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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Ash: Trainer : Size – 8 inches soft/13 inches hard
Badges: 0
Ribbons: 0
Monsters on hand: Bezai (Exeggcute), Bloom (Bulbasaur), Kaido (Magikarp), Gale (Pidgey), Tornado (Spearow)
Items: Monster Balls x 6,
Key Items: Tent/Sleeping Bag, Pokedex, Pokeblock Case, Rainbow Feather, Contest Outfit, Fishing Rod, Cooking Set, Cash Card, Battle Pager, Kanto Contest Pass, Performance Tools: Hoop, Frisbee, Balls,

Bezai (Exeggcute) Ability Trance – Boosts the effectiveness of Sleep Inducing Moves, and when using offensive Psychic type moves has a chance for Sleep.
Power Level: 17
Moves: Hypnosis*(Beauty/Clever), Reflect* (Cute/Clever), Leech Seed* (Cute/Clever), Mega Drain

Bloom (Bulbasaur) Ability Chlorophyll
Power Level 13
Moves: Tackle, Razor Leaf, Vine Whip* (Tough/Clever), Leach Seed,

Kaido (Magikarp) Ability: Rattled
Power Level 10
Moves: Splash, Bounce, Tackle

Gale (Pidgey) Ability: Tangle Feet
Power Level 8
Moves Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust* (???/???)

Tornado (Spearow): Ability Keen Eye
Power Level 9
Moves Peck* (???/???), Tailwind, Leer, Fury Attack

Chapter 5 Show Time!

Kaido had done his job, earning Ash a spot in the battle rounds. The performer kept a clear eye on his competition. There was a red haired woman named Musashi, she used a Koffing for a performance round. Ending it off with an Explosion. It was certainly an eccentric performance.

In the battle round she used Ekans. She defeated a trainer using an Oddish.

Ash was up against a trainer using a Poliwag. His other monsters were waiting back stage to obeserve and cheer. In the crowd a familiar orange haired girl cheered for Poliwag. ‘What’s she doing here?’ Ketchum thinks. Little did he know the orangette was wanting payback for her loss. She had joined the Battle Club but Ash was already in his contest debut.

While she didn’t respect coordinators she thought by observing a match she could figure out a way to beat him. Seeing a Water type of course made her root for it.

It was kinda an easy match for Ash, as he didn’t even use any master/style moves just kept things basic for the first round. Not to say Bezai and Ketchum didn’t show off a little. Once Poliwag was seeded the ticking clock accelerated in Ash’s favor. With a Mega Drain finisher, Ash not only had the most points but won with a knock out.

Musashi’s next match was against a girl and a Butterfree. She was quite skilled, showing off Butterfree’s grace and beauty. It made Ash wish to catch one of his own. Despite having the lead in points, Ekans won via knock out the poison type’s moves being super effective on the bug type.

Ash’s next match was against a boy with a Vulpix. His name was Zane, and he had used Vulpix for both the appeals and battle round. So Ash had a good read on what moves Vulpix could do. “Too bad for you, getting put up against a fire type!”

“There’s more to a pokemon than type.” Zane simply rolled his eyes.

“Says the guy who won last match with a type advantage.” Ignoring the fact Ash had more points and would have won anyway. “Besides as if those little eggs could beat my beautiful Vulpix!” He did a hair flip.

“Let’s show him!”

“Eggs!” Bezai agreed.

Ash had to admit Zane raised his Vulpix well, he was quite beautiful and strong. “Cute Style Leech Seed!” Ash called for one of the mastered moves. Each of Bezai’s heads spat out seeds Vulpix and Zane were caught off guard, dodging one seed was easy, but five was too much and Vulpix got caught.

“Vul!” The fire type cried out as his energy was drained.

Zane was more of a Pokemon Breeder, he didn’t know about mastered moves, as he only wished to show off Vulpix’s beauty in a contest. He underestimated Ash greatly.

“Shake it off and use Fire Spin!” The ivy slowed Vulpix’s movements quite a bit. Bezai was able to put up a Barrier, he withstood the hit, and the damage he took from the spin was recovered thanks to Leech Seed. ‘What was that weird way he used Leech Seed?’ He was losing points fast.

Bezai came out of the Fire Spin and landed a Mega Drain. “Bezai is okay! That Barrier was really strong!”

“Let’s put this to bed, Beauty Style Hypnosis!” Their eyes glowed, releasing a rainbow of colors.

‘So beautiful...so many colors...ohhh…’ Zane gazed into the attack falling for it. Vulpix fell fast asleep while Zane fell into a trance. Not that it mattered, the time ran out just as Zane’s points dropped further. “What just happened?”

The final match was Ash vs Musashi. “You are good, but you can’t defeat one as fabulous as me!” She flipped her hair and laughed.

Ash just sweatdropped. “Begin!”

“Ekans use Wrap!” The snake monster slithered forth and wrapped around Bezai. “Hohoho your monster looks like a snack for Ekans!” Ekans hissed and licked his lips.

“Bezai Clever Style Barrier!” The egg monster created a barrier sphere and had it form around them before expanding it. It forced Ekans off undoing the wrap.


“Ekans use Poison Sting!” The snake spat out needles, but Bezai’s barrier blocked it, Musashi lost points. “Ugh use Tough Style Acid!” She had her own mastered move. Acid Tough style was super strong.

This move did burn a hole in Bezai’s barrier. Ash lost points. “Go get it Ekans!” She called.

As soon as it went for the hole, Ash called for a Leech Seed. The seed hit his face and ivy spread out binding the snake. “Nice Bezai, use Mega Drain!”

“Eggs!” They drained his strength. Musashi’s points dropped, the move wasn’t super effective but it was flashy so the points fell.

“Ekans use Dig!” He dove into the ground moving around slowly. Bezai kept receiving energy.

“Circle up!” Ash called and the eggs went in a circle removing all blind spots. Ekans went for an attack and they were able to dodge.

“What an incredible use of the Exeggcute hive mind!” She lost points for the failed attack.

Bezai continued to attack Ekans with Mega Drain, and Musashi’s points dropped. She tried Dig but was met with a normal Barrier and a Mega Drain follow up. Her points continued to dwindle. “That’s it Musashi is out of points the winner is Ash Ketchum!”

“Ugh!” Musashi was pissed. “Don’t think this is over, next time we meet I’ll pay you back for this!” She said and again Ash sweatdropped. This woman didn’t like to lose.

Ketchum got his first ribbon the Viridian Ribbon! “I got the Viridian Ribbon!” His monsters cheered.

“Eggs/Karp!” Bezai and Kaido jumped in joy.

“That’s it for the Viridian Contest, prepare for the next one in Cerulean City!” Every town had gotten a contest hall built up, but Ribbons were given out at different times and in different towns. In the meantime the contest halls were used for training, blending, and special events.

The feed ended. A lot of trainers who witnessed the event live were amazed. Some were fuming.

Misty and Musashi were annoyed with Ash’s skill, while Misty was curious about these style moves. Zane realized he had more to learn, and his Vulpix had ways to grow.

Musashi bumped into a blue haired male. “That’s one loss.”

“A simple battle, the war isn’t over.” The blue haired male looked at Ash.

“That boy has some skill.” Musashi handed over his Koffing. “Maybe you should have used Koffing against him, he’s more adept at battling after all.”

“Contest battles and gym battles are two different beasts. Your lucky I borrowed him to use in the appeals round.”

“Just don’t lose focus of our mission, Jessie.”

“Of course James, I’m no fool, in fact I found us some skilled pokemon to steal.” James smirked.

“This is just like you.” A talking Meowth popped up. “Taking that guys pokemon is all fine, but if you two blow your covers it’ll be big problems for the boss.”

“We know Meowth, we know our orders.” The two said.

“And besides…” They changed clothes.

“We are masters of disguise!”

Ash got praise for the use of mastered moves, the different styles were impressive to see.


After the contest Gary was hit by his trigger. A wave of arousal crushed him and made him go weak in the knees. ‘Fuck Ash was so cool, he was so cute in his outfit!’ He squirmed, his true thoughts leaked out unfiltered. ‘He was so amazing and hot!’

His arousal surged, and he was growing hot under the collar. He looked around and there were trainers all over, some having watched the performance and some bringing their pokemon in for treatment. ‘Need to find a place to get off!’ He squirmed.

Gary’s cock pushed and rubbed against the confines of his underwear. ‘Why do I wear such tight pants?!’ The crotch was tight, and anyone who looked would see a prominent bulge in his pants.

With each step the young Oak could feel his libido pump. It started to seep into his balls and they began to itch with the desire to cum. His heart was racing, adding more fuel to the fire.

He ended up bumping into Zane. “It’s you…” Zane eyed Gary up and down and saw his bulge.

“Are you one of my fans?” He asked with a smirk. “I may have lost but I was able to show of my Vulpix’s beauty.” Leave it to Zane to be so vain.

Gary didn’t care, he was so horny he thought he was gonna cum in his pants. His cheeks burned in a blush. “Do you wanna blow of some steam?” He offered, making Zane blush.

“My Vulpix is being treated, but I got time for my fans.” They slipped into a rest room, and Gary went after Zane, freeing his manhood.

Zane wasn’t very big even smaller than Gary at 5 inches. His cock was light and showed little sign of use. “Oh wow!” Zane’s bravado shook for a moment, having a look that screamed. ‘This is really happening!’

Gary didn’t hold back, licking at his twitching length as he worked to free his own arousal. “You are really into this kind of stuff huh?” Of course, he took his training seriously.

He freed his 6 incher and began to play with himself as he licked Zane’s cock. He traced every inch with his tongue and even used his free hand to fondle his nuts. “Oh man if this is the kinda fans I’m gonna have, this coordinator thing is for me!” Gary’s oral advances were gonna inflate Zane’s ego, but the brunette was focused on other things.

A cock was a cock, and Oak was gonna use it to train his oral skills. He was on stage and ready to perform. Gary wrapped his lips around the head and took the blonde’s meat into his mouth. “Ohhh!” Zane was sure enjoying his efforts.

As he sucked on his penis mental triggers switched on based on his size. ‘Master’s cock is better, master’s cock is bigger, master’s cock...master’s cock...master’s cock…’ A mantra repeated in his mind. He missed his master’s massive rod plunging down his throat, he missed the rich musk, he even missed his master’s manly hair tickling his nose. Zane apparently believed in manscaping as he was clean shaven. While healthy, hygienic, all that jazz it didn’t exactly mix well with his smaller size.

Each lick and suck urged the virgin to a speedy release. A coin toss on weather Gary was too good or Zane was lousy, but the blonde’s climax hit shortly. Drinking the man’s cum got Gary close, but there wasn’t a lot, and the blow job didn’t last long enough for him to fully enjoy it.

Gary got up and spread his cheeks. “You got another in ya?” Zane blushed and his heart skipped a beat.

“You are kinda freaky, and hot!” Like a virgin who knows nothing of sex, Zane wasted no time thrusting it in. Without the blow job he would have been going in dry, and thankfully for Gary he’s taken bigger dicks and his ass was well trained. “So tight!”

Zane shuddered and moaned. Having a cock inside him sparked pleasure in Gary making the brunette moan. His master’s mental triggers making up for Zane’s lack of skills.

The scales tipped towards Zane being lousy as the blonde was fully focused on his own pleasure, humping Gary over and over, chasing his own release again. Oak focused on training, working to control his anal muscles while playing with his cock. He relaxed when Zane thrust in, and clenched when he pulled back. He increased the blonde’s pleasure. “Oh yeah, this is what breeding is all about, I’m gonna breed you so good!”

Gary recalled the line from an old porno he had seen once. The Beauty and the Breeder. It was a cheesy porno flick. Using lines like that would be a mood killer, but thankfully Gary’s mind was working through his master’s triggers. Allowing him to both enjoy this smaller cock and miss his master’s dick.

“Oh yeah I’m cumming baby!” Zane came hard, shooting his load into Gary’s tight hole. Feeling the blonde’s seed activated Ash’s mental trigger causing Gary to cum.

“Ohh!” He squirts longer than Zane, and feels a mix of calm and need. While Zane was good experience, he wasn’t quite satisfied. His arousal dropped. “I have to go...uhh...good luck in your next contest!” Gary fixed himself up and ran off.

‘Just you wait Ash, with fans like that, next time I’ll beat you for sure.’ For some reason when he thought of Ash his cock twitched.


Ketchum had his first ribbon and now he was looking towards his first gym badge in Pewter City.

Ash had a serious number of battle requests at the club, some were nice and just wanted to see Ash’s cool moves again, others were jerks thinking they could beat a “silly coordinator” and some were cool seeing Ash as a worthy challenge.

The Contest experience helped get Bezai and Kaido to level 18 and 11 respectfully. So the battles were on.

No one was laughing as when Ash called out Kaido to battle, with his Bounce he was able to dodge attacks and hit hard, and his Tackle was no joke. Through various battles Ketchum got Kaido to level 13.

For battles using Bloom, Ash had his Bulbasaur working on training his moves Leech Seed and Razor Leaf. Bloom was inspired by Bezai, they both could share similar moves, but in different styles. Through both tough and easy battles Bloom grew to level 15 and learned Sleep Powder.

Gale and Tornado had been thinking about their mastered moves, the contest inspired them. Ash used battles with them to test said styles. Gale clashed with some Pidgey and defeated them, but when one trainer had a Pidgeotto it seemed like a loss for Gale. “Can you beat Pidgey’s evolved form?”

“Maybe!” Ash said with a smirk. “My Gale is tough, let’s show him how much. Tough Style Gust!” Gale used his mastered move Tough Style, it was way stronger than a normal Gust.

It whipped up a twister of wind and Pidgeotto got swept up in it. “That’s not enough to beat my Pidgeotto, use Quick Attack!” Pidgeotto hit Gale hard, but he wasn’t down and out.

“Okay Gale Tough Style Gust one more time!”

“Pidgey!” He flew back up, wings glowing with flying energy.

“Beat that Gust with yours!” Pidgeotto unleashed a Gust of his own and that was his final mistake. The two Flying attacks clashed but Gale’s was stronger, absorbing Pidgeotto’s and trapping it in a vortex of wind doing damage over and over again.

Pidgeotto became unable to battle and Gale won. He reached level 11.

Sadly no one had a Fearow for Tornado to get a similar victory. Not that he had to, he had plenty of opponents to show of his Cool Style Peck. His beak glowed and wind surged around him as he launched the impressive attack. He reached level 11 as well.

Don George was impressed with the mastered moves. Ketchum had earned the right to challenge him and maybe learn a special move in the process.

Ash used Bloom and George used Ivysaur.

Bloom wasn’t scared of facing his evolved form. The two clashed and Bloom used Leech Seed, which was deflected by Ivysaur. “You should know Grass types can’t be seeded.”

“I’m aware.” Ash said.

“Ho ho, are you using this battle to master a move?” Ketchum smirked. “You have guts Ash, but you better not forget this is a battle. Ivysaur use Seed Bomb!”

Ivysaur blasted Bloom with hard shelled seeds from above. “Bloom use Razor Leaf!”

“Ivysaur counter with your Razor Leaf!” The moves clashed and met with Ivysaur winning the match.

“Bloom let’s go Tough Style Vine Whip!” Thick vines shot out.

“Ivysaur counter with your Vine Whip!” This match went to Bloom, as his vines smashed through and struck Ivysaur, knocking him back. “Amazing!”

“Use Seed Bomb!” Ivysaur

“Let’s show him a counter of our own, Clever Style Vine Whip!” Bloom used his vines to knock back the shells and Ivysaur got hit with his own move, plus a bit of bonus from the Vine Whip.

Both monsters were giving it their all. Neither sides moves were doing a ton of damage but Ivysaur had plenty of power behind his moves. Bloom was making up with Tough Style. Thankfully their level difference wasn’t too far apart.

Bloom landed a mighty blow with a Tough Style Vine whip, before being pelted by Ivysaur’s Razor Leaf. The two smirked at each other before Ivysaur collapsed. “Ivysaur is unable to battle, Bloom is the winner.”

“You are quite the interesting trainer, you intend to do both gyms and contests?” Ash smiled.

“Of course, I aim to be a pokemon master. I just really like Pokemon contests!” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. Don George laughed.

“Splendid, allow me to teach one of your Pokemon a new move, I’m sure it will help in the future.” Gale got the blessing learning Roost, a healing move that would come in handy.

“Don George we got a problem!” One of his elites came in and said.

“What?!” Ash and Don George went to one of the battle rooms.

“Damian?!” Ash gasped.

“You know him?” George asked.

“He’s from my home town but he’s a jerk.” True enough, he had lost his battle with another trainer and was pitching a fit.

Damian had used Charmander against Poliwag and lost. “You stupid little runt, you lost! Why did I get stuck with a weak starter like you!?” Charmander was shaking.

“Damian stop it!” Ash snapped. “Charmander’s a great Pokemon!” The fire type looked to Ash.

“Not so great, it lost to a wimpy Poliwag!” Charmander sulked.

Don George stepped in. “All fire types are weak to water, trainers can over come type disadvantage with strategy and unique move sets.” Damian would have known that if he bothered to study.

“Tch, I don’t need a lecture. I just caught a bunch of Spearow all on my own.” He bragged.

‘Wait…’ Ash thought back to the swarm of Spearow he defeated. ‘He didn’t…’ He face palmed, Damian totally did.

Tornado didn’t like that. There was a reason Ash didn’t capture the whole flock, he battled Tornado and earned the bond they now shared. Damian returned Charmander.

“I’m out of here, this club is lame!” He ran off.

“Don’t worry Tornado, we’ll deal with that jerk.”

To be continued...Into the Woods


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