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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

AN: Fixed some spelling issues and added a small scene 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Alpha Locker Room

Danny got a week off of school, it took that long to get through his pheromone testing, his registrations, and get the paperwork to the right people. Casper High was alerted of his change, as well as the local government. He even received an official license/ID that showed he was an alpha.

He’d have to take alpha classes with other alphas now. While being stuck in a class of alphas didn’t make Danny happy, the bigger concern was the bathrooms and locker rooms was what was really bothering him. He’d have to use the alpha bathrooms from now on instead of the general ones he was using.

It was like entering the den of beasts. It was so common it was referenced in health class. The Alpha Check Out, alpha males loved to check each other out at the stalls, sizing each other up. In the ABO bathrooms, it was more than just about relieving bladders. There was also the Nut Stalls, they were typically used by alpha females, but over time they became a place for alphas to fap and nut. The pipes were even modified  to handle the thick seed.

Holes were even added, yes indeed bona fide glory holes found in each ABO bathroom. So you could walk into a bathroom at any time and find an alpha jerking off in a stall, or helping another alpha get off. Healthy nuts were encouraged especially with alphas, as alpha balls produce a large amount of semen.

Betas and Omegas were even encouraged to help each other out. A nut a day keeps the rut away! Not kidding, those “inspirational” posters were on the walls of every ABO restroom. Posters with a blissed out dick and happy balls. As silly as it sounded, it was true at least for surprise ruts. If one didn’t get off regularly, the build up could trigger a rut out of season. Even Omegas could trigger a surprise heat if they didn’t get off regularly.

Before his awakening Danny couldn’t see himself jerking off so publicly like that. Plus, he wasn’t sure how he felt about other guys checking out his dick. This was all so new to him. He paid attention in health class, but for a general mind it was hard to understand the desire to do such things.

As embarrassing as the thought of using alpha bathrooms was, the true terror was the alpha locker rooms. He was about to walk naked and shower with a bunch of alpha jocks. Even before they were alphas the jocks made the general locker rooms a trip of caution. They had their “fun” and the geeks, freaks, and nerds, just suffered.

Danny didn’t believe that the alpha locker rooms would be any better. There was lockers for clothes and gym wear, open showers that left nowhere to hide. Then there was a sauna, a high tech room you needed your license to get in or out, the room was monitored by an advanced computer for safety. If the person inside didn’t leave by a certain set time, alarms would go off and they could be rescued. A good steam can take an edge off an alpha.

Saunas really opened the pores and helped nurture the pheromones and glands.

Having so many naked, wet, revved up alphas in a room didn’t sound like the best idea. Danny wanted no part in both a figurative and literal dick measuring contest between alphas. Dash was a clear problem in Fenton’s mind. The ghost boy was a target for Baxter, his “favorite”. Being an alpha didn’t seem like something that’d change that. Danny felt like a wolf being put in a cage of lions, outnumbered, and outgunned so to speak.

He could use his ghost powers to even the odds, but he was trying to keep his secret, a secret. To make matters worse he found out that Sam and Tucker had gone through the change, so he didn’t have his support system when he headed back to school an alpha. It was like a whole new kind of jungle he was stepping into.


Speaking of his ghost powers, since awakening as an alpha his powers had also evolved. In ways Danny didn’t fully understand yet. He got some oomf-oomf in his ecto energy and some of the powers he struggled with before he was able to scratch the surface. He was able to make a single clone, it wasn’t much considering Vlad could make four.

Since his body had matured his ghost abilities were able to mature.


It would be a few days before Sam and Tucker rejoined the school, so Danny was on his own. He spent most of the day fiddling with his pheromone blocker. Danny actually used the bathroom before coming to school just so he could avoid the alpha bathrooms.

He did forget about something, he’d been an alpha for a full week so his balls were getting pretty full. One of the warning signs for an early rut was when the balls started itching to come. For betas they got the itch either in the balls or the ass, omegas got it in the ass. Danny would need to get some relief soon, or he’d have a bigger problem on his hands.

A pent up ghost is not a good thing…

Danny was grateful so many people were wearing there pheromone blockers in class. It allowed him some relief to try and resist the impending dread in his gut. Class after class, whizzed by and that feeling grew in his gut. The bell rang...it was gym class…

‘Fuck!’ He almost wanted to ditch. ‘When’s a rampaging ghost when you need one!’

He’d have to face it sooner or later, better sooner to get it over with. Danny entered the locker room, trying to play it cool, but it was never gonna be that easy. “Fenton?” Kwan gasped. “What are you doing in here?”

Before Danny could answer. “Fenton!” A familiar cry rang out. Dash Baxter charged over. “I heard you presented, did my little beta bitch come to get his cock!” He wagged his hefty man meat.

Fenton wanted to face palm so hard, no sane beta or omega would enter an alpha locker room. Even a mated person would have a high risk. “Knock it off Dash, I’m supposed to be here. I’m an alpha!”

“No way!” Kwan gasped.

“Fenton’s an alpha!” Dale laughed.

“No damn way!” Easton stepped up. “Damn I thought you’d be a beta like my brother.” His brother Kyle Weston was a decent guy and had presented a few months ago.

“No way!” Dash growled. “You gotta be a beta, my beta!”

Danny went to a locker, only to be grabbed by Dash. “Well to bad Dash, I’m an alpha, your an alpha, guess you’ll need to find someone else to be your beta or omega.” Danny shook the blonde off him and began to get changed.

“Come off it Fenton, there’s no way you’re an…” Flop! Danny dropped his boxers and his cock came tumbling out. “Oh shit!”

“Nice piece Fenton!” Kwan praised. It had to be the biggest piece in the class.

“Uhh thanks…” He got his jock strap and put it on. Dash stared at Danny’s ass, feeling his dick throb. The new alpha may have been hung, but he also had a nice ass. Baxter still wanted to plow him. Fenton finished changing and left the locker room.

“Snap, guess Fenton’s off the market then huh Dash?” Dale said, patting his friend on the shoulder.

“What makes you say that?” Dash crossed his arms. “He’s mine!”

“Dude, are you really gonna challenge him?” Easton asked.

“That’s crazy bro!” Dale added.

“Doesn’t that mean you’ll be putting your ass on the line?” Kwan asked.

“Ha, as if I’d lose to Fenton, he’s puny!” Dash flexed. “Look at me!” Easton and Dale applauded him. “Once I beat Fenton, I’ll pound his ass and make him my beta, who knows maybe I can fuck him so good he’ll become an omega!” He said and fondled his balls and cock.

“If you are sure bro!”

“Of course I’m sure, you think I’d lose to that twunk?” He glared, grabbing Kwan by the scruff of the neck. “Who’s the best alpha in class?” He buried Kwan’s face in his pit, and hit him with his manly musk.

“Y-You are!” His pheromones were overwhelming.

“And don’t you forget it!” He released Kwan and the alpha fell back, his hard cock standing at attention. “I’m gonna have to teach Fenton how things work!” He left Kwan hard, no doubt the alpha would be hitting the alpha bathroom to get off at some point.

The blonde jock had staked his claim as top dog among alphas of their class pretty early. Just as he was number one jock, his strength and pheromones made him stake his claim. He wanted the top position and he got it. Baxter always worked to get what he wanted. He had both alpha’s respect and loyalty, the one’s that didn’t respect him he earned their loyalty by besting them.

That’s why he wasn’t worried about any other alpha going after Danny. He made it clear Fenton was his, and would be his mate one day.

Dash wasn’t giving up, Danny may have had some muscle on him and gained some height but he was still “puny”. He’d have to act fast, before Fenton learned to control his pheromones. Little did he know it was already too late. Danny was wearing his pheromone blocker a highly advanced one to deal with his potent pheromones.

He had an early bloomer confidence and that was gonna bite him in the ass. After gym Danny showered, and he got some praise from the beast dangling between his legs. Dash was gonna make his move, but at the right time. He could tell Fenton had his guard up. If he wanted to claim his ass he’d have to pick the perfect time to strike.

Dash smirked as he saw Danny scratch his balls. ‘Not jerking off Fenton? A rut makes an alpha sensitive, perfect!’ He jerked off in the shower, stealing glances at Danny’s plump booty.

To be continued...To Nut or Not to Nut!


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