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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Nue and The Rival

Renji watched as a motorcycle rode up to Ichigo’s stall. It was quite loud, and while it looked cool, carried a royal pain in the ass. The man riding it removed his helmet. He had fair skin, brown eyes, and shoulder length black hair that was combed back. He took his time checking himself in the mirror before dismounting the bike, revealing he was tall and lean-built.

This guy hummed as he approached. “Ichigo, my sweet berry, sugar, honey, babe!” His voice oozed a mix of charm and sleeze, that unnerved Renji.

“I’m not your sugar, honey, or babe, I’m frankly not your anything. What do you want Ginjo?” Ichigo crossed his arms.

“So sour in the morning, berries should be sweet you know?” Ichigo glared at him. “Look at you, so angry, all that farm work isn’t good for you.”

“Not this again.” Kurosaki rubbed his temples.

“A beauty like you should be cared for and treasured, not wasting away in the hot sun.” He reached into his jacket pocket. “You should sell your farm to me, I’ll have a full staff working it round the clock, so you can spend your time doing something important, like going out with me!” He wiggled his brows.

Ichigo fought back a gag. Kugo Ginjo pulled out a checkbook and opened it up. “I can write a very big number on this check, name your price.” Kurosaki shivered in disgust. “The price for your farm of course!”

“We’ve been over this, the farm isn’t for sale and neither am I.” This made Ginjo chuckle. He’s probably heard that before and because of circumstances people caved, fueling the idea that anyone can be bought. “I’m not running the farm just for my mom, I love it, and I love working the land.”

“Oh Ichigo, it just pains me to think of you working yourself to the bone out there, all alone, where anything could happen…” Kugo was hard to read, it was hard to say if that was a threat, genuine concern, or he was imagining something...worse…

“I don’t know what your imagining Ginjo and I don’t want to know. As a matter of fact I’m not alone anymore I have…” Before Ichigo could introduce Renji, Ginjo grabbed his hand.

“You can still work the farm if you so wish, but sell it to me. There’s too much out there for you to do all yourself, I can give you staff, trucks, and make things so much easier for you.” He caressed Ichigo’s hand. “Can’t we discuss it over dinner?”

Renji was fuming. He was a bit star struck by the motorcycle thinking it was cool, but this guy was something else. Every word out of his mouth, the looks he was giving Ichigo, even his body language made Renji want to hit him. Even the orangette was feeling frustration and the nue could feel it. Zabimaru remembered the law and knew if they did strike this man it’d be over for them. So they settled on the next best thing.

Smack! Zabimaru broke their connection and Renji pulled Ichigo away from Kugo. “Could you please not put your hands on him?”

Ginjo finally acknowledge Renji’s existence. “Who the hell are you?” He eyed him. “You’re a monster?!” Ginjo wiped his hand. “Filthy beast, how dare you touch me?” Renji glared at him. “Get your hands off Ichigo right now!”

“Renji?” Ichigo gasped as Renji’s grip tightened and Zabimaru coiled around his waist.

“Ginjo stop, this is Renji Abarai, I’m hosting him as part of the Interspecies Exchange. He’s helping out at the farm as well.” Ginjo gave Renji a dirty look.

“I see…” He collected himself. “Things much be truly hard for you, if you are needing monster help.” In Ginjo’s mind that meant Ichigo’s farm was struggling. He didn’t see Renji as a threat, even a romantic one. “If things get too tough for you, just know my offer still stands.”

He gets on his bike and leaves. Ichigo groans. Dealing with Kugo always left him with a headache. The guy was a creep, always trying to buy his way into Ichigo’s pants. He was a city guy from big money, he had no interest in farming or understanding of it. Ginjo sure as hell didn’t understand Ichigo, he wasn’t someone who could be bought.

“Umm Renji?” The Nue was still holding onto him tightly. A little too tightly… “Renji...Zabimaru...ribs!”

“Oh sorry!” They released him, and Ichigo was able to breathe. “I don’t like that guy.”

“Welcome to the club.” Ichigo sighed and patted Renji’s shoulder, and then patted Zabimaru’s head. “Let’s go home!”

Abarai was sulking a bit. “Don’t let Ginjo get to you, he’s just some rich ass hole. He’s not worth it.”

Ichigo was right, he wasn’t worth it. Some humans still looked down on monsters but not all, and even those wary didn’t act like Ginjo did. It was a relief that Ichigo wasn’t interested in the guy romantically. “What’s his deal?”

“He’s a rich and spoiled punk, we met a couple years ago. He was with some friends and they wanted to have purely organic produce. His friends liked my food, but Ginjo took a liking to me. Since then he’s been trying to date me, I told him no, and he’s been trying to buy my farm.” It was a twisted game he was trying to play, and Ichigo didn’t have time for games.

Ichigo didn’t want to sell his farm, even if things were tough. “Even if I was gonna sell, I wouldn’t sell it to Ginjo.”

“You’ll never have to sell, I’ll help, I’ll work as hard as I can!” Zabimaru nodded.

“Thanks Renji!”

Ginjo may or may not be a rival, but Renji had a sense he was a threat. The dark look he had in his eyes, still bothered him just a bit.

They arrived back home. “Ohh, he looks so handsome!” A feathered being gazed upon Ichigo. “I found my master.”

“Let’s unload the truck and I’ll make us some dinner.” Renji couldn’t wait.


A blur of blue and green rushed past Renji and grabbed Ichigo. “Aaaaahhhhhh!” He was taken off into the air and headed off into the distance.

“ICHIGO!” Renji and Zabimaru screamed. They jumped into Ichigo’s truck. “Shit shit shit shit!” He was panicking. “How do you drive one of these things. It was a good thing Ichigo dropped his keys when he was grabbed.

They finally got the truck going and drove off toward where the bird monster took off with Ichigo. He drove wildly.

Ichigo was taken by a Harpie, a rare and unique one, but a harpie none the less. When they landed Ichigo got a good look at his abductor, he was very pretty for a guy. His hair was smooth and had a shimmer to it, with two colorful feathers in it. He had shiny skin and purple eyes.

He had a slightly feminine appearance, with soft green feathers along his arms, reaching up to his forearms but left his shoulders and chest bare. His upper half had a v line of bare muscles, he had firm pecs and rock hard abs. He had feathers along the middle of his back, he had a skirt of feathers that masked his smooth ass and his exposed cock. His balls were also covered in similar plumage. His thighs were also bare, with feathers along his legs, the talons retracted to reveal dainty feet. There was a weird bracelet around his ankle.

The harpie’s wings also shifted. “Who...who are you?” The Harpie chuckled.

“Yumichika Ayasegawa, a peacock harpie, so happy to meet you master.” He sat on Ichigo’s crotch.

“Master?” Ichigo blushed as Yumichika rubbed his rear against him, causing his loins to stir.

“Oh yes, I wanted to find someone beautiful to be my master. So I flew around and spotted you. You are so lovely master!” Yumichika blushed, wiggling his butt and growing excited as Ichigo’s bulge knocked on his back door. “It seems Master appreciates my beauty, that’s excellent now we can get busy!” He started stripping Kurosaki, his nimble fingers working and pulling his shirt over his head. “Oh wow!”

The harpie ran his fingers over his smooth chest and rock hard abs. “Hey hey hey!” Ichigo gasped and bucked, but couldn’t shake the Harpie off him.

“Master is so feisty, you’ll make an excellent mate for me!”

‘What is this bird brain talking about!’ Ichigo thought.

Yumichika was excited his 7 inch penis sticking out from his feathers. “This is my first time so please be gentle with me.”

“Now hold on!” His voice was cut out as a roar of an engine was heard.

“ICHIGO!” Renji burst onto the scene, driving the truck wildly and ended up crashing it into a tree.

“My truck!!” Renji got out of the vehicle. “Renji are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I’ll deal with this feather pest!”

“Oh you wanna fight? I’m game!” Yumichika stood up, not bothering to cover up his erection, his hands and feet became bird-like talons. “If you are coming between me and my master I’ll crush you!”

“Your master!?” Renji growled and Zabimaru hissed. “If Ichigo is anyone’s master he’s mine!”

“What are you two talking about!?” Ichigo groaned. “Oh my poor truck.”

“You say that, but I’ve already decided that Master will be my mate and I’ll give my first time to him!”

“Well...I’ve already sucked his dick, so he’s my master!” Zabimaru nodded.

“Don’t say things like that!” Ichigo groaned.

“I bet I can suck his dick better than you!” Yumichika snapped and turned on Ichigo with a quick swipe of his talons Ichigo’s pants and boxers were no more...atleast the crotch was shredded. Ichigo’s impressive length snapped up. “Oh wow, master is big!”

“Oi!” Ichigo and Renji gasped.

Yumichika fidgeted. “I can’t wait to have this big thing inside me, Master I shall do my best!” His hands returned to normal and he tucked his hair back behind his ear before going to town on Ichigo’s penis.

“Hey...ahh...stop...ahh...that…” Ichigo said between moans.

Renji snapped and jumped on the other side. “If anyone’s gonna please Ichigo it’s gonna be me!” He started licking the other side. With Ichigo’s massive rod, there was plenty of room to work. Zabimaru even got in on the action and licked at his balls.

“Would ahhh ohhh ahhh you...ohh fuck...ahh ahh ahh ohh ohh ahh...quit it…” With three eager mouths working his crotch, two on his shaft, one on his nuts. Ichigo’s pleasure built up fast.

His rod pulsed and twitched and that just made the monster boys lick harder. The two were driven by pure lustful instinct and Ichigo was caught in the middle. “I’m cumming!” Ichigo erupted, showering the two in semen.

Ichigo was dazed as the monsters played with themselves and savored their master’s milk. “Ahhh~!” They came, shooting their loads onto Kurosaki.

“Ahh there you are...oh Ichigo and Renji too…” Ichigo raised his head.


“Seems I caught you at a bad time, wow!” He eyed Ichigo’s naked and cum splattered form. “Nice!” He gave him a thumbs up.

“What are you doing here?” Kurosaki snapped and covered himself.

“I was tracking Yumichika, I’m his handler. He’s a runaway, every time I find him a home he flies off.” Ichigo put on his shirt to cover himself up a bit.

“I only wish to stay with beautiful people, the masters you’ve shown me were unfit!” He pounced on Ichigo. “I found a beautiful master, so I’m staying with him!”

“Huh?!” Ichigo gasped.

“No way!” Renji snapped.

“So you won’t run away if Ichigo is your host family?” Yumichika nodded. “Okay!”

“Urahara!” Ichigo glared.

“Easy, do me this favor. If you do I’ll increase your budget and I’ll even get your truck fixed.” Kurosaki didn’t have the money to fix the truck that Renji crashed. So even the red head had to relent.

Kisuke had the paperwork drawn up and Ichigo signed. Another member joined Ichigo’s family, a new worker for the farm and a true rival for Renji.

To be continued...Harpie on the Farm


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