters older and more experienced than him. ‘While he’s got more balls than brains, his power is nothing to sneeze at. With the right training he can really shine.’

Kuwabara did well, making it through various tests thanks to his Spirit Awareness being so high. ‘He might be a fool, but his spirit awareness could serve him well if applied properly.’ A sword may not have been his best medium.

Genkai’s tournament held another purpose. To lure out the Psychic Hunter Rando. A demon who’s hunted and killed over a hundred psychics. Each time he defeats one he steals their techniques and goes on a killing spree. He wanted Genkai’s Spirit Wave Technique so she was bait to lure the crimminal in.

Kuwabara lost to him, mainly because he allowed Rando to cast his techniques. He got shrunk due to the spell and the demon toyed with him. It triggered Yusuke’s rage and caused a lot of his spent power to return to him.

Yusuke fought him next but he got overwhelmed at first, he fought back and managed to wound Rando with his Spirit Gun but was exhausted. He didn’t make the kill but Rando was also exhausted.

The demon tried to end this fight by using the Shrinking Spell he used on Kuwabara, as a stroke of luck Urameshi wasn’t affected by Rando’s spell due to his ears being blocked up. Chanting spells were strong and unique but held restrictions and rules of their own. Since Yusuke couldn’t hear the spell, the chant backfired and Rando got shrunk instead.

Before he could reverse the spell, Yusuke got up and beat Rando, by dropping on him. Of course Keiko wasn’t going to fight Yusuke so the winner of the tournament was Yusuke.

Genkai had seen enough, she saw their strengths, their weaknesses, and their potential. She’d make them into fine detectives.

Over the 6 months the trio gained new powers. The three aspects were increased, Power, Awareness, and Versatility.

Yusuke learned to produce an energy shield, and gained some better spirit awareness. With his right hand he was able to produce more shots and even learned a new technique the Spirit Shotgun. With his left hand he gained better control of his spirit whip, and even learned a way to use his whip and by re absorbing the energy in the whip he could keep his reserves stored.

Genkai also taught him the spirit cuff technique and gave him a medium for his left hand. “This ring will allow you to perform the Spirit Chain technique, it’s useful for offense and defense, and good for capturing criminals.” Yusuke wasn’t one for jewelry but he liked the ring, he wore it on his middle finger.

Kuwabara gained better control of his spirit sword and could even make it grow/extend. Genkai tried to get him to harness his spirit awareness better but his competitive streak with Yusuke blinded him to his own shortcomings. She got Kazuma a crystal ball to train his spirit awareness but he rarely used it.

Keiko learned to create a Spirit Shield, she could alter it’s shape and size, her powers were very flexible. She could make her needles easier and more numerous. Her offensive power still wasn’t that great but her defensive power was amazing.

She could block physical and spiritual attacks. Genkai got her a rosary for a medium, so she could learn how to heal.

Genkai gave her report to Koenma, as individuals they were strong, but as a team they’d be even stronger. She helped them out a lot, giving Yusuke the acceptance he was needing, Kuwabara the guidance he was needing, and Keiko the mature wisdom she was needing.

The trio were idiots in their own ways, but together the helped each other.

When they returned all three were given the title of spirit detective. They received Detective Tools, to help work their spirit muscles. Kuwabara got the Sealing Cuffs, Psychic Buckler; a device that worked as a shield in a pinch, its effectiveness was determined by its owner. Kazuma loved it, he thought it made him look like a knight.

Keiko got the Psychic Spyglass, Anti Apparition Whistle: a device that used spirit power to unleash a painful sound attack on any ghosts or apparitions nearby, effectiveness varied on the user. Botan got her an extra one, the Psychic Lipstick, it allowed the user to concentrate their spirit energy into a beam, it wasn’t super powerful but could cut through most objects.

Yusuke got the Concentration Ring, the Spirit Compass. The ring went on his right hand, when activated he could fire a shot at ten times the power but he’d be drained afterword. They each got a Communication Mirror to stay in touch with each other, and Detective Badges, these devices stored spirit energy inside it, that the users could draw from in a pinch.

They would go on missions together, and the trio had one just around the corner as the saint beasts prepared their attack.

To be continued


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