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Black Clover parody: Tier 1/Bad Day Fic

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Something About Yuno

Asta still hadn’t come home, and Yuno was now officially worried, even if his face didn’t show it. It was late and the sun had set. ‘Asta...where are you?!’ He raced out to try and find him, only to be surprised by a glow in the distance. ‘A fire!?’

Yuno rushed towards the glow and found Asta sitting with a stranger, and the glow was from a odd creature. “It seems we have a guest.” Cloud said. Asta turned his head and spotted him.

“Yuno!” Asta waved at him, completely forgetting they had a fight just hours ago. A lot had happened and Asta wasn’t the type to overthink things. Anger was best left in a moment, and once the moment passed it was better to move on and forgive. So Father preached anyway. “Look at my new friend, his name is Sunny! Master Cloud taught me to make him, isn’t he cool!”

“Hello!” Sunny greeted.

There was so much for Yuno to take in. Asta was fine, so that was a huge relief off his shoulders. He was with some stranger called Cloud, which put Yuno on edge. There was a little talking sun hanging around and Asta made him...that needed some explaining.

“Asta it’s late you need to come home!” He said after taking some calming breaths.

“But…” Asta looked to Cloud. The mystery man chuckled.

“He is right, rest is good for the body, which is good for the ki. I’ll be taking my leave for now, see you soon Asta!” He made a hand sign and vanished in a swirl of leaves.

“So cool!” Asta gushed.

Yuno wasn’t so much impressed as he was scared. He sensed no magic from that ability, and the man vanished completely leaving no trail and he couldn’t be detected by his magic sense. “We are leaving...now Asta!”

“Oh okay...come on Sunny!” The little sun followed, lighting their way in the dark.

Once they were about halfway home Yuno finally spoke. “Asta you should stay away from that guy!”

“Huh? What are you talking about Yuno?”

“He’s a stranger, remember what Sister Lily said about talking to strangers!” He hoped that would get the idea across.

“He’s not a stranger he’s my friend.” Yuno wanted to face palm so hard. His concerns weren’t unfounded, they lived far away from the capital and the area tended to be a tad wild and lawless. Bandits and human traffickers were a problem.

“Asta you are far too trusting, just listen to me and stay away from that guy!”

“Why are you so rude? He’s teaching me how to use ki, I was able to make a guardian because of him.” Yuno didn’t know what ki was, so it sounded like nonsense to him.

“Look I’m just…” He was worried about him, didn’t want Asta to get hurt or worse. “Forget it!” Not good with words or dealing with his emotions, he ended up just snapping at Asta.

The boy with no mana looks to his guardian and shrugs. He didn’t know what Yuno was so upset about or why he didn’t like Master Cloud. They make it home where Asta gets a nice bath, warmed with the help of Sunny. They turn in for the night, with the sun going to sleep as well.

His glow dimmed, and he served as a night light and a mini heater. The room was filled with warmth that helped relax the children and helped Asta and Yuno sleep as well. The wind mage was a bit more reluctant, but sleep claimed him eventually.

In the morning Asta had some explaining to do, especially about Sunny. He tried his best to explain, but it didn’t go over well. The adults just assumed this was Asta’s magic finally manifesting. Sunny could certainly imitate spells and magic, even though Asta still had no mana they could still fake it.

Asta got gung-ho about it since Sunny was a big help, he helped with cooking, heating the baths, even drying the laundry. The white haired lad was overjoyed, he was finally able to help besides using his muscles.

Over the next year Asta would do chores, train, and go off to study with Cloud. Yuno was pissed every time the white haired boy left to spend time with the weird guy. What little time they spent together was now even smaller.

While Yuno tried to pour his frustrations into training his magic, Asta was learning how to sense ki. Yuno could have simply asked him, to spend more time together, but such an idea struggled to cross through his tsundere mind. So he often took out his frustrations on Cloud.

Learning to sense and hide one’s ki were the basics of ki control. One easy way to train that is a game of hide and seek. Some days Asta would hide, others he would seek. Cloud was an experienced hunter which left Asta with a few smacks to the noggin. He was impressed with the white haired boy’s determination, even when he lost he never gave up.

He came home tired, with a few bumps or scrapes. Yuno continued to grow more and more annoyed. It reached the point even Asta noticed there was something up with him. Cloud had been nothing but nice to them, even bringing them food to eat, but Yuno continued to struggle to find anything nice to say about the man.

While sitting by a camp fire, Asta was struggling to eat. “What’s wrong Asta?”

“It’s Yuno, there is something up with him. He seems mad at me every time I leave to go train.”

“Ah yes, Yuno…” Cloud had received a few glares from the wind user when Asta was late, and Yuno came for him. “That boy loves you very much.”

“Well of course we love each other we’ve been together since we were babies, but lately he’s just been acting weird.”

“The boy is jealous, and struggles to admit it.” Cloud explained.

“Jealous of who? Me? That’s not possible he’s always been skilled with magic.” Asta waved off the idea.

“He’s jealous of the time you are spending with me. He wants you to spend more time with him.” He said.

“I invited him to train with us, but he’s always refused.”

Cloud chuckled. ‘So the boy is tsundere huh?’ He shook his head, he felt bad for the wind user. “Asta, Yuno doesn’t live you as a friend or a family member, he cares about you much deeper than that.”

Asta was quiet, you could almost feel the wheels turning in his head as he tried to process what was said to him. He didn’t quite get it. “That can’t be true, two boys can’t love each that way.”

“Actually they can.”

“What?!” Asta gasped.

“It might seem taboo in some parts of the world, but it is found in nature. Mating between two men, is not only possible, it is pleasurable.” Asta’s brain looked ready to fry with this new information.

“Does that mean you’ve slept with men, Master?”

“Yes.” He didn’t miss a beat. “I did tell you, one could raise their ki by having sex, when two people have sex, their ki flares and meshes together. It can strengthen both parties. Men found it easier to draw ki from other men, and the same was found true with women and other women. So it became a practice in our land that same sex couplings were encouraged as the benefits outweighed any other nonsense.”

Asta had so many questions. Cloud understood, living in an orphanage with a priest as a mentor and teacher did leave a lot of elements of education up in the air. So Cloud added a new lesson plan as they entered their second year together. Mating 101!

Cloud understood his student wasn’t a genius but when it came to certain things he was like a sponge. So he kept it simple, explained things clearly and honestly and gave him the talk he needed to know. He even explained masturbation, and informed him how it could even work with his ki training.

For most people jerking off and having sex their ki leaked off them naturally which led to exhaustion. For those capable of controlling their ki, not only could they last longer they could recover quickly. Asta added jerking off to his training regimen, his thoughts turning to Cloud’s lessons for material and letting his own imagination wander.

He never thought about such things before, not even with sister Lily. While he claimed he wanted to marry her, the idea of having sex with her weirdly felt wrong in his mind. When he thought of Yuno, he felt a strong surge of desire.

Asta asked Master Cloud about this. “I think it’s possible you might not be interested in mating with girls.”

“But I love Sister Lily!” Asta snapped. “I’ve loved her since the moment I first saw her. I want to marry her so she’ll always be by my side!” Cloud felt bad for the boy, there was a lot of mess going on in his head, his desire to not give up here was problematic.

“Asta...its okay to love someone and it not be a mating love. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to mate with girls, some people can enjoy both, others have prefer one or the other. You can still love, respect, and honor women. You just need to understand what you really want.” With Asta learning new things Sunny was also becoming more observant.

He even pointed out how Yuno would get all weird and upset whenever Asta would ask Sister Lily to marry him. Which gave more proof towards his jealousy and hidden feelings. Sunny just wanted his master to be happy, so he was cool with whatever he wanted.

Over the last 6 months, Asta had been training and discovering himself. Cloud’s lessons were doing wonders for his imagination, and instinct helped fill in the blanks. With knowledge Asta found some clarity. Not having a mother in his life, he didn’t know what love for a mother was.

Sister Lily took care of them as a mother would. Asta wished to repay that in kind and take care of her. He thought by marrying her, they’d always be together. Never in his fantasies did he want to build a family with her by having kids together. If anything he saw them looking after more abandoned kids together, fixing up the orphanage, and just living together. Which could be done without marriage or getting together.

He figured out he could still love Sister Lily and not be IN LOVE with her. Just as he could love the priest, but not be IN LOVE with him. Realizing he liked guys didn’t mean he wanted to fuck every guy he saw. He was learning he WAS in fact, IN LOVE with Yuno. Asta did want to mate with him.

The feeling was mutual.

As Yuno caught Asta jerking off, it stirred some feelings in the raven haired teen. He couldn’t look away, watching him work his meat. ‘He’s so big!’ He felt heat rush south and his loins were stirred. It raised some questions for him, but none he was bold enough to ask.

The wind user learned how to jerk off by watching Asta, he marveled at his sexy body as he played with himself. Yuno didn’t last as long, unaware of the white haired boy’s use of ki control. His libido was well trained.

Asta’s ki control jerk off sessions was training his dick, getting some oomf~oomf in his cock. Yuno didn’t know his secret, but that didn’t stop him from trying to improve, he came so quickly when compared to Asta. Seeing Asta’s impressive size, awakened something in him, he just didn’t know what.

Yuno thought he was being sneaky, but after two years Asta’s ki sensing ability was spot on, he knew Yuno was there, and could feel him climaxing. The fact he was being watched only excited Asta more.


The white haired boy had changed upon meeting Cloud. Two years in and it still bothered Yuno a bit, as he was quick enough to realize that the changes were because of his new master. He had to realize his strained relationship with Asta was his fault.

They were growing up, and they could either grow together, or they’d get further apart. Yuno didn’t want that. His feelings for Asta were growing more and more. Asta and Sunny were getting more in sync, and they were getting stronger together.

Asta was making more time for Yuno which definitely made him happy. Though now he struggled to be around the white haired male without his heart pounding and his blood rushing south. He could see Asta was changing, physically and mentally.

One of the biggest changes he’s seen is Asta stopped confessing his “love” for sister Lily and stopped proposing to her. “Did you finally give up on her?”

“No, I never give up. I just realized my feelings were misplaced.” He kissed Yuno on the cheek. “I know what I truly want now, do you?” Yuno’s pale cheeks burned in a blush.

To be continued...Clouds Fall and Rise

Cloud is reaching the end of his line, his hair is turning more and more white. He continues to teach Asta who’s improving, as he reaches his end he helps Asta create a new guardian, and it is given a name to honor his fallen master.


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