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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Magic and Science

Ash Ketchum is a Pokemon Witch, an erotic trainer known for strange ways of bonding with Pokemon. He's on to his next biggest adventure his magic stones seem to point him towards Kalos. He meets a young scientist named Clemont, the blonde likes to invent things to help Pokemon. Ash can't help but find him fascinating, the two butt heads on ideals and processes. Clemont works to master Mega Evolution while Ash works to master the Bond Phenomenon.

Chapter 1

Ash Ketchum is a Pokemon Witch, an erotic form of trainer. They are known for their strange ways of bonding with Pokemon and their ability to use magic. He’s traveled from Kanto to Johto, Hoenn to Sinnoh, and even had a troublesome time in Unova. He’s challenged league after league, caught, trained, and battled with different monsters working towards his ultimate goal.

His partner Pikachu didn’t like him at first, trying to shock him at every turn. Ash gave him a surprise when he sent the lightning right back at him. “Aport!” He conjured an apple. “Pikachu, just give me a chance, I promise you won’t regret it.”

Pikachu took the fruit, and while still cold to the witch, he did decide to give him a chance. Something he didn’t regret to this day. Ash didn’t force him to stay in his monster ball. The two set off on a fantastical adventure. His trainer was dressed in a red witch hat, a magical item he infused with aura to store items in a sub space storage room Ash created. He wore a red cape, also enchanted with some protective spells. Black finger-less gloves dawned his hands, his shoes were black with red trim. He wore a black T-shirt with the pokemon league crest on it and a red vest with special pockets to store his magical items, his wand, badges, pokedex, and monster balls. Ash wore shorts, that hugged his hips nicely.

The last article he wore was a strange magical stone, it seemed to sparkle in a rainbow of colors.

His father told him that his magic stone would guide him, so he used it to map his path. The stone led him to monsters he could bond with, each one became a strong companion. Ash wanted to catch all kinds of monsters, the more he caught the more spells he could do.

Caterpie, a bug type which fully evolved into a Butterfree given a short time. Being a bug and flying type it gave energy to both the glyph for both.

Pidgeotto which would evolve into a Pidgeot. With two flying types Ash was able to use the glyph to fly, with a medium, Ash chose a broom for ease. Ash got to fly with his Pokemon creating a deeper bond between them.

Bulbasaur, a grass and poison type. His Bulbasaur was a tough cookie who didn’t want to evolve to get stronger. Ash worked with him, using the Grass Glyph he could conjure wooden targets for his pokemon to battle against.

Charmander, a fire type. He was abandoned by a trainer named Cross, he had gotten a new Charmander and evolved it into Charmelon. “I don’t need you anymore!” Ash battled him for Charmander’s sake and managed to defeat him. Cross left but this wouldn’t be the last time these two would meet.

They had a good bond at first, but after he evolved into Charmeleon the two became at odds. Ash decided to earn back his respect and the two dueled, he proved his strength to Charmeleon and the two got closer. The two were able to fight out their differences giving Ash a powerful fire type when he evolved into Charizard.

Squirtle, a water type. The leader of a mischievous gang of fellow Squirtles who had been abandoned by their trainer. Ash was able to win them over and the gang turned into a crack team of fire fighters for the town. His Squirtle was a tough guy, always up for a battle and to prove his strength, he would one day evolve into a Wartortle, after proving his metal.

With Krabby, Ash learned he could only carry six pokemon at a time. It sucked but Professor Oak was looking after them at his lab. With his second water type his ability to use water magic increased, so far flight was his most powerful magic.

Ash continued to catch monsters, a Magnemite, who enjoyed the electricity Ash and Pikachu could conjure. With another electric type his lightning magic grew stronger, but something strange happened Ash couldn’t help but sense he was missing something. He pulled out all the magic glyphs he knew about, but couldn’t help but feel something was off.

A Muk, a poison type, giving Ash the ability to use more poison magic. He caught a Primeape, and gained the ability to use fighting magic. In the safari zone he captured 30 Tauros, boosting his Normal Magic significantly.

Normal spells were the most versatile of magic, leaning on Ash’s ability and imagination. Ash used his magic to help train his monsters, helping them get stronger in different ways.

He completed the gym challenges earning his badges one after another. His biggest challenge was Sabrina, who tried to crush him with her overwhelming Psychic powers, but Ash fended them off with magic. Sabrina was seen as unstoppable, but it was simply the psychic bond between her and the monsters, she channeled her own awesome power into them making them nearly unbeatable.

Ash’s own bond with his mons helped pull them through. ‘The bonds between people and pokemon are truly something else.’

His last catch of the region was an ancient monster, Aerodactyl and his Charizard clashed intensely. Ketchum managed to land a monster ball when it was weakened, and it warped to Oak. The ancient beast was a great study for Oak’s research. He also gave power to Ash’s Rock and Flying glyphs.

While training for the Pokemon League he stumbled upon some ruins of Pokemopolis. Ash felt strange energies from different objects, the scientists their messed with forces beyond their control and summoned kaiju sized monsters that were overwhelming. The giant Alakazam and giant Gengar were truly the two great powers of destruction of legend.

Ash united all the power at his disposal; Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, Normal, Bug, Poison, Flying, Rock, and Fighting. The only glyphs he didn’t have (that he knew of) was Ground, Dragon, Ice, Psychic, and Ghost. Even without all the glyphs Ash conjured some pretty powerful magic; it didn’t stop them but it did slow the two giant terrors down.

It took a power equally unknown and mighty to stop the two monsters; a kaiju Jigglypuff, singing them to sleep and taking them back to the world beyond.

The experience reminded Ash that he had more to gain, he wondered if he could have stopped them if he had all the glyphs. The Psychic and Ghost types seemed to hold a lot of power, Ash hoped he could make friends with these two types. He did save the scientists, who gave him an artifact as a thank you, a mysterious bottle.

Ash didn’t sense and malicious energy in it so stored it away in his sub space. He entered the Pokemon League, where Krabby evolved into Kingler, and got pretty far, making it into the Top 8.

His journey wasn’t over.

He traveled through the Orange Islands and challenged the Orange Crew. He managed to win this league and become an Orange League Champion. Along his journey he caught more monsters.

A Lapras giving Ash access to Ice Magic, and enhancing his water magic. A Kabuto, enhancing his Rock and Water magic. Last but not least a Snorlax bringing his Normal magic even higher. He did say goodbye to Lapras, reuniting him with his family. With Lapras gone, Ash could no longer use Ice Magic.

He returned to Kanto and was asked to deal with a haunted house in Viridian City. A Gengar who had been abandoned by his trainer for 2 years had gone mad and was wrecking the place. Ash was able to soothe his rage and he joined the team. Giving Ash access to the Ghost Glyph and empowering his poison magic.

Ash then met a powerful Psychic Pokemon known as Mewtwo, the two clashed in ideals and in powers. Ash couldn’t walk away and allow Mewtwo to bring destruction to the world. Mewtwo was caught off guard by Ash’s powers, but his own strength continued to overwhelm him.

The psychic type didn’t believe he was real as he was made by science. He planned to clone Pokemon and release a storm to wipe out the world, people and pokemon alike. “You are real! You are alive...Mewtwo...don’t do this. You...you are apart of this world too!”

Mewtwo didn’t want to hear it and clashed with Ash, the boy united his glyphs, but even as he matched Mewtwo’s strength in his heart he didn’t want to hurt him. His magic was even stronger now with his new additions, he started pushing Mewtwo’s power back, but he realized if he won this clash he might end up killing the monster. Ash didn’t want to destroy, just stop the fighting. Mewtwo’s rage made his powers burn and in a brief moment of hesitation overwhelmed Ash nearly destroying him. “What...what have I done…”

Ash’s stone was damaged and his body was glowing in a haunting aura. If nothing was done Ash would cease to be. Mewtwo cried for the first time in his life, as the pokemon both original and clones cried for him, their tears drifted through the air being drawn into Ash’s magic stone.

Mewtwo combined his power with Ash’s and he mended what he broke. Ketchum woke up and the fight was over. Mewtwo wasn’t ready to trust humans yet, so wiped the minds of everyone present and took the clones with him to find a home. Ash and Mewtwo would meet again one day.


After Ash’s encounter with Mewtwo, he returned to Pallet Town. Oak was struggling researching the GS Ball, and wanted Ash to take it to Johto and deliver it to a man named Kurt. The stone glowed in approval, Ash packed up and was heading to Johto.

In Johto, Ash learned of the discovered Steel and Dark types. He started his own quest and found the glyphs for these types.  He now realized what was wrong with Magnemite, he was also a Steel Type. Ash was feeling the energy for the glyph but just didn’t know it.

With Magnemite’s help he discovered the Steel Glyph and added it to his array.  Now he could use Steel magic. He entered the Johto League and worked to gain 8 badges and catch new monsters.

Heracross, a bug and fighting type. He caught a Chikorita who would evolve into Bayleef. A Cyndaquil who would evolve into Quilava; a jolly Totodile, a whole pack of Houndour, allowing Ash to tap into dark type magic.

Using Dark type magic was a bit intense, so Ash didn’t mess with it too much. They were also very destructive, but felt like a double edged sword.

He delivered the GS Ball to Kurt who said there was some form of mystical lock on it. Ash examined the ball and while he felt mystical energies he couldn’t tell what it was.

Ash caught a Shiny Noctowl, which the off color didn’t effect the flow of magic, he just found him cool. He raised a Phanpy from an Egg, tapping into Ground Magic. During a Bug Catching contest Ash caught a Scyther who evolved into a Steel and Bug type Scizor. He reunited with Lapras allowing him to use Ice Magic once more.

A Pokemon took interest in Ash’s power the legendary Pokemon Suicune. He tested the boy and Ash passed using the Fast Ball he got from Kurt, Ash caught the legendary monster. Using his magic stone Ash was able to locate Entei and Raikou giving the legendary dogs a home they can return to.

This wouldn’t be the last legendary Pokemon he would meet in Johto. Ash ended up finding a mysterious island, where Mewtwo and the clone Pokemon found a home. It was under attack.

Team Rocket had used science to harness the energy of Dark pokemon to combat Mewtwo’s powers. They weakened him and captured him, planning to make him a weapon. Ash helped Mewtwo out, going as far as to use dark magic to fight back against the villains. It was a dangerous game but they won.

Mewtwo was able to get rid of the intruders, making them forget this place existed, but not Ash. He left his memories intact this time, he wasn’t ready yet, but Ash’s offer to become partners was becoming tempting.

At the League Ash did well, only losing in the top 8, to a trainer from Hoenn. The strange and unique monsters kept throwing Ash off having unique abilities and tactics. His monsters put up a good match but in the end he lost. The trainer from Hoenn ended up winning the league and suggested to Ash to visit his region.

His stone resonated a sign to go.


Ash came to Hoenn and got to experience new things Double Battles, Contests, and new Pokemon. Though not many of the monsters in this region resonated with him. His magic stone seemed to be off, like some force was causing interference with his magical energies.

He got a Taillow which would evolve into a Swellow, a Treecko who’d evolve into a Grovyle and later a Sceptile, a Corphish who’d later evolve into Crawdaunt, a Torkoal, and lastly a Snorunt that would evolve into Glalie.

Ash wasn’t able to find a dragon type or a psychic type to complete his elemental synergy. The disturbance Ash was feeling, may have been Team Aqua and Team Magma, disturbing the balance of land and sea. They were stopped, but it would take awhile for the energies to settle.

He made it to the Top 6 in the Hoenn League, his monsters putting in the work. Despite the fun he had, he was happy to return to Kanto. He participated in the Battle Frontier and even earned the chance to become a Frontier Brain, once one retired.

Ash caught an Aipom, who had an attraction to contests.


Ash’s magic stone pointed him towards the Sinnoh Region where he would face his greatest challenges.

A trainer named Paul who rubbed Ash the worst way, the witch boy never wanted to hex someone so badly in his life. The two butted heads over ideals, Paul didn’t bond with his pokemon, he saw them as tools for his power.

Hunter J a pokemon criminal who stole people’s pokemon, using some strange science to petrify monsters. Ash was able to reverse it with his magic and he became a thorn in Hunter J’s side.

Team Galactic, a group with sinister ambitions that would affect the whole universe. Their sights were on the Pokemon of Space and Time, along with the Lake Trio. Using the Red Chain, a mystical item they can use it to control these legendary pokemon without shackling their power.

Ash touched a fragment of the red chain and felt a terrible power from it. Ash’s own magic stone reacted violently to it’s presence. “It’s cruel...it’s...evil…”

Even with the bigger threats in the world Champion Cynthia reminded Ash that life had to keep going. That doing things you love and enjoy is part of living. So Ash continued on his adventures in Sinnoh, but made sure to prepare for combat with Team Galactic.

He gained a Staraptor by evolving a caught Starlie, Torterra from a Turtwig he caught. His Aipom evolved into Ambipom and became the star forward of his contest team. He took on the care of Paul’s Chimchar after Paul abandoned it, Ash raised him into a mighty Infernape.

Ash took part in both contests and gym battles. He traded in his more witchy attire for a top hat and fancy suit. He looked fantastic, and his presence on stage and bond with his pokemon were major crowd pleasers. His Magnemite was called over and he sure loved the spotlight, he evolved into Magnemite, and while training near a certain area he evolved into a Magnezone.

He caught a Buizel, a Gligar who he evolved into a Gliscor, and he caught a Hippopotas.

His last Sinnoh addition was a Gible, Ash tapping into the Dragon Glyph. There was just one more (that he knew of) to complete the magical set.

Ash was gonna need this power when Hunter J and Team Galactic worked together to draw out the Lake Trio. Ash formed a bond with Azelf and was called to stop their plans. Mesprit and Uxie were able to take out Hunter J even after being captured.

Syrus used the Red Chain to call forth and bind Dialga and Palkia. His goal was revealed he was gonna erase this universe creating a perfect one of his own. “You must understand don’t you, you one in tune with the mystical forces. You have seen how humanity has failed this world, all their advancements all their wonders and they just use them for war and destruction.”

Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Magma, scientists and the like have messed with forces beyond them and caused trouble for the world. He thought of Mewtwo. “Science can be used for bad things, but it can also be used for good things.” Ash called out his monsters. “Through monster balls people and pokemon can form strong bonds. There are many good things in this world, many more discoveries to be had. You want to erase everything over a few mistakes, you are just selfish!!”


Ash and his monsters destroyed the red chain binding Dialga and Palkia. Cyrus had lost, but instead of admitting defeat he jumped into the universe he had the two create for him. Palkia and Dialga didn’t take to kindly being enslaved that way, and destroyed the mini universe. This caused a black hole that threatened to draw in everything.

Ketchum’s magic stone glowed, firing beams of light and powering up Dialga and Palkia healing them from the effects of the chain. Together with the Lake Trio they stopped the void from consuming their world. The Duo of Space and Time returned to their home dimension. The experience was world shaking for Ash, as he stared into the void he felt something had stared back….


He was able to find some down time before the Grand Festival to recover from the experience with Dialga and Palkia. Ambipom, Hippopotas, and Totodile were the stars of his performance stage, Totodile even evolved into Croconaw from the experience. Butterfree and Scizor did an amazing job on the battle stage, with Pikachu and Magnezone clinching victory.

Ash Ketchum became the Sinnoh Cup Grand Festival Champion. A victory he treasured. The Sinnoh League was around the corner and Ash had all sorts of rivals to face, but one would effect him more than any other.


Ash’s monsters were in top form, challenging Ash’s rivals. Kabuto even evolved into Kabutops and Quilava evolved into Typhlosion.  Everyone made a great showing Ash even defeated Paul. Then it was announced that Ash’s next opponent would be Tobias.

He wasn’t just a powerful trainer with a Darkrai, he was a sorcerer, and he wanted Ash’s magic stone. He tried to take it before the league even started, but Ash proved to be tougher than he expected. The two clashed with magical energies, Tobias showing he was an experienced magic user.

“You are strong for one so young, but know I will have that stone.” Ash held the stone tightly in his hand.

Things were personal now, Ash called upon his heavy hitters, bringing Pikachu, Sceptile, Pidgeot, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou to the match.

Sceptile managed to bring down Tobias’s Darkrai, and then came his next Pokemon Latios. Pidgeot faced off against this monster and the two had an intense aerial clash. Pidgeot didn’t win but wore Latios down enough for Sceptile to clinch victory.

Tobias then called for his next Pokemon, Moltres. Sceptile didn’t stand a chance, so Ash called in Suicune. The clash between the legendary birds and legendary dogs began as Tobias had Articuno and Zapdos waiting in the wings.

It was an intense battle, with Ash coming into the lead with Raikou and Pikachu remaining. Then Tobias sent out his last Pokemon...Deoxys…

He managed to take out Raikou. Pikachu battled with all his heart, and a strange spark of power was shared between the two, even Tobias was caught off guard by it. In the final clash Deoxys and Pikachu were both unable to battle. The match was a draw, which at this stage in the league resulted in a double knock out. Ash landing in the top four...

It wasn’t over, not for Tobias, he tried to take Ash’s stone after the league ended. The two clashed using magical glyphs, Tobias showing he had all the glyphs Ash knew about. He also wasn’t hesitant about using Dark Magic.

Just as it looked like Tobias was about to defeat Ash, Azelf showed up and forced him to withdraw. “It seems you are quite lucky, but luck won’t save you forever. You have much to learn about magic!” He opened up a strange dark gate and stepped through it. “We’ll meet again!”

Ash didn’t know it yet, but Tobias escaped into the distortion world. Tobias left a bitter taste in his mouth.

He returned home and spent some much needed time with his monsters. He didn’t know what to do, and even his stone seemed inactive after what he went through with Tobias.


His adventure wasn’t over as the stone would guide him to Unova. It allowed Ash not only a breather and to get back to basics, he caught new monsters.

He got an Oshawott, who would grow and evolve into a Dewott. A Tepig who would evolve into a Pignite, a Snivy who would evolve into a mighty Serperior. He caught a Pidove that grew into an Unfezant.

His stone kept leading him to different monsters, like Sewaddle and a Venipede who he helped grow into a Leavanny and a Scolipede respectfully. A Roggenrola that he evolved into Boldore, and thanks to a machine was able to evolve into a Gigalith.

He caught a Palpitoad who was pretty chill as he was. Another Dark type joined his team with Sandile, who fully evolved into Krookodile. He hatched another one from an egg a tough guy Scraggy, who evolved into an even tougher Scrafty. They enhanced his Dark magic potential.

Ash would complete his glyphs running into an old friend. Mewtwo had been traveling, and recently came to Unova to deal with a Genesect problem. The two reunited and together they freed the Genesect and found them a home. Mewtwo had missed Ash and was ready to join him. He caught the powerful Psychic type and he tapped into the psychic magic.

Ketchum thought he had access to all the kinds of magic, but there was one more.

Ash met a Keldeo and befriended him, adding him to his team. The last monster he caught brought him face to face with Tobias once again.

Tobias wanted the power of Victini, since the mythical monster had the power to draw out one’s fullest potential to bring victory. Ash and Tobias seemed evenly matched magically speaking, and with Mewtwo’s and Keldeo’s help they were able to fend off Deoxys and Genesect. “It seems you have gained some powerful allies, but it matters not!”

He united his glyphs, Ash did the same. With Victini’s help Ash was able to bind Tobias’s power, his glyphs were sealed. “No my power...you brat...don’t think this is over.” He escaped with Latios but his threat to Ash was put an end to for now.

Victini joined Ash’s party. He became runner up in the Unova League losing to a trainer with a full team of Eevees and their evolutions. Still Unova helped take a huge weight off of Ash’s mind and spirit.

Allowing him to go on to his next adventure with an open mind and an open heart. “The Kalos Region huh?” His magic stone glowed. “Sounds like fun!”

To be continued



I'm really liking this universe ^_^ Great work!