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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Bodyguard

Izuku Midoriya wasn’t happy with his life, his father was a mafia boss on the path of craving more power. Izuku didn’t share his father’s ambitions simply wanting to have friends like any other kid. Hisashi didn’t even treat him much like a son, but more as his heir. He wasn’t even allowed to play with other kids without a bodyguard present.

The few instances he was allowed out of his cage, just left him wanting more. He got to meet a few kids from the neighborhood, but his father often told him not to become attached to them. “You are from different worlds son, you’ll see one day.”

Midoriya faced some harsh realities at a young age, his teachers looked down on him because he didn’t have a quirk. They believed he’d be a failure as an heir and even suggested to Hisashi having another. The boss however seemed to believe Izuku’s quirk would manifest at some point.

“The organization won’t respect him if he’s quirkless, they’ll see him as weak and go out of their way to undermine his progress.” Izuku overheard one of his teachers say to his father.

“It will be fine, I have faith in my son.” So he practiced to unlock one whenever he could and faced many disappointments. Failure was punished, that was a twisted rule in their world. Hisashi implemented this on his own son. The fact he was being kept home was another form of punishment, he was able to punish his son and keep him in line for the most part.

His father wanted Izuku to follow in his footsteps, but the boy was not his father. He received reports on Izuku, and he used that information to manipulate him. His obsession with heroes was noted and reported.

Hisashi believed information was key to his business, and he felt he could even use his son’s hero obsession to manipulate him one day. His father continued to believe it didn’t matter in the long run. “My son will follow in my footsteps.” It was unknown if it had to do with his quirk. Hisashi wasn’t a registered quirk user, he lied about his quirk and kept info on it very hush hush. Inko feared it would lead her son down the wrong path.

He had a warm and caring heart, while his father was cold and calculating. While the estate had issues with Hisashi, Inko and Izuku were seen on another level. His mother’s influence was the bright spot in the house and probably helped Izuku, but his father’s influences were showing in the boy, for better or worse. Izuku got a view into the world and society that most would never see. His eyes were opened to both the light and the darkness.

Izuku was bright. He showed Chimera his hero notebooks so far, just a couple volumes, but the way he analyzed heroes and villains just from news reports was amazing. He certainly studied hard and was a curious boy. His teachers were hard on him, strict, tough, and somewhat petty.

Hisashi was rubbing a lot of people the wrong way, even Izuku’s teachers seemed to dislike the man, but couldn’t go against him so took out their frustrations on Izuku. Despite his environment Izuku was a ball of sunshine. Chimera felt bad, Izuku was being punished for helping him, it didn’t feel right. So when Midoriya bombarded him with questions he did his best to answer them. Places he’s been, people and quirks he’s encountered, info about his own quirk and his abilities.


The first day passed by simple enough, Chimera wanted to wring a few necks, but otherwise fine. As a man who knew loneliness he felt for the little greenette. Izuku’s kindness touched him, even his own mother found his appearance frightening, and yet this lad found him amazing.

They played a game of heroes and villains, and to Chimera’s shock he was the hostage. Izuku rescued him from some of the grunts that worked for the Midoriya family. “I am here!” He declared, dressed in an All Might onesie. “Pow, Ka-pow!” The grunts fell over. “You are safe now!” He grinned brightly.

‘Too cute!’ Chimera thought.

Hisashi didn’t appear for lunch, but did make a brief appearance at dinner. Izuku tried to talk to him, but the man barely responded. The briefest of “Hmm” and “Uh huh” and the oh so pleasant “That’s nice”.

“How was your day father?” Izuku asked.

Hisashi smirked. “Very well, I managed to get a contract for a job. It seems a certain family wasn’t able to guarantee results anymore, now it’s mine.”

“So you took a contract from another family?” Inko spoke out, concerned. Hisashi shot her a look.

“It’s just business.” He wiped his mouth and got up. “I have more work to do. Izuku make sure you finish your work before going to bed.”

“Yes sir.” He left the room, leaving an air of tension.

Chimera had a bad feeling about this, the underworld didn’t take too kindly to families trying to overstep and take from other families. Inko shared in the concern. In trying times people got desperate, and if someone like Hisashi Midoriya put extra stress on these underworld families who were already struggling things could get bad fast. Hisashi was taking advantage of the pressure heroes were placing, and angering a lot of people.

He was too confident in their security and his power.

-x- That Night-x-

Hisashi had pissed off the wrong family, as a certain man decided to get revenge. “So all I have to do is kidnap this brat.” A man made out of sludge asked.

A figure in the shadows nodded. “Hisashi Midoriya only has a single heir, he’d do anything to get him back. He needs to learn a lesson, so I trust you can handle the job?” The villain grinned.

“Easy, and the money?” The man held out a phone.

“Half now, the other half when the job is done.”

“Excellent!” The sludge villain sank down into a manhole. The sewers were like his playground, so with a little navigation he found the system connecting to the Midoriya estate. He slithered up and came out of the toilet. “Too easy!”

Chimera tensed, smelling a foreign scent. He got up and out of bed, and soon found a trail from the bathroom. ‘An enemy?’ He followed the trail and it led to Izuku’s room. ‘Midoriya!’ He pushed into the room, the door swinging open with a bang.

“Stop squirming you aren’t worth anything dead...huh?” He whipped around to face Chimera. “Who are you?”

“Mmm mmm mmm!” Izuku was caught up by the sludge villain. His muck had the boy’s mouth covered. The male’s fur bristled as he growled.

“Shit!” The villain fled and Chimera gave chase. “No one said anything about a big furry monster!”

He tried to escape, but Chimera breathed fire cutting off one escape route forcing him to flee another direction. The fire was gonna alert the grunts, which cut his time table. He slipped out to the back yard and tried to escape over the gate. Chimera transformed, his shirt ripping off his massive muscles, his bandages snapping, and feathers spread over his arms. His transformation sped up his healing process.

Using his new found wings, he flew and cut off the sludge villain’s path once again. “Hey hey hey, easy big guy. You must be here for the brat too right?” Chimera growled. “His old man pissed off a lot of families, they want to teach him a lesson. Let’s work together, we can take this brat and ransom him off and make a killing.”

Chimera gave his answer by releasing his flames concentrated like a beam. It blew up the sludge villain’s head, the heat making him cry out in pain. He swiftly made a circle of fire, lighting up the yard. The ring of fire burned brightly and intensely, the heat making the sludge villain bubble. Chimera walked through the flames.

The sludge villain reformed. “Are you employed by the Midoriya family? If it’s money you want my employer’s got tons, they can pay you more.”

“I’m not employed by Hisashi Midoriya, that boy saved my life, and I’ll repay that debt.” The sludge villain laughed.

“Sorry, but hearing a monster like you spout off something so noble is too funny!”

“He’s not a monster!” Izuku snapped, when he reformed the slime uncovered Izuku’s mouth. “He’s a good guy unlike you jerk!”

“Shut up!” He covered the boy’s mouth. Chimera approached him. “Easy beast, you’re a brawler type, even if you can spit some fire your quirk isn’t suitable for fighting me, if you aren’t careful, you might hurt him.” He shifted Izuku up.

Chimera paused. The fire was starting to die down, the sludge villain was just waiting for his chance to escape. The furry male looked Izuku dead in his eyes. The boy was scared, but in his eyes was trust. ‘Help me!’ Chimera flexed his claws and wham!

He charged at the sludge villain and tackled him, he ripped through the sludge body. The villain adjusted trying to move Izuku out of the way. “Haa you missed!” Then came Chimera’s tail, it coiled around the boy and pulled him out of the sludge villain’s body. A quick spin and Chimera had Izuku in his arms.

Izuku coughed and hugged Chimera tightly. “Damn it, give me back my meal ticket.” The sludge villain lunged at Chimera and the blue werewolf unleashed his flames, pelting the sludge with fire.

He was able to hold him off for Hisashi and his men to arrive and capture the guy, collecting him in bottles. “You saved my son.” Hisashi said. “Well done.”

“Just repaying a debt.” He looked at the villain trapped. “What are you gonna do with him?”

“I’ll get answers from him, I have ways of making people talk.” Chimera took Izuku back to his room.

“Please stay...at least until I fall asleep...” Chimera obeyed, staying by his bedside until he fell asleep. “Thank you for saving me.” He said before drifting off.

Inko was furious. “You have to stop this, you are putting your family in danger now.”

“I’m doing this for my family, for Izuku’s future.” Inko huffed, he was doing it for his legacy nothing more.

“Someone got into our house and nabbed our son. He was almost kidnapped.”

“Even advanced security measures can’t plan for everything. I’ll put a rush on finding a bodyguard for him. Then he’ll be safe.” Inko knew Hisashi wasn’t gonna stop his ambitions. Inko cried and went to check on Izuku. Chimera had heard the whole scene with his super human hearing. He left Izuku’s side when his mother came in, she thanked him and stayed by his side for a bit.

Chimera left the room and bumped into Hisashi. “Excellent work.”

“Thanks…” Chimera couldn’t help but feel on edge.

“You’ve repaid your debt to my son, you’ve also seem to have recovered, so you no longer have a reason to stay here.”

“Right…” He had a reason. If he left Izuku would be alone again.

“Do you have somewhere to go, a place to be?” Hisashi asked. Chimera shook his head. It was true, even if he left, he’d just be hunted again. “My son is in need of a bodyguard, and you seem to be qualified and in need of a job. If you work for me you’ll be protected from your...past.”

“I’ll work for your family.” Hisashi clapped his hands.

“Excellent, you can start right now. Make sure my son remains safe.”

‘I will, even from you.’ Chimera thought.


The next morning, Izuku woke up and when he came for breakfast Chimera was standing there dressed in a black suit. It wasn’t exactly his style, but he was forced to put it on, he did look good in it though. Hisashi worked fast, getting Chimera’s measurements and getting a suit made for him, it was a standard uniform for the employed in the family. It was a rush job, so it wasn’t made for his quirk in mind, if he transformed the elegant suit would rip off his furry body. “Izuku, good news, you have a new bodyguard.” Izuku looked up at Chimera his eyes sparkling.

“Yay!” Izuku hugged him. “So you are gonna stay here?”

“Yes, I’m gonna make sure you remain safe.” He said and hugged the lad back. Seeing Izuku in the hands of the villain had made his blood boil. ‘You are wrong Izuku, I am a monster. A monster has very few places in the world, but I’m a monster than can protect you!’

To be continued...Education


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