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My Hero parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Shield Hero Rising! 

Izuku Midoriya was a nerd who loved heroes, comic books, and video games. He was a great strategist in games and while he didn’t have the best social skills he was happy with his life as a nerd. Then one day he’s brought to a strange world of magic and monsters. It’s almost a dream come true that is until the prince of the kingdom tricks him and betrays him. He must regain his honor and survive. He’s brought to this strange world with three others. Tenko Shimura the Spear Hero, Neito Monoma the Sword Hero, Seiji Shishikura the Bow Hero, Izuku stood as the Shield Hero

Chapter 1

Izuku Midoriya was a happy nerd until he was pulled from his world upon finding a strange book in a library. He read it for a bit, but upon reaching the Shield Hero chapter he was brought to the strange world from the book. Midoriya wasn’t the only one, three others stood with him, each of them brandishing a weapon with a mystical stone inside it.

They were called before the king and introductions began. “I’m the king of this country, with the title of Flame Emperor Endeavor, Enji Todoroki!” The king had an intimidating presence and had the build of a bodybuilder. He invited the others to do the same.

“Tenko Shimura, Age 21…” He was carrying a spear. Tenko was tall with grayish-blue hair, he was pale and had a rugged charm to him, he had striking red eyes. He was dressed in black hoodie and baggie gray pants, he was wearing sandals.

“Neito Monoma, Age 18…” He was carrying a sword. Monoma was wearing nice clothes, it was clear he came from a wealthy family or he had a lot of money. He was average height, handsome in his own right, with his slicked blonde hair but there was a smugness to his face like he was used to looking down on people.

“Seiji Shishikura, Age 17…” He was carrying a bow. Seiji was the youngest among them, he was wearing a school uniform that was neatly kept, a white button up shirt with a front chest pocket, with pressed black pants and shiny shoes. He had slanted eyes, he had fluffy purple hair with a straight fringe parted so it covers his left eye.

Before Izuku could speak King Todoroki tried to move on. “Yo King, what about me?”

“Ah yes, the Shield Hero, please introduce yourself.” He looked annoyed.

“Izuku Midoriya, Age 20…” He had a shield on his arm, the thing was enchanted, he could move it along his body but couldn’t remove it. Izuku was tall, had wild/messy green hair, he was quite muscular. He kept in shape for his cosplay game. He had freckles on his cheeks and he wore some plain clothes; a green jacket, a white t-shirt, and some jeans and red tennis shoes.

The situation was like this, they had been summoned to this world to battle the waves of catastrophe, they were to use the four holy weapons to battle the waves as they came and save the world. Upon each wave stopped they would receive rewards from the kingdom, and should the repel all the waves they’d be sent back home. It sure sounded simple enough.

With the promise of rewards and a ticket back home the other three were more into this situation. Izuku was more gung-ho from the start. He loved heroes and read stories and comics about them. Tales like this were all over his world in light novels, movies, and manga so he was pretty quick on the uptake.

According to the rules of the sacred weapons they couldn’t grind together, and the weapons were reset back to their base. It was a bit concerning to start at Level 1, but Endeavor promised to summon adventurers to the palace to help build their party members.

They were given food and drink, given the chance to rest before the party selection tomorrow. The boys began to compare notes. They were all isakaied yes, but it seems they were from other worlds, parallel Japans. Names of the president, movie titles, video games, number 1 hits, who was on the money, and so on were all different.

That was a surprise. Another thing different was how they got here. Tenko went the isekai route of getting sucked into his video game, his favorite game was being shut down and he stayed in it and the next thing he knew his world vanished and here he was. He always played Lancer characters in his games so him being the spear hero made sense.

Monoma died in a mugging, but he wasn’t clear on the exact details. Izuku got the feeling he was killed and went that isekai route to come here, but the details felt off. Seiji met the bad end of Truck-kun and died, a classic isekai trope. Izuku was summoned via book.

Tenko, Monoma, and Seiji all had video game experience, claiming their favorite games shared similar elements to this world. Izuku had book knowledge having read some of the story, he didn’t get to finish the book before he was summoned but he had game knowledge. The three didn’t have the best opinion of Shielders or Tanks.

Izuku always played tanks and he did great in guild raids. Tanks were awesome and important in team fights. Monoma claimed that the shielder class in his world was a joke and no one ever player it. “It is for losers!” The same was similar in Tenko and Seiji’s games, but they were nicer about it.

He felt his ability should be looked down on because of lousy game design practices in other worlds. They compared notes on their current abilities, it seems being brought to this world blessed them with some innate skills.

Tenko had the skill Squire: It gave him a boost to the exp he received when he battled monsters or enemies. A handy ability for faster level up. There was also a proficiency in learning skills.

Monoma had the skill Calculator: It gave him a boost in the number of drops he’d receive when he battled monsters. He had a proficiency in finding treasure.

Seiji had the skill Butcher: It gave him a boost in the quality of drops he’d receive from battled monsters. It gave him a proficiency in fighting monsters.

Izuku’s skill was Chemist: It gave him a boost when he crafted potions or items, which he didn’t know how to do yet so this skill was seen as useless by the others. His proficiency was in appraisal, when he scanned monsters or items he could gain more information and details.

“You have no luck!” Monoma laughed.

Izuku kept the rest of his skills to himself. Animal Whisper, which made animals feel at ease around him and can become friendly towards him. Alcohol Immunity, Izuku wasn’t a drinker out of cost as he had a natural tolerance to alcohol, it cost way more for him to get a buzz, since he spent money on manga he didn’t waste it on trying to get drunk. Motion Sickness Immunity, pretty self explanatory but not the most useful in combat.

Midoriya sighed. This wasn’t looking good for him, if he was to fight in the waves he’d have to get stronger. ‘I may have to rely on my party members for a time but together we’ll get stronger!’

Fate was not so kind for Izuku, as being the Shield Hero came with more challenges. Strange rumors began to circulate that Izuku didn’t know anything about this world, and that just wasn’t true. He knew about the flow of source mana in this world, the monsters of this world have mana in their souls so when they are killed they return to the source and are reborn. In video games this would be how monsters respawn.

Weaker monsters respawn quickly as the level of mana in their souls was small so it was easy to return, but stronger monsters took time. It was why adventuring was so important, as if monsters multiplied and invaded other areas they would put a huge strain on the source mana. The church could actually perform a ritual, cleansing the souls of monsters from certain areas this would keep them from respawning, it was all about keeping the balance.

The ritual wasn’t perfect either, as they’d need to gather equal mana to cleanse the souls of monsters. This was stuff the other has no clue about, sure some lore nuggets matched their games, but they were the type to skip the cut scenes and speed through dialogue to ignore all that stuff.

He also knew about the Dungeons, it is said the gods approved of the mana balance so they crafted the dungeons, areas that would test the skills of adventurers and reward them. Weaker dungeons reset every 2-3 days, middle tier dungeons reset every 2-3 weeks, high tier dungeons reset every 2-3 months, then there were the expert dungeons that reset every year, master dungeons that reset every 10 years, and the lord tier that reset every 100 years. The higher the dungeons the higher the difficulty but the better the rewards.

None of this was relayed, as it appeared the heroes were spied on last night. Tenko, Monoma, and Seiji all had at least 5 party members while Izuku had none. This clearly wasn’t fair. Seiji didn’t care if he had party members or not, he just expected results. Tenko had a team of both hot girls and hot guys. Monoma had a pretty good roster. “You can’t blame us if you aren’t popular. We shouldn’t push the issue or it’ll create regrets!” Monoma said, throwing a pretty boy hair flip in for good measure.

He was loving being so popular. Izuku was starting to panic. “What am I supposed to do, I’m a tank I need at least one party member!?” Someone raised their hand.

“I’ll join the Shield Hero’s party!” He had stunning red hair, he was quite handsome, no surprise since he was standing on Tenko’s side. He was so hot, he had Izuku blushing and stuttering.

“Dabi...are you sure about this?” Enji asked. Dabi bowed.

“Of course your majesty. I wish to aid the heroes in any way I can!” Tenko agreed, so Dabi joined Izuku’s party. The joy he felt having such a stud want to join made his heart race.

Little did Midoriya know...he would regret letting Dabi on his team.

To be continued


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