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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Brother I Love Him!

Mael was playing a dangerous game, he didn’t realize just how dangerous it was anymore. He was spending more time with Meliodas, his time on Earth and being with the demon was changing him. It was giving him a different perspective.

He didn’t realize how people treated him in the holy land, as an Archangel people looked up to him, but that also put up a wall. He couldn’t go out and drink with some angels after patrol. They treated him different, his status and rank made him unapproachable. The other archangels were too busy to “hang out”.

Meliodas didn’t treat him different, he treated him as a person. He was letting his guard down, bit by bit. The blonde honored his boundaries. Mael was opening up to him more and more, from taking care of their morning wood together, to letting the demon give him a helping hand. They jerked off in the morning, or in the shower, sometimes in the bath.

His touch felt really good, he started letting Meliodas touch him intimately. Groping his pecs, his booty, Meliodas even got to give him a massage and it was divine! The demon had magic fingers, tension he didn’t know he had was melted away. He learned the concept of a Happy Ending!

Mael was making friends thanks to Meliodas. Gloxinia the Fairy King, he was outgoing and caring, though Mael could do without the childish games he loved to play. Drole the King of the Giants, he was quiet and polite, he had the pride of a warrior. They respected his strength and he valued their friendship.

The nights they spent together made him so happy. He would often be found humming as he wondered the grounds of the Holy Land and when he was training he wasn’t as intense. “Hmm hmm hmmm~”

“You seem happy!” Mael jumped.

“Oh, Lady Elizabeth, you startled me.” His fellow Archangel approached him.

“You know you don’t have to call me Lady right?” He blushed and scratched his chin.

“But you are...umm…” She was the blood daughter of the Supreme Deity, even though she had the rank of Archangel she was seen as superior.

“Do you like it when people call you Lord Mael?” He shook his head. “Then please, call me Elizabeth.”

“Forgive me Elizabeth, I’m learning.”

“So I’ve noticed, you’ve always been a little scary, especially when training. Now you are like a warm sun people are happy to bask in.”

“I don’t deserve such praise.” He was too hard on his trainees, he was a cruel sun that left people burned and was a pain to stand next to.

“But you do, perhaps I could meet the person responsible for your recent joy and growth?” Mael began to sweat.

“Person? Who? What? I don’t…” She put a hand on his.

“It’s okay, as long as you are happy. I wish you both the best!” He had a feeling she knew more than she was saying, but she supported this? That made him happy.

“Mael!” Happiness gone…

His brother flew in. “Lady Elizabeth, it is nice to see you.” He bowed to her respectfully. She sighed.

“As it is to see you, Lord Ludociel. Did something good happen?”

“Potentially yes, we’ve received a tip that could turn the tables of this war!” He said happily.

“Oh?” She smiled. “That’s great news, did the demons agree to a treaty?”

Ludociel laughed...well chuckled… “Oh Lady Elizabeth you and your jokes. As if we can broker peace with those mongrels.” Her smile faded. “No, we’ve received word of the movements of the Demon King’s son Meliodas, Nerobasta has spotted him coming and going from a human town.”

Mael began to sweat. She had come to collect offerings and overheard Meliodas being mentioned by the people. “She kept her distance as to not be noticed by him, but he’s been visiting the same town regularly. He must be trying to corrupt the humans and turn them against us!” He wasn’t, that town was just their usual meet up spot, they had a few but the first town they shared was special to them.

“We don’t have proof of that, he could just be visiting the town, meeting the people?” Again Ludociel chuckled.

“As if that beast has good intentions. He spends quite some time in the town, we can unleash a holy blast and erase him completely.”

“No!” Mael gasped.

Ludociel looked at him. “No?”

“Yes, no!” Elizabeth stood with him. “That would wipe out the entire town, so many innocent lives would be lost.”

“Innocent?” He laughed. “They are choosing to harbor a demon, they are just as guilty and should be punished.”

“But brother…” Mael was trying to fix this. “We...we are supposed to protect the humans from demons. There has to be another way.”

“Another way…” He looked at his brother, Mael flinching. “Another way?” His tone got darker for a moment. It looked like Ludociel was about to snap at him. “Ah...another way!”

Mael had a look of concern on his face. The raven haired angel smiled and slapped his shoulders. “You are brilliant!”

“I...I am?” He was confused.

“Yes! Death would be too good for that hell spawn. We’ll set a trap for him, capture him, and we’ll make an example of him to all the demon clan!” He flew off to prepare. They knew Meliodas was gonna come to this town, but didn’t know why.

Mael was the why…

‘What am I gonna do? This is bad, they are gonna execute him!’ The idea made his heart ache.

“Go…” Elizabeth told him.

“What?” He looked at her in surprise.

“If you want to save him, go now and warn him!”

“How did you know?”

“You talked in your sleep when you stayed away from him. I was worried about you and came to check on you and I overheard.” He blushed. “I didn’t follow you, but I’ve seen how you are when you come back from the mortal world. If he made you happy I was happy to support your happiness.”

Mael thanked her and flew off. He had to be swift, his brother was quick to prepare for combat. Getting this trap set up would take nothing for him. Mael knew Ludociel was as powerful as Meliodas, should they clash the fight would end bloody, but if he had time to prepare…

His Grace Flash allowed him to move at immense speeds. It was almost like he could teleport, but with his speed he could set up a trap for Meliodas.

‘Please make it!’ He flew towards the Fairy King Forest. Meliodas would go there first before coming to meet them. He could hide from goddess patrols in the forest and hang out with his friends before he met up with Mael in town.

He surprised Gloxinia and Drole as he often masked his divine aura when he visited. “Oh wow!”

“Meliodas...where is he?” He panted.

“Oh, he left. He was heading towards the town, it’s your usual hang out spot.”

“Please...help me...we gotta stop him!”

“Stop him? Why?” Drole asked.

“He’s walking into a trap. My brother found out that he’s been coming and going from there, he was gonna nuke the site, but when I tried to stop him he got another idea. He’s gonna capture Meliodas and make an example out of him.”

“They’ll execute him, this will be bad the demons will raise hell in revenge. The land will be stained with blood.”

Drole read his mind, knowing he spoke the truth and his intentions were pure. “Let us go!” The trio rushed off to try and stop Meliodas, but the Goddess Clan was already lying in wait for him.

Ludociel had convinced Sariel and Tarmiel to assist him, bringing down the leader of the Ten Commandments they were in! He expected Mael to join them but Elizabeth covered for him. ‘Mael please hurry!’

Meliodas was on his way, unaware he was walking into a trap. Just as Mael was letting his guard down, so was Meliodas, he wasn’t covering his tracks as much which led to him being spotted.

Just outside of town he walked up the road, and he realized too late things were bad. He stepped on a layer of invisible runes and activated an Ark Bomb. Meliodas was blasted by holy energy, a pillar of light shooting into the sky. ‘No...Meliodas…’ Mael flew faster, seeing the light from the distance.

Before he could recover, Sariel and Tarmiel came in and blasted him with their divine powers. “Why are you here?” He cursed, he tried to summon his darkness but...

In a flash golden bracelets were put on on his wrists sealing his dark power and shocking him with divine energy. “Aaaahhhhh!”

“This is the great Meliodas, pathetic!” The trio took turns smacking him around blasting him with Ark. Sariel hit him with tornados which ripped his clothes apart. His pants were all that was left and they were in tatters. “To think you caused us such pain and trouble, you are a lowly beast!”

“Scared ya huh?” He coughed up blood. “Scared ya enough you needed three archangels to jump me!” His wounds were healing slowly, the divine shackles were slowing down his demon powers, even his regeneration.

“Filthy cur!” The onslaught continued Meliodas getting knocked around, he did get some hits in, but his blows weren’t packing their usual punch. When it looked like they had won, they lifted him up into the air with wind and water. “Let’s begin!”

Ludociel cast message, sending the image of what was to come directly to demon camps. “Meliodas!?” He was covered in blood his wounds healing slowly.

“We have captured the leader of the Ten Commandments, know your place demons, or this to will be your fate!” He charged up an attack.

“This has to be a trick, there is no way my brother would have been taken so easily!” Zeldris spoke aloud.

Sariel used his grace to craft two buzz saws of wind, Tarmiel crafted a guillotine out of water.  They were gonna kill him publicly, for all to see thanks to the Angelic Message! The attacks were unleashed, descending upon the bound Meliodas.


Just as the attacks came they were suddenly burned away, a sun surrounding Meliodas. “What on Earth?!” Mael flew in and set the blonde demon free.

“Mmm...warm...hey Mael…” He said weakly.

“What are you still doing here, the great general of the demon army should have been able to escape, even a trap like this?”

“Hehe, didn’t want to miss our date.” The sun faded to reveal Mael holding the weakened demon close...almost...lovingly?!

“Mael what is this?” Ludociel was furious. “Do you know who that demon is?”

“I do brother, more than you know! Demons are not the monsters you say they are!”

“What are you talking about, he’s killed hundreds of us!”

“And we’ve killed thousands of them!” Mael wanted it to stop.

“Mael...get away from that filth before he taints you. You do not know what he’s capable of!”

“I do!” Meliodas let out a sigh, and after some cracks and flexes, he broke his bonds.

“No way, he broke the divine shackles!” Sariel gasped.

“Mmm, that’s much better. It’s more fun when you tie me up!” He made Mael blush.

“Filthy demon!” Sariel and Tarmiel tried to attack but they were intercepted by Gloxinia and Drole.

“You should pay attention and watch!” Meliodas wasn’t attacking Mael, just standing with him.

“Even think of attacking and you’ll be dealing with me!” Drole warned, his tone was serious.

Ludociel attacked but the blasts were blocked by Mael. “Explain yourself?”

“I don’t want to fight anymore, there has to be a better way.”

“That doesn’t explain why you are helping and protecting that demon.” Ludociel went on a tirade insulting him and demons. “Of all the scum that mongrel is the lowest of the low, he does not deserve mercy or compassion he deserves the ultimate judgment!” Mael’s hand balled into a fist.

“Brother, I love him!” Eyes widened.

“You love me?” Meliodas asked. “Wow and I thought the feeling was one sided.” He kissed Mael, and the kiss was returned. “I love you too!” Those words touched Mael in a way that would never end.

He kissed Meliodas and hugged him tightly. This all happened with the Angelic Message still going. Across the land demons, fairy, giants, vampires, humans, and all sorts witnessed to a goddess and demon make out.

“NO! THIS WILL NOT BE!” He looked from Mael to Meliodas. “YOU!” Ludociel charged up a terrifying amount of holy energy. “YOU WILL BE PURGED AND MY BROTHER WILL BE CLEANSED! YOU DARE CORRUPT MY YOUNGER BROTHER, NO MERCY!!”

Before he could act Elizabeth appeared and aimed a sword at his throat. “That is enough!”

“Lady Elizabeth?”

“It is time we found a new way.” With the Goddess Clan, leaders of the Demon Army, the Fairy Clan and Giant Clan present. Elizabeth hoped to broker a treaty to unite the races for a better purpose.

To be continued...Sigma


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