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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Something Wicked This Way Comes

Kevin was looking at the movie options. His old sitcom shows had dating tips, there was a horror movie playing. Killer Klowns from Outer Space in 3D! Ben was scared of clowns, old sitcom rules would have them go see that.

Tennyson would get freaked out, which would give an opening for Levin to make a move. This however, was Ben Tennyson, wielder of the omnitrix, who was pumped up with tetramand DNA. Intentionally scaring him just to make a move, would get him a well deserved smack times four.

He shook his head. Then there was the classic, romance movie, the typical sitcom setup was the movie would get your date in the mood, halfway through the movie it’d be make out central. The issue with that was Ben wasn’t the type of guy who liked romance movies, he didn’t mind romance in movies, but sitting down and watching two characters make dumb or bad decisions, or have two leads that had 0 chemistry together wasn’t his cup of tea.

The two romances showing were simple heterosexual romances too, which probably would bore both of them to tears. Both movies looked to be the exact same movie in premise and even the leads looked similar. He wanted something that could set the mood. ‘I probably shouldn’t use dating advice from 60’s and 70’s sitcoms.’ He face palmed.

There was a movie showing with a gay couple, but it was X rated and in the adult only theater. ‘Maybe we could sneak in...no bad idea on so many levels. What would Ben think if I snuck him into a porno showing? Real classy Levin.’ He shook his head.

‘An action flick might work, but...hmm?’ He spotted a poster for a new release. ‘This is it!’

Ben was off getting snacks while Kevin got the tickets. “What are we seeing?”

“You’ll love this, Sumo Slammers the Live Action Movie!” Ben’s eyes sparkled. He loved Sumo Slammers, he watched the cartoon series, played the games, had the card game, he even bought the toys.

“Oh man, I can’t believe they made a live action movie, I remember seeing the animated movie with Grandpa.” Ben was super excited, which made Kevin happy. He felt he had made the right choice.

They had the theater to themselves, not the best sign. “I’m shocked this place isn’t packed.”

“Yeah…” Kevin got very nervous. This movie was fairly new, the theater should have been packed, unless…

They sat together, the mountain of snacks set aside. Ben’s excitement was building, he hadn’t been to a movie in ages.

Ben’s excitement didn’t last long, the movie was two and a half hours long. In the first thirty minutes Ben realized this was a shot for shot remake, but they cut out some character stuff for more action scenes, but those couldn’t even be fully enjoyed because of the shaky cam and bad effects. An hour in Ben was fully annoyed, the stuff they added to the film was either padding or pointless.

At an hour and a half, Ben was bored out of his skull. ‘The original animated movie flowed so much better, it wasn’t perfect it could have used some bits here and there. They spent the last 30 minutes on a romantic subplot that went nowhere. The leads have no chemistry at all, and the lead guy is blander than bread.’ He groaned. ‘What has happened to movies while I’ve been away?!’

With a full hour of extra content, the movie should be better, going into more source material, expanding on the characters, cool fight scenes, anything! Ben stress ate all through his snacks, and since he already knew how the movie was gonna end he wasn’t in the mood for an hour of nonsense. ‘If you are gonna reboot something you should try to make it better or do something different.’ They even cut some lines from characters and gave them to the new girl character. ‘There’s no reason for her character to say these lines, and the other guys are just doing nothing but standing there, what is going on?’

Kevin was sweating bullets. He wasn’t even a die hard fan of sumo slammers like Ben was and he could tell this was bad, even as a movie-goer the pacing was all over the place and every time he was getting into a scene they pulled back for some new character who wasn’t doing much besides be there. ‘Crap, crap, crap, I picked the wrong movie!’

“Kevin…” He tensed.

“Yes?” Ben looked over at him.

“I know how this ends, I don’t wanna see anymore.”

‘Shit!’ Kevin mentally cursed. “Do...do you wanna leave?”

“No, but there is something I’d rather do.” He pulled Kevin into a kiss. Levin blushed, his heart skipping a beat.

‘Oh yeah this is better!’ The raven haired young man kissed back. Lips parted and tongues met. “Mmm~!”

The kiss was hot, if they could they’d have had it last, but parted for air. Ben smirked. “Wanna make out?”

“Oh yeah!” The arm was raised and Kevin slid over into Ben’s lap. Tennyson’s shirt rode up allowing his lower arms to come out. ‘Thank you old sitcoms!’ The two started a heavy make out session right in the theater.

Ben’s right hand rubbed Kevin’s back, while the left snaked into his hair. Their lips pressed and meshed together, they tasted popcorn, snacks, and soda on each other, a tasty mix. They went at each other like they were the treat! Kevin’s arms snaked around Ben’s neck pressing them close. ‘This is so hot!’ Making out in a movie theater was on his bucket list.

Tennyson’s lower hands came around and groped his butt. ‘So fucking hot!’ His cheeks were groped, Ben’s hands were so strong. It felt like he could rip the clothes right off him...ohh the possibility made his dick throb. He was strong enough to do it too. The idea would be safely stored in his spank back for later. ‘Maybe I can ask Ben for some special play...ohh fuck!’

His lower right hand was feeling up his legs. He had no idea this was a weak point, but having Tennyson feel him up was making him...melt…

To have the one he loved and longed for touching him like this was wonderful. This was a dream come true. The kiss made the whole world fade away and Kevin just sank into pleasure, going through the motions of the dance Ben was leading with his lips.

As the kiss dragged on Kevin’s thoughts began to grow more perverted. With the way Ben cupped his ass, he could only imagine how it’d feel riding him. To bounce up and down in his lap and feel Ben cup his ass. Even his ass hole was twitching at that thought.

He couldn’t help the parade of pervy thoughts that sprang to mind, this was new, exciting, something he’d been craving for so long. ‘Is he having these same thoughts?’ Judging from the massive bulge rubbing against his the four armed brunette had something running through his head.

As it was their first date, Ben kept his hands above clothing, and just let 6 years of passion and want come through his kiss. He kissed Kevin breathless, more than once. If there was any speck of doubt Ben loved him it was snuffed out, squashed, and trampled over. If Ben wanted to use him, Levin would certainly let him, heck he’d love to be fucked over over the guard rail, and he didn’t care who caught them.

They would play some games in the future, but this was perfect for making up for lost time. The make out session lasted for a the full hour of remaining movie. “Double feature?”

Ben smiled. “Double feature!”


Max Tennyson was a retired plumber, but his skills were sharp. He didn’t waltz away on a tip, but he contacted the Plumber in charge of their sector if there was any open cases, anything involving invasions, body snatchers, etc.

There was an open case about an illegal weapons smuggling situation, but the cases didn’t seem related. Max should have called Ben, would have but he wanted his grandson to have an enjoyable date. He thought he could handle a simple call for help.

He wasn’t a fool, he ran Argit through the alien data base and saw he had a rap sheet a mile long. That didn’t stop him from going towards the location. He left without much warning, and while Ben had his date Max was walking into a trap.

A simple trap wouldn’t be enough to bring down Max Tennyson, but it was clever to use a trap as a distraction. While the retired plumber went to be attacked, Argit was coming to town, with a plan to move some alien weapons from his clients to the Forever Knights.

The Highbreed were intelligent, they considered a man who faced Vilgax and lived was too dangerous a piece to keep on the board. The initial trap was just to get him out of town. Not only would their deal go down, should Max survive amd return home for support he’d find his family and friends were made into DNAlien slaves.

Their intel was a bit slow, they didn’t know Ben Tennyson was back on Earth. The wielder of the omnitrix was a bigger threat to the Highbreed, even if they didn’t want to admit it.

Max stumbled into their trap, a bunch of aliens masqurading as humans using ID Masks. The whole town was taken over, but he got out; he was planning to stop their little invasion, by himself if he had too. That might have been Max’s only mistake. Something big was going down, a threat that even Vilgax was afraid of, had set their sights on Earth.

The invasion had already begun. The Plumbers were unaware, the local authorities could handle this, and the Highbreed were like weeds once they take root they spread quickly.

To be continued...Something is Wrong

Tonight is the night, Kevin is excited as they were finally gonna do “it”. Imagine his frustration when Gwen shows up frsh from her karate tournament to find Grandpa Max was missing and something weird is going on. Ben of course agrees to help, and it’s time to go down the rabbit hole!



The pacing of their relationship is wonderfully, achingly slow. It's an enjoyable slow burn. 🥰 Maybe in physical affection scenes a bit more descriptors to emphasize Ben's muscular physique / the size difference between the two wouldn't go amiss?