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Pocket Monster Parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 5/6
On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgey, Poliwag, Spearow, Ponyta,
Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle, Flying/Drill
Abilities: Aura


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Double Team, Thunder Shock*

Pidgey: Ability Keen Eye | Size 5 Inches | Moves Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum, Pound, Hypnosis

Spearow: Ability Sniper | Size 4 | Moves Peck*, Feather Dance, Leer, Fury Attack

Ponyta: Ability: ??? | ? | Moves Tackle, Ember


Toren Badges 0 Pokemon 5/6
On Hand: Roots (Bulbasaur), Oddish, Bellsprout, Nidoran M, Nidoran F


Roots (Bulbasaur) Ability ? | Size ? | Moves: Tackle, Vine Whip*, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

Bloom (Oddish): Absorb, Growth

Ivy (Bellsprout): Vine Whip, Growth,

Jam (Nidoran M): Ability: Poison Point | Moves: Horn Attack, Poison Sting

Jelly (Nidoran F): Ability Poison Point | Moves: Scratch, Poison Sting


Cross Badges 0 Pokemon 3/6
On Hand: Charmander, Doduo, Spearow

Gary Badges 0 Pokemon 5/6
On Hand: Squirtle, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Magikarp

Chapter 6 Viridian Forest

After everyone made a full recovery, they prepared to leave for Pewter City.

Ash called out Ponyta and scanned him with his Pokedex. He learned that Ponyta had the Ability Flame Body. “Welcome to the team Ponyta!” The fire horse monster sensed something unique about Ash, and he got the details from his new monster family. Not only was he a special human he was helping them tap into strength not felt before.

He joined the walking party, making the journey to the forest warm and cozy. They reached the forest, the marching orders was Pikachu and Poliwag were on look out duty, walking ahead and keeping an eye and ear out for monsters. Pidgey and Spearow were chilling out on Ash’s shoulders, keeping an eye to the sky for any monsters in trees. Ketchum and Toren walked side by side with Ponyta pulling up the rear.

“Let’s see what we can find here
” Ash checked his Pokedex.

Dexter: Viridian Forest is home to Bug Type Pokemon that one can find all across Kanto. At different times of day and season you can find all sorts in this forest. Caterpie and Weedle are Common; Metapod, Kakuna, and Paras are Uncommon; Butterfree, Beedrill, and Venonat are Rare; Pinsir and Scyther are Ultra Rare. Notice: There have been sightings of Pokemon not normally found in the area, this phenomenon can be attributed to Migration, Breeding, or Hunting reasons, Researchers often report Outbreaks of a certain pokemon. Warning, be careful not to disturb Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill nests as Swarms of Beedrill can happen.

Toren paled at the thought of dealing with another swarm. “Pika!” The greenette jumped.

Ash looked and Pikachu had spotted a Caterpie. Ketchum got so excited he threw a ball. It caught the Caterpie with a back of the head shot. After a few jiggles the Bug Type was caught. “Nice!” Ash was quite happy with his new catch and called it out.

Caterpie was a bit surprised by the sudden capture, but his trainer seemed nice so it was all good. He joined the walker party and found his home on Ash’s head. This proved a slight problem as some Flying Pokemon in the area saw Caterpie as prey.

Pidgey and Spearow attacked, swooping down to attack the bug type. Ash’s flying types fought back, protecting their comrade. It was good battle experience, fending off the attackers. Even Ponyta got in on the action fending off Pidgey and Spearow with Ember. Caterpie felt a little down for causing trouble. “It’s okay Caterpie, we’ll do some training and help you get stronger.”

Caterpie knew where some berry bushes were so they collected some, before settling down.

They set up camp to do some training. Toren had Jam and Jelly train together, since they were both poison types they didn’t have to worry about their ability poison point. It was a clash between Horn Attack and Scratch, and both of them using Poison Sting. Bloom and Ivy continued their training with each other.

Ash had Poliwag train with Ponyta, since he had a type advantage, he focused on using moves like Hypnosis and Belly Drum. Ponyta used Ember.

Pidgey and Spearow served as targets for Caterpie’s String Shot, using only Feather Dance and Sand Attack in retaliation.

“How about Pikachu and Roots have a match?” Ash asked.

“Okay!” Toren said, this was a training battle, he did need experience.

Pikachu focused on using Double Team and Quick Attack, while Roots used Razor Leaf and Leech Seed. The monsters worked hard, using berries to recover strength.

Ash detected the change in their auras. Caterpie mastered String Shot, Pikachu mastered Double Team, Spearow mastered Feather Dance, Poliwag mastered Belly Drum, and Pidgey mastered Sand Attack.

Ivy and Bloom mastered Growth, while Jam and Jelly mastered Poison Sting. Bloom benefited from this training the most, learning Acid and Sweet Scent, and Absorb turned to Mega Drain. Ivy learned Wrap and learned to use Synthesis. The later was a result of all the special training. Toren was amazed at the results.

They took a break for lunch, but someone decided to crash the party. A Pidgeotto attacked Caterpie, Ash’s mons tried to help but were blown back by Whirlwind. “Roots use Leech Seed!” Toren called out.

Roots hit Pidgeotto with the seed and ivy spread over his body sapping his energy. The flying type changed targets. It hit Roots with Gust, doing some super effective damage. “Let’s show him our strength, Roots use Vine Whip!” He called upon the mastered move.

Pidgeotto tried to fly away and get out of the reach, but the vines came so fast and hard, he was caught by the vines and slammed to the ground. Despite being a not very effective move the flying type took a lot of damage. Leech Seed drained him of more energy. “Monster Ball go!” Toren threw a ball and it hit Pidgeotto.

Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! “You caught Pidgeotto!” Ash exclaimed. Toren blushed.

“I did!” He pulled out his Pokedex. “You took a lot of damage, I’m gonna send you back to Professor Oak for a bit he’s gonna take good care of you.” He nicknamed Pidgeotto Hermes and with a press of the button he sent the flying monster to Oak’s lab.

They had berries and potions, but Hermes took a lot of damage and could use some rest. The ball glowed and vanished. Pidgey had gotten a glimpse of the power of his evolved form and he couldn’t wait to evolve.

He wasn’t the only one, Caterpie wanted to get stronger and evolve. It was his dream to become a beautiful Butterfree and be able to fly. In the meantime, Pidgey let him ride on his back, flying in the air. The two were bonding.

Toren wanted to catch a specific Pokemon Paras. He felt that Grass and Bug type would be great for his future research. They were rare, but Bloom had a move that would help. Using Sweet Scent it lured Pokemon out.

Some Caterpie were lured out, wanting to eat the Grass type! Thankfully Bloom had Acid to help fight off the hungry bugs. Toren kept trying, seeing this as good training for him. His luck paid off as a Paras came out.

It was a tough battler, but Toren managed to catch it. “I caught a Paras!” He said happily.

Their training was gonna be put to the test soon. They weren’t the only trainers in Viridian Forest. Between Lunch and Dinner Ash and Toren faced off against said trainers.


The local bug catchers came to Viridian Forest to catch and train their bug pokemon. Some were more experienced than others, but training was training. Ash saw some use Weedle which got him excited because he’d love to raise one too.

Ketchum focused on using Caterpie, Ponyta, and Spearow, with Pidgey as an alternate. They needed to get some trainer battles under their belt. Ash’s Caterpie was proving tougher than some of the other Bug Catcher’s Caterpie and Metapod.

Trainers with Weedle and Kakuna Ash used Ponyta, the Fire Type had no issue knocking them out. He met a trainer with a Venonat and was able to best him gaining a lot of experience. He learned Flame Charge, not only a strong fire type move but helped boost speed.

Toren had a bit of a problem. His Paras really liked to battle. To the point he’d pop out of his ball. “Paras, Paras!”

“Paras? I didn’t call for you.” Toren gasped.

Ash chuckled. “Paras really wants to battle.” He could feel it in his aura.

Toren accepted and let Paras battle, but he wasn’t trained, so while he could handle Caterpie, Metapod, and even his fellow Paras. He did lose to Weedle, he had a type disadvantage but he still charged in and got taken down. “Have a good rest.” He returned the aggressive bugger, and was able to battle with his other pokemon in the meantime while he rested.

They also met some female trainers who had Rattata, Pidgey, or Nidorans. One girl even had a Pikachu. Caterpie took out both Rattata and Pidgey, he learned a strong move known as Bug Bite.

After beating a Pidgey he evolved into a Metapod and learned Harden. Ash’s Pidgey got to battle another Pidgey, he learned Whirlwind. Ash’s Pikachu battled the Pikachu girl, and defeated her with little contest. They used it as a chance to train Nuzzle.

Despite having a type disadvantage Toren’s grass types battled against different Pidgey and gained some experience. Roots battled against a Pikachu and compared to Ash’s this one was lacking training. Roots learned Sleep Powder, Bloom learned Poison Powder, and Ivy learned Stun Spore.

Toren battled girls with Nidorans with his own. Jam and Jelly did well and learned some new moves Fury Attack and Fury Swipes.

He wasn’t perfect he did make mistakes and some of his mons got knocked out. Ash was quick to give aide, using his aura to revive them and feed them some berries to recover. They heard about a skilled trainer calling himself Samurai. He was known as an expert Bug Catcher and had some powerful bug monsters. Sounded like fun for Ash.

What sounded like fun for Toren was studying the powder and spore moves for his research. They had dinner and let their mons rest and recover.


“You did great Toren, you’ll make a fine battler!” Ash was impressed with his skills.

“Only because of the training you showed me, the mastered moves help save me in a pinch.” Toren blushed at the praise.

“I may have given you some pointers, but you acted on it. You and your pokemon worked very hard.” Ash said with a smile. “You have a strong bond with your Pokemon I can feel it.”

Toren looked at Ash’s monsters. “And you have an intense bond with your pokemon as well.” His blush grew as he remembered how Ketchum bonded with his monsters. “Do you intend to bond with Ponyta and Metapod the same way you bonded with Spearow?” He bit the bullet.

Ash looked at the long haired greenette. Toren didn’t know if he was gonna deny it or what but he wished to understand. “Metapod isn’t able to mate yet, and I planned on bonding with Ponyta later tonight.” There was no shame in his voice. “Guess you saw us bonding, you must have questions.”

He did, but there was something else. “I wanna study your bonding and mating process.” Ash looked with his monsters who didn’t mind.


To be continued...Fire and Grass


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