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Reincarnated as Slime parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Learning the World and Hunger

Veldora initially thought his new friend was from the nearby Goblin Village, but soon learned he was a unique monster. The fact he was a Goblin Sage should have been a clue, a goblin shaman class could be obtained rarely but not impossible. This was something new altogether. “Unique monsters do appear from time to time, perhaps they were other worlders like you.”

“Can you tell me more about these other worlders?” Satoru asked. He took a seat on a rock and Veldora explained.

“There are ways for people to come to this world, one way is called Summon; it takes a lot of magic power and it brings someone from another world here, infusing their bodies with magicules and granting them skills. The other is Reincarnation, but it is rare for a soul to retain their memories through the process.” Countries wanted strong soldiers so they took note of unique monsters appearing, and also attempted to summon weapons to fight for their kingdom.

That sounded really cool to Satoru. Ever since he was young he wanted to have a fun adventure in a fantasy land, but then he grew up and got a job. His only dive into the fantasy world was the rpg video games he played and the manga he collected. “If there are other people from my world, I’d like to meet them.”

Veldora huffed. “Does that mean you are planning to leave already?” Satoru sweat dropped.

“While I do wanna see and explore this world, you are my friend so I’m not just gonna abandon you.” Veldora became excited and offered to teach the goblin sage some things. There was Common Skills, Species Skills, Extra Skills, Unique Skills, and Ultimate Skills; Satoru didn’t have any Ultimate Skills so he wasn’t as over powered in the grand scheme of things.

Common Skills were obviously the most common skills in this world and can be shared by all sorts of people. Species Skills, were the innate skills that most monsters possess, they grow in strength as monsters evolve and get stronger.

Extra Skills hold power and efficiency magnitudes higher than those of common skills. Veldora explained how humans gain titles and classes by having these sorts of skills.

Unique Skills were frankly unique, shaped by one’s mind and powerful wishes. One couldn’t even obtain one without a mighty soul. They could incorporate smaller skills or sub skills within them. “Ultimate Skills are the rarest of the rare, those that hold Ultimate Skills have knowledge of the principles of the world. Know this, one with an Ultimate Skill cannot be defeated by one without an Ultimate Skill.” That was pretty vague, but Satoru wasn’t wanting to make trouble to begin with.

He asked about his Magic and Resistances. “Resistances are a type of Skill, they grant their holder the power to resist certain phenomenon, and there are two levels Resisters and Nullifiers.” It made sense. He didn’t have any Nullifiers yet.

Veldora explained about Magic, there wasn’t much he could teach the goblin sage without demonstrating it, but his skills were sealed. He couldn’t even bestow a skill in his current state...except...

“If I could I would show you my mighty Storm Magic!” He laughed. “The coolest magic to learn if I do say so myself!” The dragon pounded his chest in pride.

“I haven’t really tried my magic much yet, is it tough to learn?” Veldora shook his head.

“Not really know, monsters picked up the trick to magic. It’s all about visualization, humans use incantations because it helps them visualize. Skilled magic users can use magic without incantation by merely speaking a spells name, but a master magician can cast spells with their thoughts.” Monsters were more connected to nature so spells like Fire Ball or Lightning were easier to visualize so they didn’t need an incantation to enact the spell. “A true master of magic is able to enhance spells and make them their own, creating something amazing.” That sounded so cool.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try!” He hopped up, his hefty manhood flopping as he did so. Veldora blushed at the sight of it. Satoru made quite the sexy goblin, the world gave him a rocking body for a hobgoblin full of potential. He could certainly become even sexier.

Satoru focused picturing something in his mind. Great Sage assisted with the spell and thanks to the Water Affinity Satoru cast. “Water Shower!” He created a cloud from the moisture in the air, it was a thin gray cloud and pop it rained on him. “Ahh I did it!” He danced around a bit.

“Weather Manipulation I approve!” He stroked his chin, watching the water cascade down Satoru’s sexy body. “Hehe~!”

The hobgoblin felt the intense stare. ‘No way is Veldora checking me out?’ He didn’t feel any shame at being naked or checked out by a dragon. In fact, he got excited. His hefty manhood swelled and stood at attention. “What do you say Naughty Dragon, wanna share a wank session together?”

“I would if I could, but I can’t!” He hung his head. Satoru tilted his head in confusion.

“You can’t what?” Veldora pointed to his crotch.

“My penis is trapped in my sheath. I can get turned on, but it’s locked.” He blushed. Satoru could see it with magic sense, there was a seal around Veldora’s sheath.

“Wow kinky...” This Infinite Prison was no joke, sealed his skills and sealed his libido. ‘Poor guy no wonder he’s so bored.’ Even he’s enjoyed a lazy day fap session once or twice.

He tried some magic on the seal Fireball, Thunderball, and Lightning, but nothing worked. “Let’s try this, Waterball!” He gathered water and formed it into a spherical vortex before launching it. No luck…he did get a new spell out of it, but the prison was unscathed.

“Maybe this, Jinx!” He tried to curse the Infinite Prison with bad luck, hoping any flaw or crack in it would spread. Nope.

“Not a bad try.” Satoru decided to ask Great Sage.

Answer: It is impossible to destroy (Infinite Prison) using Physical or Magical attacks.

‘I was afraid you were going to say that, this skill is really intricate it’s on a whole other level.’ Satoru thought he may have had a chance to crack it but guess things aren’t that easy in this world. ‘This is a skill from a hero.’

Answer: There is to say a possible solution to breaking the seal.

‘Mm, hm, I see…’

“Hey, don’t just talk to your skill!” Veldora huffed.

“Don’t be jealous!” Great Sage needed to analyze the prison both inside and out, this would take time. Veldora would have to analyze it from the inside while Great Sage analyzed it from the outside, together they could break the seal.

He planned to use Predation to swallow up Veldora, prison and all, and store them in his second stomach. The Storm Dragon couldn’t help but laugh. It was a brilliant idea, and not every day someone asked to eat a dragon. “Before you do it, I’d like to give you a name, you can think of a name for the both of us too. We well bare the same crest on our souls.”

“Oh so like a family name.” This was a new world and this was his new life, having a new name seemed fitting. As for their family name, he took it from Veldora’s class, the Storm Dragon. “Tempest!”

“What?!” Veldora roared.

Satoru flinched. “You...you don’t like it?”

“I love it!” He bellowed. “I am Veldora Tempest!” His body resonated with a strange aura. “I grant you the name Rimuru, you shall be Rimuru Tempest!” The name became etched upon his soul, and Rimuru was truly born.

Rimuru and Veldora said their goodbyes, before the goblin sage unleashed Predation. The pink magic swallowed the infinite prison and he ate it in one bite. Suddenly everything was quiet. He didn’t know how long the two had been talking, but the silence was almost painful. ‘This is what Veldora dealt with for hundreds of years?’ His heart went out to the gut. He already missed the chatterbox of a dragon.

On this day…

The whole world was shaken…

From the Great Forest of Jura, to the surrounding nations, were shocked at the Storm Dragon’s disappearance. This act caused ripples across the land, shaking up those in power and brought about an uproar. Did the Storm Dragon simply fade away or was he killed?

His life signs vanished so quickly it was hard to say. People and monsters wanted answers.


Rimuru began to wonder the cave hoping to find the exit. He planned to have a grand adventure and have all sorts of stories to share with Veldora when they were reunited. Little did he know Veldora could observe from his place in the second stomach and he could also read and watch Rimuru’s memories, he wouldn’t be bored for some time.

As for the Goblin Sage, he was about to run into a not so friendly friend. With the dragon’s presence gone, many monsters came out to fill the void and claim the territory. Rimuru bumped into a scary beast that was eating the magic ore.

This thing was known as an Armorsaurus. It roared and attacked Rimuru. “Not friendly!” He dodged it’s claws using his Nimble Escape skill. “Sorry about this, Lightning!” He cast, firing lightning from his fingers.

The monster didn’t know what hit him. Rimuru used Predator on it eating the meat and using Predation on it’s bones and armored shell. It tasted fine...could have used some soy sauce.

Acquired: Body Armor Skill, Physical Attack Resistance, Stone Eater Skill.

“Whoa I got some of his skills?” He got excited as Great Sage confirmed. “Alright!” Using his new Stone Eater skill, he was able to use Predator on the magic ore. It weirdly tasted like candy, he stored the ore away figuring he could use it in the future. The ore would benefit being inside his magicule enriched stomach.

He could eat meat!

The next creature he came across was known as a Black Serpent. It was the strongest creature in the cave, with it’s Poison Breath that wasn’t a surprise. It could even melt magic ore. “Oh crap!” It hissed and lunged at him. “Water Blade!”

With a flick of the wrist, he gathered the moisture in the air, amplified by magicules and whoosh. Off went his head! Rimuru gulped. “Wow that’s some trick.” The serpent was still moving a bit, it was creepy.

Once it stopped moving Rimuru got a bright idea. “Burning Hands!” He used the magic to cook the snake, and used Predator to eat it. “Blegh!”

It tasted like the meat was drenched in wasabi. He wasn’t expecting that.

Acquired: Sense Heat Source, Poison Breath, Cobra Cannon Skill. Poison Resistance, Acid Resistance

Notice: Goblin Magic Spell Toxic Touch Unlocked!

“Cobra Cannon?” He tried that skill, but wasn’t expecting the result. “Whoa!” His crotch glowed and he sprouted a second penis, the cocks were perfectly matches in size, girth, and fully functioning. He turned it off and the second cock faded. “That could be fun!”

The next critter was a Black Spider. Now Rimuru wasn’t scared of spiders as a human, but there was something unnerving about this beast. “Water Blade, Water Blade, Water Blade, Water Blade!” The arachnid was reduced to sliced sushi.

He couldn’t waste food, but didn’t want to eat it so he used Predation.

Acquired: Spider Walk, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread,

Spider Walk was a bit superior to the Goblin Skill Spider Crawl, not only did it allow Rimuru to ignore web traps, but he could walk on walls much easier even walk on the ceiling. This gave him more options of mobility, as he could cling to a wall or ceiling with only one hand or foot and pull off some pretty cool tricks.

To say nothing of his use of Sticky Thread, he felt like Spider man as he swung through the cave. Something didn’t take too kindly to that, and since Rimuru was full of blood he attracted the attention of a few Bat monsters.

Giant Bat, Vampire Bat, and Shadow Bat flew at him to feast on his blood and take his skills. Too bad for them Rimuru was protected by Great Sage when they tried to bewilder him with their Ultrasonic Waves. They weren’t used to any other monsters climbing walls except spiders.

The Shadow Bat created shadow clones of itself and tried to swarm Rimuru, but they were dispatched with Steel Thread.

He put up a web of Sticky Thread and captured the lot. The Vampire Bat, didn’t go down without a fight, firing a bullet of blood out at him. Rimuru dodged and took him out with Water Blade.

The Goblin Sage made quick work of the other two and used Burning Hands to cook them. “Thank you for the food!” He ate the bats, that weirdly tasted like chicken. The Vampire Bat tasted like Sweet and Sour Chicken, while the Shadow Bat tasted like Spicy Chicken.

Acquired: Vampirism, Predator will absorb this skill. Ultrasound Waves, Blood Control, Blood Manipulation, Shadow Wings, Mimic Voice, Bat Wing Skill, Sound Resistance

Thanks to Vampirism he could extend his canines as fangs, and now Predator could also process blood tapping into bloodline abilities. Great Sage explained Blood Control could work on enemies being able to control someone’s body if he tasted their blood, while Blood Manipulation allowed him to manipulate his own blood or blood influenced by his magicules. The Bat Wing Skill allowed him to manifest wings from his back, and Shadow Wings allowed him to manifest shadow familiars in the form of bats.

Notice: The World has Acknowledged you ingenuity with your skill useand granted you the Chef Skill. Goblin Skill Mean Look has been unlocked, Goblin Magic Confuse Ray has been unlocked.

Rimuru was a bit disapointed he was hoping he could make clones like a certain ninja in a popular manga he read. The shadow familiars were handy, they served as his eyes and ears, and he could even use them as receivers for sonar. He was able to map out the cave much easier thanks to them.

What Great Sage also caught his attention. ‘My ingenuity with how I use my skills huh? So there are other ways of using one’s skills.’ He’d have to experiment with that in the future.

He’d get to test out Vampirism soon enough, as he fought an Evil Centipede. He defeated it and used predator on it.

Acquired: Paralysis Breath, Steel Leg, Paralysis Resistance. Notice: Goblin Magic: Miasma Unlocked, Drain Touch Unlocked, Mana Map Unlocked

Miasma could create a purple mist/cloud to fill an area, it could poison, paralyze, or knock out an enemy. A pretty powerful skill in Rimuru’s opinion. Drain Touch allowed him to drain magic from an opponent. Steel Leg was a bloodline ability from Evil Centipedes, but Rimuru could use it to strengthen his legs for powerful kicks. The last little addition comes from his use of the Shadow Bats and Sound Waves, the sonar effect allowed him to conjure a map made out of mana that would hold all the info he gained.

‘These bats are pretty handy, maybe I can experiment with them.’ So as he traveled through the cave he began to experiment. First he tried applying Predation and Shadow Wings, the familiars were able to fly around and eat up the herbs and magic ore. They liquefied and Rimuru was able to drink them down storing what they ate in his second stomach. ‘Mmm, it’s like drinking a smoothie!’ He licked his lips.

Notice: Grizzly Wing Skill Obtained.

An offensive version of his Shadow Wing. He asked Great Sage about if using the familiars was a goblin thing to do, and apparently powerful Goblin Shamans used crows, bats, and snakes, as familiars to enhance and support their magic. That was a green light for Rimuru.

He continued his experiments, he found he could make the familiars more durable by applying water to them. So they could take more hits.

Notice: Shadow Mist Familiars will be created.

It turns out shadow elemental beings were the easiest to enchant. By applying Fireball to the familiars, he created an offensive attack Blaze Wing, the flaming bats didn’t last long but could attack multiple enemies at once. He used them to take out a nest of Black Serpents. “Grizzly Wing!” His predator bats gobbled up the remains and Rimuru drank them down.

Acquired: Shadow Snake Skill.

Rimuru was creative, since spider monsters liked eating bat monsters, he made a special blend just for them. By infusing the bats with Miasma, when they were attacked they burst releasing a cloud of the magic. The spiders tried to catch the “food” and got a face full of miasma. You couldn’t tell the difference in the bats unless you looked at the eyes, the ones infused with Miasma had green eyes instead of red.

“Grizzly Wing!” The predation bats feasted on the spiders and even got a new skill for Rimuru in the process.

Acquired: Venom Shock: a damage dealing attack that can leave an opponent paralyzed or poisoned.

Since he had Poison Breath and Paralysis Breath, those were the options for Venom Shock. It created a red energy, but it seemed to be a close range attack, so Rimuru got an idea. “Venom Wing!” He conjured red bats to attack enemies at a distance. Venom Shock was changed to Venom Wing.

Rimuru’s last experiment was giving one of the familiars some of his blood. To his shock the bat turned white, it grew larger, and it’s eyes turned purple.

Notice: Blood Familiar Created, Goblin Familiar Ritual available. Enchanter Skill Obtained.

In order to complete the Goblin Familiar Ritual he needed to share blood with his familiar and give it a name. “Hmm, Batty!” The familiar glowed and Rimuru got a bat tattoo on the back of his hand. Batty could liquefy and hop into the tattoo at command.

His new familiar had access to his healing magic and could support him in battle. “I always wanted a pet.” Now he had a combat pet, an attack bat!

The world had acknowledged his use of enchanting with the shadow familiars and gave him the Enchanter skill. This opened up a lot of new doors for the sage. He was gonna need his new little friend as he found the exit and someone was coming in.

Rimuru spotted three humans and he hid himself in the darkness. ‘Better safe then sorry!’ If these were adventurers they may attack him on sight being a hobgoblin.

“Man I can’t believe we are doing this?” He heard a female voice say.

“That damn Raizen, sending us to do his dirty work.” A tall male said.

“I suppose it’s fine I was getting bored anyway, least we can find some action.” Another male said.

“I guess, we are having a real life adventure. I wanna bust some monsters just like in my favorite video game!” The tall male said, and punched the air.

‘Video game...are these Otherworlders?!’ Rimuru got excited.

To be continued...Clash Rimuru vs Otherworlders!


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