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Naruto parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 13 

Chapter 14 Tazuna the Liar the deadly threat of the mist

Naruto was annoyed. Waiting for Kakashi was one thing but waiting for their client was a royal pain. He apparently wanted to have a drink before going. This man was Tazuna, according to him he was a “super expert bridge builder”.

He wanted protection returning to his village in Wave and while he completed work on a bridge. It was seemingly a simple mission, but it was the last part that had Kakashi dubious. Escort missions were a dime a dozen, ranging in difficulty.

Tazuna refused to leave without having a drink and having booze for the trip. He was even wearing on Kakashi’s nerves. Kiba had to pinch his nose as the man reeked of booze. “We really gotta protect this drunkard?”

“You’d better, I paid good money to have ninja protection. I wonder if it was worth it.” He said before taking a sip from his flask.

Naruto glared. “You better not underestimate ninja old man!” The blonde warned. The man flinched, but drank some more.

They were off, already having a shadow on them.

Tazuna didn’t have a high opinion of ninjas, the Land of Waves didn’t have a ninja village like some of the other lands.  Several lands had hidden ninja villages, ones that get recognized in strength have a Kage.  The Five great villages was, Leaf, Mist, Cloud, Sand, and Stone. While the lands were governed by a Lord, the Kage were the shadow leaders who ruled over the ninja. Hearing this raised some of the respect for the old man Sarutobi.

They passed by a puddle, which was odd…

Sure enough…

Two ninja rose from the puddle and attacked. They went after Kakashi as he was the oldest and seen as the strongest. This was a mistake for two reasons, indeed Kakashi was the oldest and the most experienced, so he saw something was odd there being a puddle when it hadn’t rained in days. He was able to prepare a substitute for their surprise attack. “One down!” The duo said as they took down “Kakashi”.

The other reason was, they underestimated the younger nin. As soon as Kakashi was attacked, Naruto, Kiba, Sasuke, and Akamaru attacked. The ninja dog turned into his humanoid form. “Fang Over Fang!” Kiba and Akamaru attacked, launching like two twisters.

Sasuke focused on guarding Tazuna, this left Naruto seemingly alone. The Mist ninja dodged the dog ninja, and flew at the blonde, intending to kill. “Two down!”


Naruto flipped in the air, he hit one of the ninja with his cock tail, since it was hidden by genjutsu it looked like he got hit by nothing. As for the ninja that just got hit by the phallic appendage, it shook him like he’d been slapped in the face with a penis. It disoriented him on a whole other level.

With his partner knocked for a loop, the second ninja was not prepared for the blonde’s counter attack. He blocked the metal claw with a kunai, and kicked the ninja in the face. They were knocked in different directions but were still connected by a chain. Without their control, the chain was pulled tight and they ended up crashing back into each other.

One of them was dazed, the other recovered. “Damn it!” He went after Tazuna, but Sasuke stopped him. He helped pin the chain down with a shuriken before giving him another kick, breaking his mask. Kiba and Akamaru came back striking them both with their attacks, wind and force ripping up their clothes and armor.

“Well done all of you!” Kakashi appeared with rope, and proceeded to tie up the two Mist Ninja. The Genin high five each other. Naruto pulled Kiba in for a kiss, and the two entered a heavy make out session.

Sasuke squirmed at the sight. The blonde switched between Kiba and Akamaru, making out with the dog ninja twins in his arms. The Uchiha’s heart raced, his blood rushing south, his loins rising. His hands came down to shield his crotch as his cheeks burned.

Kiba and Akamaru’s kissing methods were different. Inuzuka was more submissive with Naruto dominating it, Akamaru’s method involve more tongue. “My word!” Tazuna gasped at the bold display of lewd behavior.

Naruto cupped and groped Kiba’s rear, earning whines and moans. “You two were awesome!”

“Are all ninja perverts?!” Tazuna snapped, but didn’t look away from the young men expressing their love and victory.

“How did you read our movements?” The non dazed Mist Ninja asked. His partner was looking at the warm display with hearts in his eyes and a tent in his pants.

Kakashi explained the obvious. “If you knew that, why’d you let these brats fight?”

“I believe in my team.” For team 7’s part, they knew Kakashi was an experienced Jounin, and didn’t believe he’d fall for such a stunt, and if he did, they’d have to fight to survive. “I could have killed these two easily, but I wanted to find out who they were after.”

Kakashi had a history, he had enemies. So some ninja coming to kill him wasn’t impossible, but they wanted to make sure they killed Tazuna at all costs. “So they were after you!”

“What are you saying?” Tazuna sobered up real fast, and was now looking anxious.

“This is now a B-Rank Mission. I had my suspicions with your request of needing protection until you completed the bridge. You must have some form of gang or enemy after your head, for them to hire ninja to kill you.” Tazuna omitted and lied about that fact, the cost of employing ninja varied from mission to mission. “We are now operating outside of our duties.”

“Wait please...you don’t understand…” Kakashi glared at Tazuna.

“Lying about missions puts the lives of ninja who take these missions at serious risk.” Missions can take a turn sure, but they are under prepared. “We’ll be returning to the village.”

“Wait Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto spoke up. “If we bail on this mission this old man will die right?”

“Hmm…” It was true, but they didn’t know what they were up against. “This might be too much…”

“We shouldn’t pass on this mission, we want to be taken seriously, we’ve trained for years at the academy for this. We asked for a serious mission, and we got it. How would it look at the first sign of danger we bailed?” Naruto had a point.

“I don’t wanna turn back.” Sasuke said.

“We aren’t turning tail, we can protect this old guy!” Kiba said, and Akamaru yipped in agreement. Kakashi sighed and scratched the back of his head.

“Fine, but I need to know what we are up against.” He approached Tazuna. “You are gonna tell me everything!” The man began to sweat.

The bridge he was building would connect the Land of Waves to the mainland, and by doing so restore economic stability. A criminal named Gato didn’t like that too much. “I knew he’d try to kill me, but I didn’t expect him to hire ninja.”

“We need more information.” Kakashi knew about Gato, both on the surface and in the shadows. On the surface he’s the head of a large shipping company, but in the shadows he moves drugs and weapons, he makes his money moving illegal items for all sorts. He employs both gang members and ninjas for muscle.

He’s been known to murder rival company owners if they don’t sell out to him. He tries to monopolize and control the trade routes of the black market. He even takes over the legal and clean companies and uses them to further his underworld deals.

“Well we have these two, let’s get them to talk.” The demon brothers Meizu and Gozu.

“Do your worst, we’ll never talk.” Meizu said.

“If we had Ibiki and time we’d be in the clear.” Naruto cracked his knuckles.

“Just leave them to me. I got this!” He approached the bound duo.

“Tch, you punk, ya think you got the stomach for torture chuunin ninja?!” Naruto smirked. Meizu was talking tough but Gozu was losing it. “Brother what is wrong with you?”

Meizu couldn’t see it but Naruto’s attack had already begun, teasing Gozu with his invisible cock tail. “Prepare yourselves!” Naruto weaved some hand signs.

-x-30 Minutes Later-x-

“Gato has hired Momochi Zabuza, the Demon of the Mist. He’s got a masked partner that works directly under him. His name is Haku and he uses needles. They are missing ninja and using the money and underworld connections Gato has to avoid capture.” Naruto left them dazed and twitching. He got everything they knew about him, including a list of jutsu they’ve seen him perform, his weapons and gear, his age, height, weight, and nature.

He left the two panting, drooling, and twitching. Their cocks were hard and leaking pre-cum like crazy. “Please we told you everything!”

“We even gave you info on Gato!” Indeed they did, including bases they’ve been brought to, where Zabuza was currently waiting. He also got the lay of the land from here to there. The blonde sighed.

“Kai!” Naruto cast some chakra and the two men came hard and passed out. “That was too easy, I thought they’d last long after talking so big!”

Kakashi didn’t have much to say. Most ninja villages prepare ninja for pain. Not many think to prepare ninja for pleasure. They were not ready for Naruto’s “interrogation techniques”. ‘I think he’d give Ibiki a run for his money.’

Now they had info and could prepare. The fact the demon brothers didn’t return was a sign of their failure.

Gato wasn’t pleased. “What do you think I’m paying you for!?” Zabuza pointed his massive sword at the man.

“He hired ninja to protect him, things change, but the job is the same. You want the head of that bridge builder I’ll bring it to you myself!” Zabuza got up and headed to deal with the bridge builder and his would be bodyguards.

The man had no idea he was walking into a trap. He stalked the group along their route. Akamaru pounced and Zabuza avoided detection using a snow rabbit. “Akamaru, you know better than to chase rabbits!” The dog sniffed it, finding something off about this bunny.

‘I see so that’s why the Demon Brothers lost, they were up against the Copy Ninja Hatake Kakashi.’ Zabuza observed from a tree. ‘If I can claim the head of Kakashi, the shadow on our future will be lifted.’

He swung his blade, sending it soaring through the air. Kakashi got Tazuna down, while Naruto got Sasuke and Kiba down. Akamaru thankfully was low to the ground already.

Naruto gazed at their enemy. ‘So that’s him, the demon of the mist, Momochi Zabuza!’

To be continued...Clash Don’t Underestimate Us

Zabuza managed to catch Kakashi off guard, using a water clone to trap the man. He thinks he’s gonna make Kakashi watch him kill his students. Instead Kakshi whips his dick out, and gets ready to enjoy the show.


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