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Akame Ga Kill parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Path of Carnage

The group didn’t really have time to celebrate. Lubbock freaked out. “Intruders!” He shouted.

Najenda was calm. “What are their numbers and locations?” She asked.

“From the reaction of my barrier, it’s probably 8 people!” Lubbock reported. “They’ve infiltrated close to the hideout.”

“They’re good to sniff out this place means...they’re probably mercenaries of another clan.” She got a cigarette and lit it. “There’s no other way...Emergency State! Don’t let any of them return alive!”

The air in the room turned sinister in a second, the orders were given and like a switch they were ready to kill. Tatsumi and Ieyasu could feel it; chills running up their spines. ‘These are the assassins of Night Raid…’ Tatsumi gulped.

‘I can feel their pressure, these guys are pros.’ Ieyasu sweats.

“Go!” Mine rushed off to get into position, as a sniper she had to set up. Akame rushed off ready for the fight. The others scattered in different directions.

Venom was still in stasis, but Tatsumi wasn’t without skills. Tatsumi and Ieyasu follow Bulat, trusting him out of the others. “You boys wanna come with me?”

“Yes sir!” They said.

“Drop the sir, you don’t need to be so formal. You can call me Big Bro or Handsome!” He winked.

“Okay Big Bro!” He was a nice guy.

“All Right!” Bulat got pumped up. “Allow me to show you something cool.” He skid to a halt. “Stand back a bit!” He activated Incursio and became clad in armor.

Ieyasu was shocked. “Whoa!” Tatsumi exclaimed.

“That’s cool!” Ieyasu said.

“This is my teigu Incursio!” He declared. He spun his weapon around, showing his skill with it. “It is an armor-type teigu, it enhances the users speed, strength, and agility, while also being a great source of defense. There are all different kinds of teigu with different abilities, but never forget a teigu is only as good as it’s wielder. Some teigu masters have been able to get their weapons to evolve or draw out new powers.” Bulat explained.

“Oh man I’m so jealous I want a teigu!” Ieyasu said.

“Be vigilant and keep an open mind, if we come across a teigu you can try to synchronize with it, if you bond with one it’s yours!” Bulat explained further, patting the young man on the shoulder.

Bulat was taking charge of these two.


Akame located three intruders by the river. The trio were arrogant. “If she’s here means their hideout is somewhere around here...it was worth searching this far out!”

“What a cute girl.” The largest one said.

“Looks like we can have some fun with her before we kill her!” The middle one said. The third drew his weapon, but Akame was already moving, with her assassin skill she zipped passed them, a slashing sound penetrating the air.


“Huh?” Their throats were slit.

“You guys are too relaxed in enemy territory.”

“How could that…” Blood gushed from his neck.

“She’s too...fast…” The middle choked out.

“Shit!” The third one covered his wound with one hand and held his weapon in the other. He watched his friends collapse dead on the ground. “I’ll take you down with me!” His heart pulsed and his eyes widened.

From his wound markings spread through his body. “Poison? No...some kind of curse from the wound…” Akame sheathed her sword, the teigu Murasame.

“One slash certain kill.” The killer was dead in a second, joining in his comrades in the after life. Their deaths triggered the others. Each of these assassins wore a smiley face badge, that would alert the team should they fall.

One of the killers made a run for it. ‘It seems our infiltration was noticed, my brothers in arms may have fallen, but this means their hideout is nearby. That information alone is worth a fortune!’ He moved swiftly. ‘I’ll survive and report back to the empire!’

Mine had him in her sights tracking him with her gun-like teigu Pumpkin.

One of the killers found her and lunged at her. “Gotcha!” He called, machete drawn.

“You really shouldn’t give yourself away before attacking.” Mine didn’t even move. A giant pair of scissors came swinging in slashing through the enemy and slicing him in two. “Nice job Sheele.”

Her weapon Cutter of Creation: Extase, a teigu with tremendous cutting power, believed to be able to slice through anything.

Mine got back to work, because she was in danger for a moment, Pumpkin’s power increased. The gun Roman Artillery: Pumpkin boosts in power when the owner is in a pinch. With one shot she fired a concentrated beam of energy that turned the running enemy to ash. “Nice pinch, right on target!”

Leone heard the gun shot from where she was. She was currently sitting on her opponent who she beat the hell out of. The man’s arms and legs were broken and his face was swollen and purple. “Oh looks like Mine got one, I don’t know how she uses that bothersome teigu.” She flexed her claws. “I turn into a beast and beat my enemy to death...easy to understand right?”

Her opponent coughed up some blood in response. Her teigu was The King of Beasts Transformation: Lionel. She crushed the guy’s skull to make sure he was down for the count.

Lubbock had his own prey. He had caught a woman trying to slip in through some cave tunnels. Too bad for her the tunnels were lined with traps set up by his teigu, Infinite Uses: Cross Tail. “Aww too bad.”

“Please...save me...spare me...I’ll do anything!” She batted her lashes. “I promise, if you let me go, I’ll do anything you ask of me.” Lubbock didn’t say anything. “You can have me...I’ll gladly please you...just please don’t kill me…”

Her words seemed genuine, her tone held the right mix of panic, desperation, and seduction. While her pretty face masked her true intentions. ‘This little loser must be a virgin, I can trick him into bed and finish him off.’ She had a false tooth containing a poison that’d mix with her saliva, a kiss, a bite, oral or even eating him out would have the same effect. He would die and she’d escape.

“You’ll let me go won’t you?” She batted her lashes once more. Lubbock’s face turned cold.

“Nooope.” The wire threads holding her body tightened, cutting into her body. Lubbock tightened the threads more. “I knew a guy who died by seduction. You are cute but I’m not stupid.”

“No...damn it...damn it….gaaaahhh!” Her death came and Lubbock dropped her to the floor.

“Ah, what a waste! This occupation can be so cruel.” Lubbock left the caves.

Tatsumi and Ieyasu were tasked with guarding the last route out of the area. “This is a total newbie role.” Ieyasu groaned.

“I know he told us to guard this spot but it does feel like we are just put in the corner to stay out of the way.”

“Is the enemy really gonna come through this way?” Ieyasu asked. The universe answered as the boss of the group came charging through the brush freezing at the sight of the two.

“So they had someone stationed even here!” He took a fighting stance as Tatsumi and Ieyasu bolted up, weapons drawn. The enemy was wearing an animal mask, he was larger and muscular and carried a machete-like weapon.

“We can’t let you pass!” Tatsumi had a sword, while Ieyasu was duel wielding blades. Tatsumi had killed someone before, but Ieyasu was conflicted. This wasn’t like killing a danger beast or some monster, this man was human. Ieyasu didn’t know it but even Tatsumi held some kind of hesitance.

When he killed before he was full of resentment and anger. Despite their doubts one thought rang true for them. ‘If I hesitate here...I’ll die…’ Their grip on their weapons tightened.

“To think Night Raid would hire children to do it’s dirty work. You both seem around the age of my own kid.” He hesitated for a moment. “Why don’t you boys run off somewhere, say you never found me. I’d hate to have to kill you.”

“Not gonna happen!” Tatsumi said.

“Do you even know who you are working for?”

“Do you!?” Ieyasu snapped. “You are working for the empire, do you not realize what they are doing?” The man chuckled.

“Looks like there’s no talking my way out of this one.” He drew his weapon, and his aura flared. “Even though you’re both young, I won’t hold back.” His killing intent was fierce. “You should have let me go when you had the chance!”


“I wonder if the newbies are dead.” Mine pondered.

“I don’t think it will be a problem. One of them crossed blades with Akame after all.” Sheele said.

“Well that’s true, one might have potential given he has a teigu, but the other one...he might be just dead weight.” Mine huffed.

“I think both of them are quite strong, judging from how close they are the two share years of experience together. It’s likely their friend was also quite strong, and had they not been deceived they’d have made a powerful team together.”

“It’s rare for you to evaluate someone.” Sheele nodded.

“Both of them have experienced loss, and one had survived a terrible ordeal. Even the most trained fighters will grow even further when the conditions are hard enough. Akame told me, that fighting Tatsumi, that he’s a cluster of potential. If his friend is equally skilled then the two will become quite powerful in their own right, but together…”


Tatsumi and Ieyasu fought in perfect sync, the guy stood no chance against their teamwork. He was slashed left and right and thrown back from their combo. “How’s that…” Tatsumi glared.

“The three of us worked hard…” Ieyasu snapped.

“THESE ARE THE MOVES WE BUILT UP!!!” Tatsumi short range, Ieyasu mid range, capable of supporting Tatsumi or defending Sayo, and Sayo was long range. Their combos made it so they could bring down danger beasts they couldn’t fight alone.

The two weren’t even out of breath. “I beg you...let me go...if I die my village...my family will…” The two tensed. Ieyasu’s hand was trembling.

‘He’s doing this for his hometown just like us.’ Ieyasu thought. ‘But…’

Tatsumi felt his resolve waver for a moment, the murderous look in his eyes softening. “Hahaha, you’re too naive, I’ll have you die for my clan!” He lunged at Tatsumi, his blade swinging towards him.

The brunette was caught off guard but Ieyasu blocked his attack. “Never again...I won’t lose someone again!” Tatsumi and Ieyasu killed the man, but the death weighed heavily on them.

Akame and Bulat watched from afar. “Seems like they did it.”

“It’s not enough, they cannot be allowed to waver.” Bulat eyed the two boys, they had been dragged into this darkness, this blood soaked path of carnage.

“They remind me of myself when I was younger.”

“You can’t protect them, not from this.” Bulat couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You are always so sharp.”


Everyone came back to the base Ieyasu and Tatsumi more shaken up then the others. They had all killed their targets, the invaders were completely wiped out but they were in higher spirits. Ieyasu was dealing with the impact of taking a life, Tatsumi was dealing with his own issues, reflecting upon his weakness and hesitation nearly cost him his life.

They had tried to beat their opponent not kill him, they wavered when they realized he was much like them. What happens if he was lying, or they encounter someone who lies, or worse they telling the truth. The weight of being assassins was heavy on their souls. Bulat and Leone started drinking, food was brought out and they seemed to celebrate a job well done.

“Nice job you two, not bad for your first battle.” Najenda told them.

“Y-yeah…” Tatsumi said, rubbing his arm comfortingly.

“Thank you ma’am.” Ieyasu was shaken up.

“I’ve listened to Akame’s and Bulat’s report and there are things I’m uneasy about.” She pointed at them. “You two are skilled fighters yes, but there are skills and elements you lack. You have much to learn and not a lot of time to learn it.”

“Yes…” They said.

“Listen well, if you both can’t handle this you will die. You both want to survive right?”

Sayo crossed their minds, and the two looked at each other. “Yes!”

“Then steel yourselves, there will be good days and bad, but as long as you keep fighting and surviving there will be more days to be had at all.” They’d each be put with different members of Night Raid to learn from them. Akame was first.

“Akame get these boys in top shape.”

“Uh huh…”

‘Just like that?’ Tatsumi thought.

“You can cut them down if they can’t keep up.”

“Uh huh…”

‘Does she really get it?’ Ieyasu thought. The two stared at her and she got really protective of the meat she was carrying around.

“It’s mine go get your own!”

‘She’s crazy!!’ The two thought.

To be continued


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