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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1/Bad Day

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3

Natsu let Laxus into his home. From the look on his face the pinkette could see he’s been thinking. Normally you couldn’t see the weight Laxus carried around with him but today…

Laxus Dreyar was a powerful wizard and a strong man, he carried more on his shoulders than a lot of people realized. In his youth his father gave him the Lightning Dragon Lacrima to make him stronger. Ivan didn’t do it out of the goodness of his heart. He saw his son as weak and found a way to make him strong.

When Ivan was cast out of the guild he left, swearing a terrible grudge on Fairy Tail. He didn’t take Laxus with him, once again seeing him as too weak. It pushed the blonde into a darker path for a time. The lightning dragon slayer wanted to prove his power and earn his place!

It didn’t help that he was Makarov’s grandson, for such a short man, long was the shadow he cast. For Laxus he felt he didn’t get the credit he deserved. It made his attitude worse, fueling his pride and arrogance as he tried to gain strength not  for the guild, not for others, not even for himself, but to beat Makarov and somehow doing so would make him a man in his own right.

His dad drilled it into his head that the weak were made to serve the strong. If the weak can’t be useful than they were trash to be cast aside. Ivan also believed Laxus existed to serve him, his father, not that he ever voiced that opinion out loud. He passed on a nugget of wisdom that revealed his true intentions. “A strong king needs strong pawns”

A part of Laxus believed what his father said, and hoped one day when he was leading Fairy Tail he’d be able to bring his father back. He’d make the guild strong and cast out the weakness from it. Ivan had built his own guild, which was concerning for Makarov. Laxus believed he’d join it one day, but instead focused his sights on making Fairy Tail “better”.

He started with his own group, Bickslow, Fried, and Evergreen, all three of them were powerful wizards with their initial magic, but also gained a secondary magic. So in Laxus’s eyes they were superior to the other wizards in the guild. The blonde initially wrote Natsu off as trash, so it was hard for him to accept that the pinkette could rise up to challenge him let alone beat him.

It challenged his beliefs; all the nonsense his dad filled his head with, the issues created by his own ego being in Makarov’s shadow, his own internal struggles about sex and what he desired, his desire for power and to be the strongest...

Natsu cut through all of that and reached the real him. The flawed, imperfect but still good young man, who did love Fairy Tail, who did care about his guild mates. He was always there, just buried under a lot of nonsense. Natsu had sliced through the chains that kept him buried below the surface, and now that he was free, there was a lot more on Laxus’s mind these days.

Laxus was questioning what his father taught him, he was having to reflect on what he saw as strength and weakness, contemplating his place in the guild and how he’d run it, and all of this while the great beast that was his libido had gotten off his leash. All those “dirty” ideas his pride tried to bury were out.

His attempts to get laid weren’t as satisfying, sure he got off, but he was missing something more. He was still getting the job done, but all efforts to blow off steam were just reminded him of something he was missing. Submission!

“I want you to cut my strength again!”

“Excuse me?” Natsu blinked at him, giving him a look as if he’d grown a second head. He rubbed his ear, not sure if he heard him correctly.

“Please, cut my strength again, put me under your control...I...I want it...I need it!” The blonde was blushing. The storm inside his mind, body, and soul was threatening to rip him apart. He just wanted to go back to the peace, back on the island when he was under Dragneel’s influence it felt so nice.

He was given a taste of being dominated, all his secret desires were blown out of the water as he was gorged on submission. It was so easy, Natsu just had to speak and he’d obey. He wanted back in that state again, he wanted to submit, without the mental clawing from his pride.

Natsu was surprised, he’s never seen Laxus so exhausted before. There was a sense of desperation coming off him, it was in his very body language. “I’m gonna make us some tea, we need to talk.”

Laxus was stunned, he was begging for the third generation dragon slayer to dominate him and he wanted to...talk? He felt his inner pride snarl at the “insult” being thrown his way. “Take a seat Laxus, it’ll only be a moment!” His words were like the crack of a whip and Laxus obeyed sitting down and waiting.

As Natsu made tea, Laxus observed his home. It was impressive as the pinkette had built it himself. Erza got him a job with some wizards who used their magic for construction,  with his Blade Arts he was able to cut wood and stone perfectly and swiftly. He made good money and used what he learned to make his own house.

It was small, but cozy! Laxus felt weirdly relaxed in his home. There was a mantle above a fire place and it had pictures of everyone in the guild, and a few shots from missions. In the corner there was a hope cabinet full of trinkets and souvenirs Natsu collected from missions.

The pinkette returned with the tea, but Laxus didn’t try it. He was feeling more anxious now, talking about his feelings wasn’t exactly something he excelled. After a moment of awkward silence Laxus banged his fist on the table. “What is wrong with you!?” He snapped. “I come here wanting you to fuck me, and you just wanna talk?!”  He didn’t understand the logic in that.

Laxus remembered what happened on the island quite well. He knew Natsu was into him, and here he wanting to be under his control again. Why were they not naked and doing perverted things already. Patience was also not one of Laxus’s qualities.

“Laxus, calm down.” Dragneel said. “I’ll admit you surprised me by your request, and as tempting as the offer is I need to know where we stand.”

“Are you rejecting me!?” His body crackled with electricity. Again his pride was showing and making the situation become more twisted. He jumped up from his seat and looked like he was ready to fight.

“No I am not, put the volts away, you cannot force me to dominate you, it doesn’t work that way.” Laxus did calm down but he remained standing. “We need to meet half way here, so to start I want you to strip.” The blonde blushed.


“You heard me, take off your clothes, right now!” His tone was hot and commanding, and it made the blonde’s heart flutter a little. The urge to obey was so strong, even as his pride tried to twist the situation. This had to be a trick, or Natsu was mocking him in some way.

‘No...Natsu...isn’t like that…’ The dragon slayer could tease, but he never crossed the line. They could be rowdy, but at the end of the day they needed to go home friends. Laxus obeyed Natsu’s order, he peeled off each article of clothing and soon stood in all his naked glory.

His pride cursed him as he had removed everything. If Natsu kicked them out of his home now, they’d be walking home in shame. Not a stitch on him to cover up. There would be no going back from that, he’d be the laughing stalk of the town.

He sat down and Natsu got up. “Good boy!” He stroked the blonde’s hair. Laxus gulped and felt a surge of heat wash through him. His heart was now beating like a drum. His doubts burned up by such a simple action.

“Your tea is cold.” He picked up the cup and heated it with his flames. “Here.” Laxus had some of the tea.

“See you can be obedient and submissive without my help.”

“It’s...easier with you.” It was hard for him to ask a stranger to dominate him, and going to Fried or Bickslow cranked up his anxiety. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust them, but it goes back to that storm inside him. He didn’t want to think about what came next he just wanted to submit and feel.

“Good to know, so answer this question. What am I to you?” Laxus was caught off guard by it.

“What?!” Natsu sat back down.

“It’s a simple question, what am I to you? I’ll rephrase it though. What is this?” He gestured between them.

“I...uh...I don’t know.” Honest. He couldn’t think of an answer, so when in doubt be honest. It’s often better then saying something just cause one thinks their partner wants to hear it.

“Are we friends with benefits? Did you come to me for a booty call?” Laxus wanted to kill Macao for teaching him such things.

“No?” He was hesitant. It didn’t feel right calling it that. He had booty calls, lovers he could call up when he wished to blow off steam. While he did want to blow off steam in his heart that’s not something he could see Natsu as. ‘What are we?’

“We aren’t lovers yet,” the yet making Laxus blush and his pervy mind think up possibilities. “Do you wish to be my mate?”

“Your mate?!” He repeated, trying to process what he heard.

“Yes, my mate, I’d claim you as mine, bite you and mark you!” A shiver raced through Laxus. “You’d be the first of my treasures.” Natsu purred on the word treasures and Laxus felt his heart skip a beat, his blood rushed south. “Since you’d be the first in my harem, I’d have to train you in dragon mating.”

Laxus gulped. ‘He wants a harem?’ It was a bold idea, not many could pull it off. The idea of dragon mating training continued to swirl up ideas. His cock stood at attention. To be owned by Natsu, it was rather appealing.

As a second generation dragon slayer he was not raised by a dragon. Natsu was taught lessons by Igneel that made him more open minded than most humans. The idea of a harem didn’t shake Laxus as much because there were powerful wizards who had harems. His own love life was a psuedo harem of sorts.

Natsu didn’t have a problem cutting away Laxus’s strength, his pride, and even shame. The man was sexy, strong, cool, and despite his gruff nature had a caring heart. He’s been chasing Laxus and wanted to earn his respect for years. He wanted a bond with the blonde as fellow dragon slayers. Dreyar kept him away, but now they were both S-Class Wizards, standing in the same ring.

“What is it you want Laxus? I can see what your body wants. Tell me what you want!” He could also smell it, the blonde’s arousal stirring the pinkette’s loins as well. What they shared on the island was real, a truly fantastic experience for both of them.

Natsu knew what he wanted, and he was open enough to forge any kind of relationship with Laxus. He was lost and he needed help. Dragneel was willing to shoulder his troubles, and help him figure things out. He could cut the intangible all day long, but such phenomenon were like trees deeply rooted in the soul, such cuts were clean and those things could return.

In the whirling storm inside Laxus, there was a ray of light. It cut through the clouds and shined brighter than lightning. Laxus thought about his life up till now, he thought about Natsu, he thought about the guild, and he thought about the island. His view of strength was shallow, his ideal of manhood was superficial, and he realized his father was wrong.

He thought he had just been in Makarov’s shadow, but Ivan had also cast shade on his life. Laxus got up and walked to Natsu before kneeling in front of him and bowing his head in submission. “I know I want you to dominate me, I want to submit to you. The idea of becoming your mate and making me yours sounds amazing. I wish to know you more and figuring out myself as well. This is what I want!”

Natsu offered his hand and Laxus looked up. “I can work with that.” The blonde took his hand and the pinkette laced his fingers. “We can start with some training.” He undid his pants and freed his massive length.

Laxus licked his lips at the sight of it. His hole twitched in want, the manly musk had his penis leaking. Natsu held his hand as he came forward and he began to suck on the massive rod. “Mmm~!” His eyes fluttered.

Dragneel’s hand came to rest on his head. “I want to make you mine Laxus, get ready I’ll be training you to being the best sub you can be. As some insensitive, as a reward for completing different levels I’ll cut you down deep so you’ll remain in a sub state for some time.” Laxus moaned around his cock. “We are gonna learn a lot about each other Laxus, I’m excited!”

The blonde soon made a mess, cumming across the floor. Natsu didn’t fuck his mouth this time, instead using him as a cock warmer. “This is your first lesson, my naughty lightning dragon!” He purred and Laxus shivered. “In seven months I’ll be showing you myself, and by the end I’ll ask you again. If you still want to be mine I’ll claim you as my mate, if not I’ll be satisfied knowing you’ve found yourself and was able to help you find some happiness.” Sounded like a win win to Laxus.

To be continued...Training Your Lightning Dragon


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