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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Ash Ketchum Badges 0 Pokemon 4/6
On Hand: Pikachu, Pidgey, Poliwag, Spearow
Ring Plates: Electric/Barbed, Water/Tentacle, Flying/Drill
Abilities: Aura


Pikachu: Ability Static | Size: 5 Inches | Moves: Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Double Team, Thunder Shock*

Pidgey: Ability Keen Eye | Size 5 Inches | Moves Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust*, Quick Attack

Poliwag: Ability Water Absorb | Size 5 Inches | Moves Water Gun*, Belly Drum, Pound, Hypnosis

Spearow: Ability Sniper | Size 4 | Moves Peck, Feather Dance, Leer, Fury Attack


Toren Badges 0 Pokemon 5/6
On Hand: Roots (Bulbasaur), Oddish, Bellsprout, Nidoran M, Nidoran F


Roots (Bulbasaur) Ability ? | Size ? | Moves: Tackle, Vine Whip*, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf

Oddish: ???

Bellsprout: ???

Nidoran M: ???

Nidoran F: ???


Cross Badges 0 Pokemon 3/6
On Hand: Charmander, Doduo, Spearow

Gary Badges 0 Pokemon 5/6
On Hand: Squirtle, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Magikarp

Chapter 5 Rare Catch and Team Rocket

Ash and his monsters cleaned up and did some Berry picking before returning to camp. Toren was looking tense, his cheeks  were flushed and he couldn’t look at Ash directly. “We got berries!”

“Oh that’s nice!” He twitched. ‘Oh man I can barely look at him without seeing...that!’ Images of the mating flashed in his mind, it caused his libido to stir.

“How’s the training going?” Ash asked.

“Oh yes, Roots mastered a move I think!” Ketchum examined the Bulbasaur with aura, and from his aura he had indeed. He mastered Vine Whip!

“You did great Roots!” Ash praised. The monster blushed.


“Let’s do some training!” Ketchum declared. Spearow hadn’t mastered any moves yet, so Ash wanted to work with him.

Pikachu helped using Double Team, creating targets for Spearow to use Peck on.

“I see by using two moves to train you work on both moves!” Toren took notes. Pidgey and Poliwag did some training with Sand Attack and Hypnosis. If Poliwag hit, they’d use a berry to perk Pidgey back up.

After a bit they switched up partners, Pikachu and Pidgey clashed with each other using Quick Attacks. Poliwag used Belly Drum to max out his attack power, then Ash had Spearow use Feather Dance to weaken his attack over and over. “Astounding!”

Poliwag recovered with a few berries and was able to use Belly Drum again to max out out his attack once more. The cycle repeated.

“Let’s try to do the same, Bloom, Ivy!” Toren called out his Oddish (Bloom) and his Bellsprout (Ivy). “Hmm, Ash since our pokemon are still new and will learn more moves in the future shouldn’t we be having them learn stronger moves instead of mastering these earlier moves?”

“This is true, but a mastered move can never be forgotten, plus when a pokemon masters a certain move it makes learning similar moves much easier.” He gave an example of Absorb, Mega Drain, and Giga Drain. The more moves mastered the more you could interchange and have more variety in battle.

“I see!” Toren got excited. He had Bloom and Ivy compete in a combat of Absorb and Vine Whip, with rounds of Growth in between. Ivy used the berries to heal.

Pikachu and Pidgey got exhausted, and took a break with berry snacks. “We running low on berries, hey Spearow wanna help me get some more?”

“Spear!” He flew onto Ash’s shoulder, looking like an intimidating hawk.

‘Wow they really bonded, I guess they also did...that!’ Toren blushed. Poliwag took a break having the last of their berries.


“Your training is coming along really well Spearow, I feel you are really close to mastering a move.” He said. The Spearow wasn’t sure, but he had decided to put some trust into this trainer.

The results of his training were about to show as Ash and Spearow bumped into a Ponyta! “A Ponyta!” Ash exclaimed.

Ponyta was startled a bit, but before he could run Ketchum emitted a calming aura. “Sorry Ponyta!” Spearow was amazed as was Ponyta. Ash shared a couple of berries with him. “You are a really cool Pokemon, and I’d like to catch you, would you have a battle with me and Spearow?”

He agreed to the match. Ponyta was wild and lacked a lot of training, his attacking moves were Tackle and Ember. With Spearow’s ability to fly, it proved somewhat troublesome. “Spearow use Feather Dance!” He flapped his wings and scattered feathers around Ponyta.

His attack power was weakened. Ponyta hit Spearow with an Ember. “Now use Peck!” He used the move, but his body pulsed. “There!” His beak glowed and wind swirled around Spearow as he charged in.

Ponyta tried to take it head on with Tackle, but was overpowered and knocked back. “Monster Ball go!” Ash threw a ball and it hit Ponyta sucking him up.

Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle Ping!

“Hehe!” Ash cheered. “We caught a Ponyta!”

“Spearow!” The flying type cheered, getting caught up in Ketchum’s excitement.

They returned to camp and Ash introduced his new friend to his party. “I caught a new friend and Spearow mastered Peck!”

“Maybe we should head back to the center for a proper rest?” Toren suggested.

“Yeah, that is probably a good idea.” Berries could only do so much, and there wasn’t a vast variety here. “We’ll do some training soon, okay Ponyta?” The fire type nodded. Even with some berries he was worn out from the battle.

Toren collected a lot of good research data. “Hey Ash, umm do you think we can travel together?”

“Hm? Yeah I think it’d be fun, we can even do some sparring.” It’d be good for their monsters.

“I...I might not be good at battling, but I’ll do my best!”

“I might not be that great either, we are learning. It’d be good practice for the gyms!” Toren nodded. He wanted to travel with Ash and more, but he didn’t have the courage to ask for the other thing he wanted.

Nurse Joy took their pokemon for healing and recovery. The boys were enjoying a nice meal when suddenly two monster balls fell from the sky light and unleashed an Ekans and a Koffing!

“Ekans and Koffing?!” Toren gasped. “Careful they are Poison types!”

Sure enough, the Koffing began to fill the room with smoke. The Ekans unleashed poison sting needles from his mouth. “Aura!” Ash erected a barrier around them, blocking both the smoke and the needles. “Why are they attacking us?”

“Don’t know, but they had monster balls, their trainer must be nearby!”

“The monsters might be in trouble, Toren I’ll clear a path for you, go get Nurse Joy and the monsters!” Ash extended his aura, knocking the two poison types back and clearing away the smog. Toren made a run for it.

He met up with Nurse Joy, but the monsters weren’t finished recovering yet, except two, Toren’s Nidorans. “This is bad, we are in trouble.”


“Make it Double!” Two people appeared in the doorway.

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all people within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils with truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!” It was a woman and a man’s voice.

“Jessie!” A red haired woman appeared.

“James!” A blue haired man stepped out.

“Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light!” Jessie said.

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!” James said.

“Meowth that’s right!” A Meowth appeared.

“A talking Meowth?!” Toren gasped.

“Heh, indeed I am! I’m also a member of Team Rocket’s most elite trio!” He said proudly.

“I’ve heard of Team Rocket, you are a gang of evil pokemon thieves.” Nurse Joy said. “Why are you here?”

“We aren’t evil, our goal is to bring unity to this world, for that we need strong Pokemon!” The red head said.

“So we’ll be taking all the Pokemon here back to the boss!” The bluenette said.

“I can’t allow that, all the monsters here are under my care!” Nurse Joy said.

“To bad for you!” Meowth flexed his claws.

“I won’t let you take any pokemon from here!” Toren said. “Jam I choose you!” He called out his male Nidoran.

“What’s that runt gonna do?”

“Jam, use Poison Sting!” His horn glowed and unleashed a barrage of poison needles. The rockets had to dodge.

“Ugh you pest!” Jessie whistled. Nothing happened. “Where is Ekans?”



“There they are!” James said. “Ehh?”

Ekans and Koffing were exhausted. “What happened to you two?!”

“Hold it!” Ash came running down the hall after them. “So you are these guys’ trainers. What’s the big idea attacking the Pokemon Center!?”

“Who’s this twerp?!” Meowth asked.

“You can talk?” Ash gasped.

“We are members of the mighty Team Rocket, hand over your pokemon to us or we’ll take them by force.”

“I don’t think so!” Ash said.

Ekans and Koffing informed Meowth Ash was holding them off with his “weird powers”.

“Weird powers what weird powers?!” Meowth hissed.

“Jam use Horn Attack!” Nidoran charged in and hit Meowth.

“Ash!” Nurse Joy threw him a ball. Ketchum felt the aura.

“Spearow I choose you!”

“Ekans get him!” The snake monster tried to intimidate the bird, but Spearow wasn’t so easily scared.

“Use Peck!” His beak glowed and wind surged around him. He hit Ekans and knocked him back.

“Koffing use Sludge Attack!”

“Dodge it Spearow!” He did.

Meowth tried to attack Jam with Scratch, and got poisoned thanks to his ability. “Ugh!” Nidoran hit him again with Horn Attack, he was down for the count.

“Now use Peck!” Ash called.

Spearow charged in with the mastered move and hit Koffing, slamming him down to the ground. “No way, I’ve never seen such a powerful Peck!”

“Pika!” Pikachu charged forward.

“A Pikachu?” James asked.

“Hey buddy!” Ash smiled. Pikachu’s cheeks sparked. “Use Thunder Shock!” Pikachu unleashed his mastered move and zapped the gang.

“Such...power…” Jessie collapsed.

“I’ll contact Officer Jenny!” Nurse Joy said.

James groaned. “Koffing use Self-Destruct!” The round ball monster surged up and began to glow.

Ash grabbed Spearow and Pikachu and rushed towards Toren. “Aura!” Boom!

Team Rocket was sent blasting off, a crazy maneuver but they did escape. “Is everyone okay?” Nurse Joy came back.

Ash was able to defend the recovery room with his aura. “Ugh…” He collapsed.

“Pika!” “Row!” “Ash!” He blacked out.


Ash was drifting in the vast void, he was brought before Arceus. Some plates floated around Ash, they glowed showing the divine monster his progress of the monsters he’s caught. The rainbow feather floated through the void and became a necklace for Ash to wear. The fact Ho-Oh had given him a token as well, made Arceus pleased.

His encounter with Team Rocket warranted this little meeting. “You must beware, there are those who’d use pokemon for evil. Even in ancient times there are those that…” It was hard for Arceus to speak of. “They believe their paths to be right, but their methods are twisted by their own pride. Be careful.”

Ash nodded. “It’s just odd, when I read their auras they didn’t seem like bad people.”

“Just as humans can lead pokemon astray, they can also lead others astray. Use your best judgment.” He gave Ash the divine rod to be the bridge for people and pokemon.

If there were other teams like Team Rocket out there he’d have to be careful. It also just wasn’t all about saving the world, the journey was to be fun as well. He just needed to be prepared.

When Ash came to, his monsters and Toren were by his side. Ketchum smiled and relaxed. “Ash you are okay!”

“I may have over done it with the aura...hehe oops!” When he fought Ekans and Koffing he had used Aura to avoid their attacks and dancing around and defending against the poison gas.

Toren cried and hugged him. They were all just happy he was okay.

To be continued...Viridian Forest


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