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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Day Break

Things were...odd…

After Natsu and Elfman got Macao back the two seemed tense about each other. They hadn’t gone on a quest in a few days, Elfman was focused on working out. Natsu was training his fire magic. When the two bumped into each other there was a weird tension between them. They would blush and their sentences seemed to be reduced to five words or less.

It was just so weird…

“Elfman, is everything okay?” Mirajane asked. Elfman was at the bar, not really drinking just staring at his glass and sighing.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine!” He said, putting on a smile.

“Aren’t you and Natsu gonna spar today?” He began to sweat.

“Oh um no not today!” His cheeks were burning in a blush.

‘What’s up with them?’ They had just formed a combo and now they were barely speaking to each other. ‘Did something happen?’


Natsu was doing some training with Macao. “Natsu, not that I mind you coming to me for training. Shouldn’t you be with Elfman?”

“Elfman?!” Natsu’s voice cracked. “Oh um, not today!” His cheeks burned in a blush.

‘What’s up with them?’ Macao didn’t press the matter and continued on with the training.


If it had been a fight the two would have just settled things with their fists and worked it out. This was very different. The two were dealing with feelings, realizing there was something more there.

For Elfman, he had been caught in a very intimate and frankly erotic position. He was confronted with some powerful realizations and things he wanted, specifically things he wanted Natsu to do to him!

As for Natsu, while he had seen Elfman naked before; heck the incident with the Beast King, and they’ve bathed and showered together, one year at the festival the two were in nothing but fundoshi together banging on a magic drum. He just hadn’t seen Elfman so aroused, so wanting, so sexy! Dragneel felt desires and feelings surge inside him, and he was currently dealing with that. There was stuff he wanted to do to and do with Elfman!

It was hard for both of them, they were so close, they knew each other on all sorts of levels. They didn’t know there was a line to cross in their relationship, but the line had sprung up out of nowhere.

The question wasn’t, did they want each other that way? The two men clearly wanted each other, the desire, the hunger, and the want was there. The question was did they cross the line?

Actions had consequences, good and bad. How many bandits had they smashed because they wanted something and took it not caring about the people they hurt or the damage they could do? If they crossed that line, it’s not something that could be undone.

They had just started something new, having formed a team together. Now they were realizing something was there they didn’t know was there before. They needed to process their feelings and figure out themselves before jumping into a relationship.

Natsu wasn’t the biggest fan of sudden change. Them forming a team/combo felt natural, like their relationship had evolved to the next level. This was already new, and now these feelings were kicking around.

Having both experienced loss, the boys didn’t want to lose what they had, just because they got what they wanted. It was a lot to figure out. As the days passed, the two hadn’t been able to figure much out.


While the two tried to put distance between them, there was one factor they missed. Sammy…

Samuel noticed the change in their behavior. He hoped it could be fixed so he cashed in on a promise. He found a job on the board, it was a simple looking mission retrieve a book known as Day Break from a man known as Duke Everlue. The request had been up for awhile, for various reasons. “Let’s do this job!” Sammy showed them the paper.

“200,000 just to retrieve a book?” Natsu asked.

“Sounds too easy, there must be a trick.”

“Please, this job should be easy and I can prove my skills!” Samuel gave them the big kitty eyes.

“Let’s do it…” Natsu sighed.

“I’m in too…” Elfman sighed.

The group packed up and headed out to Shirotsume, unaware of the change to the quest.

Levy, Jet, and Droy wanted that quest, and were bummed when they found out Team Beast King got it. “Perhaps its for the best, there is something off about this one?”

“What do you mean?” Mirajane asked.

“The job reward was raised to two million!” Jaws dropped. Two million to retrieve a book? Yeah no matter how you looked at it that seemed suspicious.


The flight was a tense one, Natsu and Sammy were flying, with Dragneel holding Elfman for the trip. ‘Has he always held me so...tight…’ The muscular male’s heart pounded in his chest. The dragon slayer’s tail was curled around him offering support in the flight. ‘He’s so warm!’ Natsu’s warmth was washing over him. “Doki~Doki!” His heart pounded.

‘No doki~doki!’ Elfman slapped his chest.

“You okay Elfman?” Sammy asked.

“I’m fine!” He yelped.

They meet up with Kaby Melon and his wife. The mission was simple infiltrate Duke Everlue’s mansion and retrieve the book Day Break and destroy it. “If you are the ones to succeed the reward is two million!”

“TWO MILLION!” The trio gasped. Kaby was surprised they didn’t know, but felt it didn’t matter so long as they got the job done.

“Wait...if we are the “ones” to succeed?” Sammy asked.

“Yes, I’ve hired wizards before, and another guild has also accepted this request. I will pay the group that brings me that book.” Everlue was a powerful man politically speaking, he had money and influence which let him get away with a lot.

Kaby wanted the book no matter what. He increased the reward as the first wizards he hired were paid off, and a week ago the last group he hired was caught and failed. This was concerning, Everlue had strengthened his security because of all the activity.

“We can do this.” Sammy crunched some numbers. “Everlue is looking for a sexy maid, which means his guard will be down.”

“A maid?” Natsu and Elfman said in unison, wild thoughts crossing their minds. They jumped to some wrong conclusions.

Elfman thought of Natsu in a sexy maid outfit. In his mind it hugged his masculine figure in an alluring way. “You are a dirty boy Elfman, I’m gonna half to clean you myself!” Strauss got a nosebleed.

Dragneel thought of Elfman in the sexy made outfit. His manly physique was such a contrast to the feminine uniform it was strangely erotic. “I’ve finished the dusting, I think I’m ready to polish!” Fantasy Elfman made a jerking gesture. Natsu got a nosebleed.

“Are you two okay?!” Sammy gasped.

“Fine…” The two groaned, but had trouble looking at each other.

Sammy wasn’t planning on them dressing up as maids to get in, simply using the interview as a distraction so they could sneak in. Everlue apparently handled the interviews himself, so he’d have his guard down while he was “inspecting” the maids. They would sneak in like ninja!

‘Ninja!’ Natsu and Elfman were giddy, they both liked ninja.

It seems the other team Kaby hired went for the maid plan. A blonde woman and a blue haired woman approached the mansion. “Right let’s move!”

“Nin nin!” The two sneaked around, Natsu wearing his scarf like a ninja, and Elfman had his collar flipped up, hiding half his face. Sammy followed after them, but noticed something about the blonde girl.

‘She didn’t hide her guild mark?’ Sammy sweatdropped. He didn’t have time to process the mark and which guild it belonged to as his team had gotten ahead of him.

For the girls their plan was a bust. Even if Everlue didn’t notice the obvious guild crest, which he did, he had...different tastes. He called both girls ugly and told them to get lost. His “beautiful” maids joined him and they laughed the two off.

The Beast Kings infiltrated the mansion and began looking for the book. The maids discovered them, but were quickly dispatched. One of the larger maids though seemed to disappear, she was a spirit and warned Everlue of the intruders.

Natsu found the book and Sammy was shocked. He recognized the author, it was one of his favorites but the exceed had never heard of Day Break before. “Let’s just burn it and get out of here.”

“Hold on, I need to read it first!” He began using his glasses to speed read the story.

“Now!?” Elfman gasped.

“So...you fools were after Day Break. I wondered why so many wizards kept coming around to snoop. To think it was such a trivial thing.” Everlue appeared using magic. He had some odd digging magic. “Since you’ve entered my mansion I’m afraid I can’t allow you to leave alive.” He snapped his fingers and two men appeared.

“These are the famous Vanish Brothers from the Southern Wolves Guild!” Everlue introduced.

Sammy finished reading the book. “Guys, hold them off, there is something more to this book. I need some time to figure it out.”

‘Something more?’ Everlue twitched. ‘What could it be?’ He had read the book and didn’t notice anything special about it.

“I got these guys, guard Sammy!” Natsu said.

“Are you sure?” Elfman asked.

“What? Don’t you trust me, I got this!” Dragneel smiled and Elfman returned it. He did indeed trust him.

“Beast Soul: Weretiger!” He transformed into a feline anthro. With his advanced speed he grabbed Sammy and the two raced around the mansion with Everlue hot on their trail. He was so blinded by the chase he didn’t realize he was wrecking his whole house.

Natsu faced off with the Vanish Brothers, they were skilled fighters yes, and capable of countering certain kinds of magic. They had a rather narrow view of wizards, they took on mostly scholar wizards those that spend their days in a library studying advanced magic. Their big acclaim to fame, was defeating a wizard who had mastered a form of advanced Curse Magic, and they beat him with one hit before he could even cast the spell.

In their minds wizards were frail and weak physically. Guild wizards were not like scholar wizards, they spent their days in the field, going on missions/quests, so their bodies were honed as much as their minds. The two were so arrogant they ignored what was right in front of their eyes, Natsu was fit and toned, and compared to sparring with Elfman these two were barely making him sweat.

They knocked Dragneel around for a bit, but the dragon slayer didn’t even need to transform to take these jokers out. He got used to their movements and kept getting back up. “Is this all you got?” They relied too much on being a tag team, one their opponent focused on one brother, the other would attack and so on.

The Older brother was also too over confident with his ability to counter caster magic. “Flame Cooking!”

He sent Natsu’s back at him using a giant frying pan weapon. Dragneel just slurped his flames down, the trick weirdly “cooked” his fire giving it a new taste. “Now I got a fire in my belly!” Now he was faster and stronger. “Fire Dragon Wing Attack!”

His arms became coated in flames and wham! He laid a fiery smack down on them, leaving them scorched and naked. As Natsu stared at them he didn’t feel his engine going like it did when he saw Elfman. ‘Igneel was right.’


Everlue laid a trap for Elfman tripping him up. The weretiger flipped in the air and corrected himself landing safely with Sammy in his arms. “You fools don’t know who you are messing with.”

“Yes we do, I know exactly who you are.” Sammy adjusted his glasses. “You are a scummy troll of a man, who threatened the family of a great man to write some trash to stroke your own ego!”

“What are you saying?” Everlue was sweating bullets.

“That great man was Zekua! You locked him in a cell when he refused to write for you.”

“You scum!” Elfman growled.

“How could you know this?”

“Before he became a novelist Zekua was a talented wizard, he put an enchantment on the book!”

“No way!” He hissed. Everlue began to panic, he was so vain he thought Zekua wrote about his illegal trades and business deals, if the info got leaked out he’d be ruined. “Give me that book!” He didn’t use his Diver Magic instead he called upon some help. “Open Gate of the Maiden!”

The large maid from earlier appeared and she seemed to be able to use the same Diver Magic. “Virgo deal with the buffoon I’ll get the cat.”

“Yes master!” The two grappled.

“You are pretty strong!” Elfman praised.

Everlue dove down and went after Sammy. “Traveling with these two wizards you must be pretty weak, so tell me what I want to know or you are dead!”

“That was your last mistake…” He began to transform. “Thinking I need them to protect me!” He kicked Everlue in the face and began to wail on him with a flurry of punches. “Take this you bastard, you fiend, you cancer against literature!”

“Master?!” Virgo cried out.

“You should focus on the man in front of you!” Elfman knocked her off guard and slammed her into the ground in a cool wrestling way. “Nice work Sammy!” He gave him a thumbs up.

Samuel grinned before reverting back to chibi form. Everlue’s face was even more swollen, his body was all banged up and he was missing some teeth.

All the fighting made half the mansion collapse, some of the debris landing on Everlue.

Team Beast Kings got the book and brought it to Kaby. In his hands the spell on Day Break was undone and all the words flipped and became set in the proper place. He spent so many years hating his father, and the man loved him so much his final work was for him. Day Break was changed to Dear Kaby!

Sammy had figured it all out.

A touching end to the tale. They did good work today. “We should be heading home, and you folks to!”

“Huh?” Turns out Kaby and his wife weren’t wealthy, they were borrowing the fancy home from a friend. Natsu could tell by the scent. They didn’t take the reward money, not the two million or the two hundred thousand.

“You did great Sammy, I think you are ready!” Natsu told him.

“You mean it!” His tail wagged.

“You were kick butt today, a true man!” Elfman approved.

“Welcome to the team, Sammy!” This too was a long time coming. It felt right!

They may not have gotten the reward, but got something more. 

Elfman stared at Natsu. “Do you think we can walk back?”

“You sure? It’ll be a few days till we get home?” Flying would have been faster.

“I’m sure, I’d like us to catch up a bit. We haven’t...been around each other much...lately...and I’ve...missed you…” Natsu smiled.

“I’ve missed ya to!” Sammy smiled, it was nice seeing the two so relaxed.

“Natsu...there’s been something weighing on my mind, and I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own...it’s kinda complicated...I’m not good with his kinda stuff...but as a man I’m not gonna run away from something I want!” He started off strong but didn’t know where to go from here.

“I feel the same way, we do need to sort stuff out, but maybe we can help figure this stuff out together!” Strauss grinned. That sounded good to him. It took them awhile but they figured out the missing ingredient, each other. They did need to figure things out so they could grow, but if they didn’t work together, the relationship would suffer. Together, not only would they grow as individuals, but so would their bond!

“Let’s start with something small.” Natsu pulled Elfman in for a kiss, it was a little clumsy, but it was warm. The two men melted into it. Sammy gasped and his glasses fogged up.

‘Oh wow!’ The kiss was hot, both seeing it and in it.

Igneel had taught him many things, sometimes a small spark was all that was needed to grow a mighty flame. This was their spark!


“Those bastards...I’ll make them pay…” Everlue crawled out of the rubble.

“Here he is!” He looked up and saw the blonde and blue haired girls from before. They saw the destruction and came to investigate.

“You are too late...the book...is gone…” It happened.

“We know, we couldn’t find the book.” The blue haired girl said.

“But we did find a bunch of interesting documents in a safe.” The blonde added.

“My safe? Impossible…” They had the documents in their hands to prove it. “You ugly bi…”

“Water Lock!” He was silenced and locked in a sphere of water.

“You shouldn’t have called us that, we are here for payback.” Lucy said.

“You shouldn’t have messed with Phantom Women!” Juvia declared and they flexed their guild marks. Phantom Lord!

To be continued


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