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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Transformation Spark

Ash was rushed to the Pokemon Center. “Nurse Joy, please help us!”

“Oh my goodness!” She called for Chansey, and brought out a stretcher. “What happened?”

There was some hesitation, they didn’t know what happened exactly. A giant Electrike showed up and attacked them, it bit Ash, and he collapsed. Ash let out a pained groan.

“Explain later!” Joy said and rushed Ash into the back. Chansey helped strip the young man, removing his hat, his jacket, shoes, and socks. His shirt was raised and he was hooked up to some machines. “Oh my goodness!”

His temp was high, his skin was flushed, and his heart rate was racing. The wound on his arm was throbbing. “My word!” She activated some of the machines to try and explain some of the abnormal readings she was getting. ‘These readings make no sense for a human.’


Brock was as still as a statue. ‘Come on Ash, you can pull through this!’

Ruby was pacing back and forth. Guilt was eating at him like a school of Carvanha. ‘He protected me and got hurt! It’s my fault!’ He chewed on his thumb. A swell of emotions was surging through him.

Pikachu and Phanpy were waiting with the monster ball containing the culprit to all of this. They were just as worried, but know that Ash wouldn’t want any harm to come to Elektrike.

Blaise was waiting in the wings, observing and trying to find the perfect chance to strike. Things were tense, if he made the wrong move he’d have a whole mess of trouble. His first goal was retrieving that massive monster. He readied one of his balls.


Nurse Joy ran tests, and the results were surprising. ‘There is some kind of energy running through his veins. It’s making him sick, but...’ She had seen something similar in Electric Pokemon who have a build up problem. The treatment would just be to relieve the energy to reduce the pressure. She didn’t know how to do that with this kind of energy.

Ash’s body sparked. He whimpered and groaned in pain.

Chansey had begun to clean the wound on his arm, only to cry out in shock as it healed. Joy’s computers began to wig out as Ash’s body pulsed. His numbers began to fluctuate wildly.

“This can’t be, it’s like he’s trying to evolve...but he’s human…” Her monitors have recorded readings from pokemon who’ve evolved at the center. Though the evolution process happened instantly it gave off a burst of energy.

Since Ash was human this strange phenomenon shared the same process but in slow motion. The primal energy was surging through his system, with every beat of his heart it spread. It stimulated his body triggering growth and change.

His baby fat melted away and his muscles got charged. “Oh my!” Joy gasped as Ash’s chest and stomach hardened and became shaped as he developed firm pecs and rock hard abs. As the chest popped the nipples grew larger and more tender. His arms and legs went through the change, getting more toned and defined. He actually got a little taller, getting the results of a growth spurt.

Ketchum’s legs really got a boost, all his traveling gave him excellent leg development. He didn’t know it but his whole life he was gaining and growing. This energy took Ash’s experience and used it for his evolution, but evolution into what?

His hair began to wave as sparks began to leak off his body. “Ah Ahhh!” He bucked off the table and electricity erupted from his form. The cells in his body began to change and mutatedc

Nurse Joy took cover and Chansey shielded her.

Ash’s pant legs were ripped apart as the transformation took to the next level, the sparks scorching the garment off. Monster biology began to appearing inside of him. His inner walls became lined with new nerve endings. The channel was cleaned with electric energy and his organs began to shift as he transformed.

The energy readings were going off the charts. His heart beat was going faster than humanly possible, but it wasn’t strange for a monster. Ash’s heart suddenly stopped. His noises stopped and the room filled with an eerie noise from the monitor showing he was flatlining.

“Chansey hurry!” They tried to start his heart again. “Clear!” Pow

“Clear!” Pow “Once more!” She cranked up the juice.

“Clear!” Pow!

Ash’s body absorbed the shocks and his body glowed. The machines were overpowered and the whole center got a power surge.


When the lights flickered Blaise chose then to strike. “Slugma, I need you!” He called out the fire type. The monster turned up the heat in the room and he unleashed some smoke.

“What’s going on?” Brock gasped.

Blaise was a skilled illusionist. The combination of the heat and smoke, the two humans and pokemon were caught off guard. The combination of the flickering lights, the heat, and the smoke Blaise was able to work his magic, creating terrifying illusions. These figments looked like horrifying phantoms with pure white bodies and deep black eyes and mouths.

The figments attacked and scared Brock, Ruby, Pikachu, and Phanpy. Ruby dove out of the way. Pikachu and Phanpy attacked the figments only to have the moves phase right through. Brock thought they may have been fake, but Blaise tricked him by acting as a figment and striking him.

‘Heh, the hardest illusion to see through is the one you can’t differentiate fantasy and reality.’ He moved among the figments and went for the ball. ‘I’ll be taking this!’

“Pika!” Pikachu attacked Blaise only to get knocked back by Slugma.

Phanpy had enough, he unleashed Stealth Rocks. When Slugma and Blaise tried to escape they triggered the stones and got struck. The illusion broke, the figments fading away.

“Who is that?” Ruby gasped.

“I’m out of here!” Blaise said and tried to run, he had Slugma hold them back with Flamethrower. Before he could get through the door, the lights went out.

A large glow tore through the room and hit Blaise in the back.   “Gah!” He turned back. “The heck is that?” He couldn’t see what the creature was, as it was surrounded by a shell of lightning. Blaise ordered Slugma to attack it.

The creature dodged and blasted Slugma with electricity. He became knocked out. “Return!” He recalled the fire type.

Blaise looked from the creature to the exit. The team magma agent turned to try and flee, as soon as he turned his back the creature fired a bolt of lightning at his arm. “Gah!” His arm spasmed and he dropped the ball.

The creature moved like a thunderbolt and snatched up the ball. Blaise had no choice but to flee, his arm was paralyzed. ‘What the hell did Team Aqua unleash!?’ The creature didn’t give chase, his focus seemed to be on the ball.

He powered down and the lights came back on. “Ash?” Brock gasped.

“No way!?” Ruby couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Ash stood before them but not as they knew him.

He was taller now, his hair had gotten thicker and there were some yellow streaks in his hair. The thunderbolt marks on his cheeks had gotten thicker and more defined. His ears had become curved and pointy.

Ash’s forearms had green fur covering them, with some yellow fur around his wrists. Some matching fur could be seen on his legs, with the yellow fur around his ankles. He had some green fur spikes on his elbows and knees. A green and yellow tail was jutting out above his rear. His canines had grown sharp and pointy.

The young man’s body crackled with electricity. Ash called out the massive Electrike and seeing them side by side you could say Ash had become an Electrike hybrid. “I said I’d protect you.” He pets the massive beast before collapsing.

Electrike caught him and kept him up. Nurse Joy and Chansey came out, her center was scorched and smelled of smoke. There was a monster/human hybrid who just overwhelmed one of the recovery room systems, and there was a giant Electrike. “Answers now!”


Ash was stable and was recovering in another room. The giant Electrike, along with Pikachu and Phanpy were by his side. “That’s all we know, that thing was going on a rampage and it bit Ash and he turned into...that…”

Nurse Joy sighed. She checked the story with officer Jenny who was dealing with her own reports of a giant monster rampaging about. “Where did it come from?”

“We’ve seen large pokemon like that before, but it’s very rare and none of them behaved like that.” Brock said. Not counting the island of giant pokemon that were all just robots.

Nurse Joy ran tests on the Electrike, and she detected the same energy that was in Ash, but it was stable now. “Other than his large size, he seems perfectly healthy.” Ash in kind, while not having a normal human heart rate, had a healthy one for a monster.

To be continued...A Storm Awakens


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