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Digimon Tamers parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Saving Henry

Takato stayed out late with his digimon, when he got home his dad was well his dad. “You sure were out late son, you are just like your old man. Hot date?”

“Huh?” His dad patted his shoulders.

“Just try not to get her pregnant. It’s nice to have fun, but it’s better to be safe.” He gave Takato some condoms, fully embarrassing the goggle head.

‘Dad totally has the wrong idea…’ Images of him mating with Leomon and Guilmon flashed through his mind. ‘Well not totally the wrong idea.’ He blushed.

He went to his room and looked at his card collection. “Digi-Modify…” In the card game digimon were under three main categories, data, vaccine, and virus. This represented their individual natures, but also which cards could work for them.

There were boost and effect cards for all three types, using the right boost for the correct type determined the best results. “Guilmon’s a virus type, and Leomon’s a vaccine type, no wonder these two clash the way they do.” He organized his cards sorting out the ones he had for virus and vaccine types.

Besides the basic power, speed, defense, and strength cards he didn’t have anything fancy for Virus or Vaccine monsters. That wasn’t to say he was completely defenseless. He was a big fan of the digimon tv show so he collected all sorts of monsters, he could temporarily grant their attack skills to his partners. ‘Vaccine is strong against Virus, Data is strong against Vaccine, and Virus is strong against Data.’

So his Data support cards had a higher chance of working with Leomon and failing with Guilmon. ‘I might need better cards…’ Takato sighed. It wasn’t like he was looking for a fight, but with Rika out there gunning for him he had to be prepared. ‘In the game Data monsters were typically used as main soldiers, Vaccine monsters were used for support and defense, while Virus were used as berserkers and trap setters.’ If played right Virus monsters could warp the field to their advantage and by absorbing the data of their opponent they could get stronger much faster than the other types.

Of course Takato forgot about the whole fact of Virus digimon going power hungry, and turning evil for their quest of gaining more power. They could become greedy, selfish, wild, or just plain evil to gain more power. ‘That may be fine in the game lore, but now that he’s real and to see they are alive I’m not sure I want Guilmon absorbing data.’ He wanted to keep Guilmon from going crazy. ‘We’ll get stronger the right way.’

His Data cards weren’t completely useless, a few of them could work given the right circumstance or combination. He had about 10 cards for Guilmon and Leomon each, the rest was just monster cards, and about 5 all purpose Data cards. ‘Oh this is bad.’ He’d need to prioritize the safety of his partners.

The cards that were absolutely no help, he planned to trade to get some better cards. The next day he went to Kazu and Kenta. “Hey guys I’m looking for virus and vaccine support cards.”

“Oh yeah?” Kazu had that look in his eye. “What do you got to trade?” If he knew you wanted something, he didn’t make it easy to get it.

“Kenta you got anything?” Kazu’s jaw dropped.

“Hey come on!” Kenta looked through his cards.

“I got some extras of these if you want them.” The cards he had were very situational in the card game, but in a tamer battle...maybe not so much.

“Thanks dude, here you had your eye on this card.” He handed over one of his middle tier data support cards.

“No way, are you really handing over that? Thanks!” As a thank you Kenta handed over his extra rookie monster cards, they may be small but their abilities could help in a pinch.

“Not like it’ll help your skills.” Kazu chided. “What’s the deal Takato you working to make a Virus or Vaccine deck or something?”

“Something like that, I need to be able to support both.” Kazu started laughing.

“That’s crazy no one runs a duo virus and vaccine build, they don’t work well together at all!”

“The best duo builds are either data and vaccine, or virus and data, the builds vary deck to deck.” Kenta added.

“Looks like I’ll be taking home the grand prize this year in the card game tournament!” Kazu said, his bravado showing.

“Not if the Digimon Queen enters this year.”

“Shut up...I could beat her too...probably…” He didn’t sound so sure.

“Who’s the Digimon Queen?” Takato asked.

“She’s the girl who won the last few tournaments, she’s considered the best of the best!” No one had been able to defeat her since she won the tournament last year. Kazu didn’t think she was so hot, he was crushing hard on Ryou.

“Who is she, I gotta meet her!” Takato said suddenly. ‘If she truly is the best of the best, maybe she can teach me enough so I can beat Rika.’

“Dude what’s with you?” Kazu asked.

“What’s wrong with learning from the best?”

“I’m standing right here!” Takato and Kenta shared a look. Kazu’s ego was something else sometimes, it was like he didn’t have a humble bone in his body. He claimed to be an expert when it came to modify cards.

Takato took some notes but took them with a grain of salt. At school Jeri and Kazu got into a debate about fighting. ‘I know of one girl who’s obsessed with fighting.’ Takato thought.


Some weird guys were looking around the area where Rika and Takato had their fight, finding a card Rika had dropped. Leomon had taken Guilmon away and erected a data field to hide them.

Leomon didn’t like the look of the man with the lighter. They wouldn’t find what they are looking for this day.


Henry was walking home with Terriermon when he feels he’s being watched. “Henry…” Terriermon whispered.

“I know…” He walks off to a secluded spot, two digimon tailing him. Henry couldn’t go home and risk a fight happening and endangering his family. He enters a parking garage, Impmon blocks one exit with Renamon blocking another. “What do you want with me?”

Rika follows him in. “That should be obvious, we are gonna have a fight.”

“What if I don’t want to fight?”

“Then that will make this easy. Impmon, walk all over him!” Impmon cracked his knuckles.

“Henry…” Terriermon looked up at his tamer.

“Why are you like this? If we don’t want to fight why can’t you leave us alone?” Henry snapped.

“Because you are a tamer, you have digimon, and digimon are meant to fight and get stronger. If you don’t fight you are just wasting everyone’s time. I’ll put their data to better use, and bring down the goggle head!” She looked around. “You have two digimon don’t you, where is the other one?”

“At home!”

“Well that’s too bad, we’ll just have to delete this one and go after the other one later. Impmon!” The digimon charged.

“You...You’re cruel…” He whipped out his digivice. “Digi-Modify Cover Activate!” Terriermon glowed and a gate opened up. Before Impmon could land a hit Armadillomon charged out of the gate and intercepted the attack.

“Looks like we are having a party!”

“Now things are interesting, let’s do this!” Henry was in trouble. He didn’t want to fight, but he also didn’t want his friends to die either.


Takato met up with his partners thanks to the locator feature of his digivice. “Takato...I smell digimon!” Guilmon said, his eyes going primal.

“I sense a battle is being raged.” Leomon added.

“Let’s move!”


Terriermon was a Data type and Armadillomon was a Vaccine type. In a normal game he’d have the advantage against Rika IF he was playing. Renamon had Armadillomon pinned down, he was a tanky digimon but he had his limits.

Impmon was tormenting Terriermon. “Henry, let me fight and I can whoop these guys!”

“No...I don’t want that…” He used his modify cards to boost Terriermon’s Speed and Armadillomon’s defense.

“Henry, just let me digivolve!” Henry couldn’t. When he digivolved in the game he lost all control.

“I know you don’t want to lose us, but if we don’t fight we’ll be lost either way!” Armadillomon called out.

“These two are pathetic.” Impmon mocked. “Let’s finish them!” He summoned some fire balls.

Renamon didn’t like this. “Rika?”

“Renamon, walk all over them.”

“As you wish!” They were about to attack when Guilmon and Leomon burst in.

The champion digimon clashed with Renamon. “You call yourself a warrior, what kind of monster attacks another with no desire to fight!”

Guilmon saved Terriermon by a swing of his tail. “Pyro Sphere!” He blasted Impmon back.

“You!” Rika glared at Takato.

“Takato, why are you here?” Henry asked.

“Let’s just say Guilmon has a nose for trouble and it led us here.” Takato had his deck ready. “This time we won’t hold back.”

“But...I thought you didn’t want to fight…” Henry trembled.

“We don’t, but I also don’t wanna lose my partners. If you don’t wish to fight, then that means I’ll do what I can to protect you as well.”

“You...wanna...protect me?” Henry blushed.

Takato smiled. “I’ll fight so you don’t have to!”

“Ugh gag me, so you came to save your boyfriend?” Rika crossed her arms.

“I’m not his boyfriend!” Takato gasped blushing.

“He’s not my boyfriend!” The two looked at each other and blushed harder.

“Takatomon what’s a boyfriend?” Guilmon asked.

“We aren’t having this discussion right now!”

“Whatever...crush all of them!” Rika demanded.

To be continued...Gargomon Trouble

The fight gets crazy and Terriermon gets into trouble Henry can’t stop the evolution and Rika gets put into danger. After the fray they need to get Gargomon back to normal, Takato has an idea of how to get him to power down.


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