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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Ash Ketchum: Ponyta Hybrid/Centaur

Pokemon: Charmander, Pikachu, Pidgey, Spearow, Caterpie, Weedle

Tracey: Human

Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Rattata, Venonat


Charmander: Power Level 15 Blaze- When in a pinch fire type moves are boosted and increases chance of burn.
Moves: Scratch, Ember, Dragon Breath, and Smoke Screen.

Pikachu: Power Level 13 Static- When hit with a physical attack, can paralyze the opponent, boosts damage against paralyzed opponents.
Moves: Thundershock, Spark, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave.

Pidgey: Power Level: 14 Keen Eye- Prevents accuracy decreasing moves, and is able to see through evasion producing moves.
Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, and Gust.

Spearow: Power Level 15 Sniper- Critical hits deal more damage and is able land critical hits more easily.
Moves: Peck, Fury Attack, Leer, and Growl.

Caterpie: Power Level 6 Shield Dust- Shields against status effects.
Moves: Tackle, String Shot.

Weedle Power Level 5 Shield Dust
Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot,

Tracey’s Mons

Bulbasaur: Power Level 13 Overgrow- When in a pinch boosts Grass type moves, increases the effectiveness of spore/powder moves.
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip.

Rattata: Power Level 7 Guts- Boosts stats when inflicted with a status condition, has a chance of surviving a finishing blow.
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack.

Venonat: Power Level 7 Compound Eyes – increases the accuracy of moves used by the monster. Helps locate monsters with a held item.
Moves: Tackle, Disable, Supersonic, Struggle Bug

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Team Rocket Strikes Again, Evolution!

Viridian Forest was a grand place, it was vast with lots of buggy monsters in it that made it their home. One could get lost or end up in some scary mon’s territory. Swarms of Beedrill could be deadly for even the most experienced of trainers.

Most trainers traveled through the forest quickly to get to Pewter City. Ash and Tracey actually camped out in this place. “I’d like to meet a Scyther or a Pinsir, they are some tough Bug Types!” Ash said excitedly.

Tracey was a bit exhausted from the day’s events, so he was snoozing in his sleeping bag next to Ash. Ketchum served as a living camp fire, not only keeping the group warm but warding off any threats. Pidgey and Spearow were resting together, Charmander was curled up on his back. Tracey’s monsters were resting in their balls. The moon was shining bright in the sky. Caterpie was staring up at it longingly.

Weedle didn’t get the attachment to the moon, he preferred the warmth of the sun. He curled up and tried to get some sleep. Pikachu and Caterpie had a little chat, Ash listening in fondly. “So you want to evolve and fly through the sky huh Caterpie?” Ash pets him. “I’m sure you will, you are a tough little bug type.”

Caterpie blushed and nuzzled his hand. He had an understanding and unique trainer. “We’ll all keep getting stronger and growing, just you wait and see!” Ash pets Pikachu too, who let’s out a little cry of delight.

Ash felt his Pokemon were great. He wanted to help them reach their full potential. He may have been a new trainer, but he’s been an avid Pokemon fan; having watched the League Tournaments for years. His hat was actually an official Pokemon League hat, something he worked hard to obtain.

He wanted to put that effort in raising his monsters. Pikachu wanted to get stronger too, his own past drove him to get strong. They eventually fell asleep, the party having big dreams for the future.


Morning light washed over the group, and it was time to start the day. Tracey bathed in a nearby lake, while Ash sun bathed. Sketchit called out his monsters and they joined Ash’s mons in some morning exercises to wake themselves up. They had breakfast, with a health glass of centaur milk to wash it down, before heading out.

Ash was gung ho about catching a new Bug type. Tracey rode on his back, sketching out the mons they came across. Charmander and Pikachu were also riding next to him. Pidgey and Spearow were in the air, looking for any signs of the bug types Ash was wanting to find. Caterpie and Weedle were riding on his shoulders, helping keep a look out but from the ground level.


Team Rocket had recovered from their blast off. “I’m not sure we should be messing with that kid or his Pokemon.” James said.

“Don’t go soft James, we’ll get him next time.” Jessie was adamant. “We should contact headquarters for back up.”

“No way, they already sent us that R Special formula. If we don’t do something to pay them back for it we’ll be in big trouble.” Meowth pointed out.

“Well there are a lot of bug types in the forest, if we get some we can send them to the boss.” James pointed out.

They got a cardboard tank to avoid Beedrill. From an outsider’s perspective not sure what they were thinking, but they were sure it was gonna work. They planned to catch a whole bunch of Bug Types to pay back their loan from the boss.

James found a spot and did some pressure points on the trees to see if there were any Pokemon in the area. “That’s not how you do it, like this!” Jessie kicked a tree hard, making the whole trunk shake.

Too bad for her there was a Pokemon on the tree, behind it. It glared at he angrily. “W-w-w-what is that?”

James turned pale. “It’s a Pinsir!” It had been resting on the tree Jessie kicked and now he was pissed. It grabbed her and flung her into the air and off into the distance.


James and Meowth gave chase. “Jessie!” They called after her.

“Scyther...Scy!” The two stumbled across a Scyther. Meowth began to sweat bullets.

“It’s a Scyther!” He ran. “You got this James!”

“Meowth!” The Scyther got a wicked gleam in his eye.

“Fine then, I’ll just catch you!” The bug type smirked. When James reached for a monster ball, Scyther charged in and with his blades he slashed at James. Swipe Swipe Swipe Swipe Slash Slash Slash

In a flash James’s clothes were cut to ribbons and tatters, leaving the blue haired male naked. “Eeehhh!” He gasped and quickly covered himself. Scyther chuckled at him.

James grabbed Koffing’s monster ball, and the remnants of his clothes and stuff before dashing off. Scyther watched him go, his manly bits bouncing in the wind, before letting out a cry of victory. James would be out of commission for awhile mending his damaged clothes.

Pikachu heard the cry, and directed the group towards the noise. “Scy?” The massive bug type was shocked to see Ash.

“A Scyther sweet!” Ketchum exclaimed, he pulled out the Pokedex.

Dexter:  Scyther the Mantis Pokemon. Its claws are sharp as swords, this Pokemon is rarely seen by humans and almost never captured. With ninja-like speed and agility, it can create the illusion that there is more than one. It leaps out of the tall grass and slices prey with its scythes. If it hides in the tall grass it’s colors make it invisible.

“That Scyther looks tough!” Tracey called out. He hops off Ash and gives him space, but as soon as he does Scyther gets that glint in his eye. In a flash it zips towards Tracey and using his claws shreds his clothing, making the lad fall back bare ass naked. “Waahhh!”

“Aren’t you the naughty one!” Ash sets his bag down and has Charmander and Pikachu guard Tracey. “How about you take us on!?”

Scyther let out a battle cry and the fight was on. Ash started with a whistle calling his bird monsters back. Pidgey and Spearow put up a good fight, but Scyther was just too fast. Spearow couldn’t land a hit on the speedy bug, but Pidgey managed to land a Gust. Scyther struck back on each of them respectfully. Ash called them back before they could be knocked out. “Caterpie let’s slow him down, use String Shot!” He scurried down Ash’s shoulder to his hand.

The little bug spat thread and Scyther slashed at it. “Don’t give up!” Ash called and the thread kept coming. Scyther’s blades got wrapped up and it got more tied up.

“Scy scy!” He struggled to break free.

“Nice job Caterpie, use Tackle!” He charged in and hit Scyther right in the gut. A critical hit! Scyther had the wind knocked out of him. “Monster ball go!” Ash threw the ball and it hit, sucking Scyther up.

The ball jiggled, once...twice...three times and...Pop!

Scyther came out but he was still tied up. “You are tough, Caterpie come back, Weedle let’s wrap this up!”

Weedle charged in and used Poison Sting, dealing some super effective damage. Scyther was tiring himself out struggling to break free of Caterpie’s string. Ash threw the ball again and it hit and this time it closed and Scyther was caught.

Things have changed over the years. Recently the carry limit for trainers was raised to 9, battles only consisted of 6 v 6 even in the league. Elite matches, however, were a grand spectacle of 9 v 9, seeing elite trainers and the champion go at it in a grand match was a real crowd pleaser. So Scyther brought Ash’s party to 7.

That wasn’t the only surprise as Caterpie began to glow. Battling and catching Scyther had given those involved some experience allowing them to grow stronger. “Caterpie?” The bug type evolved and became a Metapod. “You evolved!” Ash hugged the little guy.

Metapod was pleased. Weedle did grow stronger, he simply just didn’t evolve yet. Scyther’s level and moves were checked with Ash’s Pokedex.

Scyther: Technician; Power Level 15; Moves: Quick Attack, Leer, Fury Cutter, False Swipe

He called Scyther out and helped treat his wounds, and used his special flames to dissolve the threads. Charmander and Scyther were the same level so that sparked a rivalry between them. Tracey got up, using his bag to cover his crotch.

“Why’d you slice up my clothes?” Scyther crossed his claws.

“Scy scyther scy scyther scy scy scyther!”

“He says he thinks humans look silly in clothes, that they should be free and naked.” Scyther got that glint in his eye. “That’s his style.”

Tracey blushed. “You pervert!” He snapped.

“I must say, you are quite fetching, I wouldn’t mind if you walked around naked all the time.” Ash said, making Tracey’s blush grow. Scyther nodded in agreement. Ketchum only wore a vest and shirt was for storage purposes, he was waltzing around half naked. Ash and Scyther were both naughty.

“Maybe when...we are on routes that’d be okay...but can you not damage my clothing please!” Scyther scratched his chin in thought before agreeing.

With Weedle’s help they made thread and patched up Tracey’s clothing. They continued exploring, Scyther may have been a perv, but he also liked battling so as they traveled they took time to spar with his other monsters. With his speed they could practice attacks while he dodged. He only really got serious when Charmander faced him.

Tracey got in on the action having his mons spar with Ash’s. Metapod sadly sat out, chilling against a tree. The mons were getting stronger and Tracey’s even picked up some new moves.

The noise got a bit loud and they ended up bumping into a familiar Pinsir. He was on edge from being disturbed earlier by Jessie so he wasn’t too pleased being disturbed again.

“Pinsir!” He spotted Metapod and attacked it.

“Leave him alone!” Ash fending him off with fire, he dashed forward and snatched up Metapod. “You okay buddy?”

“Meta, metapod!” Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

Pinsir charged at Ash. “Pin pin pin sir!”

“Bulbasaur use Sleep Powder!” From his bulb he released a blue powder, Pinsir charged into it with his blind rage and soon fell asleep. Tracey acted quickly and threw a monster ball.


“I caught a Pinsir!” Tracey explained. Ash high fived him.

Pinsir was called out and after he woke up he told them what happened, that some woman had attacked his tree and shook him up. From his description Ash and Tracey realized Team Rocket was around.

“Let’s get out of here and head to Pewter City.”

That was the plan, but soon Team Rocket showed up. They gave their motto, before striking some silly pose. “What do you guys want, didn’t you learn your lesson before?” Ash snapped.

“Stuff it freak, we want your Pokemon and we’ll be taking them!” Jessie hissed.

Tracey battled Jessie and Ash battled James. Tracey used Venonat against Ekans, despite the type disadvantage Venonat gained an edge with Disable and Supersonic, stopping Ekans’s Dig and making it confused.

Ash used Pidgey against James’s Koffing, the two clashed in an aerial battle. Koffing’s Poison Gas and Smog attacks were blown back by Pidgey. After a few Quick Attacks Koffing was unable to battle.

Meowth tried to go after Ash, but was quickly set ablaze by Charmander. Pikachu zapped them for the trouble. Pinsir and Scyther came out of their balls. “Oh no!”

Jessie and Meowth were grabbed with them and with a Seismic Toss and flung them into the distance. Scyther smirked and shredded James’s clothes again leaving the bluenette naked.

“Not again!” He blushed.

Pidgey blew him away, sending him off in another direction. Pidgey glowed his battle against Koffing allowing him to evolve into Pidgeotto. Ash’s eyes sparkled and hugged his new flying type.

Their experiences in Viridian Forest were beneficial.

(Charmander Lv 20 Fire Fang, Dragon Breath, Slash, Smokescreen) Charmander hadn’t decided to evolve yet, wanting to gain strength to rival Scyther. He’d evolve when he felt was right.

(Pikachu: Lv 19 Thundershock, Spark, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave) Pikachu hadn’t learned any new moves, but got better at using his moves, improving his accuracy and his over all stats.

(Pidgeotto Lv 18 Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack) Pidgeotto learned Wing Attack early thanks to some tutoring from Spearow.

(Spearow Lv 18 Peck, Fury Attack, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace) Spearow was becoming a fierce close range battler, wanting to build speed and power to rival Scyther.

(Metapod Lv 9 Tackle, String Shot, Harden) Metapod wasn’t able to gain much more experience, but he was close to evolving where his potential was really gonna blossom.

(Weedle Lv 9 Poison Sting, String Shot) Weedle also had not evolved yet, he seemed to be waiting for something. He liked to battle so he was getting more experience.

(Scyther Lv 20 Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, False Swipe, Double Team) His rivalry with Charmander was something else, both had a warriors spirit pushing them to match level for level.

(Bulbasaur Lv 16 Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Leach Seed, Sleep Powder.) Tracey’s Bulbasaur was getting stronger but didn’t evolve, he also seemed to be waiting, focusing on getting more moves and strength.

(Rattata Lv 13 Bite, Tackle, Focus Energy, Quick Attack) Tracey’s Rattata was working towards becoming a stronger monster for his master.

(Venonat Lv 14 Confusion, Disable, Supersonic, Struggle Bug) Venonat learned Confusion after his fight with Ekans.

(Pinsir Hyper Cutter Lv 15 Vise Grip, Harden, Focus Energy, Seismic Toss) Tracey’s new mon and a welcome addition to the team.

It was time to leave the forest but they still had a ways to go.

To be continued Samurai Mushrooms and Swarms!


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