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Reincarnated as Slime parody: Tier 2

Goblin’s Payment

Rigurdo is made the leader of the goblin village by Rimuru, he feels bad that the job is quite the important one, so he offers him payment anything he wants. Rigurdo wants just one thing. Rimuru/Rigurdo


Rimuru Tempest, a little slime after reincarnation, had met the Storm Dragon Veldora. He received a name from the powerful dragon and received his blessing. They became friends and shared the family name of Tempest. He ate Veldora’s prison with him inside, unknowingly causing quite the disturbance. After making a buffet of the monsters in the Sealed Cave, he ran across and helped some Goblins.

He stopped a war between the Goblins and the Dire Wolves and united the two clans. Upon giving them names they evolved into Hobgoblins. Rimuru had named the elder at the time Rigurdo or Rigurd for short. He had been a frail little goblin, but after receiving a name he evolved.

Not only did his life span increase he developed a robust muscular body. The hobgoblin loved showing it off, flexing and making his muscles pop. Rimuru couldn’t blame him, in his old life if he had a body like that he’d want to show it off too. He went from having the body of a short old man, to the body of a tall adult human.

Rigurd had thick arms and strong legs, hard pecs and was rocking a 8 pack, an honest to goodness 8 pack! Because of Rimuru’s stature and the lack of “proper” clothing goblin’s had Rimuru could see the man was packing, he had at least 10 inches of pure fuck meat, and his balls were HUGE! Having big balls appeared to be a thing for male goblins, even more so for hobgoblins.

The slime was a novice when it came to leading a village, his old bosses made it look so easy. Even when he received juniors to direct, it wasn’t on the scale of this. Delegation was important. So he decided to put someone in charge who knew the needs of the village better than him.

“Rigurd you are in charge.” He was dubbed the Goblin Lord. The title honored the muscular hobgoblin. He was so touched, it honestly made Rimuru feel a little bad, a part of him believing he was passing the buck onto him.

Even as other goblin villages gathered here, and their leaders formed a council of goblins to help govern their expanding village, Rigurd stood at the top of it. There was a lot of work involved, and Rimuru felt so bad, because Rigurd was working so hard. Such hard work the slime felt he deserved some form of payment or reward.

“A reward?” Rigurd asked.

The slime nodded. “Yes, I’d like to reward you for all the hard work you do. What form of payment would you like?”

“I can ask...for any kind of payment?” He gulped. “Truly?”

“Sure thing my guy, I really appreciate all the work you do, so whatever payment you’d like.” Rigurd rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Well Lord Rimuru...there is one thing...but…” A blush began to form on his cheeks.

“No buts, if it’s in within my power consider it done!”

“Well…” He whispered something to Rimuru.


Rimuru didn’t know it but Goblins had a very strong sex drive, while not on the level of incubi/succubi it was more than most other monsters, and potentially five times stronger than humans. They also had high potency, goblins reproduce faster than any other monster species, if humans and other monsters didn’t attack them often their population would dwarf humans within a year or two.

As an example of their natural sexual benefits, though all beings in this world break down food completely for energy, so the ass exists only for mating; Goblins and their line, have an extra layer of nerve endings in their ass, so anal pleasure for them was triple what a human experiences.

So Rimuru had given Rigurd a blank check, and the Goblin Lord cashed in. The slime was sweating bullets. ‘Oh man, what am I gonna do?’ He wasn’t expecting Rigurd to request such a thing, but he had promised anything. This was within his power to give him so he couldn’t refuse.

“I want to have sex!” If Rimuru had a jaw it would have dropped. “To be honest lord, before my evolution I thought my mating years were behind me. You’ve given me a second chance, so it would be an honor to have you reward me with sex.”

“I see…” He wants sex as payment, just wow. “Well then...I suppose that is fine…” This was a different world, with different rules.

“Thank you Lord!” Rigurd bowed, like full on bowed, face buried in the ground, a familiar pose to when he thanked him as an old man.

They went to Rigurd’s house, and the Hobgoblin washed up. So Rimuru was nervous, he was a virgin in his previous life, and now he was a slime. ‘Can I even please a man like this?’ He didn’t have penis but…

‘Wait a minute, I can change my shape, even expand and contract at will I can totally please a man!’ To prove it, Rimuru shrank in size, before expanding and tripling his size.

“Lord Rimuru!” Rigurd entered the room so swiftly it made Rimuru jump.

“Yes!” He yelped. “Oh wow!” If possible Rigurd had gotten even more muscular, he was THICK! One might even mistake him for an ogre at a distance. His chiseled body was glistening like a freshly polished statue. If possible his balls were even bigger, and he’s swear the guy’s dick was thicker. He was weirdly cut, it seemed Goblins were born that way.

Satoru had seen some buff guys in the showers before, but Rigurd was on a whole other level. The hobgoblin flexed. “Lord Rimuru it is an honor to be here before you. I humbly put myself in your care.”

“Alright big guy, let’s take this slow and have some fun!” He had Rigurd lay on his stomach, even his backside was sexy. ‘I can do this!’ He plopped onto Rigurd.

The slime spread himself out, flattening and covering the sexy back. ‘His shoulders are stiff!’ He began to roll out, applying pressure at tender areas. Rimuru could see them thanks to Magic Sense. He had rubbed a few shoulders in his day, so he knew how to work a knot.

“Ohhh~” Rigurd shuddered. His stiff shoulders were kneaded by slime. The hobgoblin relaxed, sliding his big strong arms under his chin and let his master work. His broad shoulders were a work of art, Rimuru felt them up, squeezing them sensually. “Lord Rimuru!”

The slime spread, massaging the tight muscles in Rigurd’s back, earning mewls and moans of pleasure. ‘Oh ho, there, and there, how about here?’

“Mmm~” Rimuru could feel every tremble of delight.

‘So this is a man’s back, it’s so grand and vast!’ He slithered across the green mountain of a man, feeling the muscles tighten and relax under his ministrations. It felt so good, his lord was making him feel as if he was melting.

Once he spread across the full space, from his shoulders down to his ass. He warmed himself with fire magic, so it was like being massaged by a heating pad. The slime slithered and rolled, making Rigurd moan and groan. ‘Is this how slimes mate it feels so good.’ Rigurdo shivered in delight.

Heat + Massage, it got all the stiffness and soreness out of his back and shoulders, and soon it just stirred the flames of pleasure inside him. If not for the stirring in his loins he would have drifted off to sleep. He felt hot and relaxed, with small fireworks of pleasure when certain areas were pressed. ‘Lord Rimuru!’ He began to drool.

Once his back was jelly, the slime moved down to his toned rear. ‘Such cake!’ Rigurd’s ass was perfectly rich, thick, and juicy. He couldn’t help but bounce on it. The hobgoblin was surprised, his pointy ears turning red.

He took the term bounce a quarter off it to a new level, Rigurd had an ass so perfect you could bounce a slime off it. Rimuru even did a flip in the air, before landing back on the booty. Green cheeks rippled from the impact. While he liked being squished by boobs, there was just something about a bountiful booty Rimuru couldn’t help but love.

The slime got a bit distracted by the cheeks, but after enjoying himself a bit, he carried on the massage. He stretched himself, and began to rub Rigurd’s legs. “Ohh!” The hobgoblin moaned, he didn’t know his legs would be so sensitive.

He squirmed as the warmth sank into his limbs and the tender muscles were worked over. His toes flexed and curled as pleasure roamed through him. “Oh yes, oh ohh!” He buried his face in his arms.

Rigurd was in heaven, just having his lord touch him was such a blessing, but to be groped and felt up in such a way...he was positively throbbing!

Rimuru finished the massage. “Alright big guy, roll over and let’s see the front.” The hobgoblin rolled over. “Oh wow!” It cast a shadow. His slime eyes bulged out cartoonishly, like when he first saw Veldora. He was face to face with the biggest cock he had seen.

Veldora: That’s cause you never got to see mine!

Rigurd was hung sure, 10 inches soft that’d make most men back home jealous. Even Rigurd was a bit surprised. He got some oomf-oomf in his pecker by evolving, an extra 3 inches, every Hobgoblin did. It turned out that every goblin is a natural born grower. He was 15 inches hard, his girth as mighty as a fist. ‘So big!’

The former chief was panting, he was so excited and horny. Rimuru gulped. ‘So sexy!’ The towering cock looked like a mighty meal, but how should he go at it.

“Thank you for the meal!” He jumped and dove on the erection. His slime body expanded and enveloped the penis, encasing his flesh.

“Ohh, what is this?” Rimuru combined Mimicry, with the help of Great Sage, to copy an item from his world. He was a fleshlight! Possibly the biggest one ever, but he was able to perfectly able to hold the giant dick.

“I’m what’s called a sex toy, use me to masturbate.” Rigurd blushed.

He grabbed his lord with both hands, and began sliding him up and down his shaft. “Ohh so tight!” Rimuru could adjust the tightness, relaxing and flexing in time. “Lord Rimuru!” He moaned. Those big Hobgoblin hands worked the sex toy back and forth over his length. ‘It is like I’m fucking Lord Rimuru!’ The thought made tears pour from his eyes.

Rigurd sped up his thrusts, working the slime fleshlight over his length. “Oh oh oh oh oh oh!” He could feel his cum churning, he was getting close.

Rimuru was feeling used, he was sure if Rigurd fucked him as a human he’d be ripped apart. His stomach bulging lewdly his ass left gaping and wrecked. Forming the fleshlight around the penis made him the perfect size, literally made for his cock.

The friction tickled his insides. Though he had no sense for hot or cold, much like a drink poured by a beautiful lady. This moment gave him all kinds of intense sensations. ‘If this is how sex toys feel, lucky toys!’ He felt Rigurd’s lust and desire, his hunger for release.

With how Rigurd held him, the slime could easily imagine him holding his hips just as tenderly. He got to feel every inch of him, glide in and out of him, pre-cum spilling inside. As the goblin’s penis pulsed more and more, Rimuru could feel he was close.

Then...he came…

Those massive nuts lurched, his sac tightening as his load came. “Lord Rimuru, I’m CUMMING!” He bellowed.

Rimuru activated Predator just in time. Had he been a regular toy, he’d have burst like a frozen pipe. He was a bottomless pit, but he was quite sure he could fill a 2 gallon jug of milk with his load. Rigurd rode the waves of orgasm, as Rimuru ate up his semen.

Rigurd’s orgasm face was quite adorable, he was drooling and blushing, panting in delight. Even with his powerful orgasm, his hobgoblin libido had his dick standing at attention. That was saying something given his size, but Rimuru wasn’t done yet.

Just as there were fun facts about goblins that Rimuru didn’t know about, Rigurd wasn’t aware of some slime facts. For example, they didn’t need to breath. “Get comfortable Rigurd cause here we go.” The hobgoblin put his hands behind his head as Rimuru dispelled his mimicry.

His cock was covered in slime once more, and then...his lord began to suck! An intense suction that made Rigurd’s knees buckle. “Ohh fuck yes!” He bucked off the ground and his heavy rod bobbed. Rimuru just kept sucking, every inch, firm and perfectly hugging his penis.

The slime sucked and slurped, not needing air to break the flow. He could suck on all 15 inches with no sore jaw, no gag reflex, no need to breath. He could simply hug his dick like a condom and work him like a milking machine. Even in his prime Rigurd never had someone suck his cock so damn good, and he was even bigger now.

So he did what he did when he was excited...he flexed! His abs and pecs popped, his biceps and triceps expanded and bulged. “Ohh yeah!” The suction wouldn’t stop, making his leg jerk and his toes curl. His head, glans, and shaft were stimulated all at once.

Rimuru couldn’t taste, but enjoyed the flavor of the experience, the hobgoblin’s moans were music to his senses. He was positively vibrating in excitement, and without realizing it he sent vibrations through his cock. “Lord Rim-Aaaahhh~” He came again, his cum spilling inside Rimuru.

He used his Absorb skill to swallow the heavy seed, spurt after spurt, he’d have filled a man with another two gallons. Goblin balls were something else, so potent, such volume, and full! Even after two big loads Rigurd was STILL hard! ‘This is one impressive cock!’

The slime got an idea, he pulled off the mighty shaft, and used mimicry to create a dildo in the perfect size and shape of Rigurd’s penis. “What do you think? Think you can handle me?”

“Lord Rimuru...inside me…” That was the hottest thing he could fathom. He prepared his ass and straddled his lord, the tip kissing his hungry hole. “Fuck the hell yes!” He sank down onto Rimuru.

“Oh wow!” He was enveloped by Rigurd’s tight ass. The phallic girth made the nerve endings in his hobgoblin rear spark up like new years. The inner walls hugged Rimuru so tightly. If these walls could talk they’d speak of a blushing slime. ‘So tight!’

“So big!” He moaned, tongue hanging from his mouth. His abs bulged as he took more of the massive length, half his 8 pack was bulging by the time he reached the base. “Fuck!” Rigurd basked in the fullness.

His dick twitched and began to ooze pre-cum like a faucet. He braced himself before riding his lord, he could pull off about half before slamming back down. The massive size pulverized his prostate with every thrust. “Ohh Lord Rimuru!” He moaned.

While Rimuru couldn’t feel the heat of friction, Rigurd felt like his ass was melting. His beefy ass jiggled as he rode the rod. “You like this Rigurd?”

“I love it, I want more!” His hard cock slapped his abs and pecs as he bounced on the slime.

“More...if you insist!” Rimuru expanded, increasing the girth and improving the length. Rigurd’s full 8-pack was bulged by the massive shaft.

‘I felt that!!’ His eyes rolled up. Sparks burst through the goblin leader. He made a lustful face, his teeth coming together, and a twinkle happened. His arms curled and his muscles popped.

“CUMMING!” He saw stars as he came, his massive cock erupting and showering the hobgoblin in white.

‘Ohh fuck!’ Rigurd’s ass was incredibly tight, given his physique his hole was tighter than most. In climax he was squeezed like a vice. He felt a strange sensation race through him and…Rimuru came?!

Turns out slimes could jizz, it was rare, but he was a unique. His essence drenched Rigurd’s insides. It filled his belly, and Rigurd rubbed his abs and the bulge Tempest left in him.

Rimuru reverted back to slime form, Rigurd’s ass left gaping from the ride. “Too much?”

“No...it was...excellent...my lord!” The goblin said between pants.

“Did I mention some people are paid weekly?” Rigurd bowed.

“Thank you my lord!”


Rigurdo’s work ethic increased, he was an inspiration to the goblins. Some wondered what changed, but didn’t see the need to question it. Though the goblin council would swear that in meetings they saw something slithering under Rigurd’s clothes.

Hey, sometimes he couldn’t wait to cash in his payment. It certainly made the meetings more exciting.



Damion Andrew

Rigurdo finally gets some love! And it's super hot too! Thank you Paper!