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Fairy Tail parody: Bad Day/Tier 1

Fourth Generation Dragon Slayer

Zeref wanted his brother to be protected, after reviving him and implanting him with the demon seed he brings him to Igneel and the two work out a bargain the fire dragon king raising Natsu and teaching him. He gets a dragon seed inside him, and the two seeds merge creating the first fourth gen dragon slayer.

Chapter 1

Zeref was a cursed being, his efforts to bring his brother back to life had put him at odds with a death god. He was cursed, he had become eternal unable to die or age. The more he loved life, the more his curse would take life away from things around him. Being eternal gave Zeref time to complete his work creating a new body and placing his soul in it. This would come to be the first demon of the books of Zeref.

Etherious Natsu Dragneel, a fire demon. He wanted his brother protected while he worked on defeating the monster that had destroyed their homeland and family. He put him in the care of Igneel who had become attached to Natsu.

Igneel began teaching Natsu about the world and fire magic. He taught the boy to talk, write, and even taught him the Lost Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic! He brought Natsu with him when he met with other dragons, and the pink haired boy got to play with their respective charges. The young ones were also taught dragon slayer magic by their respective dragon guardians.

Natsu was even given a scarf made from Igneel’s scales. It was a form of parting gift, as the dragons decided to enact their plan as their time was running short. They sealed themselves inside the young dragon slayers to recover their strength and slow down the progress of the dragon seeds inside them.

The children were sent forward in time, 400 years, the process was intense especially on those so young. They appeared on July Seventh X777, waking up alone and lost some of the children thought they had been abandoned by their dragons. The children weren’t aware of the plan to bring down the Dark Dragon Acnologia, they had been told they were traveling to the future, but that memory was damaged during the trip.

They had no idea they had crossed space and time.

In the course of 400 years things have changed, forces moving and working, magic growing and evolving. With Natsu gone legends of the ultimate demon began to grow and spread across the world. Zeref made more creations, more demons in the hopes of finding something that can end his eternal life.

These demons revered END, seeing him as their leader. A demon known as Mard Geer found Natsu’s tomb and used it to gather and unify other demons and created the dark guild Tartaros. Rumors claimed that it was END that built the guild. Zeref left them be as it was in their design to protect Natsu’s tomb so he knew his brother’s book would be protected in their care. While he wished his cursed fate to end, he wanted his brother to be protected, so his demons couldn’t harm Natsu without punishment.

The older Dragneel spent the last 400 years working on his own plans, unknowingly laying the ground work for his brother’s development in the future. He met a woman named Mavis and through teaching and helping her, she founded the guild Fairy Tail.

Natsu in the future, on a quest to find Igneel, would be found by the current master of Fairy Tail Makarov. The older wizard didn’t know where Igneel had gone, but recognized Natsu’s magic as Dragon Slayer Magic. In the years that had passed such magic was seen as Lost, but attempts to recreate it had occurred.

First Generation Dragon Slayers were those taught by dragons, the Second Generation Slayers were those gifted by a dragon lacrima, and the third dragon slayers were those that had both. Natsu was sure he was first generation, but he was mistaken.

Natsu being a demon and holding a demon seed inside him, and a dragon slayer having a dragon seed, these two sources of his magical core were gonna awaken him as the first Fourth Generation Dragon Slayer. Igneel couldn’t believe it, but Zeref had theorized this could happen. The fire dragon helped aide the process allowing the fusion of the two seeds to be smooth.

Demons from the book of Zeref had an alternate form, their Etherious Form, a monstrous form allowing them to draw out more power. In kind those with a dragon seed eventually suffer from dragonification where they turn into dragons. These two factors were fused creating and shaping Natsu’s Etherious form.

Natsu stayed in Fairy Tail, learning more about the modern world. He studied more fire magic, learned how to fight, took jobs and made money. He saved up money and built himself a house in the forest. The guild was such a warm and fun place, and he became attached to the people there. Friends, family, brothers in arms, mentors, rivals, coworkers, the bonds varied but they were good strong bonds.

Dragneel grew in strength, he became closer to the Strauss family as they were experts in Take Over and Transformation magic, so they were able to help Natsu learn to control his Etherious form. It was given the name Dragon Take Over, it was the best way to explain it.

In this form he has big red dragon wings, and can manifest a dragon tail. Dragon scales spread over his arms and legs and his hands and feet turn into mighty claws. He doubles in size, his muscles bulging, his teeth become sharper and dragon-like, he gets scale stripes on his cheeks and his ears become curved and pointy. He has two small red dragon horns, but they hard to notice in his pink hair.

He got so good with this power he can manifest the wings and tail without going full dragonoid. This form and his skill in fire magic had given him the epitaph of Salamander. Natsu usually chased down leads on dragons and dragon sightings, these were his top priority. He did take other jobs, but he tended to go overboard leading to him getting a reputation of destruction and breaking stuff.

When he wasn’t on a job, he’d be found sparring with members of the guild, training and testing out his magic. Makarov was a big believer that magic grows with freedom, expression, and imagination. Lessons passed on from the first master, and ironically Natsu’s older brother.

With these three things as the core, hard work, training, and studying, helped amplify their abilities. Natsu’s growth affected the guild, his friendly rivalries pushed other wizards to get stronger and find new directions to take their magic in.

Sparring with Elfman helped the male Strauss get tougher and stronger building up his magic power. He was able to accomplish a Full Body Take Over, which made him so happy. He hadn’t been able to, despite his sisters Mirajane and Lisanna being able to for some time. Natsu helped push him.

For Elfman he believed men bonded with their fists, so the two got weirdly close. So when Lisanna invited Natsu on an S Class Mission with them, Elfman didn’t protest.

-x-Year 782-x-

The mission was a disaster, Mirajane had been too overconfident. She had recently gained the title of S Class Wizard, and it went to her head a bit. She ended up blowing her magic, leaving her defenseless against their enemy.

This magic beast was simply refereed to as “The Beast: the King of Monsters”. He had taken control of the magic beasts in the area making them work together and creating an army. Mirajane wasted her power fighting the soldiers, so when the king joined the fray she was put on the defensive.

Elfman had tried to do a full body take over to try and save his sister, but he wasn’t strong enough and the Beast took him over. Despite being able to do the Full Body Take Over, the Beast was just too strong, and overpowered his soul. “Dragon Up!” Natsu transformed into his Etherious Form. “You better wake up Elfman, or I’m gonna have to kick your ass!”

Lisanna worked on the evacuation efforts while Natsu did his best to hold Elfman back. If Dragneel didn’t stop him, he’d kill everyone in his path. The two traded blows. Natsu punching Elfman with burning fists. “Stop you’ll kill him!” Mirajane called out.

“Shut up!” Natsu snarled. “Elfman isn’t a child, he’s tougher than you give him credit for.” The two clashed The Beast punching Natsu but he wasn’t backing down. “He won’t go down that easily!” Mirajane realized that if Natsu didn’t go all out he’d be overwhelmed.

Natsu hit him with his tail and knocked him back. “Wake up Elfman, I know you can beat this thing, you’re a man aren’t you?!” The Beast roared and charged at Natsu and the dragonoid punched him. He released a lot of heat, trying to get the beast to burn through his magic.

The two clashed like monsters, flames and magic power collided. Natsu kept taunting Elfman trying to get him to wake up, but didn’t pull any punches. “Come on Elfman, you can hit better than that!” Pow Pow Pow! He punched back and slammed Elfman into the ground.

A tail swing was caught and the beast returned the favor slamming Natsu into the dirt. Natsu fired back, breathing a torrent of flames. He punched and kicked back, before taking to the air and dive bombed the beast. “Fire Dragon Inferno Dive!” He slammed into the beast making him cry out in pain.

Mirajane watched the clash in a mix of shock and awe. ‘Natsu...has grown so strong…’ She thought.

Elfman’s powers were fluctuating, the beast couldn’t hold him back and deal with Natsu at the same time. ‘Give me back...my body…’ Natsu’s voice penetrated the darkness, and Elfman was clawing his way back. ‘Natsu!’

The Beast roared, losing ground as he was losing both a physical battle and a spiritual one. “Hit me Elfman, be a man and hit me!” The beasts eyes faded away as Elfman let out a roar.

“I am a man!” He punched Natsu hard and Boom! A huge blast of fire, heat, and magic power occurred. Mirajane was thrown back from the force of it. When the dust settled Elfman was standing in his human form and he was butt naked, he fell against Natsu who was equally naked except his scarf. ‘Such a man…’ Elfman thought before passing out in Natsu’s arms.

“Well said...you did it!” The two were wounded but alive.

Mirajane rushed over to them. Lisanna was making her way back, the explosion knocking her back for a moment. She wouldn’t make it as something spirited her away. A strange pulse shook the air, drawing the magic power in the area up…

Whatever it was that took her, was aiming at the Beast, but the sudden explosion sent the targeting off course. Lisanna and several magical beasts got caught up in...something...vanishing without a trace.

Her disappearance shook the Stauss family. Mirajane stopped taking jobs and focused on finding leads to find their lost sister. Elfman teamed up with Natsu, doing jobs to help support their household.

Natsu wondered if what took Lisanna is what took Igneel. Both having vanished without a trace. Not a bad theory, even if it wasn’t true. The girl was fine, safe in another land, but they wouldn’t see her again for a long time.

To Be Continued


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