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Bleach parody: Tier 1/Bad Day Fic

Warning: Hentai elements via Masaki, main element will be yaoi

Shiro Doll

Masaki was a bount, she was promised to a quincy in an attempt to strengthen the bloodline, but she ended up marrying a shinigami. They have three beautiful children, the mixed genes create powerful bounts with terrifying powers. Ichigo’s doll Shiro has hypnotic powers, which he uses to get his food.

Chapter 1

Bount are powerful beings, while living souls they have far longer than normal humans. They are responsible for not only vampire lore but also succubus lore. Bounts needed to feed on souls, some bouts went to the dark side feasting on living and dead souls till there was nothing left. Smart Bounts learned to feed on their lovers, taking just enough energy to live.

The bounts that turned to the dark side forced action against them from all sides. The quincy, the shinigami, and even the hollows worked to stop them. For Hollows it was a matter of pride and survival; Bounts could eat them, while also eating souls that hollows wanted to eat. For quincy it was a matter of honor and getting on the good side of the shinigami; both bounts and quincy had the ability to manipulate spirit energy which made them both dangerous to shinigami and hollows.

As for the shinigami, bounts who went to the dark side developed a madness and they went after stronger and stronger souls. Shinigami souls were prime food, capable of granting the bounts new powers. So the shinigami worked hard to end the bounts...all the bounts.

Even the ones who stayed on the right path were hunted. The soul reapers didn’t want to run the risk of them turning evil or worse having children that would get too strong for them to handle. This created hate and resentment from the survivors, pushing more of them onto a dark path.


Good relations between the Quincy and Soul Reapers didn’t last. The bad blood between quincy and hollows continued to grow, which put a strain on the universal balance. Hollows were poison to quincy, toxic to their very souls, and the quincy in kind destroyed hollows with their techniques, erasing them instead of purifying them. This was bad for the soul balance, which upset the Soul Reapers. Talks between quincy leaders and Soul Society broke down.

The Ishida family sought to survive the oncoming storms, they needed stronger blood and more power. So they found a female bount. Masaki Kurosaki, they granted her protection and wanted her to marry the eldest son. Ryuken Ishida wasn’t sure about this arranged marriage, but had a hard time dealing with his mother.

His father was always away on quincy business, so she ran the household and the family affairs. Masaki was a nice girl and a talented bount. His mother believed that by having children with the bount their bloodline would get stronger and lose their innate weakness.

Their relationship was odd, as she needed to feed she would have other partners. Ryuken would often have to watch, to both keep her and the partner safe. This opened up some thoughts inside Ryuken’s head. Which was hard for him, he always did as his mother asked/ordered, thinking for himself and figuring out what he wanted was rarely an option.

Her plan would fall apart one night when a deadly hollow was unleashed upon Karakura Town. Soul Reapers tried to stop it but the hollow was just too strong. Masaki wanted to help, but Ryuken’s mother forbid it. She didn’t want her existence compromised.

Masaki ignored the order and went to rescue the Soul Reaper remaining, Isshin Shiba. “Show yourself, Noir!” Her doll manifested and it was quite the beast, it was a cloaked figure looking almost like the grim reaper. It attacked with shadows and was able to restrain the hollow easily.

She used the quincy cross to conjure a small bow, but it wasn’t the normal quincy bow. It was jet black like her doll, she blasted the hollow and it seemed to be over. The creator of the hollow had other plans, the beast was gonna self destruct should it fail it’s mission. The blast would contaiminate all the souls in the area both living and plus. “It’s gonna blow!” Isshin cried out.

“It’s okay...I got this!” It was building up reiatsu to detonate. Masaki got to work feasting upon his reiatsu, she ate him completely. Now that Aizen didn’t count on. He had created White to infect souls turning Shinigami into Vizards and Plus Souls into highly evolved hollows. Of all his calculations he couldn’t have planned for a Bount.

Isshin was in trouble, as he was injured by White before Masaki had saved him. He was infected, a hollow seed being planted in him. It fed on his reiatsu to grow. Isshin was a captain so he had tons of it!

He began to mutate, his hollow seed growing and blooming quickly. Isshin struggled to resist, but the more he resisted the stronger the hollow became. “Please...kill...me…” If he went back to Soul Society he’d kill so many people.

“There must be something I can do!” She got an idea, she ripped off his pants and fundoshi and started going down on him.

“Ohh shit!” She fed on his reiatsu through his cock. “Oh ohhh ohhh!” Feeding on the reiatsu slowed the process down and weakened the hollow. It’d only be a matter of time his soul would be consumed either by his hollow or the bount.

Ryuken arrived to witness the exchange. Masaki was going to town on the Soul Reaper, sucking his dick, playing with his balls, and fingering his ass. She milked him like a pro and slurped away his reiatsu.

“That won’t fix the problem. He can be saved, if you are willing to sacrifice your power.” Kisuke Urahara showed up, quite shocked at the show before him. Masaki could use her Doll to seal the hollow inside Isshin, it would weaken her combat skills greatly, but Isshin would survive.

Without missing a beat she agreed. Her doll said goodbye and she was used to seal Isshin’s hollow away. The two were bound by fate now. Isshin left Soul Society and the two started a life together. Ryuken was jealous of Isshin in more ways than one.

His mother was pissed, but the family line had to continue so Ryuken was engaged to another quincy woman. She was a nice and sweet woman, but a bit too submissive for Ryuken’s liking. By some miracle he managed to have a child with her. Meanwhile Masaki also had a son by Isshin.

Things were quite weird.

Masaki brought her new husband around and asked Ryuken to teach him to be a doctor. He wanted to say no, he didn’t care for Soul Reapers, and this was the man who essentially stole his fiancee away from him. In the end he couldn’t say no to Masaki, he wanted to obey her.

Isshin studied under Ryuken to learn medicine and under Tessai to learn healing kido. With their help he opened up a clinic to support his family. It was growing as they had twin daughters Yuzu and Karin.

Then came a certain incident, his mother and his wife died, their quincy power ripped from their very souls. Ryuken had felt the pull but with his skill he was able to resist it. Even his father was weakened by the experience, he “retired” and worked on training Uryu, Ryuken’s one and only son.

Ryuken didn’t like that, feeling Uryu lacked the talent to be a quincy, and would just be throwing his life away. The years seem to pass by in a blur. He felt like he was moving in auto pilot, those old thoughts lurking in the depths of his mind.

Uryu wasn’t a little boy anymore, he was a young man. To his surprise his son started bringing a boy home. A familiar flash of orange caught his attention, this was Ichigo Kurosaki, Masaki’s son. He had grown up nice. Blessed by a mix of his father’s manly charm and his mother’s otherworldly beauty. His smile was so pure it could charm the pants off of anyone.

His striking orange locks, humans thought he bleached his hair but Ryuken knew the truth, he had been able to fuse with his Doll. He was a bount. A bount was dating his son. Ryuken felt a familiar feeling, a feeling he hadn’t felt in years. He was jealous!

Ryuken didn’t quite understand what he was jealous of, or why it was directed at his son. It didn’t click until he was walking the halls after a late shift and he had passed by his son’s room. “Ohhh Ichigo!” He heard.

The older quincy froze, his heart skipped a beat and his blood rushed south. He could hear a familiar slurping and lewd sucking noise coming from his room, broken up by his son’s moans. He’d seen Masaki go to town on enough men to know the sound by heart.

He felt his libido surge for the first time in ages. The noise kept him in place, his dick pulsing in his pants. A shaky hand dropped and he began to palm himself. ‘Fuck!’ This took him back. How many times had he jerked off to a similar situation…

“Ohh Ichigo!”

‘Ohh Ichigo!’ Ryuken thought as he reached into his pants and caressed his length. It didn’t take long for him to cum, his thick essence exploading inside his boxers and running down his legs. Realization hit him like a lightning bolt. He pulled his sticky hand free, gazing at the mess and feeling his fancy underwear cling to his crotch. ‘Ohh shit!’

He went to his room and tried to forget this happened. Ryuken barely got any sleep and decided to get up early and do some work in his home office. The peace didn’t last as Ichigo entered. “Hey!”

“Oh, hello Ichigo…” He fought the blush that threatened to bloom.

“Sorry to bother you, but I’m hungry!” He smiled and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“I can call the chef and have him prepare breakfast.” He said, trying to look back to his paperwork. Ichigo was wearing a tight white tank top, and baggy night pants. The outfit shouldn’t look as sexy as it did on him, but it did.

“No...I’m hungry!” He purred on hungry, and it made Ryuken’s heart skip a beat. “You know what I am right?”

“I...I...I know, I believe you and my son have some form of arrangement.” Ichigo nodded.

“We do, but he’s a bit worn out from last night. So I was hoping you could feed me.”

“What?!” Ryuken gasped. “But...I’m not...we can’t…”

Ichigo couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sorry, Uryu said the same thing when I first asked to suck his dick. Like father like son I suppose!”

“Ahem,” Ryuken was blushing now. “My son aside, I’m not interested in becoming your meal!”

“Really?” Ichigo crossed his arms, and gave him a look full of confidence. “I felt your power outside of Uryu’s room, you got a lot pent up!” He licked his lips. “I think you’d make an excellent meal.”

“Sorry to dissapoint you.” He turned around, hoping this was the end of that.

“Let’s find out…Show Yourself Shiro!” He conjured his doll a white mass that took the form of an orb. Sensing the summon Ryuken turned around and met the gaze of a golden eye.

“What is this...ohh...ohh…” He felt his mind crumble. The doll, Shiro, took control of his mind. As control slipped away he felt his cock rise up.

“What a reaction!” Ichigo praised seeing his penis tent his pants. “Mom told me you’d make a good meal, but this is something else!”

“Your...mom...said...ohh…” He couldn’t finish the question. It was so hard to resist the control.

“She said you liked to be dominated and controlled. Though you may not have been aware of it.” Ryuken tried to process this, but it was so hard to form thoughts. His doll’s eye was such a pretty color, it was like the gold was rippling along the black. His focus was on the ripples and they pulled him in deeper. Ichigo got in close and grabbed him through his pants. “Just relax, you don’t need to think anymore. Just feel and obey, just submit and I’m gonna take good care of you!”

“Relax...feel...obey…submit...” Ryuken said, his cock getting harder. ‘Relax, feel, obey, submit…’ It was a mantra rolling around in his head. The older Ishida visibly relaxed and pleasure washed through him.

“That’s it, good boy, my good boy!” The words made Ryuken moan. He wanted to be good, he was good for his mother and never received praise just more expectations, he wanted to be good for Masaki but she went with another man, and he was jealous of him, he wanted to be good for his wife but she was a good girl for him. Ichigo’s words gave him a feeling of completion.

‘I’m a good boy, I’m yours!’ He drooled.

“Take off your clothes Ryuken, I’m hungry!”

“Yes master!” He moaned.

To be continued


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