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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Bad Day Fic/Phone Fic

Sleepy Boy Master

Jackie Chun/Master Roshi should have been careful with showing Goku his techniques. This boy learned how to use the Kamehameha Wave after only seeing it once. He claimed this was a martial arts so Goku had no problem using it in fights. As time marched on and with his powerful ki he could do a lot with this technique.

Chapter 1

Jackie Chun aka Master Roshi did his best to defeat Goku, to teach his student that there was stronger fighters out there, new strengths to reach, and room to grow. In an effort to defeat him Roshi used what he called the “Sleepy Boy Technique”, using Hypnosis he was able to put Goku to sleep. He claimed it was a legit martial arts move, while it didn’t lead him to victory, he may have created a monster.

He told the sleeping Goku that hypnosis was a true and honorable martial arts technique. To make matters worse Goku was very good at adapting techniques upon seeing them once, this was the same boy who learned the Kamehameha Wave upon seeing it only once. The young saiyan added it to his roster of techniques.

As the years marched on, Goku had used this technique a few times. The technique wasn’t all too complicated, simply applying ki to one’s eyes for a start, then applying soothing hand motions. Goku found other ways to perform the technique. Upon defeating Colonel Silver and General Blue, of the Red Ribbon Army, he used this technique to have them give up their evil ways. The two didn’t know it, but Goku had saved their lives, the Red Ribbon Army didn’t tolerate failure. Had they returned to the base they’d have been killed.

It wasn’t an absolute power, Mercenary Tao was able to resist the power with his own ki. So Goku trained to get stronger and found ways of channeling this ki. He could use his hands to twist the ki aiding in the hypnosis, he could also channel it through his tail, using it like a pendulum. He encountered men with strong wills and weak wills, but his martial arts wasn’t gonna lose!


As Goku practiced and got older, the skill became truly his. His training with Korrin and later Kami allowed him to learn more about the elements of this technique and build up on it. After the defeat of Demon King Piccolo, Goku trained with Kami for years. Going through puberty while having his tail awakened desires and instincts inside him. Kami even helped Goku gain control of his Ozaru form so he could keep his tail.

He returned to his friends, older, wiser, and stronger. His friends had missed him, and they hadn’t been slouching on their training either. They would need it for the looming threat before them. Before King Piccolo died, he released an egg, transfering all his power to his son. That son was back, grown to be a monster and threat to the world. Kami had trained Goku to defeat him, but it was hard to read the young man.

The Tournament was about to begin, fighters registered and got rooms at a hotel to rest before the tournament. Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu had received training from Korin and had changed a lot while Goku was away. He was happy to see them. Tien and Chiaotzu got a room together, while Goku, Yamcha, and Krillin all got a room together.  “Come on Goku, can you show us something?”

Goku and Krillin had a rivalry, the bald monk of a man couldn’t wait for the tournament to see what his friend/rival could do. He thought about it and there was one martial arts technique he could show off that wouldn’t hurt his friend before the tournament. “I think I can show something, Yamcha will you help me?”

“Sure!” Yamcha was an old enemy of Goku’s but the two had formed a strong bond since then, fighting and traveling together. He got up and took a fighting stance. “Hit me with your best shot!”

Goku closed his eyes and built up his ki. The two could feel the shift in his power. When Goku open his eyes they were glowing. “Sleepy Boy Technique!” Yamcha tensed.

“Wha…is…ooohhh!” His eyes glazed over as he stared into the saiyan’s eyes. The long haired fighter’s body relaxed, his eyes becoming half lidded.

“You are getting sleepy Yamcha, relax and get sleepy.” Yamcha yawned, feeling tired.

‘Goku’s voice is so soothing…his eyes are so pretty…’ He could feel his eyes getting heavy.

“Just relax and sink down, but don’t look away.” Goku said, and Yamcha’s eyelids rose. The former bandit sank under his control. “Sleepy boy, good boy!”

“Sleepy…boy…good boy…” Yamcha felt warm and tingly.

“Hypnotism?” Krillin was surprised, but remembered when Master Roshi used this on both Goku and Man Wolf.

“Are you feeling sleepy, good boy?” He asked.

“Yes…” Yamcha nodded in a stupor. His breathing evened out like he was sleeping, but his eyes were open and glazed over. Goku reached out to him, bringing his pointer finger to his forehead.

“Good boy, sink down sleepy boy, but listen to my words.” Yamcha shivered, he couldn’t look away, and felt like he was floating. He was sinking deeper and deeper in fluff. The world faded away, leaving just him and Goku. “Let your walls come down, sleepy boy, you are at peace! It feels good to listen, good boy!”

Yamcha nodded. As he sank down into the void, he felt tethered by his friend’s words. He felt pleasure flow through his veins. No matter how deep he sank the words reached him and he knew Goku was with him. “Does it feel good to sink down, sleepy boy?” He nodded again.

“It…feels…good…” Krillin could see it as Yamcha’s penis stirred in his pants.

‘He’s getting hard.’ He blushed.

“Good boy!” Goku praised and the former bandit shivered. The saiyan ruffled Yamcha’s hair, the praise and gesture sending a weird spark through his loins. “You have sunk so deep Yamcha, you will listen and obey won’t you?”

“Yes…I will…obey…” Yamcha said sleepily.

“That’s a good boy, good boys obey, it feels good to obey.” The bandit nodded, the words weaving into his mind and becoming fact. “Sleepy boy, relax and remove your clothes, it feels good to be free and naked.”

“Yes…it feels…good…” He tugged at his clothing. The long haired stud had been wearing white t-shirt and some black baggy pants for bed. He pulled off his night shirt, exposing his toned pecs and rock hard abs. The man was so deep even losing eye contact for a moment didn’t shake the control Goku had over him. Yamcha undid the string on his pants and lowered them, showing off his sexy legs and his now tented boxers.

Krillin thought he would stop at his underwear. “Free…and naked!” He yanked down his boxers, his hard on was tugged down only to snap up and slap his abs.

“Wow!” Yamcha had a nice piece, 8 inches long and uncut, the foreskin covering a good amount of the tip. He had some girth to him and his balls were huge, the former bandit had a nice bush of manly hair crowning his crotch. Krillin was jealous, both Yamcha and Goku were taller than him, but he thought he had them beat in muscle mass and maybe what he was packing below the belt.

“Good boy!” Goku praised.

“Mmm!” The bandit shivered in pleasure, the praise causing little bursts of delight through him. He felt good and horny, even his nipples were stiffened into perfect peeks.

“Do you like being naked?” Goku admired Yamcha’s nudity, feeling his own loins warm up.

“Yes…” His cock twitched.

“Do you like being in my control?” Yamcha nodded.

“Yes…” He began to drool and his penis began to leak.

“Do you like being a good boy?” Krillin watched the back and forth, entranced at what he was seeing.

“Yes!” Yamcha moaned.

“Prove it, sleepy boy, masturbate and show how much you like it!” Krillin thought there would be hesitation, but Yamcha brought his hand down to his dripping cock.

“Yes…I will…obey…I feel so good…I will masturbate for you…” He began caressing his penis, smearing the pre-cum all over his shaft. Krillin covered his crotch as he watched his comrade jerk off.

‘Is this really happening?’ He gulped and licked his lips.

This is how the great Yamcha worked his cock, squeezing and pumping, gliding the foreskin back and forth. When he stroked forward, the foreskin stretched and hid the head completely, and when he stroked back the foreskin was pulled back exposing the tip completely. His grip was firm, his hefty rod receiving a glorious sensation. The essence spilling from the tip was spread over his length allowing him to beat his meat faster and faster. His heavy balls began swinging and bouncing from the wicked pumps.

He was in his own little world, as his orgasm neared he dropped to his knees. “I’m…cumming…” His eyes rolled up and he came, thick ropes of fresh hot cum launching from the tip and splattering the floor before him.

‘Six…Seven…Eight…Nine!’ Krillin counted the spurts.

Yamcha was left panting, riding the waves of pleasure. His trance was still going strong. “Did that feel good, sleepy boy?” He nodded. “Do you want to feel it again?” Another nod. “Then be a good boy and cum!”

“Ohhh~” His eyes fluttered, his body rocked in orgasm. Because of how his body moved, it had his penis aimed right at him. Hot cum splattered his face, chest, and abs, painting him in white.

‘Such volume!’ Krillin thought. Yamcha was looking blissed out and in a daze. His spent cock laying across his abs and pubes.

“What do you think Krillin, pretty cool technique huh?” the bald monk shook his head.

“Is he really hypnotized? Are you two just pulling a prank on me?” He had pranked Goku a few times when they were younger so he thought the two had staged this.

“I can prove it. Sleepy boy, I want you to listen, listen and answer some questions. No lies, no shame, do you understand Good Boy?” Yamcha nodded.

“Yes…” You could tell by the look on his face he was eager to listen, eager to obey.

“Do you still have a problem with women?” Yamcha blushed.

“Yes…” It didn’t happen a lot, a pretty face wasn’t enough to paralyze him anymore, but if he was to see a woman naked he would freeze.

“Guess that means he hasn’t gotten far with Bulma.” Krillin tried to distract himself with jokes and teases.

“Yes…it is true…” His blush grew, stretching from ear to ear. He would answer Krillin’s questions if he heard them.

“No way, does that mean you are a virgin?”

“Yes…I am still a virgin…” His blush spread across his whole face.

“Have you ever been with a man, Yamcha?” Goku asked.

“What?!” Krillin gasped.

“No…” He answered honestly.

“Have you ever thought about it?” Krillin was surprised.

‘When did Goku learn this stuff?’ Little did Krillin know Goku learned all this from their master, but younger. Thanks to the room of spirit and time, he was able to meet a Young Master Roshi and learned a lot of things about life.

“Yes…I have…I thought it…was weird…but sometimes…I have dreams…” Goku smirked, his tail swaying mischievously. “I do…naughty things…with men…”

“It’s not weird, good boy, it’s okay to do naughty things with men. Sleepy boy, embrace these dreams and become your truth.” Goku’s words sank into Yamcha’s head becoming truth, “Do you trust me Yamcha?”

“Yes!” He moaned.

“Submit to me good boy, let me become your master.” Yamcha paused, this was the first time there was any hesitation while under Goku’s control.

“I…I…I submit!” He was hard again. His mind, body, and soul submitted to the saiyan. The trust and bond the two shared forming a link between them. If there was a man in the universe Yamcha would submit to, Goku seemed the perfect choice. In his mind a collar appeared around his neck, the leash extending into sub space and wrapping around Goku’s hand.

It was Krillin’s turn to go red. “Master…” Yamcha drooled. Goku was his master, he had to obey his master, it felt good to obey.

“Hehe, Good boy!” Goku praised, petting his head like a dog. Yamcha wiggled his hips, shaking his ass, like he was wagging his tail. It was like Yamcha could hear Goku’s thoughts in his head, he would enjoy being with men, but his master’s touch would be better than any other. His master’s orders would give him the most pleasure. “You want to suck my cock good boy?”

“Yes!” Goku undid his pants and freed his impressive erection. His saiyan body blessed him with some good genes, soft he was 10 inches long, but hard he was rocking a 13 inch dick. Krillin’s jaw dropped at the size. He had seen big dicks like that in porn magazines but this was an up close look.

“Master’s…cock…” Yamcha crawled forward, he felt up Goku’s big rod, using both hands to work the shaft, as he got in close to lick the tip. “Mmmm~” He lapped at the head, collecting some pre-cum.

“Oh wow…he’s really hypnotized…” Krillin’s hand slipped under his pants and began fisting his cock. This was so hot, watching Yamcha dreamily worship their friend’s penis. He licked up and down his shaft for a bit, before wrapping his lips around the head and sucking.

“That’s it good boy, suck my dick!” He laced his fingers into the man’s thick locks. The praise made Yamcha shiver and moan. He worked Goku’s shaft, licking and sucking at the fat head. His own penis twitching in delight from the experience.

“He looks like he’s enjoying it…” Krillin licked his lips, and pulled his cock out. His penis was cut, and while he had only a 6 inch rod, he held a lot of girth. In Comparison Goku’s rod was the biggest by far, in both length and girth, in length Yamcha was second biggest, but in girth Krillin was the second biggest.

“You both have a nice piece.” Goku praised. Yamcha moaned and Krillin blushed. “Why don’t you join us Krillin?”

His blush grew. “Well I uh…I’m not…”

“Krillin,” the bald male looked up and met Goku’s glowing eyes. “Just relax, Sleepy Boy!”

To be continued…Sleepy Bonding


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