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Yugioh Gx parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Second Base

In one duel Jaden became the talk of the dorms. Crowler was always bragging about his superior dueling, and this “nobody” showed up and defeated him and his special deck. In one swift move he became the strongest student in Slifer Red.

Sheppard announced that this was indeed a Test War, which meant Jaden got to improve the Red Dorm for his victory. The other red students would have to camp out while he fixed up the dorm. “Those lousy slackers, who does he think he is?” Chazz Princeton was not amused.

Princeton was an Obelisk Blue student. He was also a spoiled brat, coming from a prestigious family and been in fancy prep schools his whole life. The raven haired young man believed he was gonna be the next King of Games. He took what Jaden did as a personal attack against him. ‘I’ll make that loser pay!’

“Well well well, looks like I just got a worthy rival.” Bastian Misawa was a Ra Yellow student. In the exam he got the highest scores in both the written and duel exam. Misawa was looking for a rival to test his skills against, planning on advancing to Obelisk Blue after he proved himself.

He was a skilled duelist and recognized right away that Crowler was using his personal deck instead of a test deck. ‘He managed to beat an advanced duelist, one of our teacher’s personal decks he’s got skills.’


The Slifers had to pack up their stuff and temporarily move out so Jaden could work. In truth, Jaden could have used his advanced tech to make the Red Dorm super advanced, and in a relatively short amount of time. Judai wasn’t so rash, it was one thing showing up out of nowhere, but turning the dorm into a sci-fi elite base on the first day would raise some suspicion.

This would be his second base, but he’d cultivate it slowly. He had the abandoned dorm as his main base and the Neospacians could operate it. He had drones sweep the dorms, cleaning out mold, bacteria, and pests. ‘Raising this dorm up to the rank of Ra Yellow should be safe enough.’

Once everything was clean Jaden got to work on improving the dorm. He built on some additions, and overhauled the interior. Instead of three or more to a room, it’d be two to a room. Jaden felt that having a roommate was a good social lesson.

Each room would have a washroom, something simple a sink, a toilet, and a shower. The rooms were sizable, enough to fit two beds, two dressers, a desk, a computer, and a communal shelf space. Then he added to the dorm a Lounge area, it had a big screen tv, tables to play cards on, and a few arcade style machines that allowed you to play duel monsters.

The kitchen was given a full overhaul and was stocked with superior ingredients. The mess hall was just made bigger and given a buffet line.

Professor Banner’s room got an upgrade as well. Last thing he added was a deck with a viewing area. The Red Dorm had a nice view and students could/should enjoy it.

It took Jaden three days to complete. He could have had it done in one, but he estimated three days looked the least suspicious. The alien took the extra time to observe the Slifer students, not many of them stood out.

Quite a few already had their spirits broken, some found camping out better than the “crappy dorm” they were living in.

There wasn’t any third year Slifer students, and the only second year was Chumley Huffington. It was well recorded that Slifer students either got out of Red before their second year or dropped out.

As for the second year, Judai’s scans showed he had a connection to spirits. A natural connection to the spirit world did happen granting a user supernatural abilities. While his duel scores were low he had potential especially in the battle against the Light.

Then there was the first year Syrus Truesdale, he had decent scores on the written exam, not remarkable, but decent enough. He had struggles with the practical exam. ‘This one has skill but lacks confidence, we’ll need to fix that.’

The real trouble was...that one! Judai had double checked his scans and the results came back the same. ‘You will be the first!’

As the dorm was unveiled it was stunning to behold. No longer looking like an outhouse with a deck. It indeed looked similar to the Ra Yellow dorm somewhat but the Slifer Dorm had its own flare. The boys moved back in and the rooms were nice, some rotation happened.

They partied and celebrated, welcoming Jaden as well. ‘Judai-sama!’

‘What is it, Grand Mole?’ They used a mental link to communicate.

I’ve located a strange structure beneath the island, it seems to be a dome of some kind. Doing a scan there was signs of life inside.’ Grand Mole reported.

‘A bunker?’

Unknown sir, but the security on it is tight. They don’t seem to want anyone getting in.’

‘Or they don’t want something getting out. See if you can get the door unlocked, we’ll find out what Duel Academy is hiding, who knows it may assist us in battling the light.’

Yes sir!’ The transmission ended.

Jaden sighed. Humans were such strange and backwards creatures. The advancements and technology levels were far too low for a planet with sentient life this old. ‘What have humans been doing all this time?’ They issued a challenge to the Neospacians of all things. ‘Oh well, the mission is the mission.’

After the party everyone returned to their rooms. Syrus was still bunking with Chumley. Jaden had a room to himself for now, which made what he needed to do all the easier.

“Ahh that was quite the party!” Banner entered his room. “That new student is quite unique. His skills will no doubt make him a potential guardian, I’ll inform the master of his arrival and monitor him closely.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Banner jumped, whipping around he found Jaden in his room. He wasn’t in uniform, instead was wearing a skin tight body suit with gloves and boots over it. He had a strange ray gun in his hand.

“Oh Jaden, why are you here? It’s a bit late, but did you need to speak to me about something?” He was trying to play innocent, bad move.

“Lyman Banner, the dorm for the Slifer Dorm and the schools Alchemy teacher. Some might not believe in the power of alchemy, but I do.” Jaden’s eyes turned gold. “That body of yours it isn’t your original is it?”

Banner’s eyes widened, in a flash he went for his shadow charm. “How could you know that?” As soon as he grabbed the book Jaden shot it out of his hand. The shot was a blue energy bubble, it trapped the book.

“That is the shadow charm: Emerald Tablet. Quite the powerful item, I’m guessing it was given to you by this “master” of yours.”

“Who are you?” Banner was on edge now. ‘What manner of power does he have, that weapon I’ve never seen such a thing before?’

“I don’t have to answer your questions, you are gonna answer mine. As someone with mystical experience, I must gather that you were involved it what happened at the abandoned dorm?” Banner began to sweat. “Don’t try to deny it, I just need to know did you do it on your master’s orders and if so why?”

Banner tried to lie, but Jaden simply adjusted the dial on his ray gun and fired. Layman was zapped with a strange energy beam. “Yes...he needed strong duelists, so I helped him. In return he’d help me perfect my alchemy.” He confessed.

“So your master needed strong duelists, for what?”

“An army, he wished to gather the strongest and give them shadow power and create the Shadow Riders.” He could only speak the truth. Layman had lured duelists who wanted power and had wicked desires, but they simply got consumed by those desires. There was only one success.

“Do you know anything of the Light?”

“No...never heard of it…” That’s all he needed to know, he didn’t care about the goals of some human. Unless he gets in his way, it wasn’t his concern.

“Thank you professor, you’ve been most helpful.” He adjusted the dial once again and zapped Banner.

“Ahh!” He gasped as his clothes vanished. Every last stitch, exposing his lanky form. “What is this?!” He covered himself. It was quite the sight to see, he had no navel, and his body lacked any sign of body hair. It was a complete homunculus body.

“So that’s why you serve that master, this body while well made for a human is flawed. You may have another year, two tops before this body withers.” Banner was surprised once again.

Jaden sighed. “You certainly could pass for human, but when I did my scans I could tell that you were artificial, plus you had a stronger mystical aura than most.” He adjusted the dial on his weapon. “In truth depending on your answers I’d have had no choice but to get rid of you. However, if you choose to turn against your master, I’ll fix that body of yours.” He pointed the blaster at Banner. “So what’ll it be, you can choose to serve me and atone for your actions in a stable body, or if you stick with your master, your life will end now and you can apologize to those you sacrificed to the shadow realm?” It would be a waste to destroy Banner with his skills and knowledge, but he was an unknown, and a potential threat.

“Can you really do it, can you perfect this body?”

“I can indeed, I can also show you more uses for your alchemy.” He was skilled for a human, but Neospacian alchemy was on a whole other level. “That’s how I remodeled this dorm so quickly.”

Banner didn’t have any deep rooted loyalty to his “master”. The man had him over a barrel and forced him to serve him if he wanted to live and complete his research. “If you can set me free, I’ll happily serve you!” Jaden knew this was true, as Banner wouldn’t be able to lie.

They shook hands, and Jaden let his power flow. This agreement was bound magically. Not just on Banner’s body but his very soul.

“Then march!” He had Banner walk to the abandoned dorm butt naked.

“Is this really necessary?” The man blushed.

“I’d say so, I can make it more difficult.” He adjusted the dial and zapped Banner again.

“Ahhh~!” His red eyes had hearts in them. He was brought to his knees as his dick sprung to life. The teacher was so hard it hurt. Meanwhile, his hole was blooming like a freshly fucked flower, becoming an erotic donut shape. “What...was...that...for…?” He was sweating and his skin was flushed.

With just one zap, his whole body was in a hyper state of lust. His nipples were hard and perky, and his nuts grew an extra size from the amount of cum that was churning inside.

It was late, but the man was quite embarrassed, walking around with a serious erection. Every step was a challenge his legs feeling like jelly. Once at the dorm Banner could feel the energies in the area had shifted.

Inside he was given a peek at Jaden’s level of power, the dorm was nothing like it was before. “It’s bigger on the inside…” His mind was blown by all the fantastical and scientific machines and gadgets.

He met the Neospacian spirits. They eyed him hungrily, which only made his hole and cock twitch.

“One for the pod!” He was taken to a large pod and entered it. Banner was given sensor pads to put on, one on the back of his neck, two on his nipples, one over where his navel would have been, four on his arms and legs, and one above his crotch. He was fixed with a breathing apparatus. The pod filled with a strange liquid, that would absorb into the skin.

Jaden activated the machine, and some tools joined the fray. An anal probe and a penis probe. “Let’s begin!” It was a long night for Banner but Judai was true to his word. Using Neospacian power he perfected the man’s body.

The probes channeled energy into his body, helping the alien modify him inside and out. He packed on some muscle, he was still lean but now more toned. His energy levels and form became more stable, what would have withered in 2 years tops could now last 200 years atleast.

Fluids drained and the probes withdrew, Banner cumming hard. The pod opened up and he exited, naked and cum soaked. Despite cumming he was still hard. “How do you feel?”

“Amazing sir!” Banner bowed to Jaden. “I will gladly serve you Jaden!”

“Good, with the red dorm as my second base you will make sure it runs smoothly. You will use your skills to help strengthen the Red Dorm as we prepare.”

“Prepare for what?” Jaden filled him in, the mission, the Neospacians, the Light. It reminded Banner of an alien invasion movie he saw, but he was on Judai’s side 100%!

To be continued


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