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X-Men Evolution parody: Tier 1

AN: Had a craving for xmen please enjoy

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Friends?

“Ohhh...ahh ahh ahh ohh!” Kurt laid sprawled out in his new bed, naked, fisting his aching erection. His body bucked and arched sinfully, as his lust boiled to a tipping point. It wasn’t just Scott that was in the elf boy’s mind, but his new teacher’s as well. Logan and Remy were both hot men, Kurt couldn’t help but imagine them too. He wanted them to touch him, hold him, and do naughty things with him.

His tail wagged, thrashing against his sheets, as his orgasm neared. Pre-cum gushed from his tip, his three fingered hand spreading the essence all over his shaft. His length was human in shape, but the color was a beautiful blue, with a dark blue tip. He used his pre-cum to work his cock faster.

The fuzzy boy’s orgasm hit. “Ohhh!” He moaned, back arching, body spasming, as his cum shot. Thick ropes of white cum launched and splattered all over him; he got his face, his neck, his chest, his stomach, the rest spilling over his hand and crotch. Kurt had some impressive balls, the kind that would make a tanuki jealous, so he gave a hefty load.

He basked in the waves of orgasm a bit, he lifts up his cum splattered hand and sees his semen dripping from his “strange” looking digits. “What is wrong with me?” Kurt grabbed a box of tissues with his tail, and cleaned himself off. He rolled over onto his side. “I already scare people on sight, at the very least freak people out. These people seem to accept me, but if they find out about this...they’ll think I’m a freak for sure!” He curled up, feeling the anxiety many mutants face.

Kurt wanted to stay here, which made the fear of being cast out all the stronger. ‘Maybe I can talk to Mr. Logan…’ Little did Kurt know his fears weren’t needed, as just a few doors down.

Remy and Logan were going at it hard. Gambit was on his hands and knees, ass high in the air as Wolverine took him from behind. “Ohh fuck, ohh fuck me, you fuck me so good Big Daddy!” Their muscled bodies glistened with sweat.

The bed creaked from the powerful thrusts, Remy’s long dick bouncing and slapping his abs as Logan fucked him long and deep. “Just can’t keep that mouth shut can you?” Smack!

Logan playfully slapped Remy’s butt, making the cheek jiggle and his hole tighten. “Ahh, shut me up Big Daddy, you know how!” Gambit rubbed his slutty ass against Logan’s pelvis, causing the hefty shaft inside him to grind his insides.

Wolverine smirked. “You asked for it Bub!” Logan grabbed his hips and went wild.

“Aaahhhh~!” Remy drooled, getting shaken to the core with every hit. His prostate was crushed under Logan’s size, his stomach bulging from his impressive rod. ‘Fuck the hell yes~!’ He gulped and panted.

Gambit had a reputation, he certainly wouldn’t turn down a big dick if offered. Many guys he let fuck him had the size, but didn’t know how to use it, cumming too quick or those that lasted couldn’t get him off. Logan was amazing not just for his size, but having the experience to use it.

Even as he came again, Logan didn’t stop, fucking him through his release and beyond. He did ask for it, so Wolverine wasn’t stopping until he was fucked stupid. His hole tightening in orgasm, did nothing to the thrusting penis except increase the friction between them. That massive rod no doubt milked a few extra spurts out of him.

His penis drooped, spent, but Logan continued on, letting all 16 inches breed Remy hard and deep. It was wonderful. Gambit just relaxed and let Logan rut into him, hiding his smile and blush in a pillow. He felt so sensitive and vulnerable, but as Logan caressed his hips a wave of warmth washed over him. Gambit was safe, Wolverine made him feel safe.

‘Big Daddy...you making me fall in love with you all over again…’ Was his final thoughts as Logan fucked another orgasm out of him, his soft cock squirting and adding to the puddle beneath him.

“Raaaggghhhhrrrr!” A carnal growl escaped Logan, making Gambit shiver and his heart skip a beat. He came, his dick getting even thicker, as it swelled and his big balls flooded his insides. Remy panted and shuddered, as each spurt splashed inside him and built up. He felt claimed, and if any man was worthy of claiming him it was Wolverine.

His orgasm lasted a few minutes, and Gambit just chilled in sub space. His arms and legs felt like jelly, his insides felt stuffed and full. Remy’s beautiful eyes fluttered. Logan put an arm around him and lifted him up. “Finally quiet.” Wolverine chuckled.

With one hand Logan tossed aside the soiled sheets and put a blanket down for them to cuddle with. Wolverine man handled Gambit, the cock in his ass assisting in holding him up. Logan got a nest for them set up before returning Remy to the bed.

Gambit whined at the loss when his cock was removed, his ass left gaping, Logan’s cum filling the void he left behind. “You want the plug?” Remy nodded. Logan went to their bedroom tool bag, and getting a rather sizeable butt plug. He popped it into Gambit’s ass, before his essence leaked out.

Remy rubbed his swollen belly. ‘It’s like you knocked me up Big Daddy. If only…’ He wished. Logan got in bed and hugged the mutant. Gambit melted into the embrace. “Tha...nk...Y...ou…” He managed to get out.

“Go to sleep!” Gambit closed his eyes, and felt Logan kiss his cheek lovingly. A nice send off to dream land. Logan stayed awake a few more hours before finally drifting to sleep.


Scott was going to school, Kurt was getting time to settle in but they’d be going to the same school soon. Jean was in the bathroom/hogging the bathroom. Scott wasn’t as worried today.

Logan checked on him in the morning, Summers stood naked for him. “You get your homework done?”

“Yes sir!”

“And the extra assignments?” Scott frowned.

“There was a lot, but I did quite a bit of it.” Logan patted his head and ruffled his hair.

“Good boy!” Cyclops shivered. “I’m not asking you to be perfect, I want you to try and do your best.” Logan kissed him. Summers melted and got felt up.

Logan’s big hands roamed over him, cupping and groping his ass. Scott got hard, loving the big hands on him. “Now get dressed for school.”

“Huh?” Wolverine playfully swatted his ass. “Eeep!”

“No touching this got it.” He traced a finger along his shaft.

“Please…” Summer’s bucked.

Wolverine smirked. “Consider this part of your punishment, what are you gonna do today?”

“Be good, and not touch!” Scott panted.

“Good boy!” He caressed his cheek. “I’ll be sure to give you a reward later.” Summer’s felt his heart skip a beat.

“Y-yes Daddy!” Logan gave him a kiss on the cheek and another pat on the behind. It made Scott even harder.

“Now get ready, Remy is making breakfast.” He left and Scott slumped to the floor. Never had not jerking off felt so impossible. He showered and dressed; cramming his still hard cock into his suddenly too tight boxers and pants. Even the cold shower he took did little to ease, the heat surging through his loins.

Gambit was moving pretty good for a man who took a 16 inch monster some time ago. He made everyone breakfast, but Kurt was the last one to come down. Once Scott and Jean left for school did Kurt come to the table. “Hello…” Logan was having his coffee and some sausages.

“You don’t need to be so shy elf, you are among friends here.” He said before taking a sip of his coffee.

Gambit fixed him a plate, and Kurt drooled at the spread. “You made this?”

“Sure did, you know what they say, a way to a man’s heart his through his stomach.” Logan elbowed him, and earned a grunt. Kurt blushed.

“Thank you for breakfast.” He took his plate and teleported to his room. Logan shot Remy a glare.

“What? It’s an old saying!” He feigned innocence.


Todd Tolansky code name Toad. He went to school with Scott Summers and was a mutant. As he started to use his powers more freely he was detected by Xavier. The game was on as another mutant group had their eyes on him.

A shapeshifter was acting as the School’s Principal, her task was locating and recruiting young mutants. Toad was called into her office first thing in the morning. “What do you know about Scott Summers?”

“Summers? He’s cool I guess. He doesn’t mess with me like some of the other guys in school.”

“I think you know more about Summers than you are saying. You know he’s like you.” Toad gulped. He had seen what happened, Scott’s powers were scary strong. “I want you to get close to him, and learn anything you can about the Xavier institute.”

“I...I don’t…” He didn’t want to do that to Scott, he had no problem messing with people if they messed with him first, or for his survival. The shapeshifter twisted her form becoming a monster.

“You will do it, understand!” She roared.



Scott was having a tough day. He turned in his homework, including several late assignments, and apologized for his behavior lately. “I was getting worried about you Mr. Summers. Did something happen?”

“Yes, but now something good has happened. I promise I’ll be doing my best from now on.”

“Well you do seem in better spirits today. I’m glad things are turning around for you, just try not to have that turn be a U-turn understand.” His teacher warned.

“Yes sir.” He left and breathed a sigh of relief. All day today Scott was wrestling with his pesky hard on. As soon as he calmed down, he thought about what kind of reward Logan would give him and his cock stirred back to life.

He had a lot of apologizing to do, so that was humbling. Scott was having lunch with some friends when Toad popped up. ‘What is he up to?’ He went to investigate.

Todd lured him to a secluded hallway before showing off his tongue and snatching Scott’s glasses. “What’s the matter Summers? Can’t see without your shades.”

“I think we both know what happens if I open my eyes, glasses now!” He reached his hand out.

“Sorry, sorry!” Toad gave the glasses back. “So you are a mutant like me.” Scott wiped his shades off before putting them back on.

“Yeah. What’s this about Todd?” He crossed his arms.

“I don’t know, I don’t have many friends, let alone any mutant friends. I thought we could talk, get to know each other better, maybe do lunch.” He caught a fly with his tongue and scarfed it down.

Scott sighed. “Yeah we can talk, after school is that okay?”

“That sounds great, catch you later!” Todd hopped off.

Scott called the home, and Logan picked up. “What is it Scott?”

“This guy at school, he just revealed to me he’s a mutant.”

“I’m sure Charles knows about him already, but I’ll let him know.”

“How should I proceed, I mean Todd Tolansky isn’t exactly the type of guy I’d like to share a room with?”

“That’s nothing a few showers can’t fix. You know in your heart to do the right thing, do what feels right Bub.” Scott thought about it.

“I’ll talk to him, see if he wants to join the institute.”

“Atta boy, now go make friends.”

“I promised to talk to him after school, so I’m gonna be late coming home.”

“Thanks for letting me know, good boy!” Scott shivered. “I’ll have to think up something extra special for your reward now.”

“Bye!” Scott could feel himself blushing. Just hearing Logan’s voice over the phone made him hot. ‘I need to calm down.’ Gym was next he could work out some of his sexual frustration.

To be continued...

Kurt is feeling lonely, and decides to go talk to Mr. Logan only to find an erotic sight waiting for him. Two men playing basketball shirtless shouldn’t be so erotic but to him it was. Logan and Remy work to get Kurt more comfortable while Scott has a meeting with Toad.


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