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Detective Conan parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Bodyguard?

Yoko was having a problem with a stalker and she wanted the Kudo Detective Agency to investigate. Kogoro was quick to accept. Shinichi seemed to be going over some kind of mystery case, but felt he could use a break, so they took the job.

Mouri kept trying to flirt with Yoko, but she clearly wasn’t interested. Kudo wasn’t concerned, he noticed the flinches and tensing movements. ‘Looks like the cage is doing it’s job.’

They arrived at her apartment only to find a dead body. Megure was called and the initial evidence at first pointed to Yoko being the killer, then her manager. It didn’t help that the manager was being all kinds of shady, and trying to remove evidence from the scene.

The victim was actually Yoko ex-boyfriend and sadly he was his own killer. He had broken up with her for the sake of her career and pushing from her manager. It wasn’t what Yoko wanted or what he wanted. The case ended with an air of tragedy. It was a bit sour for Kogoro.

His idol thanked him and hugged him, his cock stiffening, only to be bit by the cage. He wanted to have sex, but what shook Kogoro was that he wanted to be fucked by Shinichi.


Ran heard all about the case later, and cried when seeing Yoko perform. “She really is strong, I can’t imagine having her strength.”

“We all gotta keep moving forward. Even tragedy can serve as a step forward.” Shinichi said. Life was full of ups and downs, good things and bad things happened. People could allow the bad things to shape their futures and affect their decisions. Kudo has read plenty of stories and witnessed it in the cases he’s solved.

He turned back to a board with some potential cases on it. One of them in particular was bothering Shinichi. Megure sent him cases from time to time, to get some fresh eyes on them. He respected Shinichi.

Kudo also looked over news stories in the paper.

“What’s up?” Ran asked.

“There was another murder at the park we went to.” There were no clues to the culprits, and the victim couldn’t even be identified. Megure believed this would end up being a cold case before too long. Privately the two spoke and it felt like a professional job. Megure was sure had the patrol for the park not been nearby the body probably would have been disposed of completely.

“This is one that might be beyond us.” Megure stated. Such a statement wasn’t easy for the man to say, but the message was clear.

Kudo remembered those shady guys in black at the park, there was something about that that screamed danger. Having such a shady case so close to home had Kudo worried. His parents often worried about his safety, solving murder cases could make one a target for dangerous people. “Perhaps we could use a bodyguard?”

“What do you need a bodyguard for? I can handle a bad guy or two!” Kogoro said confidently. While he had some martial arts training, he lost his license to carry a gun thanks to his drinking problem. Given time he could get re-certified.

“Aww you want to protect me that’s so sweet!” Kudo teased, making the older man blush.

“N-No…” He looked away.

“Having security in the agency would be beneficial.” Ran suggested. “I’d make me feel better, your latest case had you dealing with a potential stalker it could have ended a lot worse.” Had the man attacked Yoko or should they have a client in dire need, they’d need to protect them as well.

She had a point. Kudo had his gadgets and skills, but there was only so much those could do against someone crazy, or a group of criminals. Get alone with a suspect with little to no back up could cost him his life. “I’ll put an ad out and see if we can hire someone.” If there was no room in the budget, he was sure his parents would pitch in given the matter of his safety.

“I’m telling you, I can handle any thug with my skills!” Mouri said. His skills were sadly rusty. Ran said she could do it, but Kogoro wasn’t having that. He didn’t want Ran in danger.

Shinichi put the ad out and Ran had an idea of who they could hire. In the meantime, the Kudo Detective Agency got a surprise case, some neighborhood youths had discovered some form of map with a code. Mouri thought it was a waste of time, but Shinichi investigated and found it was indeed a treasure map, made by some bank robbers.

He was out numbered and while he was able to pull through it was cutting it close. The men were arrested and the money returned to the bank. He walked away with a couple of bruises but he’d live. ‘Definitely need a bodyguard.’

So far there wasn’t many hits for his ad, but Ran’s suggestion came through. “Dad, Shinichi this is Makoto Kyogoku!”

“Hello,” He bowed his head politely.

“Ran who is this scary looking punk!” Kogoro snapped. It was sad but true, while Makoto was quite handsome, his face had a scary edge to it.

“Dad!” Ran chastised him.

“Makoto Kyogoku from Haido, the former captain of the Karate Team, known as the Prince of Kicks! You have made championships in international karate tournaments, and currently have a 400 win streak in matches around the world.” Makoto blushed.

“You’ve heard of me.” Kudo nodded.

“Indeed, you had a match at our school once, I got to observe your skills. You are impressive.” The praise made Makoto’s heart flutter. Kogoro wasn’t as pleased.

“If he’s so great, what’s he doing here?”

“Well, my family approves of my martial arts training because of the prize money I get from tournaments. They, however, expect me to make a more consistent living.” He worked at their inn in the summer, but his scary face and intimidating aura scared off customers. His good looks could bring some girls in, but those girls tended to have boyfriends who got jealous and challenged Kyogoku and he didn’t hold back. So he had a bad reputation. Despite his grades and accomplishments he had a hard time keeping a job. Sometimes his freakish strength got him in trouble, he also sometimes got pulled over for being a “suspicious person”. “Ran told me you were looking for a security person. If you hire me I can promise you I’ll defend you with my life!”

“I think you’d do fine! You are hired!” Makoto smiled.

“Now hold on!” Kogoro snapped.

“How do we know he’s good enough!”

“You wanna test him?” Kudo asked with a smirk. “Go ahead!”

Kogoro was a bit too over confident. He had faith in his skills, but those abilities were rusty. Mouri thought he could teach this “whelp” a lesson, but Makoto didn’t know how to hold back from a challenge.

Kyogoku was fast and agile, even with Kogoro’s judo skills he didn’t have time to act before he was hit hard.

He was knocked back landing flat on his ass and back. “You hurt?” Kudo asked.

“Just my pride…” He groaned. ‘Maybe I should hit the gym, and sharpen my skills back up…’

Ran should have warned him, she had an expo match with him before and it ended in a draw.

Makoto was hired as security and bodyguard. Kogoro didn’t know why he didn’t like him. “Welcome to the team.” Shinichi offered his hand.

Kyogoku blushed and shook it. There was a weird chemistry in the air. “Ran...what is up with him?” Kogoro whispered.

“Well I knew he was looking for work, but I wasn’t sure if he’d make it. He was training and he usually doesn’t break it. When I told him there was an opening at the Kudo Detective Agency he got really excited and gung-ho about coming.” Mouri looked between Kyogoku and Kudo, gauging the blush on his cheeks, the nervous body language, the smile on his face.

‘He has a thing for Kudo!?’

Indeed he did. He had seen Kudo at one of Ran’s matches. He was cheering for her with such passion. Makoto had his own keen eye for detail, and he read about Kudo’s efforts. ‘He’s amazing!’

He didn’t know how to approach Shinichi, but he kept up on his exploits. Even managing to go to one of Kudo’s soccer matches. ‘Wow!’ The guy started his own business and was following his passion. When Ran got in touch with him, he thought it was fate.

Just sitting in their office had him nervous. It went so well and Kudo was so nice. ‘I can’t believe I’m gonna get to work with Shinichi!’ He was giddy.

If Mouri could tell the guy was smitten, Shinichi certainly did. “Makoto, how about lunch and we can go over the details of your position here.”

“I’d like that.” He was mentally doing back flips. He was getting to have lunch with his crush. It was almost a date.

He wasn’t the only one who thought so as Mouri coughed. “Shouldn’t I be involved here?”

“You are, you’ll be watching the office. Give me a ring if we have a new client.” Kudo got up and the two left.

“This is so nice, I’m glad Makoto got a job he’s such a nice guy.”

“Yeah...nice…” Kogoro huffed. He didn’t like this, not one bit. This was a feeling he got before, when men used to hit on his wife, it was pure jealousy.

“What’s wrong dad?”

“Nothing, nothing is wrong!” His voice cracked, clearly something was wrong, but Ran chose not to press it.

At the lunch Makoto and Shinichi hit it off. Kudo was impressed with Kyogoku’s physical skills, but he also had a sharp mind. If there was one thing Kudo respected it was a keen eye for details. “I’ll be looking forward to working with you.”

“Yes sir!” Shinichi chuckled.

“You don’t need to be so formal, while this is a business, we are around the same age. I’d like us to be friends, if that’s alright with you.”

“Just friends?”

Kudo chuckled again and Makoto blushed. “Who knows, but I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship.”


Makoto got his chance to prove his skills soon enough while on a train ride, some men and black had made an exchange. Shinichi and Makoto overheard their plan. They tried to warn the conductors but they didn’t believe it.

While they weren’t the same men in black as before, they were still criminals. The person they made an exchange with was a business-looking woman, and once she put in a code at the right time...boom. Shinichi was able to figure out the target and they chased her down to save her and the train.

Kyogoku got the brief case and pitched it with all his strength...whoosh...boom! The train was safe and the people involved were caught and arrested. Shinichi was singing his praises, and it just made Mouri seethe with jealousy.

To be continued...Valentines Day

If Mouri wasn’t jealous before, he was about to go full green. Ran was asked out by a muscle head, and not wanting to go alone invites Shinichi who brings Makoto as his date. He feels a fool spying on them...but he’s about to see something!



Really nice ! I love seeing Makoto in this story, he's very hot :3 also seeing Mouri being jealous of the attention Makoto gets... really fun ! Thanks for this update !