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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Garchomp’s Rampage

Team Rocket had arrived in Kalos. Giovanni wanted to claim Kalos for Team Rocket, and since Jessie, James, and Meowth had done so well in Unova, they were tasked with invading Kalos, uncovering it’s secrets, and harnessing the resources for Team Rocket.

Giovanni suggested they start with the research at Professor Sycamore’s lab. He had other reasons for sending them. While they could be bunglers, their nature tended to cause trouble for other groups. Of all the teams Team Flare was one that concerned Giovanni the most.

He didn’t know all the details, but the face they presented seemed to hide something worse. They claimed to seek to create a “beautiful and better” world starting with Kalos, a vague enough goal that stroked the hearts of the people of Kalos.

Team Flare charity videos appeared asking for funds for their cause. He investigated their records and while they’ve received plenty of money for the donations, he couldn’t see a trail of funds going to anything they claimed to be doing. A scam by far, but what was the money REALLY going to. Were they simply enriching themselves or was something far more sinister at play.

He met the boss only once at a Regional Function for charity. The man was charming, he thrived in the atmosphere around him. When Giovanni shook his hand, he had the feeling the man held dark intentions, behind all that charm was a monster. Chalk it up to the wicked identifying one of their own.

The two didn’t cross paths again, Lysandre staying in Kalos and working on new tech to advanced Kalos into the future. The man truly was a genius, a pillar in Kalos, his brilliant light hiding the shadows. “Team Flare indeed…” Like a fire, bright and warm drawing people in, and people miss the shadows that are cast. The more people are drawn in the more shadows there will be.


Kalos was truly bustling with their advancements, said advancements included a mysterious power, a new form of evolution unseen in the other regions. They were still testing which monsters could tap into this power, but it’s already entered the hands of their current champion.

Their new tech also was what helped discover the Fairy Typing. Other regions were curious about this new power, but Kalos was keeping things close to the chest. Mega Evolution was new, and needed to be understood. There was other mysteries in the land that were waiting to be discovered.

Mega Evolution had drawn the attention of trainers from across the world, the chance their monsters could get stronger, evolve further was interesting. It was a hook to bring in new trainers, and the challenge of the Kalos league would keep the trainers around.

Some familiar faces from Ash’s past had come to Kalos to seek more strength.

Paul had come to Kalos, looking for a power to defeat his rival Ash. The witch had opened his mind to so many possibilities, he needed to find his own power. Mega Evolution sounded like the perfect form of power he needed!

Shingo had journey from Johto to Kalos, his buddy Blade was still by his side. He had heard rumors of Scizor in Kalos obtaining a superior form, reaching new strength and power. Plus he wished to take on the Kalos League, his efforts in Johto came to late, he only managed to get 7 badges by the time League Registration came around. It was his own fault, because of his ego he wasted time on his computer instead of testing his skills. A certain Witch made him realize his mistake.

Ritchie had come to Kalos for numerous reasons. He wanted to research this new form of evolution. Rumors of it had even reached Kanto. He also hoped to meet Ash once more, his efforts to grow as a person seemed to halt as he felt he had unfinished business. Meeting up with Ash once again in Johto he realized his mistake of not entering the league, he had failed to properly test his skills as a trainer.

Stephan was still on his journey, he wanted to prove his power and abilities. Ash had bested him before, but the witch was the only person to get his name right, and gave him the courage to keep going forward. He believed Kalos held opportunities for him, and who knows maybe he’d see Ash again.

Ash had a habit of enchanting the lives of those he came across, though he didn’t realize the effect he had on people. Meeting a rare witch brought something fantastical.


Clemont was dealing with that right now. Ash was such a strange presence, it was conflicting. When they reached Sycamore’s lab, the good professor was happy to help them. Ash even assisted with the treatment, conjuring the runes for Electric, Normal, and Ground to give the recovering pokemon energy. It sped up the treatment. “Incredible, not only does the rune energy assist with the treatment, it’s stimulating the monster energies. Like a broken bone healing and getting stronger, the rune energy is increasing their strength as they recover.” Sycamore said. “I’ve heard of rune magic before, but this is my first time seeing it.”

“It’s nothing really, I’m only able to use rune magic so well because I’ve formed strong bonds with my Pokemon.” It was the catalyst to use it at all. He revealed the runes at his control, which was impressive.

“My word, you’ve captured all sorts of Pokemon!” Ash nodded.

“Though I’ve come to learn there is a rune I do not have, the Fairy type...I was unaware of it’s existence so I wonder if I can obtain the Fairy Rune.” Ketchum smiled. “I had come to challenge the Kalos league, but I’m discovering so many things.”

“Ash!” Bonnie called.

“Hm?” She got down on one knee.

“I’m convinced of it, your skills as a trainer, the love you show for your pokemon, your joyful smile, the ambition and spirit, your kind heart...you are perfect!” Ash blinked in confusion. “Please...Marry my brother!”

“Ehh?” Ketchum blushed.

“BONNIE!” From his back pack came a robot arm in the shape of an Aipom tail. “I’ve told you to stop this kind of thing!” He dragged her away, his cheeks burning in a blush. Whenever a cute guy came along Bonnie would often ask them to marry Clemont. He didn’t have to be just cute, if they were strong or smart, she’d pull the same routine.

Ash was a bit stunned. “Well that was surprising…” He turned. “You can come out now, you don’t need to hide.”

“Ash?” Sycamore asked. Sure enough a strange monster came out of hiding. “Oh it’s you!”

“Who’s that Pokemon?” Ash gasped.

“It’s Froakie, this is one of the starter Pokemon of the Kalos Region.” Ash sensed he was a Water type, but other than that he was a mystery. Froakie eyed the trainer with curiosity. It wasn’t just anyone that could sense his presence. “This Froakie was actually one I tried to give to new trainers.”

“Wait...trainers?” Sycamore sighed.

“Yes, he judged them as unworthy and ran away.”

“Froa...kie...kie!” The monster croaked.

“You are a proud one aren’t you?” Ash said with a chuckle.

Gible had recovered first and rejoined his trainer. “Gib Gible!” The two monsters began to chat. Froakie was familiar with this line. Sycamore was studying the Gible – Garchomp line, he believed that Garchomp had the power to Mega Evolve. So they had a Garchomp on site.

Froakie and her had spent some time together, they were friends. So it was no surprise Garchomp came out to say hello. Gible was impressed to see her, and she treated him kindly in return. Sycamore explained his research into Mega Evolution, he believed it was possible for pokemon to Mega Evolve, it required a key stone from the trainer and a specific mega stone for a pokemon.

“The first one we discovered was for Lucario!” He showed Ash a video. “So far we know it requires a strong bond between people and pokemon to work, but we don’t know how many Pokemon are able to do it.”



Clemont was chatting with Bonnie. “Of all the people you asked...why him?”

“Are you serious, you like him!” His glasses fogged up.

“I do not, I barely know him!”

“Don’t be so stubborn. Ash could help us!”

“I won’t be asking a mage for help. We don’t need his help, we’ll solve this on our own.”

“You are never gonna get laid with that attitude.” Clemont’s face turned as red as a tomato.

“That’s not my intent!” Bonnie eyed him.

“Sure…” She left to go check on Shinx. Clemont looked at his reflection in a mirror.

‘I don’t really have a...crush on him...do I?’ His reflection turned into Ash smiling, his heart skipped a beat. “Ba-bump!” He shook his head. ‘Stop that!’

In Clemont’s scientific mind, he tried to focus on the priorities. His gym was taken from him, by a creation of his own making. He’d need to get gym badges to challenge Clembot and reset him. He only had one pokemon Bunnelby. “I’ll ask Professor Sycamore for help, if I have to start from scratch I’ll need a starter.”

He went to talk to Sycamore, who excused himself, leaving Ash to hang with Garchomp and Froakie. Pikachu would join them soon.

While Sycamore was away, Jessie, James, and Meowth snuck in as research assistants. They weren’t expecting to see Ash. A quick claim of needing to run tests on Garchomp at another facility, they tried to scram.

“Hold it!” Ash snapped. “I know that aura, Meowth!” Wind swirled in his hand. “Gale of Truth!” The wind lashed out and revealed the rocket’s in their uniforms.

“Pesky witch, we ready for you this time.” Jessie pulled out some weird tech. She launched a weird ring, Ash went to intercept, but it instead went towards Garchomp and encircled her neck.

“Gar Garchomp!” She roared in pain.

“Got ‘em!” Jessie smirked.

“What are you doing?!” Ash snapped.

“Garchomp now belongs to Team Rocket!” She had a control device and it zapped the dragon monster, making her eyes go red.

“What’s happening?” Sycamore and Clemont re-entered the room. Garchomp fired a Hyper Beam at them.

“Barrier!” Ash cast blocking the blast. “Are you two alright?”

“Yes!” Sycamore said and Clemont nodded. “Who are those people?”

“Team Rocket, they steal other people’s pokemon!” His hand sparked with magical energy.

“We do more than that, we are here to take all your research on mega evolution. It will further our organization’s goals!”

“You can’t!” Sycamore cried out.

“They won’t!” Ash’s body sparked with magical power.

“Garchomp get that brat!” Jessie ordered. James and Meowth went to go hijack the data, they were more tech savvy then Jessie.

Garchomp charged at Ash, Gible tried to intercept, but got knocked away by a Dragon Claw. “Gible...Gah!” He erected a barrier to block the attack.

“Gib Gib!” Gible was fine.

“Pikachu, Gible, stop James and Meowth!” They agreed and cut the two off.

“Garchomp get them!” Jessie forced it to attack. She used the device and had Garchomp attacking like crazy. Froakie got angry and attacked Jessie, destroying the device, but that didn’t stop the rampage.

The collar went out of control. Garchomp went wild! She blasted her way out of the lab and into the city. The trio tried to stop her and got blasted off for their troubles. “We gotta stop her!”

“We will!” Ash conjured his broom. “Let’s go!” Pikachu, Gible, and Froakie jumped on.

“What’s happening...wah!” Bonnie came in with Shinx just as Ash flew off. “Clemont?”

“Garchomp’s in trouble, let’s move!”


Garchomp couldn’t be stopped, those that got in her way were knocked out fast. The destruction was spreading as Garchomp headed for the tower. “Weave, Spin Threads!” He tried to use the bug rune, but Garchomp was moving too fast.

News people came to record the events. Ash chased Garchomp to the top of the tower. “We need to get the collar off!” He called out to Garchomp, using the dragon rune, it almost worked. The pokemon called out to her, but that just made Garchomp attack.

Ash sacrificed his broom, Garchomp’s strong jaws biting right through it. “Not good!”

Just as Garchomp was gonna attack Ash, Gible let out a cry. “GIBLE!” He glowed and transformed, evolving into Gabite!

Gabite clashed with Garchomp. “You evolved! Nice job Gabite, hold him steady!” He was holding his own, allowing Ash to gather the runes.

“Froa?” The water starter looked up worried.

“Don’t worry, this isn’t an attack spell.” Froakie nodded. “By the forces, stand together unite and bind!” The runes encircled Garchomp and created a binding seal. “Now Pikachu, Froakie, aim for the collar!” The two attacked and the collar broke.

Ash dropped the spell, it was over...or so he thought. Pikachu rushed to Ash, but some of the damage from Garchomp’s rampage was still present, Pikachu fell from the tower. “Pikachu!” Ketchum jumped.

“Wait...why isn’t he flying...his broom...it broke...you idiot!” Clemont rushed to save him, but his Aipom arm didn’t reach.

Before Ash could hit the ground a pokemon flew by and caught him. “Huh...a Blaziken? No…”

It was a Mega Blaziken! It didn't really matter, but Ash was saved by him and his trainer who wore a Blaziken designed hero costume. 

‘His broom broke, he couldn’t fly and he still jumped to save his Pikachu.’ The courage, the passion, the love, it touched Clemont.  ‘He did all this for Garchomp, a pokemon he didn’t know but still tried to help despite the danger.’

Garchomp brought Gabite and Froakie down. Officer Jenny wasn’t pleased with all the damage. “Leave that to me!” He gathered the runes and fixed the damage!

“Well since no one was hurt, I guess we can put this incident behind us.” Jenny said.

To be continued...Companions

Clemont gets a surprising starter and Froakie chooses Ash to be his trainer. They decide to travel together, and word about a Gym leader entering the Kalos League spreads. The Garchomp incident is reported. “He’s here in Kalos!”


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