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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Channeler Ash

Ash has a weird connection to spirits ever since some bullies left him in the woods at night. He was lost and scared and was found by some ghost pokemon. Since then Ash has been into the supernatural and it even effects how he battles, he might seem crazy but his methods get results, especially on some of the more difficult trainers. Seals Binding Perverted Exorcisms Switcher Ash/Trainer/Harem

Chapter 1

Ash Ketchum didn’t have many friends, but he kept trying. This left him open to getting tricked, like one of the local boys Cross, he ticked Ash into going on a camping trip and left him out in the woods at night.

“Sniff...sniff...why does this keep happening?” He cried. The poor boy was 10 years old, lost and alone in the woods at night. “Why do I keep falling for these tricks?”

There was the time before this where he helped a local boy beat a video game, and the kid took credit for beating the game and completely ignored Ash after. The time before that a boy tricked Ash into “sharing” his pokemon cards, then stopped being friends with him and never gave back his cards.  He never got the cards back either, the boys mother believed Ash GAVE the cards away and he couldn’t/shouldn’t ask for a gift back. A cruel lesson, especially one to thrust on a kid.

Delia believed her son of course but they lived in a small town and it was sometimes better to keep the peace than to be right. This made things tougher on Ash. “I just want friends...why do I keep getting tricked like this?”

He cried and wiped his eyes. The negative emotions swelling up inside him was drawing in something dangerous. The Mythical pokemon Marshadow. This monster was quite mysterious and unknown to most of the world.

From legends it was said to be the Gloomdweller Pokemon, and it was a Fighting and Ghost type. Marshadow enjoyed possessing humans by slipping into their shadows.

This monster would have invaded Ash’s shadow, but before he could a gang of ghost pokemon appeared before him. They also heard Ash’s crying and wanted to cheer him up. Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar, this trio of Ghost Pokemon were quite silly and wacky. “Hmm?”

The trio put on a show to try and cheer Ash up. Their jokes were kinda terrible, but their energy was so positive. Ketchum laughed and applauded. As a show topper Haunter gave Ash an out of body experience, temporarily pulling his soul free from his mortal form.

Now a ghost, Ash was able to fly and play with the Ghost Pokemon. His spirits were lifted causing Marshadow to retreat for now. The experience was amazing, he flew and played with the ghosts, a grand time had by all.

In the woods he had been so scared, now floating high above the tree line he could see all the bright and shining stars, it was beautiful and not so scary. He was able to relax and have a whole different perspective.

With their help he was also able to find the path back to Pallet Town. Ash returned to his body and made his way home. “Thanks Gastly, thanks Haunter, thanks Gengar!” He waved at them, the monsters cheerily waved back.

This little event would change Ash’s future. That out of body experience tapped Ash into the supernatural. His body had a latent potential for Aura which got jump started. Aura could be infused into any of the five senses, but it could also help one tap into their sixth sense.

Ketchum was capable of becoming a Channeler/Medium. After becoming a ghost he can understand the hearts of ghost Pokemon. He could also hear the voices of spirits and call upon them. Many things had spirits naturally in nature, but objects can gain a spirit either out of neglect or love.

Delia believed in her son, and wanted to help him any way she could. She helped Ash train his vessel physically by doing special chores, while also getting books on the supernatural to help him study.

He honed these abilities over the years while going to Pokemon School. Ash still had dreams of becoming a great trainer, and hoped to use his powers to make that happen. Channeler was a recognized trainer class, so the school had books on such things.

Channelers typically used Ghost and/or Psychic pokemon, but were not limited to them. They typically used a Hex combat, which can be very effective.

Other students thought Ash was either creepy or crazy. Sometimes seeing him talk to himself, was what led to the crazy. What they didn’t realize Ghost Pokemon could turn invisible and Ash simply talked to them because he could sense them. Ketchum learned he could connect to a Pokemon’s spirit by touching them, which most students felt was impossible.

As for the creepy, Ash’s ability to sense spirits, wasn’t really understood even if he could perform it. He took part in weird cleansing rituals at school, he couldn’t help it. A certain mythical pokemon kept making his ghost sense go off. The fact Marshadow kept trying to enter his shadow was a sign that Ash was still pretty lonely. He thought if he learned some other channeler abilities he might be able to make some friends but...sadly no.

Because of his studies he was able to read people’s auras. The fact he could point out clouds of misfortune and auras of bad luck, left people thinking he was causing the problems. He suffered the same fate as a certain Hoenn Pokemon.

Ketchum wasn’t evil, his mother raised him right, even if he had powers he wouldn’t go crazy. He would defend himself though. Cross found out the hard way.

The orangette was a royal jerk, always picking fights and picking on who he saw as weak. So Ketchum was his main target. Now...Ash wouldn’t use his powers for evil, but payback was given.


“Oi Trashy!” TrAsh or Trashy was Cross’s nickname for Ash. He burst into the classroom, where he heard the channeler was studying. “I’m hungry, give me your lunch money!”

“Ash” said nothing. “Oi, didn’t you hear me?” He rushed over and grabbed “Ash”.

“Hehehehe~!” Cross paled. “We heard you!” The orangette backed up.

The fake Ketchum melted and became a phantom, a classic ghostly figure. “Woooooooo!” Cross fell back and pissed himself in fear.

“Aaaaahhhhhh!” He ran off and the ghost vanished.

Cross tried to tell the teacher Ash “attacked” him. “Mr. Cross, Mr. Ketchum has been in the library studying all period. He hasn’t left.”

“But I saw…” Ash smiled at him. He had gathered some spirits and created a doppelganger, the technique didn’t last long but it served the purpose. A little payback!

It didn’t stop Cross from being a jerk though.


He graduated from Pokemon School, earning him a trainer license. Trainers who graduated from a school got to carry 9 Pokemon, as they were given extra experience and training. It was said if you became a regional champion you got to carry 12. Most battles were still 6 v 6 at the most anyway.

The top four students got a special card, where they could get a starter from Professor Oak.

Shin Trace, he was a nice guy but super cowardly. He didn’t like Ash because of his connection with ghosts. Shin avoided him at all costs, often when the two bumped into each other he ran screaming in the opposite direction.

Cross, while a jerk he was a powerful trainer, in mock battles and practical exams he showed no mercy and got high scores. He didn’t like Ash for obvious reasons, and wanted to crush him as a trainer.

Gary Oak, Ketchum’s childhood friend turned rival. The brunette and Ash were actually good friends once, but as Ash delved into the supernatural, he caved to societal pressure and pretended he didn’t even know him. As much as it pained him, he turned his back on a friend to keep up his status. He was the grandson of Professor Samuel Oak, who not only was a world renown pokemon professor, but the former Kanto Champion!

With his families legacy Gary believed he had a lot to live up to, but ended up surrounding himself with the wrong kind of people. Over time he started getting cocky and his ego inflated something fierce.

Ash got the last spot. His love of Pokemon and passion helped him acquire the knowledge he needed to rise through the ranks. It was easy for someone with a passion for something to absorb and retain information for said passion. He learned so much in school, the Pokemon world was ever growing ever expanding. New types, new abilities, new moves, the world of monsters was truly fantastic.

His own powers have grown over the years, he proudly registered as a Channeler. His mom was so proud, even buying him a rosary, a bead for each known type of pokemon. He loved it!

Ash was so excited for his first pokemon, he couldn’t sleep, so he stayed up all night crafting spirit wards and talismans. When he finally fell asleep he passed out in his fundoshi.

The next day, he woke up late…

He raced out of the house, throwing on some red baggy pants atleast before racing to Oak’s lab. He was the last to arrive, bumping into Gary Oak. “Well if it isn’t Ash, late again I see!”

“Yeah I overslept!” Ash chuckled. He was shirtless, showing off his well defined upper body. Delia’s chore training had made him built, toned arms and legs, strong shoulders, firm pecs, and rock hard abs.

“A Pokemon Channeler shouldn’t be so lewd!” Gary huffed, looking away with a blush blooming on his cheeks.

Ash got up and dusted himself off. “What’d you say?” He asked innocently, actually missing what the brunette said.

“Nothing just forget about it.” Ash eyed him in confusion. He noticed Gary’s aura changed to a shade of pink.

“Your aura’s gotten all pink!” He exclaimed.

Gary’s blush grew. “I told you not to talk about that stuff, this is why everyone thinks you are so weird!” He snapped, his aura changing from pink to red. Gary fished out his monster ball. “You better hurry up and get your pokemon, not that it matters I got the best one out of the bunch.” He twirled the ball on his finger.

“You are right, later Gary!” Ketchum ran off, the young Oak starring off after him.

‘Damn it…’ He walked off to start his journey.

Ash entered Oak’s lab. The three starters Oak offered were Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, but sadly all three were taken already. “Oh man!”

“Now hold on Ash, I actually have a unique pokemon for you.” It was one he was studying recently. “Not only does it have a unique ability but a rare egg move.” He revealed a fourth monster ball.

Out came a yellow pokemon. “Abra!” The psychic type exclaimed.

Ash gushed at the sight of him. “Hello Abra!” Ketchum had read that Psychic types link and connect with their trainers telepathically. It was true, in an instant Abra read Ash’s mind, getting an insight into the young man’s past. “Wanna be friends?”

The answer was simple. Abra used Teleport and jumped into Ash’s arms. Ketchum has a rough life, even with gaining supernatural abilities. Abra swore he’d grow strong and help protect his trainer. “Ab Abra!” Ash hugged his new pokemon.

Oak knew this was the start of a beautiful relationship. He gave Ash his Pokedex and monster balls, nine empty ones.

Using his Pokedex Ketchum scanned his new friend.

Dexter: Abra the Psi Pokemon, when Abra senses an imminent attack, it escapes by teleporting. Abra are able to read minds. Ability is Magic Guard, Moves Teleport and Confusion.

“Abra don’t normally know Confusion right?”

“That’s correct Ash, this Abra got a special egg move when it hatched. It’s ability Magic Guard is also unique.” Oak explained.

“Wow you are really amazing Abra!” The psychic type blushed. His trainer was truly kind, even letting him hang outside of his ball. He floated behind Ash and if he got tired Ash gave him a piggy back ride.

He left the lab, and his mom showed up, bringing his stuff. “I packed your charms and talismans, and don’t forget this.” She handed over his rosary.

“Thanks mom!” He put it on and got dressed. He wore a black shirt and a purple vest. He put his pokedex and balls in some pockets and slipped a few talismans in there as well. Ash wore sandals and soon he was off with his new friend on an exciting and wild journey.

To be continued...Route 1 Troubles


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