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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Substitute Shinigami

Ichigo led Komamura to his home. “Kurosaki Clinic?”

“Yeah, my old man’s a doctor. My family lives here, me, dad, and my two little sisters.” He opened the door and they removed their shoes. They had a clinic as part of the building, they had a living room, a small kitchen, a bathroom both downstairs and upstairs. Sajin noticed a shrine to a woman in the living room. She was quite lovely in the photo. From what Ichigo said before, and the age of the woman in the photo, she was no longer of this world.

Ichigo grabbed some medical supplies, paused at the shrine, and said something softly. Komamura’s hearing picked it up. “I’m home mom…” He came back to Komamura. “Let’s get you patched up.”

Sajin had been running on adrenaline, but he was pretty torn up from fighting so many hollows. His robes were torn up and scuffed up and splattered with his blood. “Take off your clothes please.”

“What?!” Sajin yelped.

“I need access to your wounds, not sure if soul reapers can get infections, but just in case.” Sajin was hesitant. “If it’s about your feature’s I’ve already seen your face.” He got some painkillers and got Komamura a cup of water. “Here.”

“Thank you,” Ichigo was right he was being silly. Plus wounds from hollows could lead to issues if not properly treated. He removed his helmet and took the pills. He removed his shinigami robes, stripping down to his fundoshi. He was a bit embarrassed, he’s rarely been naked in front of others outside of Unohana.

Now he could see that the hollows did get him in a few areas. While in survival mode he didn’t realize. Ichigo got a warm washcloth and cleaned his fur from the blood. It was a tender moment until Ichigo got the disinfectant.

“This is gonna sting a bit.”

He applied the stuff. “Gragh!” Sajin snarled and snapped. His eyes widened and his ears went flat. “Sorry…”

To his surprise, Ichigo didn’t even flinch. “Just try to keep it down, I don’t want my sisters woken up.” He said and continued to clean his wounds.

“It hurts…” Sajin growled and whimpered.

“Suck it up ya big puppy!” Ichigo teased. Komamura blushed at being called a puppy. Kurosaki cleaned his wounds and bandaged him up, getting his arms and legs. He had a few scratches on his back and his abs. “Your fur is soft.” His fingers brushed the fur on his body, feeling the muscle lined up

The compliment catches Sajin off guard once more. He wasn’t used to compliments of any kind. His heart began to flutter a bit. “Thank you.” Ichigo takes Sajin’s clothes to the wash.

“I’ll patch these up once they are clean.” Sajin looked down at himself.

“Do you...have anything for me to wear…?” He asked feeling nervous again at being so undressed.

“Sorry big guy, I don’t even think my dad’s stuff would fit you. Would you like a gown?” Komamura thought about it, but the image of him wearing one crossed his mind, with his backside exposed and his ass and tail hanging out. That seemed even more embarrassing.

“I think I’ll be fine.” Being in a fundoshi was also...much, but Ichigo had already seen his face and showed no fear or discomfort from it. He tried to relax and Ichigo brought him to his room. Sajin kept eyeing Ichigo, his curiosity growing.

This boy appeared human but was able to strike a hollow, see spirits, and Sajin could feel the boy had some power inside him. ‘Could he be possessed by a hollow? No, why would he save me then? Though hollows were competitive with prey and territory…’ He crossed his arms and looked deep in thought.

“So what was with those monsters you were fighting.” Ichigo’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. The furry male looked at the orangette and his face burned in a blush. Ichigo was taking off his clothes, changing into his nightclothes.

He had lifted up his shirt exposing his abs and some of his pecs. Sajin gulped. “They...um...were hollows...a race of creatures born from human souls or other supernatural means. The hollows I was fighting were the children of the big one who you kicked.” Sajin explained they were corrupted beings gaining supernatural powers and they gain a hunger for devouring souls of the living and deceased. “Souls that remain in the world of the living too long can become corrupted and twisted and become hollows.”

“So that big nasty guy was able to make offspring asexually.” Ichigo removed his pants and Sajin tried not to stare. Ichigo was a sexy young man, his body hardened with muscle, manly hair on his pits, a treasure trail up to his navel, and some peppered on his pecs. The carpets matched the drapes, he was sure it wasn’t natural but Ichigo went all out. “So you guys hunt those things?”

“Yes, a Soul Reaper’s zanpakuto is able to not only cleanse and purify hollows but also aid in souls passing on to the other side.” Ichigo put a tank top on and changed his boxers. Sajin covered his eyes trying not to stare so he missed out on seeing Ichigo’s manly bits but did peek and got a look at his ass.

Blood rushed south and Sajin mentally cursed as he felt a stirring in his loins. His hefty balls were starting to stir and the cock in his sheath began to stiffen. He tried to think of hollows to keep his dick from escaping his pocket.

It seemed Ichigo slept in a tank top and boxers. “So that’s why you are here?”

“Yes…” He hesitated, not sure if he should tell this boy of the mission and recent possession issues.

“Well sounds like a tough job.” He goes to his closet and pulls out a futon. “It’s not much but you can crash here, sorry but I do need to turn in I have school, I’ll fix up your clothes in the morning.”

“Are you sure?” Sajin asked.

“Yeah, I’m used to fixing up my sister’s clothes, so I’m pretty handy with a needle.” Ichigo pulls back his covers, bending over and Sajin tried not to stare at the plump ass.

‘Fuck what is wrong with me? Maybe he is a hollow in disguise and is trying to seduce me.’ His zanpakuto was set aside. ‘I’ll sniff him out, if he’s a hollow I’ll kill him.’ He didn’t like the thought of that.

Ichigo crawls into bed. “Goodnight.” He said and rolled over, getting comfortable.

“Goodnight.” Sajin was still on edge, waiting a bit. “Thank you again for helping me back there.”

“No problem.” He yawned. “I don’t know anything about hollows or soul reapers, but the ghosts wanted me to help you. They kept saying something was up in town but I didn’t know what. If you're here then I don’t have to worry about it.”  His focus was on Ichigo waiting for him to fall asleep. It wasn’t long before the lad fell asleep. His breathing evened out, his firm features softened.

‘He doesn’t seem like a hollow but they all don’t at first.’ With hollows possessing humans to hide from the spiritual sense it was a danger, but his nose could sniff them out. ‘I won’t have to kill him if I can exorcise the hollow.’ That made this easier. He touched some of the bandages on his arm, he really didn’t want to hurt this boy, but something was strange about him.

As he approached the bed, Ichigo rolled onto his back, making Sajin tense. “Mmm,” He groaned in his sleep.

‘He’s so cute when he’s sleeping.’ He blushed at the thought. ‘I mean he looks calm!’ Ichigo looked so tough and focused the whole time.

Komamura took a whiff of Ichigo and while he didn’t smell like a hollow he didn’t smell like a normal human. He took another sniff and Ichigo’s manly musk tickled his nose. The scent triggered something primal in his brain.

His pupils dilated. Instinct took over, instincts he tried to repress on a daily basis. He tried to act like a normal soul reaper but he wasn’t. His kind were werewolves, cursed to live in the shadows for their desires, their sins. He has hidden this fact from so many, out of fear.

The instincts of his people which he had rejected were now cranked up and activating. Komamura pulled the blanket from Ichigo’s body and crawled on top of him, his tail wagging. He started to sniff Ichigo’s hair and his neck.

His scent pushed his arousal to the next level, his hard cock slipping out of his sheath and tenting his fundoshi. The sudden warmth in his bed made Ichigo toss a bit, one arm slipping behind the back of his head, exposing his pit to the werewolf.

It was open season for the beast as he buried his nose in the pit and took a big whiff. ‘Ohhhh~’ His fur puffed up and his tail wagged faster. The scent was so strong, so good, so manly. His heart started pounding out a samba in his chest.

He moved down Ichigo’s body, his scent making him feel like a young pup again. He felt so alive, he reached Ichigo’s crotch and nuzzled the bulge, with one more deep whiff Sajin exploded. He came, soaking his fundoshi in his thick cum.

‘Oh shit!’ The captain came to his senses. He got off of Ichigo like he was made of fire, his whole face was red, and his tail wouldn’t stop wagging. His underwear clung to his dick. ‘Goopy!’ He shivered. ‘I can’t believe I did that.’

The orangette shivered. Sajin went over and covered him back up with the blanket. Ichigo settled down and was none the wiser. Komamura removed his cum soaked garment, allowing his fat cock to breathe in the open air, for the first time in ages.

Now naked he snuck back down and added his underwear to the wash. He was so on edge he couldn’t sleep, he sat naked in Ichigo’s room waiting for his clothes to be done. He kept a good distance away from the orangette. The werewolf had no idea what was happening to him since he abandoned his people at a young age, had he not he would have learned werewolves chose their mate by scent. Ichigo was fully cooked so his scent was ripe for Sajin to notice.

Once his clothes were washed and dried he left. He left a note to not be cruel. ‘I think it’s best I stay away from him. Soul reapers shouldn’t get attached to humans.’ Komamura was making a mistake, as the hollow’s warning was coming to pass. Hollows were coming and since the current boss was taken out they knew a heavy hitter was in town so they were even more crafty.


Ichigo woke up alone, surprised that the bed wasn’t even slept in. He saw the note and read it. “Well, at least I know it wasn’t a dream. Good luck out there.” He tried to go on with his life as if nothing happened.

Komamura was doing his job all day, helping the spirits and getting rid of the hollows that were acting on instinct. He ran into some trouble with a hollow calling himself Fishbone D. He had possessed a human to build up strength and waited for Sajin to tire. His wounds weren’t bothering him as Ichigo did a great job patching him up, but he was getting exhausted. He went to find a place to sleep and Fishbone followed him.

He attacked Sajin and the furry male struggled to fight back. Fishbone wasn’t super powerful, but he conjured these tiny fish-like hollows, they swam through the air and attacked Komamura again and again. His strength was dwindling, exhaustion causing him to slow down, creating more openings and he took more hits.

The hollow fish were like piranhas, they bit into him and opened up his wounds. “Damn it.”

“What’s wrong soul reaper, tired?” Fishbone laughed.

‘I should have stayed with Ichigo...I’m sorry...I’m a fool…’ Fishbone came out of his human and began to wail on Sajin. He didn’t have the strength to even activate his shikai at this point.

“Leave him alone monster!” Ichigo came flying in and hit the hollow with a kick. He cracked the mask. Fishbone lashed out and smacked Ichigo sending him flying into Komamura.

“What are you doing here?” Komamura coughed.

“I had a bad feeling. You got messed up again.”

“I had a rough night.” He said.

“Why did you leave then, idiot?” Ichigo snapped. “Can we beat this guy?”

“I’m too exhausted and injured, I don’t think I can even swing my sword at this point.” Ichigo picked up his sword.

“Then I’ll fight him!”

“Don’t you’ll be killed!” Komamura snapped.

“What choice do we have.” Fishbone glared at them.

“Feeding time!” He unleashed a swarm of his fish pawns at them. Ichigo slashed at them and fended them off, but some bit him, getting him in the arm and leg.

Sajin snapped and removed his helmet biting one with his teeth, killing it, and reducing it to dust. The other fell soon after. “There is a way, I can transfer my powers to you, turning you into a substitute soul reaper.”

“Fine let’s do it.” Sajin took his sword and his blade glowed white.

Fishbone attacked them but was too late. The sword was thrust into Ichigo causing an explosion of reiatsu. The two were healed from the transfer. Sajin’s robes were turned pure white and his captain shirt was gone completely. Ichigo now stood in Shinigami robes he had a massive sword and with one mighty swing he cut the hollow down. “Wow!”

Ichigo was radiating power, it made the air tremble and Sajin’s fur puff up. ‘Ichigo Kurosaki...who are you?’

To be continued...Doing the Job


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